Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 542 National Law, Military Regulations

The six people in front of me were all victims of Wang Qiang's harm, but now not only did nothing happen, but their strength increased greatly, they appeared in front of Wang Qiang, not to mention the five ministers, but Marshal Xiao Ding alone is not someone Wang Qiang can deal with !


Seeing that something was wrong, Wang Qiang suddenly turned into a ray of light and shot out of the hall.

Its speed is comparable to that of Ben Lei, and he has already rushed out of the hall in an instant. With this speed, even Xing Jue can't help but sigh, but he escaped unexpectedly.


And just when Wang Qiang fled out of the palace, another gust of wind passed by Xing Jue's side. This time, Xing Jue didn't even see his figure, but the remaining aura told Xing Jue that The first person is the strongest person in the Starfall Dynasty, Marshal Xiao Ding.


Just when Marshal Xiao Ding had just plundered out of the palace, another light and shadow plundered from the palace, and finally slammed on the main hall fiercely. The powerful force smashed countless cracks on the ground made of black gold, and appeared A huge pit.

And after this light and shadow entered the hall, Marshal Xiao Ding walked into the hall in a leisurely manner.

Looking around, everyone was shocked to find that the light and shadow that fell on the hall was actually Wang Qiang.

At this moment, Wang Qiang's face was as white as paper, blood was pouring from his nose, and a deep palm print actually appeared on the chest of the spiritual weapon armor on his body. The palm print actually forcibly pierced through this middle-grade spiritual weapon, revealing Wang Qiang's That bloody flesh.

"So strong!"

Looking at Wang Qiang who was lying in the hall, trembling constantly, unable to even speak, Xing Jue couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air. It was only an instant before Wang Qiang and the marshal plundered the palace, but that's just how long it took. Inside, Wang Qiang was seriously injured by the marshal, almost disabled.

It can be seen from this that Marshal Xiao Ding, the title of the strongest person in the Starfall Dynasty is definitely worthy of the name. If Xing Jue is allowed to fight against him, I am afraid that the end will never be better than that of Wang Qiang, and the defeat may be even worse.


At this moment, the sound of a sword being unsheathed suddenly came from the direction of the emperor, and when he fixed his eyes, Xing Jue was shocked to find that a golden sword appeared in the hands of the emperor at this moment.

This sword is golden in color, less than an inch wide and less than five feet long, but it exudes strong energy and coercion. Facts tell Xing Jue that it is actually a high-grade spiritual weapon.


The golden long sword radiated a powerful coercion, stirring up a pale white whirlwind in the air. The whirlwind revolved around the emperor at a high speed and continued to spread. Waves of powerful coercion were sweeping the people in the hall.

"A high-level God of War, it turns out that the emperor has also reached a high-level God of War!!!"

But looking at the scene in front of him, Xing Jue, who is closest to the emperor, can clearly feel that such a powerful coercion is not limited to that high-grade spiritual weapon, because this aura is too powerful, even against Xing Jue. Jue also has an absolute sense of oppression, which can only show that the emperor is also a high-level god of war.

"step, step, step, step"

The emperor holds the golden sword of the high-grade spiritual weapon, and the golden robe on his body dances with the wind. The aura of the king is undoubtedly displayed. At this moment, he is walking step by step towards Wang Qiang's direction. Looking at such a powerful emperor, those who followed Wang Qiang The iron-blooded mainland generals who came to rebel were all ashen-faced and completely desperate.

At this moment they were terrified, utterly terrified, their bodies were trembling, trembling uncontrollably, because they were desperate, utterly desperate!

Originally, they thought that coming to help Wang Qiang this time would change their identities and make them the most noble existences in the dynasty, but they never imagined that they were actually led into a trap by Wang Qiang, a trap that the emperor had already set up.

"Wang Qiang, do you really think that I am a foolish king who will favor and trust a despicable and insidious person like you?"

"At this point, I will let you die to understand that I have already known about your collusion with the Wuxiang Dynasty."

"I just deliberately let you have the position of a certain important minister, so that you think that you are valued by me, so that you can reveal your cronies and all the rebels in my dynasty."

"As for these five love ministers, I deliberately imprisoned them in the sky prison. In fact, I sent them to retreat and practice in the dragon veins of the dynasty, so that they could break through to the level of high-level war gods in one fell swoop."

The emperor walked to the front and back of Wang Qiang, and stared at the pale, trembling Wang Qiang below with his slightly squinted eyes, who seemed to want to say something, but couldn't say anything.And the emperor's gaze was full of sarcasm, as if he was looking at a clown.

In fact, it was true, Wang Qiang thought he was trusted by the emperor, colluded with the Wuxiang Dynasty, formed his own forces, waited for the opportunity to win the throne in one fell swoop, and became the supreme existence of the Starfall Dynasty.

