Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 57 Competing in the Cultivation Technique [Part 2]

(Today's [-]D update, there are flowers and woods)

Suddenly, Xing Jue's footsteps moved, and his entire body turned into a black line, and at an extremely fast speed, he violently swept away at the Wu army.

But just as Xing Jue was about to approach Wu Jun, a sneer appeared on the corner of Wu Jun's mouth, and then his body trembled slightly, and the black smoke of his debut began to linger on his body, and finally wrapped his whole body in Among them, then I saw his figure flicker, and then disappeared.

"Not good" Looking at the disappearing Wu Jun, Xing Jue felt bad, because what Wu Jun used was also a martial art, and the level of that martial art was no weaker than Xing Jue's "hurricane technique".

Therefore, Xing Jue hurriedly raised his vigilance, and immediately cast the blast technique.At that moment, Wu Jun appeared behind Xing Jue like a ghost.

I saw Wu Jun swung his right arm with an iron fist that contained the spirit of tyrannical martial arts, and slammed towards Xing Jue, but at this time Xing Jue's blast technique had also been performed, Xing Jue's right arm probed, It was Wu Jun's iron fist that was easily blocked, and then he turned around and struck a beautiful roundabout kick, with a fierce wind noise and a certain arc, and swept towards Wu Jun fiercely.

In the face of Xing Jue's sudden counterattack, Wu Jun didn't care at all, but with a random block with his left arm, he wanted to block Xing Jue's roundabout kick.However, he was underestimating Xing Jue.

"Bang" accompanied by a muffled sound, Xing Jue's several roundabout kicks hit Wu Jun's arm fiercely, and the powerful force shocked Wu Jun even more, and he stepped back for a full twenty meters before he stabilized. Stay in shape.

"How?" Xing Jue said with a smile, looking at Wu Jun's embarrassed appearance.Don't look at Xing Jue being so thin, but if Lun Qi's melee combat ability and strength, Xing Jue is in the same level, but he will not lose to anyone.

After hearing Xing Jue's words, Wu Jun's face trembled even more. Originally, he wanted to rely on his body skills and martial arts to make Xing Jue suffer a dumb loss, but he did not expect that Xing Jue's melee combat ability was so powerful. Strong, in just one round, he was defeated.

However, Wu Jun is not afraid of punishment, because what he is really good at is not close combat, but long-range combat. Then Wu Jun didn't answer. After spreading it out, the tyrannical spirit of martial arts also poured into his palms continuously, and quickly condensed two extremely fast rotating flywheels.

Looking at the two extremely fast spinning flywheels in Wu Jun's hands, Xing Jue was also surprised, because of this martial skill, Xing Jue had seen the stuttering disciple use it before.

However, that disciple could only display one flywheel, and this Wu Jun could actually display two at one go, which showed that his strength was far above that of the stuttering disciple.

However, this also confirms Xing Jue's guess, that is, Wu Jun must have practiced some kind of extremely strong martial art, and he has sufficient martial spirit in his body. Martial arts methods, although there are such high requirements for their own operations.

However, the consumption of Wu Qi has also doubled, and this Wu Jun dared to use this method, which means that he does not care about the consumption of Wu Qi at all.

The "Flying Wheel" suddenly shouted violently, and the two flywheels in Wu Jun's hands were like two black discs. Ripples were constantly emitting from the flywheels, and with bursts of harsh sounds, they flew towards Xing Jue at high speed. .

But looking at the two flywheels flying at high speed, Xing Jue sneered, and then his body moved, and the body wrapped by the winds disappeared in a flash.And the two flywheels slammed into the position where Xing Jue stood.

When Xing Jue dodged Wu Jun's attack, he found that Wu Jun had disappeared, and behind him the harsh roar from the flywheel sounded again. When Xing Jue looked back, he found that there were two more The flywheel, with ripples of energy, had already flown towards Xing Jue, and behind the flywheel was the sneering Wu Jun.

At this time, Xing Jue had to feel a little admiration for Wu Jun. To be able to condense two martial skills again in such a short period of time is not something that ordinary people can do, but this kind of attack is completely useless to Xing Jue.Xing Jue flickered, then dodged again.

But what surprised Xing Jue the most was that after Xing Jue flashed past, Wu Jun actually threw two flywheels at Xing Jue again...


The harsh roar resounded constantly. On the spacious test table, Wu Jun had already made a mess. There were deep pits with rising smoke everywhere. During this period, Xing Jue kept dodging. Wu Jun kept throwing the harsh flywheel at Xing Jue.

"Damn, do you think you are the only one who can?" Finally, Xing Jue can't stand it anymore, Wu Jun's war of attrition is over, he thought, since you want to spend more, then I will spend enough with you. Although I haven't fully mastered the advanced cultivation techniques of the sky, it can at least reach the advanced level of the earth. I don't believe that you can absorb the power of martial arts faster than me.

