Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 598 Wheel Chapter Hell

"Hey, did you actually find out?"

"It's not easy! It's worthy of being a branch offspring who can enter the Promise Chamber"

As soon as Xing Jue said this, two figures flashed out of the rocks not far behind him. The two men were both high-level Shura warriors, and Xing Jue had seen these two before. They were Zhou Peng. two followers.

In fact, Xing Jue has already felt the existence of these two people. It can be said that after meeting Lin Shishi at the entrance of the secret room, these two people have been following Xing Jue.

The reason why Xing Jue called the two out now was to avoid implicating Liu Yuan and Zhang Xing. After all, Zhou Peng had a backer in the Intermediate Court.

Although he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, since the trouble came to him automatically, Xing Jue would never back down, because Xing Jue had never been a timid person.


Knowing that the comer was not good, Xing Jue didn't bother to say much, and turned into a flash of light and rushed towards the two of them, and at the same time struck out with both palms towards the gate of their lives.

"Hmph, you are really weak enough, you dare to sell to us two without even learning combat skills?"

"I really don't know how a bastard like you got in here."

"Alright, today I will show you what combat skills are, and the gap between the disciples of the branch school and the disciples of the middle school!"

In the eyes of the two, Xing Jue's attack was full of flaws. Instead of dodging or dodging, they stood in the distance and waited for Xing Jue's arrival. At the same time, the two palms were brewing a powerful attack.

"Soft fist!"

But at this moment, the two only heard a shout coming from behind them, and at the same time they only felt a sharp pain in their backs, and their figures flew forward.

And under that powerful inertial force, the bodies of the two went straight to Xingjue in front of them, and the two palms that the two looked at had no lethal force also hit the chests of the two of them fiercely.

"Pfft, puff"

The back and chest were injured at the same time, and the blood of the two of them sprayed out from their mouths, and they were already seriously injured.

"Damn it, when did you hide behind it? Why are there two people?"

Although they were wounded front and back, the two could clearly feel that the sneak attack from behind was the fatal attack, which was a very powerful combat skill, and at this moment, looking at the two criminals who appeared next to them, the man was even more shocked. It's full of shock.

"Hmph, what a fuss, the middle school disciples are nothing more than that."

"Go away, tell your dog owner by the way, within ten days I will come to find him and make him ready," Xing Jue said disdainfully.

"Arrogant boy, just because you are also being yelled at by the two of us." Seeing this, the two men were furious, got up and rushed towards Xingjue again.

"Pfft, puff..." But this time, Xing Jue didn't even use his combat skills, just two random punches, and the two of them flew away again.

"It seems that you really didn't understand the situation. If it weren't for the fact that you are the disciples of the Wuji Academy, I would have killed the two of you earlier!"

"But it's okay, dogs like you won't be obedient if you don't teach them a lesson!"

The two obeyed others, Xing Jue didn't want to make things difficult, but seeing the two being so difficult, Xing Jue's unhappiness became more intense.

Then I saw a scream in the remote tunnel of the Wuji secret room. When Xing Jue waved his sleeves away, the two of them were covered with bruises, footprints were everywhere on the Taoist robes, and even the front teeth were lost several times. indivual.

With the improvement of strength, Xing Jue has become more and more proficient in the use of soul skills such as soul clones. It is no longer difficult to fight against high-level Shura warriors, but he can only defeat the opponent in a sneak attack. , is obviously more difficult.

And if you meet a Shura martial artist, then the chance of winning is almost zero. From the failure to defeat Gao Lin that day, it can be seen that a Shura martial artist who has mastered intermediate combat skills is very powerful.

After all, Gao Lin had only half-stepped into a Shura martial artist back then, so Xing Jue knew that if he wanted to defeat Gao Lin, he had to reach the level of a Shura martial artist without very powerful attack methods.

The Promise Chamber is very large, and the deeper it goes, the wider it becomes. There are even many small tunnels, and Xing Jue solved the two men in a tunnel that was rarely visited by people before.

After solving the two, Xing Jue returned to the main road with more traffic, and continued to explore the depths, because the main road is not only spacious, but also the only way to the deepest part of the secret room.

And Xing Jue came here this time, not because he wanted to take advantage of the doubling Shura power here to practice, but because he wanted to reach the deepest part of the Promise Chamber, a strange place.

The power of Asura there is not only the strongest, but also has a strange pool, which contains special energy. If you use the third-order body refining essence to practice there, the speed of Xing Jue's practice will be really improved.

Only by cultivating there can Xing Jue possibly break through to the level of Asura martial artist within eight months, but it is very dangerous there, and even the disciples of the middle school rarely dare to go there.

