"Soul clone!!!!!!!!!"

"Swish swish swish!!!!!!!!!"

Although he secretly rejoiced for Fu Yao's injury, this was not the time for them to kill each other, so Xing Jue split into more than a dozen soul clones with a single thought.

These soul clones wear the same armor as Xing Jue, and hold the same weapons as Xing Jue, but their strength is much weaker than Xing Jue.

The reason why they are weak is that they have the power of Xing Jue itself, but they don't have the power of spiritual weapons at all, but even so, it is more than enough to deal with these soul monsters.

"I'll stop these monsters, you guys have finished setting up the defensive barrier."

After summoning the soul avatars, Xing Jue began to drive the soul avatars and plundered them in all directions, hoping to keep these soul monsters out with his own strength, so as to buy time for everyone to complete the defensive formation.

Although there are many of these monsters, they are actually not very powerful. If the defensive enchantment is completed, with the support of their strength, they can definitely be attacked by these monsters. As long as there is a short rest, they may be able to find them weaknesses, and crush them completely.

"Quick, quick, quick, quickly set up the enchantment"

The people here are all the elites of various dynasties, so they immediately understood the intention of Xing Jue, so they didn't neglect, and when Xing Jue could resist the attack of monsters, they hurriedly started to continue to arrange the barrier.


Xing Jue used ten soul clones to resist the soul monsters on one side, and then used the body to resist the monsters on the other side through the Soul Eater Shura. Although they could resist their attacks, the consumption of power was also great. After a while, his complexion began to change become pale.

"Brother Xingjue, the barrier is finished, come in quickly!!!!" But at this moment, Princess Xinxin's anxious cry suddenly sounded from within the barrier.

You can clearly see everything and the sounds outside in the palace, so when Xingjue told everyone to set up the barrier, the head maid who was protecting Princess Xinxin in the palace also came out of the palace to help set up the barrier.

Because she was worried about Xing Jue, Princess Xinxin also ran out of the palace, especially when the barrier was about to be set up, she urgently called Xing Jue to retreat into the barrier.


What everyone couldn't imagine was that Princess Xinxin's voice seemed to be intelligible to those soul monsters. At this moment, they were no longer desperately trying to break through the defense of Xingjue and attack the person who arranged the barrier.

On the contrary, the soul avatars who spared Xingjue came towards Xingjue's main body in unison, surrounded Xingjue and blocked Xingjue's retreat.

"Brother Xing Jue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Looking at the scene in front of her, Princess Xinxin's complexion changed drastically. She, who was worried about Xing Jue's consolation, burst into tears and began to yell hysterically.

"What are you still doing in a daze, go out and help!" Then Princess Xinxin shouted to everyone around her.

"Princess Xinxin, it's not that we are unwilling to save you, it's just that in this situation, if we go out, not only will we not be able to save General Xingjue, even we..."

Seeing that Xingjue was surrounded by monsters, not to mention the people from Wuxiang Dynasty and Fengli Dynasty, even the captain of Jinyiwei of Xingyun Dynasty, and the head maid were full of bitterness, and refused to rescue them, because they Not only is he afraid of death, but he also hopes to be sentenced to death.

"Okay, you two remember it for me. When you return to the Starfall Dynasty, see if I won't let my father kill you."

Seeing that her two guards did not help, Princess Xinxin blushed with anger, and ran towards Xingjue while speaking.

"Your Majesty, absolutely not, absolutely not!"

But before Princess Xinxin took two steps, she was stopped by the head maid and the captain of Jin Yiwei.

"You bastards, see if I don't make you look good."

Seeing the scene at this moment, Xing Jue was even more furious, not because of those people's reluctance to save them.It was because they refused to make a move, which caused Princess Xinxin to cry bitterly.

Seeing that Princess Xinxin, who only had the strength of a first-level battle saint, wanted to rush out of the barrier to save herself regardless of life and death, Xing Jue was really angry to the extreme. At this moment, Xing Jue wished to kill all those bastards to vent his anger .

"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff,"

But when Xing Jue was about to fight hard to get out of the predicament, so that he could return to the enchantment to teach those bastards a lesson, he was shocked to find that a white figure suddenly flashed past him, and when the white figure appeared, a large piece of soul The monster was also killed in an instant, and when he looked around, it was none other than Fu Yao.


The appearance of Fu Yao not only surprised Xing Jue, it seemed that those soul monsters were also surprised. At this moment, they turned around and headed towards the depths of the jungle, and their destination seemed to be the same place.

