Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 55 Rookie Conference [Part 4]

(Today's four updates are completed, with a total of more than 12000 words)

In the early morning of the next day, the much-anticipated "Rookie Conference" was held as scheduled...

There are more than 3000 rookies participating in the competition, but after 5 days of screening, there are only more than a hundred people left, and these people will enter the final finals. There is only one final winner, and that person will be Obtain that low-grade treasure pill "Soul Gathering Pill".

During these 5 days, Xing Jue did not go to watch the fun, but hid in the room and concentrated on practicing. After 5 days of training, Xing Jue has basically mastered the soul healing.

In order to determine the effect of soul healing, Xing Jue deliberately self-harmed himself, but this kind of experiment did achieve very good results. In this way, even if Xing Jue is injured in a battle, he can heal himself during the battle. This method is not weak.

And these days, Zhao Liang came to see Xingjue every day, and told Xingjue about the daily rookie conference.So after getting along these days, the relationship between Xing Jue and Zhao Liang is getting better and better.

But today, Zhao Liang came to Xingjue's attic without exception, and told Xingjue about the rookie conference.

"Brother Xing, tomorrow is the final of the conference, you have to go to participate." Zhao Liang took a sip of tea after entering the room, and then said to Xing Jue with a smile.

"Well, of course I know this. It's thanks to Brother Zhao that I can have so many days of leisure time." Xing Jue said with a smile, because when others were fighting desperately for the conference, he was leisurely hiding in the room in practice.If this kind of treatment is known to the group of contestants who have worked so hard to reach the finals, they will definitely die of anger.

"Where is this? You and I, brothers, do you still need to say these things?" Zhao Liang suddenly put on a face and said unwillingly.

Seeing Zhao Liang's appearance, Xing Jue also smiled helplessly. This Zhao Liang has such a temper, too straightforward, but he is very righteous.

"By the way, Brother Xing, there are three people in the final tomorrow, you must pay attention." Zhao Liang suddenly remembered something, and said seriously to Xing Jue.

"Oh? Which three people?" Xing Jue asked in doubt.

"A disciple of the Nangong family, and two disciples of the Nether Palace, these three are very powerful, especially the Nether Palace disciple named "Wu Jun", he is known as the Nether Palace, the most powerful in the inner palace. Strong disciple, and this person is very aggressive, if you encounter him, you must be careful to deal with it. Zhao Liang said slowly, especially when he mentioned the disciple named "Wu Jun", he seemed extremely solemn.

"Thank you, brother Zhao, for reminding me. I just didn't expect that people from the Nangong family would also come." Xing Jue said with a smile. In fact, as far as Xing Jue is concerned, as long as he is not a master who has reached the level of Wu Zun and above, Xing Jue will not be placed. In his eyes, the current Xing Jue was invincible at the same level.

After Xing Jue found out, the highest level participants in the Rookie Conference this time were only high-ranking Wu Zong, so Xing Jue was naturally too nervous.

"Well, the disciple of the Nangong family originally came to purchase the elixir on behalf of the Nangong family, and just in time for such a grand event, he wanted to try his hand," Zhao Liang explained.

"I see." After hearing Zhao Liang's words, Xing Jue understood the situation, otherwise Xing Jue thought that the Nangong family had specially sent disciples to participate in this conference.

You must know that the Nangong Family is known as the strongest force in the eastern part of the Tianwu Continent, so there must be no shortage of outstanding disciples among his forces. There are super rookies like "Li Xiaohan" in the Yufeng Pavilion, and there must be some in the Nangong Family. A very tyrannical rookie.

"Okay, Brother Xing, I'm here today to tell you about this. It's getting late. You should rest early. I wish you a smooth entry into the finals for my brother," Zhao Liang said to Xing Jue.

"Brother Zhao's auspicious words," Xing Juaze said respectfully with his fists clasped.

And after sending Zhao Liang away, Xing Jue practiced the soul treatment again before falling asleep.

In the inner city of the "Tibetan Medicine Villa" the next day, it was extremely lively, with tens of thousands of spectators.At the top of the auditorium, there were five majestic old men. The three star logos were engraved on the old man's robes. Obviously, these three old men must be the leaders of the Tibetan Medicine Villa.

Because the meaning of the three stars is very important. After chatting with Zhao Liang these days, Xingjue also knows a little more about alchemists. Alchemists are divided into four levels, and the number of stars is used to mark them. order.

A two-star pharmacist like Zhao Liang can refine high, middle and low third-grade pills of the Xuan rank, but only the top-grade pills.It is still very difficult to refine, and as for the [-]-star alchemist, it is natural to refine the earth-level treasure pill, the earth-level treasure pill, which is a elixir with extremely strong medicinal power, and each earth-level treasure pill , are priceless treasures.

This shows how precious it is since a single, low-grade "Juhun Pill" can attract so many powerhouses.

And as for the four-star pharmacist, it is natural to refine the heavenly treasure pill. It is said that the heavenly treasure pill has quite terrifying medicinal power. That kind of treasure pill only exists in legends.

At least there is no one in this Dongxuan Continent.It can be refined to produce the treasure pill of that day, so the five old men on the stage represent the highest level of this pharmacist.

