(Today, the second update)

At this moment, inside the Xingfu, there are huge crowds of people, and it is very lively. You can hear happy faces, laughter, and topics about Xingjue everywhere.

Not to mention, Yao Di, Lin Shishi, Liu Bing, and other friends came to congratulate, and even the four elders of Wuji Academy also came to the mansion.

Moreover, hundreds of people came to congratulate the disciples of the Intermediate Court, and the representative among them was Liu Yuan, whom Xing Jue met in the Promise Chamber.

Facing the congratulations from all the disciples, Xing Jue did not lose his etiquette, and he simply held a large banquet to entertain everyone, that's why the current situation happened.

Although now Xing Jue has obtained the Wuji Palm that he needs, but there is no news from Soul Venerable, and Xing Jue cannot leave here for the time being.

Since I have to stay here for a while, instead of accepting the eyes of everyone every day, it is better to get along with the disciples of the Promise Academy.

"Junior Brother Xingjue, your performance today is really great. I didn't expect you to be so strong. It seems that my second place in the strong list will soon be handed over to you."

"Senior Sister Yao Di, don't make fun of me." Xing Jue felt helpless about Yao Di's ridicule, then changed the subject and secretly said: "Senior Sister Yao Di, when shall we leave?"

"I never thought that Junior Brother Xing Jue would care about my affairs so much." Seeing that Xing Jue cared so much about his own affairs, Yao Di was moved, and then said:

"The Five Poisons Society's strength is no small matter. With our strength, it is not the best strategy to forcibly attack."

"However, I have eyes and ears in the Five Poisons Association, and I learned that the beast that destroyed my family will soon leave the Five Poisons Association and go to a grand event."

"As soon as he leaves, we will set off and kill him on the way."

"That's good, well-prepared, and casualties can be avoided." Xing Jue nodded in agreement.

"Brother Xing Jue, the four elders welcome you!" Just as Xing Jue, Yao Di and Xing Jue were about to chat happily, a sweet and gentle voice suddenly sounded.

Looking sideways, I saw the delicate and lovely Lin Shishi, with her little hands behind her back, staring at Xing Jue and Yao Di with those beautiful crescent-like eyes.

"Junior Xingjue, it's really not easy. I didn't expect that even this special girl, Junior Sister Shishi, would favor you!" Seeing this, Yao Di secretly sent a voice, and in his smile, there was even a unique smile. Kind of mean.


For Yao Di's ridicule, Xing Jue feels helpless, he and Lin Shishi have a pure friendship, but unfortunately, Lin Shishi treats everyone except him with a cold look.

So he became the only special existence in the eyes of everyone. It was reasonable for everyone to suspect that the relationship between the two of them was not simple, and he couldn't explain it clearly even if he wanted to.

"Shishi, what do the elders want from me? Do you know?" At this moment, Xing Jue followed Lin Shishi and asked in a low voice.

"You'll find out later, it's a good thing." Lin Shishi smiled sweetly, and actually put on a show.

In desperation, Xing Jue had no choice but to walk towards the hall of the palace with a feeling of apprehension.Although the Xingfu hall is the site of Xingjue, it is now occupied by the four elders of Wujiyuan.


But the moment Xing Jue entered the hall, he couldn't help being stunned, because besides the four elders, there was actually a middle-aged man in the hall.

This man was handsome and majestic. Although he was wearing the same Taoist robe, the Taoist robe on his body was different from the elder's. It was actually golden.

And the man's aura is secretive, Xing Jue can't feel the flow of the man's aura at all, coupled with the respectful appearance of the four elders, Xing Jue already has the answer.

"Father, this is Xingjue." Sure enough, when Xingjue was guessing, Lin Shishi actually spoke first, and said respectfully to the man.

"Disciple Xing Jue, pay homage to Master Zhangjiao!" Seeing this, Xing Jue hurried forward and gave a big gift.

Because the person in front of him is the head teacher of the Wuji Academy, Lin Shishi's father, Hong Qiang, who is known as the number one powerhouse in the Ming Kingdom!

"Sure enough, you are very talented and witty. No wonder you elders, even my beloved daughter praises you so much." That Hong Qiang stood up, walked to Xing Jue, and actually helped Xing Jue up by himself .

"It's an honor to be the head teacher!" Xing Jue replied modestly.

"There is no need to be humble, it is really not easy to have such strength at such an age."

"Even the me back then was inferior to you." The teacher's eyes were full of appreciation, he kept looking at Xing Jue, and pulled Xing Jue to sit beside him.

"Xing Jue, I called you here today, actually there is something I want to discuss with you."

The head teacher said with a smile, and at this moment, the four elders and Lin Shishi all focused their eyes on Xing Jue, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

"If the headmaster has something to tell you, as long as Xing Jue is capable, he will obey." Xing Jue replied.

