Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 537 Princess Distress

"Whoosh, whoosh~"

At this moment, Xingjue has used the wind control technique to the extreme. When he was traveling through the jungle at high speed, he saw a figure passing by at high speed, and he had already run hundreds of meters away. This speed is beyond the reach of ordinary people. , is far from it.


"This aura's actually her!"

But when Xingjue was rushing towards the place where Princess Xinxin was, he suddenly heard the voices of soul monsters, and there was also a familiar voice, which turned out to be Fu Yao.


At this moment, a thousand meters away from Xing Jue, Fu Yao was standing in the middle of the open space, her right hand was pressing on her chest, blood was still flowing from the corner of her mouth, her face was as pale as paper, and her breath was extremely weak , it can be seen that she has suffered a lot of internal injuries at this moment.


And around her, there are hundreds of soul monsters. Although they are only soul monsters at the level of the first-level God of War, they have already caused a great threat to Fu Yao at this moment. If at this time, the soul monsters launch a general attack , Fu Yao will be in danger.

"A group of jumping clowns dare to show their power in front of me."


Although Fu Yao was seriously injured, the word "Arrogance" was still engraved on her face, and a ray of light shot out from her wrist, and the high-grade spiritual weapon Frost Flying Sword emerged.


But just after the Frost Flying Sword appeared, Fu Yao's face changed unexpectedly, a big mouthful of blood sprayed out from her mouth again, and then she collapsed powerlessly on the ground.


And the power of the Frost Long Sword that signed a contract with Fu Yao will also depend on Fu Yao's state. In Fu Yao's state, it also loses the aura of a high-grade spiritual weapon, and even the snow-white light becomes It was extremely dim, and it just revolved slowly around Fu Yao, but didn't dare to attack the group of monsters.


But at this moment, those soul monsters seemed to see that Fu Yao could no longer hold on, and unexpectedly accompanied by that ear-piercing humming sound, their bodies moved in unison, and rushed towards Fu Yao violently.

"Could it be that I, Fu Yao, will be defeated by these clowns." Looking at the scene in front of her, Fu Yao slowly closed her eyes. She knew that with her current strength, she could no longer compete with these guys. To contend, there is only one fate waiting for her.



But just when Fu Yao had given up resisting, a figure appeared in front of Fu Yao like a ghost, and with a piercing roar, the dark long sword in his hand appeared Countless dark black monsters with wide mouths came out, devouring those soul monsters.


Faced with such an attack, those soul monsters suddenly became chaotic. They were so imposing before, but now they have been reduced to a meal on the plate. In the blink of an eye, most of the soul monsters have been swallowed, and only a small number of monsters run away.

"Huh, this feeling is really tonic!"

At this moment, Xing Jue showed a comfortable smile on his face. Without the Soul Venerable, these soul monsters could be refined and absorbed by Xing Jue.

In other words, most of the previous hundreds of monsters have been refined by Xingjue, and Xingjue can clearly feel how rich the energy brought by these soul monsters is.

"Why did you save me"

But just when Xing Jue was amazed by the energy contained in these soul monsters, a soft voice suddenly came from behind him. He turned around and saw the extremely proud Fu Yao, using those cold and cold His eyes were staring at him, and he was full of puzzlement in those eyes.

"You help me twice, I let you go once, and I save you once, so it's even." Regarding Fu Yao's words, Xing Jue smiled slightly and walked towards the depths of the jungle.

"Since it's already evened, why don't you kill me now?"

"You should know that you and I are destined to fight to the death!" But just as Xing Jue was about to leave, Fu Yao's voice sounded again.

"Heh, taking advantage of others' danger is also not my Xingjue style."

"In addition, you seem to overestimate yourself. Now you are no longer a threat to me."

"If you still dare to provoke me, I will definitely take your life unceremoniously!"

Xing Jue turned his head slightly, showing a confident smile, and then he disappeared into the dark jungle, leaving only Fu Yao with a dull face and a little at a loss.

After saving Fu Yao, Xing Jue went straight to the place where Princess Xinxin was. Although after tasting the sweetness of the soul monster, Xing Jue was very excited and wanted to refine more of the soul monster, but for him Said that the safety of Princess Xinxin is obviously more important.

"Brother Xingjue, save me!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

But just when Xing Jue was about to return to the open space where he was before, a girl's voice suddenly came from in front of him, and when Xing Jue heard this voice, his face changed instantly, because he had already heard , That was actually the voice of Princess Xinxin.

Knowing that Xinxin might be in danger, Xing Jue didn't care about his own harm for a moment, and unexpectedly released his soul burst for the second time within a short period of time.

