Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 545 Dragon Vein Divine Power

"Okay Xing Jue, I think you should be clear now that it is almost impossible to return to the Mortal Realm."

"But as for that level, that legendary superpower."

"Since we can break through the lightning storm, we don't know if we can break the barrier of the drifting island and enter the drifting island!"

Suddenly, the emperor stood up, smiled and patted Xing Jue on the shoulder, his meaning was very simple and clear.That is, returning to the mortal world is not hopeless, as long as Xingjue can reach the legendary realm and level, maybe it can!

Afterwards, the emperor used a special key to summon an enchantment gate in the hall, and left here, leaving only Xingjue alone in the so-called dragon vein.

After learning everything, Xing Jue's hanging heart fell to the ground. He didn't worry about anything anymore, because the Starfall Dynasty was very powerful, but many people didn't know it, and even he just knew it.

If the Wuxiang Dynasty and the Fengli Dynasty dare to be unfavorable to the Xingyun Dynasty, launch an attack, and cause a war, they will be the unlucky ones.

Xing Jue also knew that the Marshal didn't really want to punish him and force him to marry Princess Xinxin. let it out.

And Xing Jue also knows that as long as he reaches the legendary level and becomes the super strong man who can control the power of Shura, he will have the opportunity to return to the mortal world and Tianwu Continent. At that time, Xing Jue can visit Li Xiaohan and Visit my mother, master, and friends.

Tell them that everything is fine for him here, and also tell them that when he reaches the level of a war saint, don't open the gate of the sanctuary at will, stay in the mortal world, stay in Tianwu Continent, be the top powerhouse there, and live an eternal life!

"By the way, the power of Shura!!!"

But at this moment, Xing Jue's eyes suddenly brightened, and he sat up from the bed suddenly, his index finger trembled, and a dark purple ray of light emerged, floating in mid-air.

This dark purple ray of light is very imaginable like a spirit, but it contains an indescribably powerful power.

And when it appeared here, Xing Jue could clearly feel that layers of invisible fluctuations were approaching and surrounding it, and Xing Jue guessed that it was probably hidden in the air, hidden in the The power of Shura beside him.

"The power of Shura is so strong, if I refine it, won't it grow faster?"

Looking at the strange power of Shura in front of him, Xing Jue's eyes lit up, and his face was full of excitement. At the beginning, he was too weak to refine the power of Shura, but it has been proved that the power of Shura can be refined .

Because the Shura power left on the Shura Divine Iron was refined by Xingjue and Li Xiaohan, thus gaining strength.

Although there is only a trace of residual power, the effect is already very obvious. If this strong Shura power can be refined, then Xing Jue can hardly imagine what level he will reach, and maybe he can be directly promoted to the legendary Level up and become the legendary super powerhouse!

Thinking of this, Xing Jue didn't hesitate, sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and began to summon his dark soul, carefully wrapping the power of Shura in it, and started its refining process.

Today's Xingjue has reached the level of the God of War. If such a level is still in the mortal world, how terrifying it would be is unimaginable. Although it is impossible to fly here, it is the God of War after all. The legendary realm that can master the power of Shura is only one level away.

So when Xing Jue's soul power came into direct contact with this Shura's power, it did not cause any harm. On the contrary, when Xing Jue activated the Soul Devouring Art, the Shura's power actually began to shrink, as if he was afraid.

And this made Xing Jue overjoyed, because it showed that Shura's power was actually afraid of Xing Jue's soul power, which meant that Xing Jue's current power seemed to be able to refine this Shura's power.

After discovering this situation, Xing Jue stopped tiptoeing and began to devote himself wholeheartedly to refining the power of Shura, and began to activate the Soul Eater Art, controlling the power of the soul to launch a fierce attack on the power of Shura .

However, what makes Xing Jue feel helpless is that for a full hour, Xing Jue did not hesitate to use his physical strength to attack, but did not cause much damage to the power of Shura. There is not much difference between refining the holy stone.

After all, it took Xing Jue a full hour to refine only a trace of Shura's power. After such a laborious refining, Xing Jue might as well refine the holy stone faster.

"Hey, sure enough, the power of Shura is not something that I can refine now. It is really difficult to reach the sky in one step!"

Suddenly, Xing Jue collapsed on the head of the bed again, put his hands on the pillow, closed his eyes and closed his eyes to rest his mind, and no longer cared about the power of Shura floating in mid-air, because at this moment he was already sweating profusely and exhausted, Refining the power of Shura is really too difficult.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

But just when Xing Jue was about to give up the power of refining Shura, a strange sound suddenly sounded rhythmically in this vast hall, and the sound became louder and louder.After hearing this voice, Xing Jue suddenly opened his eyes, sat up, and looked around.