Thinking of this, Xing Jue's figure is certain. Facing the flywheel that came flying again, Xing Jue no longer dodged, but spread his palms, and two bright rays of light appeared in Xing Jue's hands, facing the flywheel. The flywheel that swept in at an extreme speed was shot out.

"bang" "bang"

With two loud noises, the two palm prints of light collided with the two flywheels, and the two collided, setting off two tyrannical energy ripples.On the square test stand, it was like two gorgeous fireworks.

Just after the two palms were struck, Xing Jue's palms condensed two bright rays of light again, and then they slapped Wu Jun fiercely.

Looking at the two palm prints of light that swept in at a very high speed, Wu Jun was also a little confused. He originally wanted to rely on his own primary cultivation technique to suppress Xing Jue to the death, until he was forced to the point where his physical strength was exhausted. kill him.

However, after a fierce battle, Wu Jun himself felt a little tired, but the punishment was like a normal person, and he started to fight back against him. Wu Jun was stupid.He thought to himself, "Could this guy's practice be better than mine? It's impossible, impossible." Wu Jun couldn't imagine that someone would practice a practice above him.

In the face of this extremely fast ray of light, Wu Jun did not have any countermeasures. The only thing he could do was to escape, keep running away, but this would indeed make Wu Jun look good, but at this time, the weak wanted to survive. His only way to survive.

So Wu Jun, after a fierce inner struggle, gritted his teeth, and began to flee at a very high speed, so an interesting scene appeared. Previously, Wu Jun, who was chasing Xing Jue and threw the flywheel, is now being arrested. Xing Jue chased everywhere.

"This kid in Yufeng Pavilion is very interesting." At this moment, an elder of the Tibetan Medicine Villa, a three-star pharmacist, who was sitting on the ** stage, said with admiration.

"Well, as expected of a disciple trained by Yufeng Pavilion, he really has some strength."

"Among the younger generation, he is indeed a figure." Under his leadership, the other four elders also praised Xing Jue. Obviously, Xing Jue can suppress Wu Jun to such an extent that in their hearts Very refreshing.

"Damn, who the hell is this kid? He's even more powerful than Wu Jun's."Compared with the very leader of the Tibetan Medicine Villa, the black-haired elder in the Netherworld Palace said in a very unhappy manner.

"bang" "bang"

There were two more roars, and an embarrassed figure, with billowing smoke, escaped from the smoke, and this was Wu Jun.After Xing Jue's bombing, Wu Jun's consumption is also increasing, so his speed has become slower and slower, and it is obvious that he will not be able to keep up with Xing Jue's speed.At this moment, he was extremely embarrassed, and even his clothes were not left with the aftermath of the explosion, which was a bit tattered.

"What? No way? Are you out of strength?" With a calm smile, Xing Jue slowly walked towards Wu Jun, who was breathing heavily.

"Damn, you're courting death!" Seeing Xing Jue's calm smile, Wu Jun felt angry. He only found out now that he and Xing Jue were fighting like a monkey who was playing tricks, and he never really took possession of him. The upper hand has been played by Xing Jue in applause,

At first, although he was chasing Xing Jue to fight, Xing Jue was very easy to hide, but after being chased, he became so embarrassed, this made him arrogant, how could he bear it? What's more, there are tens of thousands of people watching from the audience at the moment.

Suddenly, Wu Jun's right fist clenched tightly, and the tyrannical silver-white gas lingered in his hand, and finally turned into a real awake silver-white glove in his right fist, and from the glove, there was also a silver-white glove. The dazzling rays of light continued to shine, and in the glove, Xing Jue could feel a very terrifying aura.

"It's actually a low-level martial arts skill." Xing Jue said in shock, looking at the dazzling silver-white glove in Wu Jun's hand.At the same time, he also began to admire Wu Jun's position in the Netherworld Hall. This guy not only learned the ground-level exercises, but also the low-level martial arts. This is the focus of training.

"This kid, even in this state, dare to use this trick." The elder of the Netherworld Palace also seemed a little worried after seeing Wu Jun using this trick.But after worrying about it, a smile of admiration appeared on his face, because he suddenly felt that Wu Jun's use of this move at this time was the most appropriate and his only chance.

At this moment, the black smoke also wrapped Wu Jun's body again, and this is Wu Jun's body and martial arts.

Looking at Wu Jun, who once again displayed his martial arts skills, Xing Jue knew that this kid was going to die...

Immediately with a thought, the blast technique was cast, and then the right fist was slightly clenched.A tyrannical black gas burst out from his fist, and a black long sword condensed in the shocked eyes of everyone. The large black gas on the surface of the long sword was like a rising flame. Constantly burning.And a terrifying aura that is not weaker than the glove is also exuded.

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