Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 563 Combat skills, soul skills

"Battle technique? What is that?" After hearing this word, Xing Jue's eyes lit up and he cast a curious look.

"Remember what I told you once, the Heaven Rank Martial Skill is not the strongest attack method in this world."

"In the soul source world, in addition to the respected weapons that are higher than spiritual weapons, there are also combat skills that are higher than martial skills."

"There is not much surprise between combat skills and martial skills. The only difference is that combat skills are created for the power of Shura, which can maximize the power of Shura. It is an attack method that is far superior to martial skills."

"Battle skills are divided into four levels: "King", "Emperor", "Emperor", and "God"."

"Each level is divided into three levels: "beginner", "intermediate" and "advanced".

"Because of the particularity of combat skills, they have not been spread among the people, and they can only be learned by the forces of the mountain gate."

"In addition to combat skills, there are also soul skills that only a few people know about. The classification of soul skills and combat skills is exactly the same, and they are all combat methods passed down from ancient times."

"It's just because soul skills can only be acquired by those with special and strong souls, so they are not widely spread. In today's world, they are rarely known."

"However, compared with combat skills, soul skills have an advantage, that is, they can reduce the limitations of the physical body and allow them to leapfrog cultivation."

"For example, you, according to your current strength and physical strength, you can only practice king-level elementary combat skills at most."

"Only after stepping into the realm of Lingyi and reaching the rank of Shura martial artist can you practice intermediate combat skills."

"However, your soul power is very strong, far beyond comparison, and now you have even reached the imperial soul."

"That is to say, although the cultivation of combat skills can only be practiced at the elementary level of the king rank."

"But if you practice soul skills, you can practice the primary level of the imperial rank. This will be your greatest advantage in the future."

"Back then, the old guy Yungui was able to stand out from the crowd and become the strongest person in the world of soul source, precisely because of his special soul, mainly focusing on cultivating soul skills." Soul Venerable explained to Xing Jue in detail.

As for Xing Jue, his eyes lit up when he heard this, and his heart was filled with excitement.

"King, Emperor, Emperor, God"

"Has my current soul power reached the imperial level?"

"Is there an emperor rank and a god rank behind it?"

Xing Jue is so smart, he has already heard the soul skills and combat skills described by the Soul Venerable, and he has realized the level of the soul from them.

"Well, when you broke through to the Asura warrior, you did reach the soul level of the imperial rank."

"Speaking of it, even I am very surprised. To reach such a soul level with your strength, I am afraid that even Yungui did not achieve it. After all, in the end, he is only an emperor-level soul." Soul Venerable A little puzzled lightly smiled.

"Since that's the case, how good would it be for you to bring me a few soul skills of the imperial rank to practice for me? Why let me become a master and practice some combat skills." Xing Jue suddenly smiled at the palm of the soul master, thinking To look like something for nothing.

"I'm just a noble weapon. Although I'm condensed by soul power, I don't need to practice combat and soul skills at all. How can I give you an imperial level soul skill?"

"However, when it comes to soul skills, that old guy Yungui has quite a few graveyards."

"Although I know the way to open it, it must have been blocked by that guy. With my current strength, I don't dare to open it at all." Venerable Soul sighed helplessly.

"You don't have soul skills for me, and soul skills are so rare, no matter how high my soul power level is, it's useless." Xing Jue suddenly yelled.

This simply made him see hope, but he couldn't touch it. It's the same reason that he saw delicious food, but he didn't let him eat at all. This is the most tortured thing in the incident.

"Who said it's useless? Does the soul skill you master also belong to soul skill?"

"It's just a little less popular, not even Wang Jie."

"Because the real soul skill is displayed, the aura is not inferior to the combat skill at all, even stronger. The most important thing is that outsiders can't tell whether it is a soul skill or a combat skill."

"When you cast it, you can't feel the breath of your soul power." Soul Venerable retorted loudly.

"Hmph, there is no soul skill to cultivate, so it's just nonsense." Xing Jue snorted coldly, gave Venerable Soul a hard look, and then turned his head away, as if he didn't want to care about Venerable Soul anymore.

"Hey, I don't have imperial-level soul skills here, but I heard that there is a place that does." Seeing Xing Jue's appearance, Venerable Soul didn't make a fuss or get angry, but suddenly laughed.

"Really? Where?" After hearing Venerable Soul's words, Xing Jue was even more overjoyed, and hurried to Venerable Soul's side, asking questions.

"I remember that old guy Yungui told me."

"Many years ago, he met a difficult little ghost, and the little ghost insisted on teaching him a profound combat skill."

"Because that kid has favored the old guy Yungui, Yungui can't refuse, but he doesn't have advanced combat skills to give to that kid."

"In desperation, he took out a book of imperial soul skills."

"After changing the name of the soul skill to the name of combat skill, and soul to Shura's power, I gave that soul skill to that little ghost."