"This is?"

"Could it be the divine power of the dragon veins!"

And looking at everything in front of him, Xing Jue couldn't help but look overjoyed, because he was shocked to find that the charms around the hall could actually flash a faint light, and the light became more and more intense, and there seemed to be a faint aura emanating from it. And that breath was very mysterious, which made Xing Jue feel refreshed.

"It must be, I didn't expect that I was so lucky, I encountered the divine power emanating from the dragon's veins when I first came in!"

After confirming that this was the divine power of the dragon vein that the emperor was talking about, Xing Jue could no longer conceal his inner excitement. He hurriedly put away the power of Shura, took out a large number of holy stones, placed them in the hall like a hill, and started refining.

With the improvement of the level, the number of holy stones that Xing Jue can refine every day is also greatly increased.

"Sure enough, it's divine power. This feeling is simply too cool!"

Xingjue refined the holy stone very quickly, and a holy stone was already refined by him in the blink of an eye, and at this moment, his face was full of joy, because he was shocked to find that under the wrapping of this divine power Under such circumstances, the energy exchanged for refining a holy stone is actually ten times that of ordinary times. This speed is simply unimaginable.

Afterwards, Xing Jue was not polite, and began to refine continuously. The strange sound lasted for a full hour, and the divine power also enveloped Xing Jue for a full hour, and Xing Jue also refined for a full hour. holy stone.

An hour later, not only was Xing Jue completely exhausted, but his face was flushed with radiance, because he had deeply experienced the benefits of that divine power.

Xing Jue is confident that if he continues to practice like this, if divine power appears every day, maybe within a month, he will be able to step into the level of an intermediate God of War.

This is compared to the emperor who has saved for more than ten years, and the unknown minister who has saved for dozens of years before he breaks through to the speed of the middle-level God of War. The execution is the real horror. This is simply unimaginable by others.

It's just that there is always a difference between the expected and the reality.

Since the night when he entered the dragon vein, he felt the divine power of the dragon vein for an hour.For a whole month, the divine power of the dragon vein has not reappeared.

"Strange, why does the divine power no longer appear? Could it be that a year has passed? The dragon vein has entered a hundred-year rest period?"

"Damn it, I wouldn't carry it like that, would I?"

This month, the emperor didn't show up again, instead he ordered a court lady to bring him food every day. This court lady really didn't know anything about the state of the dynasty.

In addition, this dragon vein has a special power, which can actually block the energy fluctuations of the upper treasure order and the communication talisman, so Xing Jue has been unable to communicate with the emperor.Coupled with the fact that the divine power of the dragon vein has not appeared for a long time, Xing Jue can be said to be extremely boring and depressed to the extreme.

Today's Xingjue really feels like being imprisoned. If it is true that the dragon's divine power has expired for a year, then Xingjue is really unlucky. He just let him taste the sweetness and then disappear. No matter how much the world tortures people The same is true.

"Hey, if you don't have divine power, you can only rely on yourself."

After sighing helplessly, Xing Jue waved his sleeve robe, summoned a holy stone placed in the main hall, and started his daily practice. Only start to practice when it is over, so as not to miss a good time to practice divine power.

The speed at which Xingjue refined the holy stone was as fast as ever, even improved compared to before, but after he stepped into the rudimentary God of War, the power that a holy stone brought to him was negligible.

Xing Jue closed his eyes tightly, and when one holy stone was refined, the sleeves swayed slightly, and another holy stone would float in front of him for continued refining. When the holy stone just started, it changed.

"buzz, buzz"

I saw that the continuous dark blue light of the holy stone suddenly became stronger several times, and when it poured into Xing Jue's body, Xing Jue's eyes couldn't help but suddenly opened, two rays of light burst out, and the corners of his mouth floated up. It was a concealed excitement, because the divine power of the dragon vein that had disappeared for a month had reappeared.

"God is really kind to me. In this way, the divine power of the dragon vein has not disappeared."

Looking at the flickering and fluctuating charms around the hall, Xing Jue was overjoyed, but he didn't dare to stagnate too much, so he hurriedly continued to close his eyes and started the rapid refining.

Because Xing Jue doesn't know how long this dragon vein divine power will last, the last time the dragon vein divine power only lasted for an hour, which happened to be half of his practice, so today Xing Jue has to speed up and try to get as much as possible within this hour. Refining some holy stones.

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