But in order to defeat Gao Lin for a one-year contract, Xing Jue decided to give it a try. As for the name of the place, it was called the Hell of Reincarnation.

After two days of practice, Xing Jue successfully broke through to the level of a high-ranking Asura warrior, and he also came to the place where the most people gather in the Shura Chamber. Many people see the deepest part of the Promise Chamber, but it is only the entrance to the hell of reincarnation.

"This is the hell of reincarnation? Why is this feeling so familiar yet so weird?"

Looking at the gate not far away, which is tens of feet high, hundreds of feet wide, and made of uneven rocks, Xing Jue couldn't help feeling familiar.

Especially on the gate, the word reincarnation written in ancient fonts in blood-red color seems to have magical power. When looking in this direction, the eyes will be involuntarily attracted by it.

And after being attracted by it, I couldn’t help staring at it. Although there are only two fonts, it is like two deep bottomless pits, and there are unknown things in the bottom of the cave, which makes people want to explore. .

But the more he looked at it, the more chaotic Xing Jue felt in his heart, the stronger that indescribable feeling of familiarity and strangeness, and even began to feel tightness in the chest and pain in the head, which became more and more intense.

But when the feeling was wrong, Xing Jue seemed to be bound, and his eyes couldn't move away from the word reincarnation. At this moment, an inexplicable panic flooded into Xing Jue's heart.

"Hey, don't keep looking at those two words, those two words have magic power!" At this moment, a soft female voice suddenly sounded behind Xing Jue, and at the same time, a soft jade hand also patted Xing Jue's. on the shoulders.


But it was that light drink and light slap that summoned Xing Jue from the word reincarnation and avoided a crisis.

Looking sideways, I saw a young woman standing behind him frowning, it could be seen that she was the one who saved Xing Jue.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, for your help. Earlier, Senior Sister said that these two words have magic power. I don't know what kind of magic power it is?"

The woman kindly saved Xing Jue, and Xing Jue was very grateful, but he was also very curious why the mere word "District" had such a strange power, and he was also very curious about the consequences if he kept staring at this word.

In fact, Lin Shishi's record about the Promise Chamber of Secrets left by Xing Jue is a manuscript. Although it records the danger of the reincarnation hell, it does not record the degree of danger of the reincarnation hell, and the word reincarnation with magical power .

But at this moment, before he entered the hell of reincarnation, he was almost bound by the two words at the door. Xing Jue felt that this hell of reincarnation was not easy.



But before the woman could answer, not far from Xingjue, a male disciple sprayed out a mouthful of blood, and then collapsed powerlessly on the ground, and passed out. His face was pale and his breath was extremely weak. Just half breath.

"See? It's the magic power that can take your life!"

"Really, this place is obviously a forbidden place, why do so many people come here today, are they crazy to want to practice?" The woman frowned and muttered to herself.

"Hey! Don't stare at those two words, those two words have magic power!" Suddenly, the woman rushed towards a male disciple not far away.

And at this moment, Xing Jue was also shocked to find that here, like a woman, there is more than one person who is warning everyone not to stare at those two words, there are actually more than a dozen of them.

And these dozens of people are all women, and on the chest, in addition to the medal of the middle court, there is also a gorgeous medal like a flower, and the phonetic characters are written on the medal.

The strength of those women is very long, and they are only high-level Shura warriors, but their aura is stronger than other disciples present.

Moreover, Xing Jue also discovered that, except for those women, many Qi disciples would not even read those two words, obviously they knew the strangeness of those two words.

And now, just like Xing Jue, the person who came here and stared at the two words, the breath is not strong, obviously they have just reached the level of high-level warriors, it should be the opening of the secret room, the people who have just entered here .

"Hey, hey! Don't look at those two words, those two words have magic power!"

At this moment, Xing Jue also imitated the appearance of a woman and yelled at some disciples who had just arrived here to avoid more people being injured.

Xing Jue knew that those women must know something about the hell of reincarnation, so he wanted to use this to get close.

However, there are more and more newcomers arriving here, and it is powerless to rely on them alone to dissuade them. In the end, Xingjue came up with a way. Through special means, a row of big characters was arranged here, which read "It is forbidden to watch reincarnation." Two words, otherwise you will be injured at your own risk"

This trick really worked, and at this moment, those women and Xing Jue were finally freed, and Xing Jue also successfully talked to the woman who had saved her earlier.

"I don't know who wrote those two words, I only know that those two words have magic power."

"The Reincarnation Hell is a forbidden place. It is forbidden by the Elder's Court and is not allowed to enter." At this moment, the woman was sweating profusely and was drinking the clear spring water Xing Jue handed her.

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