However, Bu Chen was Xiao Ding's mentor after all. Under Bu Chen's repeated persuasion, Xiao Ding led the other five high-ranking warriors of the dynasty to the center of the plain to find out what happened!

But this time, they encountered trouble, and dozens of people suddenly appeared at the place where the formation was found.

The most strange thing is that these people are neither generals of the Wuxiang Dynasty, nor strong men of the Fengli Dynasty. They are only middle-aged, but they all have the aura of high-level war gods.

Moreover, these people, with black air around their bodies and blood-red eyes, looked like beasts. When they met this group of people, Bu Chen and others determined that there must be something tricky in this plain.

However, when Xiao Ding realized that something was wrong, it was too late, because they were already surrounded by groups. In the end, the only one who broke through the siege was Bu Chen, and at this moment, Xiao Ding and others were still trapped by that , life and death unknown!

"Now is not the time to pursue these things, Xingjue, since you can contact the emperor, tell him what happened here, and let him personally issue an order to the soldiers and guards of Tianji Battalion, so that the army must not enter the plain!" Bu Chen dignified Said.

"Senior Buchen, when will the war start?" Without waiting for Buchen's reminder, Xing Jue had already taken out the upper treasure order and began to convey the matter about this place to the emperor.

In fact, after receiving the news from Venerable Hun, Xing Jue had already informed the emperor to tell Marshal Xiao Ding that the plain is strange, do not send troops at will, but unexpectedly Xiao Ding disobeyed the emperor's order.

But right now, after hearing Bu Chen's narration, Xing Jue was even more anxious, because he absolutely believed that the large formation with a radius of tens of miles that Bu Chen said was true.

The reason why he believed it was because he had no doubt that the guy who could crack the formation in the Sealing Basin could arrange such a grand arrangement on this plain.

"When the first sun rises in the east, it will be the time of the great war." Seeing Xing Jue's question, Bu Chen said solemnly.


After hearing Bu Chen's words, Xing Jue couldn't help but change his face, because looking up at the sky, the bright galaxy and bright moon had begun to dim.

This means that the night is about to end, and it will be replaced by bright day. This means that the war agreed upon by the armies of the three dynasties is about to begin.

And within such a period of time, even if the Emperor's order can stop the army of the Starfall Dynasty, the armies of the Wuxiang Dynasty and the Fengli Dynasty cannot be stopped at all. If there is something really weird about that formation, something unimaginable will probably happen , and, it is likely to be the culprit!


Thinking of this, Xing Jue increased the speed of his feet again, and sprinted toward the plain at top speed, because even if he couldn't stop the killing, he must at least rescue Princess Xinxin's grandfather, that stubborn Marshal Xiao Ding!

On the edge of the Zhulu Plain, Marshal Xiao Ding and the five ministers who met Xing Jue were surrounded by dozens of men with black bodies and blood-red eyes, and all of these guys were high-ranking gods of war level!

"A group of jumping clowns, don't you think they can really stop this handsome?"

At this moment, Marshal Xiao Ding was furious, and his physical strength was obviously exhausted, but his resolute face still exuded a compelling aura, without losing the demeanor of the most powerful man in the dynasty!

"Jie Jie, it's ridiculous to hold on even though it's already a piece of fish on the chopping board!" A disdainful voice came from the crowd.


"Lord Liu, use my marshal's token to issue an order to the army, don't enter the plains! I'm here to stop these jumping clowns"

Suddenly, Xiao Ding waved his sleeve robe, and a token fell into the hands of an adult.

At the same time, Marshal Xiao Ding and the other four adults surrounded the minister, trying to protect him and help him gain time to give orders!

"Jie Jie, don't you think that we are really not your opponents? Form the formation!"

"clap clap"


Seeing Juedong, Marshal Xiao Ding and others, the group of weird men were not afraid at all, they suddenly changed their direction, and at the same time leaned down, slapped their palms on the ground fiercely, and a strange force rushed into them. into the surface.



At this moment, Xiao Ding and the others only felt a strange energy coming from their feet, their bodies were unable to move freely, stronger than Xiao Ding's generation, they were also unable to move half a step.

"Suffer to death!"

But at this moment, several figures were seen soaring into the sky, baring their teeth and claws, attacking them head-on with that strong murderous aura.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xiao Ding was full of unwillingness, but even so, he slowly closed his regretful eyes, because he didn't want to see himself being killed head-on by such a group of unknown people.

At this moment, he regretted it a little.He regretted that he was too conceited, so conceited that he didn't even listen to the words of the teacher who trained him at the beginning, even the real supreme emperor of the dynasty.

