Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 547 Ten Thousand Talisman Sealing Array

"Ten Thousand Symbols Sealing Formation?"

"Could it be that this is not a formation eye?"

At this moment, Xing Jue could clearly see that the light cluster that merged into his brain was actually a spell, and the five characters of "Wan Fu Seal Formation" were engraved on this spell.

And around the talisman, there are countless dust-like rays of light, but Xing Jue can see that it is actually a talisman, and that shape is very similar to those on the wall of the hall before.

"Got you!!!!"

But at this moment, the voice of the sealed thing suddenly sounded from not far away. After hearing this voice, Xing Jue hurriedly turned his consciousness back.

Only then was he shocked to discover that in front of him at this moment, there was actually a huge palace-like light body floating. The light body was green, smooth and soft, like a huge dandelion seed, floating above the dark void space.

"Essence of all spirits?" Looking at the huge object in front of him, Xing Jue couldn't help his eyes light up, because he recognized it at a glance, it was the essence of all spirits!

How precious is the essence of all spirits?Even the Soul Venerable admits the preciousness of the Essence of All Souls, which is also regarded as the most precious existence in that world. It is a treasure that can turn its Soul Devouring Shura into a top-grade spiritual weapon with just a small piece.

But at this moment, in front of Xing Jue, there unexpectedly appeared a palace-like essence of all spirits, how could Xing Jue not be excited.

"Hey~ how could there be a brat, could it be that you are so blind?"

"It actually turns into an illusion, it seems that I really underestimated your master's methods!"

"But so what, aren't you still unable to escape my palm?"

But something unexpected happened to Ling Xingjue at this moment. In the huge essence of all spirits, there was a voice of a child. This essence of all spirits is actually the sealed thing?

"This Essence of All Spirits can actually talk. Could it be that it has already become a spirit?" Looking at the scene in front of him, Xing Jue kept thinking.

"Little array eyes, see how I can break you!"

“嗡~ ”

But at this moment, the thing Xing Jue feared the most happened. He saw that the Essence of All Spirits suddenly shot out a powerful energy body and shot straight at Xing Jue. The power was terrifying enough to kill Xing Jue with one blow. Killing, and the speed is so fast, Xing Jue has no time to dodge!


But at this critical moment, Xing Jue felt severe pain in his head again, and at the same time, a dazzling light burst out from his forehead, resisting the attack from the essence of all spirits.

"Shua Shua Shua Shua"

Afterwards, countless spells were connected in rows, bursting out from his forehead like chains, and finally bound the huge essence of all spirits firmly, and at this moment, the power of the essence of all spirits seemed to be affected. Great inhibition.

However, what shocked Xing Jue the most was that as the talisman gushed out of his body, its soul power was decreasing at a rapid rate, and Xing Jue could feel that the reason for the decrease in soul was the fusion with the talisman of the Ten Thousand Talisman Sealing Formation. got together.


"Damn it, it has already been unsealed by me, how can there be such a strong force?"

"Do I still have to be sealed?"

Seeing that he was firmly bound by the chains formed by countless spells, a voice of extreme panic began to be heard from the essence of all spirits.

It began to resist vigorously, and even wanted to escape, but under the wrapping of the spell chain, it no longer had the powerful aura it had before. Although it was still huge, it gradually lost the strength to resist.


After half an hour of sealing, the huge Essence of All Spirits was completely covered by the spell. However, Xing Jue also slumped on the ground because of excessive consumption of soul.

"What a weird spell, it will be automatically blocked and consume my soul power!"

While wiping the sweat from his forehead, Xing Jue stuffed the top-grade treasure into his mouth. Although he was a little puzzled, it was a blessing to control this guy who threatened his life at this moment!

"Wow, you can talk, and you can eat treasure pills. Your eyesight has become so good!!!" But at this moment, there was an extremely surprised voice from the essence of all spirits. say!

"Fart, you're the smart one!"

Seeing this, Xing Jue rolled his eyes fiercely, the huge monster in front of him, this cute guy with an accent like a boy, had almost killed himself before, Xing Jue was very resentful towards it.

"En? Aren't you the eye of the array? Then why are you able to seal me?" A puzzled voice came from the Essence of All Souls!

"I still want to ask you, me, what the hell are you, why are you sealed here?" Xing Jue replied with a face full of displeasure.

"Hehe, you still question me and still dare to stare at me. If you are either a sharp eye or an inexperienced brat, what right do you have to talk to me?"

"Little boy, you are not worthy to talk to me, you should go and call your lord here, I have something to discuss with him!" A disdainful voice came from the Essence of All Souls.