But what they don't know is that he has already been played and applauded by the emperor. From the very beginning, he has fallen into a trap, a trap destined to die. His servants.


Suddenly, a golden light flashed past, like a petite golden dragon, shot into Wang Qiang's heart with the force of lightning, hitting his sea of ​​energy and the source of his soul, accompanied by a splash of blood, Wang Qiang had completely lost his vitality , turned into a corpse.

"Father-in-law, the rebels in the Tianji Camp will be dealt with by you yourself."

After beheading Wang Qiang himself, the emperor glanced indifferently at the group of Pang Zhi and the others who were standing there trembling but did not dare to make a sound, then smiled and said to Xiao Ding, and then walked back to Xingjue Beside him, he sat back on the dragon chair, pretending to be enjoying a good show.


After hearing the emperor's words, Xiao Ding turned his wrist, and a ray of light flashed out, and a huge hammer appeared in his hand.

This hammer is one meter in diameter, the whole body is dark in color, and the surface of the hammer is covered with sharp hammer needles, flowing with dazzling light and powerful energy. It is actually a high-grade spiritual weapon.

"The state owns the state law, and the family has family rules. No one can change the military regulations of my Tianji Camp, and no one can avoid it. If you have the intention of treason in your heart, it is a death penalty. As your commander, I will let you do it today." Come and see you off in person!”

Marshal Xiao Ding held a huge hammer and walked towards Pang Zhi and the others, and every word in his mouth made Pang Zhi and the others panic and terrified.

"Master Marshal, Your Majesty, I waited wrong, I waited wrong!"

"I shouldn't have listened to that villain Wang Qiang, and shouldn't have been ordered by him."

"Please Marshal, Your Majesty the Emperor will bypass me once for our past achievements, and we will definitely make up for our mistakes, and we will do whatever we want!!!"

Seeing this, someone finally couldn't bear the fear of death, and fell to the ground with a "plop", and after him, the dozen or so generals fell to the ground, kowtowed, and begged for help from the marshal. Even the great general was no exception.


However, Xiao Ding completely ignored everyone's begging for mercy. When he came to the front, the sledgehammer in his hand fell down suddenly, like a huge mountain pressing down on the top.

"I, I fight with you."

Seeing that the begging for mercy was fruitless, Pang Zhi's face suddenly changed drastically. He suddenly jumped up, waved the spiritual weapon in his hand, and counterattacked towards the marshal with that dazzling light.


But with his strength, no matter how strong he was against the marshal, a huge dark shadow fell from the sky, accompanied by a sound like a pie falling, Pang Zhi was turned into a puddle of flesh, and died tragically in the hall.

"Puff Chi~, Pu Chi~, Pu Chi~, Pu Chi~~~~~"

After Pang Zhi, no one dared to attack the marshal, let alone begged for mercy. Most of them fled towards the outside of the hall, but no one could escape in front of the marshal. They were all buried in the dark Under the giant hammer, it turned into puddles of fleshy mud.

And looking at the scene in front of them, the group of Jin Yiwei were all shocked. You must know that those generals are all God of War powerhouses, but such a group of powerhouses are powerless in front of Marshal Xiao Ding. , like meat on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered!

After a while, there was only one general left among the dozen or so generals of the Tianji Camp, and that was the Great General of the Tianji Camp who claimed to be unselfish and always acted in accordance with the law.

At this moment, the great general was kneeling on the ground, trembling all over, the most famous general in the Tianji Battalion besides the marshal, at this moment he had lost all dignity and face.

"Do you have anything to say?" Marshal Xiao Ding walked in front of the general, but he was not in a hurry to make a move, obviously he intended to keep this one.

"Marshal, in fact, this time I don't want to conspire with Wang Qiang to rebel, but I want to help the emperor at a critical moment!"

"Marshal, you know me well. I will never do anything to offend the dynasty or the Tianji camp!" The general raised his head suddenly and said sincerely.

"Hahaha, help the emperor?"

"Since you are so loyal, why did you take advantage of my drunkenness to poison my wine and try to kill me?"

The marshal suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, the laughter was full of coercion, shaking everyone's hearts, and then he cast his murderous eyes on the general.

Looking at the general at this moment, his face is ashen and his eyes are dim. It seems that he can't imagine that the things he thought he didn't know before were revealed. At this moment, he is also completely desperate!

"噗嗤~" accompanied by a muffled sound sounded again, the great general had already been reduced to a puddle of flesh.

In the blink of an eye, one high-level God of War, two middle-level Gods of War, and more than a dozen elementary-level Gods of War died in the Starfall Dynasty. This is indeed a huge loss if we put it in the first place.

But looking at it now, it seems insignificant, because in front of the seven high-level war gods, their value is indeed not very meaningful.

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