Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 557 Into the Tiger's Den


Suddenly, a loud noise resounded through the sky and earth echoed in the plain, and countless blood-red beams of light shot up into the sky. At this moment, the alliance army of the Wuxiang Dynasty and the Fengli Dynasty was already wrapped in the beams of light.

"Ah~~~~~Don't~~~~~~ah~~~~~~Help~~~~~~ah~~~~~~oh my god~~~~~~ah~~~~~~ ~What is this~~~~~~~~ah~~~~~ run~~~~ah~~~~~~~~~~"

At this moment, even though they were separated by dozens of miles, Xing Jue and the others could still hear the heart-piercing and heart-piercing wailing.

That was the voice of the alliance army, the voice of millions of people. Although Xing Jue and the others could no longer see their figures at this moment, it is conceivable that they died tragically in the formation.

"It's really weird, such a majestic formation, who finally wrote it?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xiao Ding couldn't help wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, a look of fear appeared on his resolute face.

If he has been unwilling to listen to Bu Chen's words and insists on leading the army to a decisive battle with the two dynasties, I am afraid that in the Shura field at this moment, not only the armies of the Wuxiang Dynasty and the Fengli Dynasty, but also the millions of troops from the Tianji Camp of the Starfall Dynasty .

At this moment, everyone was afraid, but also thought deeply. They couldn't imagine who arranged such a trick, and they couldn't even imagine the reason why the mysterious person did this massacre. However, the eyes of the last few people were all on different people. On the blood sister in the distance.

"Look, so many innocent lives were buried in it, don't you have any mercy?"

Suddenly, Xing Jue pointed at Xuemei and yelled sharply. He didn't really blame Xuemei, because he knew that this move was done by Xuemei. He just didn't understand why Xuemei got involved in this matter.

Looking at the bloody light soaring into the sky in the distance, and the tragic screams that continued to pass through the ear curtains, the blood pupils of the blood sister also began to flicker, and sympathy and intolerance emerged on the innocent face.

"This formation is called Soul Refining and Blood Formation, and it has been arranged by my master for decades. The souls and blood of these people will be extracted by this formation and condensed in the eyes of the formation." Under the decisive questioning, the blood girl finally lowered her head and spoke slowly.

"Tens of years? Then who is your master?" Xiao Ding and Bu Chen asked in unison.

"My master, you all know him, is the Marshal of the Fengli Dynasty, Yin Xing," said the blood girl, turning her head slightly, and said calmly.

"Yin Xing? It turned out to be him, no wonder, no wonder, no wonder, this bastard old man!"

After hearing the words of the blood girl, Xiao Ding said again and again, with a look of sudden understanding, because the proposal of a decisive battle in the Zhulu Plain was proposed by General Yin Xing of the Fengli Dynasty. At this moment, Xiao Ding understood, It turned out that they all fell into the trick of Yin Xing.

"Where is the formation eye? Tell me quickly!" Xing Jue asked anxiously.

"Don't underestimate that Yin Xing, his strength is not something you can fight against!" Xuemei glanced at Xing Jue, as if she didn't want to say anything.

"Even if you can't resist, you have to stop it. If he succeeds, not only these generals will die, but all the creatures in the entire continent. Don't you want to see those innocent people being mercilessly beheaded?" Xing Jue Roaring loudly.

Although he still doesn't know what Yin Xing is going to do, Xing Jue can guess that he must be planning a very terrible thing. If he succeeds, this continent may become the first place where he will wash blood!

Moreover, right now Xing Jue must also know the position of Yin Xing, because he still has Soul Venerable in his hands, and now his grand plan has succeeded, if all the troops in the formation are refined, I am afraid that even Soul Venerable will be difficult. Escape to death!

After hearing Xing Jue's words, Xuemei slowly lowered her head, bit her lower lip tightly, and fell into an unbearable thought struggle.

When she successfully left the underground palace, she was seriously injured and her life was at stake. It was Yin Xing who saved him, and it was Yin Xing who helped her get to where she is now, so in other words, Yin Xing was kind to her.

"Follow me!" But after hesitating for a moment, the blood girl suddenly turned around and rushed towards the stone forest.


Seeing this, Xing Jue was not in a hurry to chase the blood girl away, but trembled his index finger, and after a ray of light shot out, a beautiful figure of a young girl appeared on the flat ground.

"What's wrong with brother? Ah, grandpa, why are you here?"

"What is that? It's so scary? Why does it sound like someone is calling for help?" After the girl appeared, she blinked her big eyes and asked curiously, and this girl was naturally Princess Xinxin!

"Marshal, senior, after you bring Xinxin back to the camp, lead our army away from here, don't follow!"