"The little ghost who got this soul skill was overjoyed and moved to tears."

"It is said that a force was created later, and that soul skill was used as the treasure of Zhenshan."

"And in the name of soul skills, he named his power the Promise Academy."

"Thousands of years have passed, and the little devil has long passed away, but the power he built is still there."

"It's just right, the Promise Court is not far from here, it can be reached in three days' journey." Soul Venerable said with a smile.

"Haha, there is still such a thing. It turns out that your old man has planned a long time ago. You want me to worship in the Wuji Academy and learn that imperial soul skill, right?" After hearing the words of Venerable Soul, Xing Jue suddenly realized.

"No, then why didn't you just send me outside the Wuji courtyard, why did you come here?"

But then, after searching around, he didn't see half of the sect, so he asked puzzledly.

"It is unwise to enter the mountain gate when you first arrive here."

"Especially like you, a bumpkin who came here from the mortal world, you should first understand the folk customs here, which will also help you in your future path." Venerable Soul said with a smile.


And at this moment, Xing Jue finally understood the meaning of Venerable Soul. It turned out that this old man had already made plans for Xing Jue, and it was not for no reason that he wanted to leave him here.

"Xing Jue, I know you miss your father very much."

"So now that I'm back here, when I'm looking for materials, I'll also help you find out which force initiated the reverse summoning."

"As long as you lock on the power of reverse summoning, you will find your father's position." At this moment, Venerable Soul added with a solemn expression.

"There is Venerable Labor Soul!"

After hearing Venerable Soul's words, Xing Jue couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and immediately gave another big gift to Venerable Soul.

Because for Xing Jue, the whereabouts of his father is indeed what he is most concerned about right now.

After that, Venerable Soul explained some things to Xing Jue, and then merged into the space.

And Xing Jue flew straight towards the Wuji Courtyard according to the direction indicated by the Soul Venerable.

After two full days, without eating or drinking, after traveling non-stop.

Xing Jue felt a little physically weak, and a bustling city appeared just below.

Xing Jue quietly fell through the sky without anyone knowing, and got mixed into the city.

The reason why he didn't directly control Zixia and fall into the city was because Xing Jue learned to keep a low profile after being instructed by Venerable Soul.

In this unknown world, unknown region, and his lack of strength, it is indeed a good thing to keep a low profile.

This city is huge, comparable to the imperial city of the Starfall Dynasty. The streets of the city are also very wide, with cars coming and going, bustling with people, it is very lively.

And after entering the city, Xing Jue also discovered that the people here are not much different from those in the Shura Continent.

Except for a few people who are at the level of Martial Gods, most of them are still at the level of War Saints. As for Shura Warriors, I have been shopping for a long time, and I have not seen a single one.

At this moment, Xing Jue was among the crowd, looking around, looking for his favorite restaurant.

Since he came to such a bustling city, since he was also eating, Xing Jue naturally didn't want to lose his stomach, so he had to find a restaurant that was big enough and good enough.

"Stop for me!!!"

"Quick, quick, grab that little beggar."

But at this moment, there was a sudden roar from behind the street.

Looking sideways, I saw a petite figure rushing past me at a high speed, running towards the depths of the street in a panic.

Although the speed was very fast, it still did not escape the eyes of Xingjue. It turned out to be a little girl who was only about 10 years old.

The little girl was holding a few steamed buns in her hands, and while running hard, she still didn't forget to nibble on the steamed buns in her hand. Her appearance was extremely pitiful, which made people feel pity.

But it was such a little girl who actually chased a tall and strong man behind her.

With a rolling pin in his hand, the strong man was chasing the girl and roaring loudly, scaring the little girl so much that she didn't even dare to turn her head, and kept running forward.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

"Boom Rumble"

But at this moment, Xing Jue was shocked to find that in the direction where the little girl was fleeing, a huge palace suddenly ran towards her.

The speed of the palace was very fast, and the huge monster was about to collide with the little girl in the blink of an eye.

"Dead beggar, get out of here!"

The monster's giant claws are several times bigger than the little girl's. If it tramples down on its back, the little girl will definitely turn into meat paste.

But even in such a situation, the man in the palace did not intend to stop at all, and continued to run forward.

"Ah~~~~ Don't!"

The speed of the palace was so fast, when the little girl reacted, the monster had already come in front of him, let alone avoiding it, the little girl was completely stunned, her face was full of fear.


But just when everyone thought the little girl was dead, they saw a gust of wind blowing up.

A figure darted to the side of the little girl like a ghost, and picked the little girl up, and this one was Xing Jue.

(It is said that flowers are a good thing. I heard that it has a magical effect. It can restore the author's physical strength and mental strength. I don't know if it will work or not. Please throw more flowers and let me see if it is as magical as the legend)

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