Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 552 Give You 2 Ways

The skinny deputy manager didn't want to take this unfortunate job, so he naturally agreed with Xing Jue to replace him.

As for the manager of Fat Pig, although Xing Jue entered the imperial dining room not long ago, he was quite appreciated by him, so he did not obstruct Xing Jue, so Xing Jue successfully took over the job.

Under the escort of the guards, Xing Jue soon came to the prince's mansion, and when he opened the huge palace gate and entered the luxurious hall, two figures came into Xing Jue's eyes.

In the main hall, there are only one man and one woman. At the moment, the two are sitting on the luxurious dragon chair and talking, but the strange thing is that there are no maids serving in this kind of main hall. There are only two people. It can be seen that these two people should be talking about something. Shameful things.

The man is only in his early thirties, and his whole body exudes a compelling aura. He actually has the aura of an emperor, and he is a middle-level God of War. It can be seen that he is the owner of this mansion, the prince of the Fengli Dynasty!

The woman was wearing a gorgeous long dress, with a good face and a charming figure. She was only in her early twenties. Although her aura was vague, Xing Jue was shocked to find that this woman was also a middle-level God of War. It simply surprised Xing Jue!

Because of her age and talent, she can be compared with Fu Yao from the Wuxiang Dynasty, and this woman exudes shrewdness from her brows, so it can be seen that she is not an easy character.

As for such an outstanding woman, Xing Jue couldn't help but associate it with the court lady who was going to deceive Princess Xinxin.

"Put it there and wait outside the hall!" After feeling that Xing Jue had entered, the prince didn't even look at Xing Jue, but waved his hand directly, signaling for Xing Jue and the guards to retreat!


Seeing this, Xing Jue didn't dare to hesitate, he hurriedly put three delicacies on the luxurious long table, and walked out of the main hall, Xing Jue understood the meaning of waiting outside the hall, if the food is good enough, if not good, He may be about to be unlucky!

However, Xing Jue was not afraid of the punishment they might impose.Instead, I thought to myself: "If you didn't tie Xinxin up, it would be fine, if you really did it, I'll make you look good later!"!

After Xingjue came out, the heavy palace door was closed by the guards. The palace gate was made of special materials and equipped with barriers. It was not only solid, but also soundproof.

It's just that for Xing Jue's current soul power, it seems like nothing, and it can be passed easily. After Xing Jue penetrated the soul power into it, the conversation in the hall was also clearly reflected in Xing Jue's ears. middle.

"Hmph, I've had enough. I had to be angry with that girl when I was in the Starfall Dynasty, but now I have to be angry with her when I return to my own dynasty!" An extremely angry voice came from the woman.

"Oh my baby, I know you have grievances, but who made this girl so important to us? In short, you have made a great contribution this time. After the emperor comes out of customs, you will definitely be rewarded . ” The prince laughed graciously.

"Forget it, I think it's true that the reward was given to you, but having said that, your imperial brother has been in seclusion for two years, and he has not seen anyone except Marshal Yin Xing!"

"Even now, when a war is launched, he is still hiding in the palace. What the emperor did is really easy!"

"I think he will not know what you have done for the dynasty. If Yin Xing is asked to pass it on, I'm afraid it will be his credit again!" The woman said angrily, as if she was very dissatisfied with the emperor!

"Oh, my baby, please don't say that, the Fengli Dynasty is today, it's all thanks to Brother Huang!"

"Also, I heard from Marshal Yin Xing that the emperor will be leaving the customs in a few days, and he will definitely be the first to summon me when the time comes!"

"At that time, I gave that girl as a great gift to Brother Huang, which can change the current situation of the battle. I think Brother Huang will definitely look at me differently!"

"But before that, you must take good care of that girl, and don't let her have any accidents."

"My baby, hurry up and send this snack to that girl. This snack tastes good, maybe she will be satisfied this time!"

The conversation in the palace came slowly, but Xing Jue was very excited, because just as he guessed, Princess Xinxin was really under house arrest in the palace.

And listening to the conversation between the two, Xinxin should be safe and sound now, and this also made the heart of Xingjue hang for half a month, and completely let go.

The prince's mansion has a magnificent palace on the top, and a hidden underground palace connected to the bottom. The underground palace is not big, but it is also luxurious. This is the secret treasure of the prince's daily life and death.

Now, in an exquisite room, there is a young girl with a pure face. Although she is not very old, she has a refined temperament, showing unlimited potential, and this is Princess Xinxin.

"Father, Brother Xingjue, Xinxin misses you so much~"

At this moment, Princess Xinxin's fair face was full of remorse, and strong longing appeared in her moist eyes!


"My princess, it's time for lunch, take a look at what delicious food I have prepared for you today, I guarantee you will be satisfied this time!"

At this moment, the closed door suddenly opened, and then a voluptuous figure walked in, and this was the woman!