The situation was urgent at this moment, Xing Jue didn't say much, after solemnly explaining to Bu Chen and the others, he chased after the direction where the blood girl was plundering, and disappeared in Bu Chen, Xiao Ding was covered with Out of worry, and in Xinxin's puzzled eyes.

The speed of Xing Jue and Xuemei was very fast. They shuttled through the stone forest at a very high speed. Countless huge boulders passed by them. In the end, the two stopped in front of a huge square boulder.


Before coming to the boulder, the blood girl took out a strange small stone, and when the small stone merged with the groove on the boulder, the boulder actually moved, and then a tunnel appeared in the sight of the two.

"Blood girl, I know you are still the blood girl I know!" Seeing that the blood girl opened the boulder so happily, Xing Jue finally showed a gentle smile on his always stern face.

"You and I have long since owed each other. I brought you here not to help you, but just not to implicate the innocent people." Xuemei said indifferently, as if she didn't buy Xing Jue's gracious smile!

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, as long as I know it in my heart!" Xing Jue opened his mouth wide, and after showing a row of neat white teeth to the blood girl, he was about to jump into the tunnel.

"and many more"

But just when Xing Jue was about to jump down, the blood girl grabbed Xing Jue's shoulder, and then spread her palm, a strange spell appeared, and said to Xing Jue: "The old man who claimed to be a mixed venerable was killed Locked in a forbidden spell, only this spell can unlock it!"


Looking at the spell in Xuemei's hand, Xing Jue couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. At this moment, he found that Xuemei seemed to have been prepared to help him.

After receiving the talisman, Xing Jue didn't stop, turned around, and jumped into the bottomless tunnel, leaving only the blood girl with complex emotions on her face, looking at the person below with some reluctance. typical.

The tunnel is very deep, but the depths are not completely dark, but lingering with a faint light, the light is not strong, so the tunnel is still dim, but even more weird!

Xing Jue walked carefully among them, although he hid his breath, he still didn't want to disturb this authentic person. After all, that Yin Xing was a character that even a bloody girl would be afraid of, so it can be seen that he is indeed not an easy guy.

But fortunately, along the way, I didn't meet the black-robed man again, but as I went deeper, Xing Jue could smell the pungent smell of blood, which became stronger and stronger, and even reached the point of disgusting .

And after several rough turns, a vast cave finally appeared in Xing Jue's sight. Looking at the scene in front of him, even the well-informed Xing Jue couldn't help but take a breath.

The vast cave is like a small plain, and there are two small lakes in it.

A lake is filled with blood-red mucus, and the pungent bloody smell emanates from it, because this is a blood lake.

"Whoa Whoah Whoah"

In the cave above the blood lake, there are several barriers. At this moment, a large amount of blood is pouring from the barriers, pouring into the blood lake like a waterfall.

However, compared to this blood lake, Ling a lake is even more weird. What it carries is not liquid, but gas. The gas that pours down from the top of the cave is also gas. The gas is dark blue, which is the power of the soul. That turned out to be Soul Lake.

"What a soul-refining and blood-refining array, extracting energy through massacres, Yin Xing, what exactly do you want to do?"

The cave is very huge, after seeing the two conspicuous lakes, Xing Jue began to search vigilantly, because he knew that the guy named Yin Xing must be hiding here.

"Soul Venerable!"

But at this moment, Xing Jue's eyes suddenly brightened, because in the depths of the cave, he suddenly found a familiar figure, which was actually the Soul Venerable.

At this moment, Venerable Soul was sitting cross-legged deep in the cave with his eyes closed, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep. Although Xing Jue shouted loudly, he still didn't respond.

And around the Soul Venerable, there is a round transparent body like an enchantment. The transparent body is engraved with strange spells. It can be seen that this is the forbidden spell that the blood girl said!


After seeing Venerable Soul, Xing Xin was overjoyed immediately, and before he had time to worry, his whole body turned into a ray of light, rushing towards Venerable Soul.

"I actually found it here, it seems that there is a traitor!"

But just as Xing Jue left, an old and hoarse voice suddenly sounded in his ears, and at the same time a black figure appeared in front of Xing Jue like a ghost.

"Well, a very good body, I accept it!"

When this figure appeared, he could only see the black robe wriggling, and a dry palm like a hole.It was already pointed at Xingjue, although this palm is thin and weak, it does contain a power that even Xingjue is afraid of.

"The soul explodes!" Facing such an attack, Xing Jue did not dare to be careless, and with a loud shout, his body was entangled by the dark soul.


The soul erupted and was successfully cast, resulting in a powerful impact. This impact not only withstood the attack of the withered palm, but also knocked the black-robed man tens of meters away.

(After returning home, I didn’t even eat any food. In order to let everyone watch the update early and rest, the bee was carrying it and cooing. I persisted until now. Do you still need me for flowers or something? Will everyone take the initiative to smash them?)

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