"You, where did you get my brother Xingjue?"

Seeing that Xingjue disappeared out of thin air, Princess Xinxin's weeping little face showed panic. She ignored Fu Yao's powerful strength and pointed at Fu Yao and questioned him loudly.

"He is in my storage bracelet, if you want to reunite with your elder brother Xingjue, don't resist the power of my storage bracelet." Fu Yao said to Princess Xinxin in that lukewarm tone.


After hearing Fu Yao's words, Princess Xinxin suddenly realized that she almost forgot that she had lost the ability to resist when she was in a coma, so the storage bracelet can be collected at will.

Of course, if the fainted person recovers his will in the storage bracelet and wants to leave, the storage bracelet may explode, and everything in the storage bracelet will also be scattered.

Princess Xinxin, who knew the strength of Xingjue, was not afraid at all that the two of them would be trapped by Fu Yao in the storage bracelet, so she agreed to Fu Yao so readily.


After Princess Xinxin agreed, Fu Yao put Princess Xinxin in the storage bracelet, and after glancing around indifferently, she began to plunder towards the outskirts of the jungle. She actually wanted to leave the sealed basin, And he never asked about the whereabouts of his prince.

"Xing Jue, are you a kind person or a cruel devil?"

"Why was the aura you erupted from before so tyrannical, so cold, so cruel and ruthless? Could it be that there is some terrible power in your body?"

At the same time as she moved towards the periphery at a very high speed, a look of worry appeared on Fu Yao's face. It turned out that she had witnessed the killing done by Xing Jue with her own eyes, and she could feel the power far ahead of her. In fact, it was even more tyrannical than when Xingjue fought her and defeated her before.

The most important thing is that that aura is frighteningly cold, even if she is lonely and cold, she will be terrified by it, it seems to be an irresistible force, an irresistible fear.

And when that power erupted, she found that Xing Jue's aura had completely changed, it was no longer as gentle as sunlight, but more like the coldness in the depths of darkness, which was extremely frightening.

The Sealing Basin is very large. Just think about it. This basin used to be a continuous mountain range, and you can guess how terrifying the area of ​​this basin is. Since the end of the Three Dynasties War and the signing of the agreement between the Three Dynasties, the depths of the Sealing Basin have not people have entered.

At this moment, there is a vast area in the deepest part of the Sealing Basin. There are no plants or trees here, but a vast small plain.

In this plain, there are more than [-] huge soul monsters. They are tens of meters long, and they are far higher than the giant soul monster defeated by Xingjue in terms of size and strength. Because they all have the strength of high-level God of War.




At this moment, these monsters kept making roars that resounded throughout the world, but they stood on the circles in a regular manner, arranged in a circle, and the circles emitted a dark red light, and they exchanged special charms. Connection, red light soaring into the sky, extremely strange, this is actually a large formation.

And in that strange formation, there was actually a figure standing there.This is a person wearing a black robe. The black robe covers his face, and he can't even see his pupils, but his body exudes a chilling aura. Although that aura is also high-level God of War level, but it seems to be more daunting than those soul monsters around.

"Unexpectedly, you would throw yourself into a trap. As long as I have you, I can create a real monster."

Suddenly, a hoarse and old voice came out from the black robe, and at the same time, a dry palm like a skeleton emerged.

And at this moment, above that palm, there was actually a translucent dark black crystal ball floating, and an old man was sitting cross-legged in the crystal ball. The old man's eyes were closed tightly, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep. , It's actually the Soul Venerable! ! !

"It's time to untie this formation."

After glancing at the Soul Venerable in the crystal ball, the black-robed old man put away the crystal ball, then raised his head slightly to look at the full moon in the sky, and under the moonlight, he could actually see him corner of the mouth.

The corners of his mouth are slightly upturned, as if he is proud of something sticky and happy in vain, but the mouth full of scars, as if stitched with needles and threads, is strange, making people doubt whether he is a human or a devil.


After rushing on the road, when the night was about to end and the east of the mainland was slightly radiant, Fu Yao finally walked out of the Sealing Basin. At this moment, Princess Xinxin and the sleeping Xing Jue were waiting in the Tianji Camp's garrisoned city. It is looked after by the general stationed here.

"Master Fu Yao, why don't you see His Majesty the Prince?"

At this moment, Fu Yao did not accompany them into the city, but stood outside the city, staring at the seal basin meaningfully.Seeing Fu Yao's return, the leader of the soldiers and guards of the Wuxiang Dynasty couldn't help but stepped forward to ask, and his words were full of caution and caution, as if he was afraid that if he said something wrong, he would offend the prince. Scared woman.

