Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 52 Xiaoqian Awakens [Part 1]

"Uncle Zhang, do you think Xiaoqian is awake?" Xing Jue shouted excitedly after hearing Uncle Zhang's words, and when Uncle Zhang nodded in agreement, Xing Jue laughed even more excitedly, and then his body moved. , in a few flashes, he disappeared into the back garden.

Looking at Xing Jue's eager figure, Miss Liang felt an inexplicable grief in her heart.

Seemingly seeing what was on Miss Liang's mind, the head of the Liang family walked over to Miss Liang, patted her shoulder twice, and said softly, "Daughter, father knows that you are interested in that son Xing, but you and him It's not suitable."

Originally, this Liang family owner was very dissatisfied with Xing Jue, feeling that Xing Jue was just a little white face, not worthy of his daughter at all, but now his mind has changed.

After Xing Jue showed his amazing strength, he only felt that Xing Jue was a very promising young man. After all, having reached such a height at such an age, this kind of talent is simply astounding, but it is precisely because of this that he will now I feel that my daughter is not worthy of the sentence.

"Thank you father, my daughter knows what to do," Miss Liang smiled at the head of the Liang family.He also understood the meaning of the Liang family, Xing Jue was so good, how could she dare to be delusional as a martial artist.


"Xiaoqian" Xing Jue shouted excitedly after pushing open the door eagerly.

"Master" Xiaoqian was sitting at the desk at this time, grooming and dressing up. Seeing Xing Jue come in, she smiled charmingly and said softly.

"Xiaoqian, are you alright? Great." Seeing that Xiaoqian was alright, Xing Jue excitedly ran to Xiaoqian's side, hugged Xiaoqian, and said happily.

And Xiaoqian was overwhelmed by the sudden action of Xing Jue.In fact, Xing Jue was just too happy. He didn't have that kind of feeling between men and women for Xiaoqian. Xiaoqian was like a sister in his heart, but that was also very important. Now that Xiaoqian has finally recovered, how could he be unhappy.

When he saw Xiaoqian's embarrassed expression, Xing Jue realized that his actions had gone too far, and immediately put Xiaoqian down, but he felt embarrassed first.

"Master, is the Soul Eater Alright?" Xiaoqian asked immediately after seeing that Xing Jue's body was healthier than her own.

"Well, Soul Eater is here for me,'s a little difficult to cultivate this Soul Eater. This month, I've been practicing continuously, and I've only been groping a little bit." Xing Jue said that here is also a little bit. Depressed, he thinks that his talent is good, no matter what martial skill, he can quickly figure out the cultivation method after reading it once, but this Soul Eater really stumped him.

"Hehe, Master, this Soul Eater Art is not as simple as you think. Even in the Soul Eater Clan, not everyone can cultivate the Soul Eater Art, only those with strong talent and potential can. Get the cultivation of Soul Eater."

"However, because the cultivation of Soul Eater is too difficult, every person who cultivates Soul Eater will have an elder in the clan to guide one-on-one." After hearing Xing Jue's words, Xiao Qian smiled charmingly.As for Soul Eater, she naturally knew more than Xing Jue.

"No way?" After hearing Xiaoqian's words, Xing Jue opened his mouth in frustration.He could never have imagined that this Soul Eater is so precious in the Soul Eater Clan, and if he wants to practice it, he needs to have a special elder to guide him. Then he has no one to guide him at all, and it is not difficult to die when he cultivates?

"Master, after the destruction of the Soul Eater Clan, we fled with the young masters. When the elder instructed the young clan to cultivate the Soul Eater Technique, Xiaoqian also learned a little bit, so I can help the master to practice the Soul Eater Technique."Xiaoqian seemed to see Xing Jue's worry, and then said with a smile.


"That's great, it's not too late, you can teach me now. Speaking of which, how can the soul explode, how can I succeed in cultivation?" After hearing Xiaoqian's words, Xing Jueben's somewhat depressed face was instantly relieved. Excited, he said excitedly.

"Go back to the master, the soul cultivation of this Soul Eater Art, but it needs to be done step by step. You need to cultivate one item before you can proceed to the next one."

"The simplest is soul healing, then soul defense, soul attack, and soul movement, and the last is the soul explosion, and every time you successfully cultivate to a level, it will cause a lot of soul vibration, so if you want to To practice Soul Eater with peace of mind, you must find a place where no one is disturbed." Xiao Qian explained to Xing Jue slowly.

And after hearing Xiaoqian's words, Xing Jue also had a little more understanding of this Soul Eater. It turned out that soul cultivation needs to be done layer by layer, and he had practiced every item before, but he didn't understand each item clearly. Now I finally know why.

At this moment, the living room of the Liang family was full of people, and Xing Jue and Xiao Qian were also seated there.

"Young Master Xing, Miss Xiaoqian has just recovered. Why don't you stay in my mansion for a few more days? Why are you busy walking?" Patriarch Liang sat in the first seat and said with a smile.

