Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 587 Not Simple Lin Shishi

"Oh my god, Xingjue, where did you get so much body refining essence!"

And when everyone saw the table full of body training essence, their eyes immediately glowed green, especially Zhang Xing, who was troubled by the one-year agreement, was full of excitement, and his heart was filled with excitement.

Because of the cultivation effect of the body refining essence, he has personally experienced it. If he practiced with this body refining essence every day, after a year, he might really have the hope of breaking through to the level of an intermediate Asura warrior.

"As I said, you don't need to be stingy with this body training essence, there will be more in the future."

"These body refining essences are only temporary. Everyone, take them to practice first, and I will get them after they are used up." Xing Jue smiled, and as he spoke, a gentle force emanated, and the hundred bottles on the dining table were refined. The body essence was dragged away and sent into the hands of everyone one after another.

"Xing Jue, you have done this for us, how should we repay you!"

Looking at the body training essence that fluttered into his hands one after another, while everyone was happy, both men and women had their eyes moist, and even their cheeks were wet with tears.

This body refining essence, even if it is a disciple of the middle school, can only be used by those outstanding disciples who focus on training. Its preciousness can be imagined, but it is such a precious body refining essence that Xing Jue distributed it to them without hesitation. How can they not be moved.

"You are a brother, don't talk about repaying, because I do this for everyone, just because of the friendship between brothers!" Xing Jue had a faint smile on his face, but his smile moved everyone even more.

"Xingjue, thank you so much! With this body-refining essence and a one-year contract, maybe... I can win!"

After dinner, Xing Jue called Zhang Xing out alone. Since there were less than a hundred members in the dragon group, after each person distributed a bottle of body refining essence, there were still 1 bottles left, and those 5 bottles all fell into Zhang Xing's pocket. , so much body refining essence, if Zhang Xing used it sparingly, he felt that one year was enough.

"Brother Zhang, I can exchange for the essence of body training in the future, so you don't have to use it sparingly!"

"In addition, I have already informed Elder Ouyang that after two months, you can enter the Promise Chamber with me to practice in seclusion!" Looking at the grateful Zhang Xing, Xing Jue said with a smile.

"What did you say? Elder Ouyang promised to let me follow you into the Wuji secret room to practice?" After hearing Xing Jue's words, Zhang Xing opened his mouth wide in surprise, and his face was covered with mixed emotions of shock and excitement.

As a member of the Ming Dynasty, he knew more about Wujiyuan than Xingjue. Of course, he had heard about the Wuji Secret Room. It was a holy place where only middle school disciples could enter to practice.

"When did I lie to you, so you don't have to save this body refining essence, it's enough for two months."

"Okay, it's getting late, you should rest early!" Xing Jue patted Zhang Xing's shoulder lightly, feeling Zhang Xing's trembling body, he could feel Zhang Xing's excitement at the moment.

Zhang Xing, who understood Xingjue quite well, didn't say anything more. He knew that it would be useless to say thank you. The only thing he could do was to practice hard and defeat that tall tree a year later, so that he would not be in vain for what Xingjue had done for him. everything of.

After Zhang Xing returned to his room, Xing Jue was the only person left in the courtyard of the Dragon Group. Xing Jue sat alone in the gazebo, eating desserts on his plate, drinking fragrant tea, and looking up at the sky and moonlight , with an appearance of enjoying life, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Sister Shishi, since you're here, why don't you show up?" Xing Jue whispered to someone in the attic until the night was getting dark and the lights in the attic were all extinguished.


And when Xing Jue's words fell, a white light was seen sweeping down from the attic, and a girl in fluttering white clothes fell slowly and walked into the gazebo.

This is the owner of the Immortal Grass Residence. This delicate-faced girl is dressed in the white robe of Wujiyuan. Under the reflection of the moonlight, she looks even more beautiful, especially her snow-white skin, which exudes a charming charm in every inch. Fragrance, heart-pounding!

"Hmph, since you knew I was coming here, why did you call me out? Did you do it on purpose?" After the girl entered the gazebo, she gave Xing Jue a hard look, and then sat down on the stone chair.

"Sister Shishi, look at what you said, since you came here and refused to show up, it must be because you don't want others to know."

"I can only invite you out after the others fall asleep."

"It's so late, you haven't eaten yet, come, have a dessert!"

With a gracious smile on his face, Xing Jue handed a piece of dessert to the girl.This girl's identity is not simple, and she is good at refining medicine. She will need her help in many places in the future. Xing Jue dare not offend her. On the contrary, he must establish a good relationship with her!

"Go, less hypocrisy."

"Also, don't call me Sister Shishi, just call me by my name!" The girl first gave Xing Jue a blank look, and then said: "I never thought that you exchanged a hundred bottles of body training essence, not for yourself, but for this group of mediocre people." Brother, it seems that you are still full of friendship, but it is a pity that I have lost my body training essence!"

"Money is something outside of the body. In this world where the strong are respected, apart from my own strength, I think the friendship between friends is the most precious!" Xing Jue smiled lightly, showing his calmness!

"I'm afraid that if you are affectionate and righteous to them, they will fail you!" Seeing this, the girl's face suddenly flashed a look of surprise, and then she said with serious eyes.