"The prince and I got separated. If you don't want the prince to have an accident, what should you do? I don't think I need to tell you?" Fu Yao glanced at the leader of the guard indifferently, and said in a cold tone.

"The subordinate understands!!!"

"Go, follow me into the Sealing Basin, and look for the prince's whereabouts"

After hearing Fu Yao's words, the leader of the guard hurriedly summoned the guards stationed in the palace and rushed into the seal basin. As a guard of the Wuxiang Dynasty, he was absolutely loyal to the Wuxiang Dynasty, so Knowing that the future emperor and the current prince may be in danger, they will naturally go to the rescue without hesitation.

But what's ridiculous is that after seeing the behavior of Wuxiang Dynasty's soldiers and guards, the soldiers and guards of Fengli Dynasty couldn't bear the worry about their dynasty's princes, and they rushed out of the seal as well In the basin, looking for their prince.

But looking at the two troops from the Qing Dynasty, Fu Yao's refined face did not change a bit, but in her bright eyes, there was an imperceptible hint of sinister color.

"You know that there is danger in the basin, but you let them in, are you helping me?"

But just after the two groups of soldiers and guards entered the sealing basin, a faint voice sounded behind Fu Yao. Turning around and looking, it turned out to be Xing Jue.

Although Xing Jue's face is slightly pale at this moment, his breath has recovered a lot, and his injuries are no longer serious. It can be seen that even if the power of the high-grade treasure pill is used on the God of War, the effect is extremely impressive.

"Not to help you, but to help myself."

"I failed to protect the prince. This is also my responsibility. Only by shutting up all the mouths can the lord listen to me." Fu Yao, after indifferently looking at Xingjue, walked towards the palace of the Wuxiang Dynasty. go.



Seeing Fu Yao's appearance like this, Xing Jue smiled slightly, and then lightly threw his wrist, a white light burst out from his palm, and shot towards Fu Yao.


"What do you mean?" After catching the ray of light, Fu Yao turned her head to the side and asked in confusion, because it was actually a high-grade heavenly treasure pill.

"I just don't want to owe you favors. If we meet again next time, I hope you and I won't be merciful!" Xing Jue narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled at Fu Yao. It didn't look like he was treating an enemy at all. , and treat it more like a friend.

"If possible, I don't want to be an enemy with such a terrible guy like you!"

But what surprised Xing Jue was that after Fu Yao gave him a meaningful look, he said such a sentence, and then walked into the palace of Wuxiang Dynasty without looking at Xing Jue's expression.

"Scary guy?" After hearing Fu Yao's words, Xing Jue was stunned, and then he couldn't help but frown, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

Because he suddenly remembered the previous state in the sealed basin.At that time, he didn't use the high-grade spiritual weapon of Soul Devourer Shura, but his coercion was stronger than that of the middle-level God of War.

The most important thing is that at that moment, although Xing Jue was angry in his heart, he still remembered that he was very rational, even more rational than usual. Because anger makes it lose its mind.

On the contrary, he started the killing in a rational situation. The execution at that moment was more like a cold-blooded person, with no pity in his eyes or sympathy in his heart, because it was a killing from the bottom of his heart.

But even Xing Jue didn't know why he became like that, and it was because of this that he felt scared, because at that moment, Xing Jue only felt that he was being possessed by a very terrifying monster, making him become Cold-blooded and ruthless, because the unknown is often the most frightening.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!!!"

But at this moment, a thunderous sound came from under Xingjue's feet, in all directions, continuously. At this moment, the ground was shaking violently, like an earthquake, and even Xingjue could barely stand still.

Compared with Xing Jue, many soldiers and guards were already lying on the ground in embarrassment, unable to move half a step, and could only follow the tremor of the ground and roll back and forth.

"what happened?"

"It's the Sealed Basin!"

The sudden change made Xing Jue startled, but he quickly determined that it was definitely not an earthquake, because the vibration under his feet at this moment came from the sealed basin in the distance, and that was the source of the vibration.

(Sorry everyone, because of a little thing, the bee delayed the update, but everyone has trivial things in life, many unavoidable things. Similarly, writing books is not the whole life of the bee, even if it is something you like, don’t stop It will be tiring and annoying to do! Because of this, many people who love to write books have given up. But the bee will not give up, because with everyone’s support, the bee cannot give up. Today is over, and a new week is about to begin , the bee begs for your encouragement, because your encouragement can help me overcome my tiredness and annoyance, and keep writing every day!)

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