"Many thanks for the kindness of the Liang family, but Xiaoqian and I have something to do, so I won't bother. Thank you for your hospitality these days." Xing Jue also replied with a smile.No matter what the previous attitude of the Liang family was towards him, it was a fact that he lived in the mansion for a month, so I still have to thank him instead.

"Young Master Xing, where is this? If it's not yours, then Master Zhu may have robbed my precious daughter long ago." The head of the Liang family smiled a little ashamed.

"Miss Liang has saved Xiaoqian's life, and it's natural for me to help her." Xing Jue also laughed, and he always cared about Miss Liang's life-saving grace.

After a few polite words, Xing Jue and Xiaoqian left the Liang family, but during the process, Miss Liang remained silent, not even daring to raise her head to look at Xing Jue, because she did not want Xing Jue Jue saw the tears in the corners of her eyes, and it wasn't until Xing Jue left that she raised her head and stared at Xing Jue's retreating back, and the tears from the corners of her eyes slowly flowed...

After inquiring about the Liang family, Xing Jue learned that there is an ancient mountain range in the middle of the Nether Empire. Mountains, even some martial masters, Wu Zong, do not dare to go deep into it.

From Patriarch Liang's tone, Xing Jue could feel the danger in the mountain range, but for Xing Jue, the mountain range was the best place for him to practice Soul Eater.

After confirming the destination, Xing Jue and Xiaoqian started to rush towards the ancient mountain range. Because they wanted to be a little anxious, the speed of Xing Jue's feet was also increased to the fastest.


Just when Xing Jue was busy on his way.Xiaoqian fell down without warning. Looking back, Xing Jue was shocked to find that Xiaoqian's face was lying on the ground so pale at this moment. Seeing this, Xing Jue hurried to Xiaoqian's side and started. Instilling the soul into his body, Xiaoqian's complexion finally began to improve after the soul was instilled.

"Xiaoqian, what's wrong with you? Your body hasn't recovered yet?" Xing Jue asked nervously after seeing Xiaoqian's improvement.

"Go back to the master, Xiaoqian's body is actually fine, it's just..." Xiaoqian said hesitantly.

"Just what? What do you say?" Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly urged.

"It may be because the previous injury was too serious, so Xiaoqian's strength was blocked at the level of the first-order Wuzong." Under Xing Jue's questioning, Xiaoqian said slowly.In fact, after she woke up, she realized that something was wrong in her body, but she was afraid of Xing Jue, so she didn't say it.

"This...Xiaoqian, why didn't you tell me? Then how can I restore your strength?" Hearing Xiaoqian's words, Xing Jue's mood became even more nervous, because he was very afraid that Xiaoqian would end this situation. It is impossible to restore the previous strength, after all, Xiaoqian was injured too badly.

"Go back to the master, I don't know very well, but I think the strength should recover slowly after a long time," Xiao Qian said with a smile.It was as if he was not worried about his injury at all.

"Hey, Xiaoqian, since that's the case, let's stop walking on foot. Let's go to the nearby city to find a post station." Xing Jue knew that Xiaoqian didn't want to worry about himself, so he said slowly after a moment of silence.

"Well, good master." Xiaoqian also knew that she could not walk fast for a long time with her current strength, so she no longer tried to be brave but agreed.

It just so happened that there was a city not far from where Xing Jue and Xiao Qian were. Xing Jue did not immediately go to the post when he came to the city, but went to a relatively large restaurant with Xiao Qian. He wanted to invite Xiao Qian to eat. OK

After arriving at the restaurant, Xing Jue and Xiao Qian came to a luxurious private room on the second floor. Xing Jue ordered a large table of good dishes, but Xiao Qian hadn't eaten much yet, but Xing Jue devoured it. stand up.

"Xiaoqian, why don't you eat it?" Xing Jue said while chewing the large piece of fat in his mouth, looking at Xiaoqian's gentle eating.

He didn't expect that Xiaoqian was so shy when eating, and looking at her well-behaved appearance, she felt like a lady.

"Master, please eat more, Xiaoqian is already very full." Xiaoqian replied with a smile, looking at Xing Jue's embarrassed eating appearance, Xiaoqian seemed extremely happy.

"Brother, I really forgot to bring the money, how about I pay you double next time?" At this moment, an old man's voice suddenly came from the private room next door.

"Fuck you, who do you call eldest brother? You are older than my grandfather."

"At such a young age, you are still learning to eat Bawang's meal, I think you are courting death."At the same time, the voice of a big man came in.

"Look, you still don't believe it. In fact, to tell you the truth, my family is very rich," the old man said jokingly.

"You immortal, you are still playing tricks with me, I think you are looking for a fight." The big man was obviously provoked by the old man, and then shouted.

There was a loud bang, and the private room shook for a while, and the figure of a strong man flew into Xing Jue's private room, looking at the strong man lying on the ground, trying to get up, Xing Jue and Xiao Qian Also seemed a little curious.

"Look at eldest brother, why are you so careless?" At this moment, the old man's voice sounded again, and I saw an old man with a sloppy face and extremely embarrassed clothes, like a beggar, slowly He walked in from the hole in the wall that had been knocked open by the big man earlier.

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