Compared with the five respected leaders of the Tibetan Medicine Mountain Villa at the top, a spoiled old man who was wolfing down fruit in the audience received contemptuous eyes from many people. Looking embarrassed, people have speculated how such an old man got in.But the spoiled old man didn't care what they said at all, but ate his own to his heart's content.

Finally, following the announcement of an elder from the Tibetan Medicine Villa, the final of the rookie contest began amidst the cheers of everyone.

Xing Jue stepped onto the stage confidently. In order to let people relax their vigilance, Xing Jue deliberately reserved his strength. Even though he was an extremely weak junior Wu Zong, Xing Jue only defeated the opponent after pestering for a long time.

If he meets a high-ranking Wuzong, Xing Jue will have to fight even harder, and finally win by a narrow margin.So along the way, the punishment did not become the focus.Only after Xing Jue used the Wind Devouring Palm, the eyes of the ruined old man lit up, and then he stroked his long beard with a smile, and then started eating again.

Compared with Xingjue's low profile, the disciple of the Nangong family and the two disciples of the Nether Palace stole the limelight, and everyone applauded.And obviously they are also very immersed in the enthusiasm of the crowd.

After more than half a day of competition, the final of the hundred people finally came to an end. In the end, there were only two people standing on the stage. These four were naturally the three disciples from the Nangong Family and the Nether Palace, and the most low-key Judgment.

The proud-faced disciple of the Nangong family stood on a competition stage with the "Wu Jun" who is known as the strongest in the inner hall of the Nether Palace, and Xing Jue stood on a competition platform with another disciple of the Nether Palace. .

Of these two competitions, it is obvious that the competition between the Nangong Family and the Nether Palace disciple "Wu Jun" is more eye-catching. It can be said that 90.00% of the five people have set their sights on that competition, because people really want to see, what is it, The strongest force in the eastern part of the Tianwu Continent is Qiang, a disciple of the Nangong family, and the strongest disciple "Wu Jun" in the inner palace of the Nether Palace.

Compared with Xing Jue, their competition platform seemed too deserted.

"Hey..." Xing Jue sighed helplessly, and said to himself, "This guy just likes to focus on things."

" what, very..very..very..soon...I...I...I...I will let you not come out." Disciple, he suddenly spoke to Xing Jue, and after the disciple opened his mouth, Xing Jue discovered that this guy was actually a stutterer.

"Hey, my, do you care? Look at how unlucky you are, you can't speak clearly, and you still care about my brother and me? Even if my brother doesn't kill you today, you will have to do it sooner or later. Let people beat him to death." Xing Jue rolled his eyes at him and said sarcastically.

" die" This articulate disciple was naturally furious to the extreme when he was told by Xing Jue, without saying a word, with a single palm, the tyrannical spirit of martial arts was speeding up in his palm Condensed, in the end it actually turned into a flywheel that was one meter long and spinning extremely fast.Aim at Xingjue and throw it over.

The energy fluctuations were set off between the rotation of the flywheel, and the ear-piercing sound continued to resound.

"Xuanjie intermediate-level martial arts, this kid is ruthless." Looking at the flying wheel flying at extremely fast, Xing Jue felt the level of martial arts, and thought, this kid's shot is a killer move, it seems that he really wants to He is dead.

It was obvious that he was pissed off by himself just now, and he felt funny when he thought of the punishment here, and then deliberately pretended to dodge the flywheel just fine.

And when the flywheel hit the ground, it really set off a lot of energy fluctuations, and a deep hole was smashed out on the ground.

"No hit, no hit" After dodging the attack of the stuttering disciple, Xing Jue stuck out his tongue on purpose and said playfully.

"" After Xingjue dodged the attack, the stuttering disciple was extremely upset, but he was even angrier after being so angry by Xingjue. After saying four words for you, I didn't say anything else.Immediately, he stopped talking, but clenched his teeth, and continuously launched fierce attacks on Xingjue.

However, all his attacks were just dodged by Xing Jue. Others seemed very dangerous, but Xing Jue enjoyed it.

"This kid is indeed my disciple of Yufeng Pavilion." Looking at the gusts of wind clinging to Xing Jue's body, the spoiled old man sitting in the corner of the auditorium said with a smile.

During this process, Xing Jue would take a look at Xiang Ling's competition stage from time to time. He really wanted to know what kind of martial arts the disciple of the Nangong family, who was known as the strongest force in the east of the Tianwu Continent, would display.

What makes Ling Xingjue somewhat condescending is that the martial arts of the Nangong family are very gorgeous and very powerful. It may be because of his excessive consumption, and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

In the end, "Boom Long" was defeated by the Nether Palace disciple named Wu Jun in a fierce confrontation.

Looking at the disciple of the Nangong family who was knocked off the stage, Xing Jue was also more cautious about Wu Jun. Wu Jun's martial arts are a bit special, and he can maintain a long-lasting martial arts under the confrontation of a large number of high-level martial arts. Qi, which shows that he does have some hole cards.

After the battle on the competition platform was over, Xing Jue also suddenly stabilized his figure, with a look of solemnity on his smiling face, and then said to the stuttering disciple, "It's time to end."

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