"Isn't it just living thousands of years longer? It's useless, but it's not like being sealed here for so long!" Xing Jue was naturally very upset to be despised by such a guy, so he said sarcastically.

"Bah bah bah, you know what a ball, I fell asleep, do you understand when I fell asleep? They were me who sealed me while I was asleep."

"Otherwise, who can seal me? The patriarch of Condenser can't do anything to me, you mortals can seal me? This is a joke, it's so funny, heh heh!"

"In addition, let me correct one point. It's not that I lived thousands of years longer, but that I slept here for thousands of years. When it comes to living age, I'm afraid I'll scare you to death!"

However, what made Xing Jue quite speechless was that this essence of all spirits not only had the voice of a child, but even its mind was very similar to a child. He and Xing Jue actually corrected its age.

A guy who has lived for thousands of years is actually so intelligent that Xing Jue has to doubt its IQ!

"It turns out that you are still a big shot, so tell me, why did you come here? Who is the ancestor of Condenser? Could it be that he chased and killed you here?"

Although the IQ of this Essence of All Souls is not high, Xing Jue does not dare to underestimate the value of this Essence of All Souls, because the Ancestor of Condenser in his mouth seems to be a not simple character.

"If you want to trick me, there's no way. No one in this world can get me, and no one can know my secrets. It's just a dream for you, a brat, to want to know me!"

"You don't want to call your adults, do you? Well, then I'll continue to sleep. Anyway, after I wake up, you will be old and dead. Then I will break through the seal and see who can stop me!" But Ling Xingjue Helplessly, this guy is not as stupid as he imagined, but rather alert.

"Hey! You just woke up, still sleeping? Are you afraid that you will be fooled by sleeping?"

"Let's chat for a while. In fact, you and I are both trapped here. We should discuss together how to get out!"

Seeing that this guy was going to sleep, Xing Jue hurriedly dissuaded him, this guy slept for ten thousand years as soon as he fell asleep, how many things happened in these ten thousand years?how many people died

Ten thousand years later, he doesn't even know whether Xing Jue himself is still in this world.If this guy really fell asleep, then Xing Jue would not be able to find out anything.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey!"

But what makes Xing Jue extremely helpless is that this guy is a pig. He sleeps as soon as he says he wants to sleep, and he can't wake up after falling asleep. Xing Jue was completely dumbfounded this time.

Although the guy who threatened his life was sealed, this place is still an invisible space. Xing Jue is here, and he doesn't know if the emperor can open it with the key and rescue him.

If it is possible, it is okay, if not, then Xingjue will be miserable!

With his current system, in this Asura Continent, if nothing else is mentioned, Xing Jue can starve to death and die of thirst just by going without food or drink for ten and a half days!

"Hey, what a pity, this guy has been sleeping for thousands of years, why did he just wake up when I came here!"

Facing such a situation, Xing Jue sighed helplessly, and prepared to project his consciousness into his mind, hoping to get some clues from the spell, maybe it could help Xing Jue escape from here.


"This feeling, doesn't it..."

But just when Xing Jue was about to project his consciousness into his mind, he suddenly found a strange aura surrounding him, and that aura was actually the divine power of dragon veins.

The divine power of this dragon vein is very strong, even stronger than what he felt when he was practicing before. Moreover, this strong divine power actually comes from the body of the behemoth in front of him, the essence of all spirits.

"Could it be that when this guy is sleeping, he can't help exuding this strange aura?" After he figured out everything in front of him, Xing Jue couldn't help but stare at him, the corners of his mouth turned up, and his face was full of joy and excitement. .

Xing Jue already has a deep understanding of the effect of this aura called dragon vein divine power, and it is an accelerator during cultivation. Practice through this accelerator.

If this is possible, then Xing Jue's future practice speed is simply too terrifying. With the help of an accelerator, Soul Devourer may be able to break through to the middle-level god of war in less than a month. Not far away, I'm afraid it will arrive within half a year.

Although accumulating strength is one aspect of the path of cultivation, comprehension is the key. Many people have been unable to break through the first level after decades of cultivation because their comprehension cannot keep up.

But Xingjue is different. Xingjue's comprehension is far beyond ordinary people. As long as he can quickly accumulate strength, breakthrough is almost not a problem. This is why he can cultivate from the elementary level of war saint to the elementary level of war god in such a short period of time. .

After discovering this phenomenon, Xing Jue was ecstatic, and then quickly projected his consciousness into his mind, and began to study the spell.

Because the thing to do right now is to leave here, otherwise, even if he got such a treasure, Xing Jue would not have a chance to enjoy it.

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