"I want to appoint you as the successor of the head teacher. I wonder if you would like it?" The head teacher smiled lightly.

"This..." After hearing Hong Qiang's words, Xing Jue's face couldn't help but change. He never imagined that Hong Qiang would let him inherit the position of head teacher of the Promise Academy.

"Xing Jue, this is not an order, but a request. You can say what you think, and I will never force you to do anything." Regarding Xing Jue's reaction, the head teacher seemed to have expected it, but continued to laugh.

"To tell you the truth, I am not here. I am staying here, waiting for someone. When he comes, I am destined to leave." Facing such an open-minded teacher, Xing Jue is also unwilling to hide, but It's true.

"Xingjue, the position of head teacher is what countless disciples yearn for. You should think twice before acting!"

"Yes, Xingjue, you should think about it carefully!"

Seeing that Xing Jue actually refused, the four elders were all shocked. They would not want such an outstanding disciple like Xing Jue to leave the Wuji Institute, that would be a huge loss to the Wuji Institute.

At this moment, Lin Shishi's gaze also became complicated. Although she did not persuade Xingjue to stay, there was a reluctance on her face.

"Forget it, Xing Xin has great ambitions, how can we stop him from spreading his wings and flying high!" At this moment, Hong Qiang, the head teacher of the Promise Academy, smiled indifferently, and waved his hands to the four elders, signaling that they don't have to Stay strong.

"Thank you for your understanding." Seeing this, Xing Jue couldn't help standing up, and once again gave a big gift to the head teacher of Wuji Academy.

Because of Xingjue, I really felt a little sorry for the master teacher. As the four elders said, among the disciples of the Promise Academy, 99 out of [-] people want to be the head teacher.

But for many people, sitting on the position of head teacher is like a fool's dream, which can only be realized in the dream.

But now the head teacher actually personally chooses Xing Jue as his successor, but Xing Jue refuses out loud. Little affection, and feel guilty.

"Shishi, go and invite the senior sisters on the top list, I have something to announce!" Then the head teacher said to Lin Shishi, and Lin Shishi also walked out of the hall in response.

And at this moment, the hall was a bit awkward, Xing Jue had just rejected the head teacher, and he didn't know how to communicate with the other party, and the four elders were also silent, with regret on their faces.

"Xingjue, my girl is very capricious. Back then I took her to the Wuji Courtyard, and it took a lot of effort."

"Now, she actually took the initiative to call my father and recognize me, which really surprised me."

"Originally, I was still puzzled by her change. It wasn't until she praised me a lot to you earlier that I realized that it was you who changed her."

"Except for the status of the head teacher, I really want to thank you very much. You helped me find my daughter and gave me the opportunity to make up for her."

But at this moment, Xing Jue's ears suddenly sounded the head teacher's sound transmission, and at this moment, the number one powerhouse in the Ming Kingdom was looking at him with grateful eyes.

"Headmaster's words are serious, Shishi is my friend, I just hope she can have a better life!"

Xing Jue smiled faintly, at this moment, Xing Jue was actually quite happy, because he felt that this Hong Qiang was actually a very good person.

Although, he made a mistake at the beginning, but thinking about it carefully, with his personality, there must have been some unspeakable secrets at the beginning, but he didn't want to say it.

"Disciple, meet Master Zhangjiao and the four elders!"

But at this moment, the door of the palace opened, and nine people walked in. Except for Lin Shishi, the other eight were all members of the strong list. this.

"I left customs today because I received a message."

"This news is good news for both my Promise Academy and everyone who is doing it."

"In other words, this is a once-in-a-century event, and now it has happened to us."

"But being able to seize this opportunity depends entirely on your strength." After everyone entered, the head teacher Hong Qiang's face became extremely serious, and he said loudly to everyone.

After hearing his words, Xing Jue and the others were all taken aback. They looked at each other, but no one knew what the good news Hong Qiang was talking about, not even Lin Shishi.

In the end, I had no choice but to focus my expectant eyes on the head teacher, waiting for him to give the answer that everyone was looking forward to.

"Five Fingers Peak, have you all heard of it?" Facing the curious crowd, the head teacher Hong Qiang suddenly said.

"Five Fingers?!"

After hearing Hong Qiang's words, everyone was shocked, because everyone sitting here knew the name of Wuzhifeng, the strongest existence in this world, and the ruler of this world.

"Samsara Peak, one of the Five Finger Peaks, will hold a grand meeting in the countries of our Eastern Region in the near future."

"Since this grand event is held by Samsara Peak, it is naturally inseparable from Samsara Peak."

"To tell you the truth, this so-called grand meeting is actually a contest between nearly a hundred forces in the Eastern Region."

"And the winner in the end will get great benefits. His faction will become a subsidiary force of Samsara Peak, and his outstanding disciples will even have the opportunity to enter Samsara Peak." The head teacher smiled satisfied with everyone's reaction, and then loudly Said.

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