This indirectly led to the current result. What he regretted the most was not that his life was ended, but because of his own arrogance, which implicated the millions of troops in the Tianji Camp.

"Puff, puff, puff~"


But just when Xiao Ding and the others thought they were going to die, they heard gushes of blood and the sound of painful wailing suddenly coming from their ears.

"Marshal, my lords, the verdict is too late!"

But when Xiao Ding and the others opened their eyes, they were shocked to find that a young man had already appeared in front of them.

And they all knew this man, so it was actually a punishment! ! !

"Xingjue, your breath..."

Looking at Xing Jue at this moment, Xiao Ding and others were all shocked, because they couldn't believe that the aura of Xing Jue was much stronger than them at this moment.

"Master Marshal, leave the next thing to me!"

Facing the shocked gazes of Xiao Ding and others, Xing Jue did not answer anything, but smiled slightly, and then cast his sharp gaze on the surrounding people, showing a compelling killing intent!

"What a big tone, the number one strongman of the Starfall Dynasty is not our opponent, you are a baby, do you think you can resist us?" There was a disdainful voice from the crowd.


But as soon as the man finished speaking, a cold light flashed past, and a pool of blood shot up to the sky from his neck. The man who had shouted earlier was decapitated, and he didn't even have time to utter a pitiful scream. .

And next to the man's body that was still standing, Xing Jue was already standing there like a ghost, and he was still holding the dark black long sword, Soul Eater Shura, in his hand.

"Tick, tick~"

At this moment, pieces of blood continued to fall along the blade of Soul Eater Shura, it was clear who killed that man with lightning!

"Bastard, kill him!" Seeing his brother being killed, the group of weird men were also furious, and they roared and rushed towards Xingjue to besiege him.

"Shh, shh, shh"

"Puff, puff, puff"


However, Xingjue didn't pay attention to the crowd at all. He saw that he was waving the Soul Eater Shura in his hand, slashing at the crowd like cutting cabbage. People fell under the long sword of Xingjue!


"What kind of power is this? Is Judgment really just a high-ranking god of war?" Looking at the scene in front of him, Xiao Ding and others who were worried about Xing Jue before were completely dumbfounded.

Although the strength of those male high-ranking gods of war is somewhat exaggerated, but they are so numerous and possess strange powers, even Xiao Ding and others are not their opponents together.

But at this moment, Xing Jue actually beheaded them so easily, it was like killing them. This shows that it is not that Xiao Ding and others are too weak, but that Xing Jue is too strong, even strong enough. They are obviously at the same level, but they have far-reaching abilities. Not on the same level of power.


Facing Xing Jue's merciless massacre, the group of weird men finally realized that something was wrong, and then they bent down and set up formations similar to those used to restrain Xiao Ding and others.

"Xingjue be careful!"

Seeing that everyone was going to set up formation, Marshal Xiao Ding, who had already suffered a lot, hurriedly reminded them, but it was too late, when his voice sounded, that strange power had already been transmitted into their bodies.


"This feeling! "

The formation was opened, and the strange fluctuation struck again, but at this moment, Xing Jue's eyes lit up, and then a faint arc was raised at the corner of his mouth.

Because Xing Jue discovered that he can absorb and refine this strange power. It is the power of the soul, a strange soul power, but no matter how strange the power is, as long as it is related to the soul, Xing Jue will not be afraid at all. .

"Quick, take advantage of the array to restrain him and kill him"

Seeing that Xing Jue was standing still, the strange man jumped up and rushed towards Xing Jue again. Although these guys are at the level of high-level war gods, they seem to be unable to perform martial arts and can only launch melee attacks!

"Oops!" Looking at the scene in front of them, Xiao Ding and the others couldn't help but change their expressions. Having suffered through this formation, they knew very well that the formation was weird. At this moment, they all thought that Xing Jue was doomed!

"Puff, puff..."

But what they couldn't imagine was that just when those men were about to rush to Xing Jue, they saw Xing Jue's arm suddenly waved, and after a cold light passed, the heads of those men fell to the ground and died!

"What's going on? He can resist the power of the formation?"

At this moment, not to mention the surprised faces of Xiao Ding and others, the group of men who cast the formation were even more shocked. At this moment, they who looked like evil spirits actually showed fear on their faces, and they all backed away and go.

Because even the strongest formations are ineffective against Xing Jue, they know that no matter how many of them there are, they are still no match for the young man in front of them.

"A group of trash, retreat!" But just when the group of men were panicking and wanted to retreat, there was a sudden cold shout from outside the crowd.

(Flowers, even if you smash them)

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