"It doesn't matter, I only do things with a clear conscience!" Xing Jue smiled indifferently.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I'll help you once. This is the second-level body training essence, which is more effective for your friend's cultivation."

"With his aptitude, with the first-level body refining essence, it is still difficult to cultivate to a middle-level Shura warrior within a year, but if he is replaced by this second-level body training essence, it will definitely not be difficult!"

The girl suddenly took out a red jade bottle and placed it on the stone table, and when she opened the jade bottle, a tangy fragrance flowed out.

"Second-level body refining essence? Could it be that there is also a third-level body refining essence?" After feeling the strange liquid in the jade bottle, Xing Jue's pupils suddenly dilated, showing a sense of wonder.

He didn't expect that this body refining essence could be divided into different levels. From this appearance, this so-called second-level body refining essence should be refined from red fairy grass.

If calculated in this way, maybe the purple seeds can also be refined into body refining essence. The medicinal power contained in the purple seeds is not trivial, and maybe it can also be refined into body refining essence. If it is used for daily cultivation, it may be comparable to criminal Determine the effect of daily refining Shura Ningshi.

"You are very smart. In fact, it is not that the conjoined essences have different levels, but that there are different levels of grass jelly. The green jelly grass is the first level, and the red jelly grass is the second level. The tree vine you saw that day The monster is a third-order fairy grass." The girl explained.

"So that's how it is. It's just that you came here today to give me this Tier [-] Body Refining Essence for free, right?" After hearing the girl's words, Xing Jue suddenly realized, but he also knew that there is no free lunch in the world.

"Of course not. This second-level body-refining essence is extremely precious to Wujiyuan, but it is not unusual for me. If you need me, I have more."

"And you just need to do me a favor, and I can give these to you." The girl didn't show her eyebrows, but went straight to the topic, explaining the purpose of today's visit!

"Heh, the second-level body refining essence is indeed precious, but it is not very useful to me. If possible, I would like to experience the effect of the third-level body refining essence." It's not a joke, but express your own thoughts.


"Refining body refining essence, the higher the level of fairy grass, the more difficult it will be, and the greater the chance of failure."

"The third-level body refining essence, even the Promise Academy, no one can refine it. I just asked you to do me a small favor, but you actually opened your mouth to me!" The girl showed a displeased expression.

"Actually, you can do whatever you want. I'm just interested in the third-level body refining essence, and I don't have to." Xing Jue shrugged, looking indifferent.

"You..." Seeing Xing Jue's appearance, her girlish face flushed red, and she wished to give Xing Jue two slaps, but after thinking for a moment, she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, wait for me outside Wuji Courtyard tomorrow morning , bring your own dry food for two months!"

After she finished speaking, she didn't stop, and with a flick of her delicate body, she soared into the sky with a ray of colorful clouds.

"Two months? Hey! You haven't told me what I'm going to do?" Seeing this, Xing Jue couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly asked through sound transmission.

"Go and pick, fourth-order fairy grass!"


When Xing Jue heard the girl's words, the scented tea he had just poured into his mouth suddenly spewed out. The third-tier fairy grass was already so difficult to deal with, and the fourth-tier fairy grass felt terrifying just thinking about it.

But after a moment of astonishment, Xing Jue's face was filled with an expectant smile.

Because Xing Jue felt more and more that this young girl was not simple. There was a third-level fairy grass in the natural garden, and even the elders didn't know about it, but the young girl knew that the third-level body-refining essence that the Promise Court could not refine, the young girl could actually, it can be seen that she There are transcendent means in refining medicine.

And thinking about it carefully, the cultivation effect of Shura Ningshi is already extremely terrifying. I am afraid that even the speed of cultivation in the Infinity Chamber may not be able to surpass Shura Ningshi.

If one were to practice normally, it would take half a year for Xing Jue to become a high-level Asura martial artist, but it would be too difficult to reach an elementary Asura martial artist within a year. Confidence like Xing Jue is actually completely hopeless.

However, the body refining essence has an astonishing effect of speeding up cultivation. If the third-level cultivation essence is comparable to the Shura Condensing Stone, then the fourth-level cultivation essence will definitely surpass the Shura Gaze Stone.

If Xing Jue really helped the girl to pick the fourth-level celestial grass, and she could successfully refine the fourth-level cultivation essence, Xing Jue might be able to reach the first-level Asura martial artist within a year, maybe it is really not a luxury.

"Girl Lin Shishi, why did you go to Xingjue?"

"I don't know, this girl is acting weird, no one knows what she's thinking!"

"It's just that I didn't expect this girl to have reached the level of an intermediate Shura warrior. You know, she was confirmed as incapable of cultivation back then!"

"Well, this girl, although her talent in cultivation is mediocre, her talent in refining medicine is unparalleled. She must have improved her strength by virtue of the medicinal power of the fairy grass!"

"In any case, this is a good thing. After the headmaster leaves the customs, he will be very happy when he learns about it!"

Just when Xing Jue was thinking about the essence of the fourth-order cultivation, in a certain corner of the Promise Court, there were two pairs of eyes watching Lin Shishi who was gradually going away, and these two old people were none other than the Promise Court Among the four elders, Elder Ouyang and Elder Zhongli!

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