And after passing through the last piece of jungle, Xing Jue has returned to the open space where he was before, but to his surprise, at this moment in the open space, the enchantment is intact, not only is there no trace of any monsters, but everyone who stayed earlier They are all standing within the barrier.

But only Princess Xinxin and Prince Xiangjue could not be seen, and when the people standing in the barrier saw Xing Jue, their faces changed drastically, showing panic expressions, as if they had done something Shady things in general.

"Brother Xingjue, save me!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

But at this moment, Princess Xinxin's voice came again, and the location where the voice came from was actually in the palace where Prince Xiangjue was.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Xing Jue already realized that something had happened, he punched the defensive barrier, and under the power of the Soul Eater Order, the barrier instantly disintegrated.


Seeing that Xing Jue was so easy, he broke through the formation that they jointly arranged. The expressions of Prince Li Ming, including the guards present, changed drastically, and their faces were full of horror.

"I'll settle accounts with you later"

Hearing Princess Xinxin's crying and shouting from the palace, Xing Jue did not attack these guys, but after glaring at them, he ran straight to the palace where Prince Xiangjue was. .


Accompanied by a loud noise, the gate of the palace was smashed into pieces by Xing Jue's punch, and at this moment, everything in the palace was displayed in front of Xing Jue.

At this moment, Princess Xinxin, with tears all over her face, hid in a ball in a ball, crying softly. Her long skirt was still intact, but a few pieces were torn off, revealing a few pieces of white and alluring skin.

Looking at Prince Xiangjue again, he was already topless, looking at Princess Xinxin with a wretched smile, and even a lot of saliva flowed out of his mouth, but when the door of the palace was broken, when he saw Xingjue, the previous The wretched and happy face was instantly replaced by panic.

"Brother Xingjue~!!!!!!!"

After seeing Xing Jue appearing, Princess Xinxin hurriedly stood up, threw herself into Xing Jue's arms, and began to cry loudly, as if she had suffered an incomparably great grievance.

"Hey, General Xingjue, Xinxin and I were playing around, I didn't do anything to her."

"Look, I didn't even take off my clothes. I didn't want to do anything to her at all, just to tease her."

At this moment, the Prince Xiangjue squinted his eyes slightly and gave Xing Jue a courteous smile, but at this moment Xing Jue's eyes were concentrated on the piece in his hand, which was torn off from Princess Xinxin's long dress. on the fabric.

"Xinxin, close your eyes."

Xing Jue completely ignored Prince Xiangjue's words, but slowly lowered his head, and said to Princess Xinxin in that extremely gentle tone.


At this moment, Princess Xinxin was crying like rain, her eyes were swollen from crying, she choked up and did not answer, but she closed her eyes obediently, and buried her head tightly in Xing Jue's arms, Holding Xingjue tightly with both hands, he was afraid that he would take half a step away from Xingjue.

"Xingjue, what do you want to do, if you dare to be rude to my prince, your entire Starfall Dynasty will suffer!"

Feeling that the situation was wrong, the man in black who was in charge of protecting Prince Xiangjue suddenly warned Xing Jue with flickering eyes, not only him, everyone outside the palace at this moment cast their flickering eyes on Xing Jue, But in their hearts is full of inexplicable anxiety.

Especially the captain of the Jinyi Guard of the Xingyun Dynasty and the head maid, these two are responsible for protecting Princess Xinxin, but when the prince Xiangjue wanted to invade Princess Xinxin, they chose the two who were silent, and they were so disturbed at this moment At the extreme, bean-sized beads of sweat had spread all over his body, and he even started to tremble.

"Heh, what are you afraid of? Brother Xiang, since the matter has been done, don't spoil your elegance just because of such a guy."

"Let's work together to kill him, you can continue your performance, and I only need his spiritual weapon"

But at this moment, that prince Li Ming said with a smile.With that appearance, it seemed that he had already discussed with Xiangjue that he would only be sentenced to death, and that he had set his sights on Xingjue's Soul Eater Shura.


But at this moment, a majestic aura suddenly spread rapidly around Xingjue, sweeping away like a violent invisible hurricane.


This breath was so powerful that it instantly turned the palace into powder, and it spread rapidly, covering the flat land in the blink of an eye, enveloping everyone in it.

But what shocked everyone the most was that in this invisible breath, they actually felt that their bodies were being restrained. At this moment, they could no longer move freely, and even found it difficult to breathe, so they could only stand still and stare blankly. He stared blankly at Xing Jue, his eyes filled with fear.

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