"Xing Jue, hurry up, go after them, something is wrong with these guys, it seems that someone is manipulating them, hurry up, see who it is, who can actually manipulate the shards of the venerable."

After the soul monster receded, Xing Jue wanted to go back to the barrier to teach those who were huddled in the barrier, but at this moment, the voice of the soul master suddenly sounded, and the voice was full of shock and excitement. Anxious meaning.

"Xinxin, don't be afraid, brother has the ability to protect himself, you wait here for brother, don't come out!"

"You protect Princess Xinxin for me. If something happens to her, I'll ask you."

Xing Jue could hear the implication in Venerable Hun's words and could feel the seriousness of the matter, so he didn't hesitate at the moment. After turning around and quietly transmitting the sound to Princess Xinxin, he turned to the President of Jinyiwei with a serious face. The captain and the head maid shouted violently.


After explaining everything, Xing Jue turned into a ray of light and swept into the jungle, chasing after those soul monsters.

"These guys will come back anytime, so you better not kill each other."

"If not, the strength will be weakened, I'm afraid you will be wiped out." But just after Xing Jue left, Fu Yao turned her head slightly, and said to everyone in her ice-cold yet soft voice.

"Whoosh" Afterwards, without waiting for the crowd to say anything, he turned his body and moved towards the direction that Xing Jue had plundered before, and followed Xing Jue closely.

"Sister Fu Yao, where are you going? Don't tell me you don't care about this prince?"

Seeing that Fu Yao actually left too, Prince Xiangjue's face changed drastically, and he howled loudly with that donkey-like voice, but, Fu Yao seemed to completely ignore his shout, without any reply.

"Honorable Soul, do you mean that someone here is manipulating your fragments?"

Xingjue's speed is very fast, and he is catching up with those soul monsters at this moment, but he did not approach, but followed behind with a hidden breath, so at this moment he has enough energy to communicate with the soul master in his body.

"That's right, I've noticed something is wrong a long time ago."

"It is reasonable to say that my fragments should now become individuals. Even if you want to kill humans for self-protection, it is impossible to attack you in groups on such a large scale. It should be an individual attack."

"But the situation at this moment is completely contrary to what I expected. Whether it is the previous collective attack or the gathering and retreat at this moment, it shows that someone is controlling them." Soul Venerable's voice is full of dignity, and even contains a trace of worry.

"To be able to control fragments that even you can't control, isn't that person very strong?" Xing Jue also had a look of surprise on his face.

"At least it's a high-level god of war, but even so, it can't do this. It must be with the help of special power."

"This person not only discovered the commonality of my fragments, but also can control them. He has ulterior motives. We must find him and see what he wants to do." The dignified voice of Soul Venerable sounded again.


And after hearing Venerable Soul's words, Xing Jue also nodded in agreement, because he could hear the seriousness of the matter from Venerable Soul's words, there are not many high-level war gods in the entire Shura Continent .

And from the fact that he drove the soul monsters to attack them, Xing Jue could feel that this person was probably not from the three dynasties, and in this way, this person seemed even more mysterious and dangerous.


But at this moment, a piercing roar suddenly came from the depths of the jungle, like the roar of a devil, which made people shudder. After hearing this sound, Xing Jue couldn't help but change his expression.

"What is that? This aura is actually a mid-level war god, and it is a soul body!!!!"

"It's my fragments that have condensed, hurry up, stop it" At the moment when the execution was still in doubt, the voice of Venerable Soul's reminder sounded again.

"Soul Explosion~~~~~~~"

And under the reminder of Venerable Soul, Xing Jue also suddenly realized that he didn't dare to be negligent. In an instant, he unleashed his soul, soul armor, and wind control technique, and exerted his speed to the extreme, heading towards the jungle. The depths are swept away at a high speed.

The blood soul of resentment has already shown how powerful the soul fusion is, but now there are obviously more soul monsters than the blood soul of resentment. If they are really successfully condensed, the consequences will be unimaginable.


Xing Jue's speed was very fast, and he had already entered the range of the soul monster in the blink of an eye. After discovering Xing Jue's whereabouts, those soul monsters behind the team actually counterattacked towards Xing Jue.

"court death"

"Puff, puff, puff, puff..."

Facing the counterattacking monsters, Xing Jue was not polite at all, waving the Soul Eater Shura in his hand was like chopping cabbage, the comers would not refuse to kill them all, not only did not slow down, but moved towards the monster even faster. Sweeping away from the depths of the jungle, and this is the real power of Xingjue.

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