"After setting it up, get out!" When Princess Xinxin saw the woman, she didn't open her eyes to look at her, but gave her a hard look, and said coldly, it can be seen that Princess Xinxin hated this woman extremely !

"Um, what did you say?"

But after hearing Princess Xinxin's words, the woman's hands that placed the snacks trembled slightly, then raised her head slightly, and looked at Princess Xinxin with that changed gaze.

"I told you to get out, you bitch!"

"I trust you so much, you actually lied to me, are you a bitch!"

Seeing this, Princess Xinxin suddenly stood up, pointing at the woman and yelling at the woman without any politeness!It seems that he wants to release all the anger in his heart.


But at this moment, the woman suddenly dropped the snack in her hand to the ground, and her face, which was still full of smiles before, became extremely ferocious!

"Damn girl, do you really think I'm afraid you won't succeed? Do you believe that I'll beat you?"

After dropping the dessert, the woman walked up to Princess Xinxin in a few strides, raised her right hand high, as if she wanted to palm Princess Xinxin's mouth!

These days, although Princess Xinxin has become her prisoner, she still serves Princess Xinxin like a maid of honor. bear with it.

Seeing a woman like this, Princess Xinxin, who was rarely scolded by others, lost her noble temper in an instant, showing a look of fear, because she never thought that this woman who always had a smile on her face would have such a terrifying attitude. one side.

Looking at Princess Xinxin's cowardly appearance, the woman's face showed a smug look, and she thought to herself: "If I knew this, I should have treated her like this, and I have been angry for so long."

"You dare to whip her!" But at this moment, a faint male voice sounded from outside the door.

"Who? Get out!"

And when the voice sounded, the woman's delicate body couldn't help trembling violently, her face changed greatly, then she pointed to the outside of the house and shouted loudly, and while speaking, she actually took out a middle-grade spiritual weapon, made a look of being ready, and put Princess Xinxin stood behind her!

Because Princess Xinxin was locked here, there was no one in this underground palace, and now someone followed her without her noticing. She, who was always vigilant, knew that it was definitely not a good person!

"The one who kills you!"

As soon as the woman's voice fell, the voice sounded again, but this time at the same time as the voice sounded, a figure also flashed into the room like a ghost.

"Brother Xingjue!"

And when Princess Xinxin saw this man, she was overjoyed immediately, and a joyful smile appeared on her teary cheeks, because she recognized the identity of the man in front of her at a glance.

"You, are you a criminal judge?"

At this moment, the woman was a little dumbfounded. She knew about Xingjue's name. From Princess Xinxin, Xingjue was said to be omnipotent and miraculous.

Even after being caught here, Princess Xinxin also Jinghang said to the woman: "Just wait, my brother Xingjue will definitely come to save me, and that time will be your end"

At first, the woman only took Princess Xinxin's words as a joke, because he didn't believe that if someone dared to break into the imperial city of the Fengli Dynasty, even if they did, it would be suicide!

But at this moment, she completely believed it, and was even terrified, because her gaze had already focused on Xing Jue's right hand, because there was a person dragging there, and that person was actually his husband, the Fengli Dynasty's Lord!

At this moment, the prince is covered in scars, his breath is extremely low, he doesn't even have the strength to raise his head and talk to her, it is obviously caused by severe injuries, he was severely beaten by Xing Jue!


Xing Jue didn't answer the woman's nonsense question, but turned his wrist, and took out the dark black giant sword Soul Eater.

The Soul Devouring Blade ruthlessly pierced into the hard ground, and a large area of ​​cracks spread accordingly. At the same time, it exuded the aggressive aura of a high-grade spiritual weapon, sweeping across the room like a violent hurricane!

"How is it possible, how can it be so powerful?"

Feeling the aura emanating from Xingjue, the woman was completely terrified, because she found that this aura was far above her, and it was not comparable to her at all.

"For the sake of you being a woman, I won't make things difficult for you. I will give you two ways to choose!" Xing Jue raised his head slightly, looked at the woman with sharp eyes, and said lightly.

"Which two ways?"

The aura exuded by Xing Jue at this moment let the woman know that she has no power to fight back in front of Xing Jue, but there is Princess Xinxin behind her, so although she is very afraid of Xing Jue's strength, she doesn't feel that she will lose deal!

"One is for me to do it myself, and one is for you to end it yourself!"

"Which one do you choose?"

Xing Jue continued to speak, there was no trace of mercy on his face, he was already determined to kill this woman.Because for Xing Jue, for this kind of guy who has nothing to do with him but hurts the people around him, he must be killed!

(Originally, most of this chapter was coded last night. I thought I would upload it today after modifying it. Unexpectedly, there was a power outage in the morning. Oh my god, but luckily I finally called, it shouldn’t be too late!)

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