(Today, the second update, and one more)

An unintentional mistake made Xing Jue know that the Soul Venerable would not last forever. As a Venerable, he lost his body, which is equivalent to a human being without a body, and turned into a soul body.

With the passing of time, it will disappear one day, but the soul lord will not be like the soul body, as the strength weakens, the life will also weaken.

Instead, while maintaining his strength, he wasted his own life. Although after some pressing, Venerable Soul still didn't say how long he could live, but Xing Jue knew that he must be running out of time.

Knowing that Venerable Soul has such a difficult punishment, he will naturally not blame him for not looking for training materials for him. After all, Venerable Soul has been helping himself to find out about his father's knowledge while looking for materials. whereabouts.

"Xingjue, you can't rely on others, you must rely on yourself."

"If you grow up in a greenhouse and don't experience hardships, no matter how high your cultivation is, you may not be able to become a strong person." After telling Xing Jue about his own situation, Venerable Soul reminded Xing Jue.

"Yeah!" Xing Jue nodded slightly, he naturally knew the reason for this.

Seeing Xing Jue's epiphany, Venerable Soul smiled in satisfaction, then waved his sleeve robe, and the pale hurricane that filled the surroundings disappeared in smoke.

And at this moment, it can be clearly seen that a mechanical ship is floating in the clouds, located [-] meters away from the two of them.

After dissipating the hurricane, Xing Jue returned to the organ ship, while Venerable Soul personally gave Tang Lian some instructions.

The content of the instruction is naturally inseparable from Xing Jue, it is nothing more than to let Tang Lian keep his identity a secret, to prevent outsiders from knowing that Xing Jue has such a background as him, and to take care of Xing Jue.

But what frustrates Xing Jue the most is that Venerable Soul's instructions actually reveal a little threatening meaning, but Tang Lian seems to be very fond of Venerable Soul, showing fear.

After the Lord Soul left, the organ ship sailed again. Xing Jue and Tang Lian didn't have any episodes during the journey, but they were unfamiliar with each other, and they still had a good chat, but Tang Lian never asked about the Lord Soul. The matter of the venerable, as well as Xingjue's family background, this is naturally related to the instructions of the venerable.

The setting sun is setting, the night is shawl, and the star river in the sky is slowly flowing. Appreciating it above the clouds, it looks more bright and dazzling.

Looking at the sleeping Tang Lian not far away, Xing Jue opened his palm, and the dark blue soul orb emerged.

"It's really good stuff!"

And looking at the soul orb that was lingering with gorgeous light and contained extremely rich soul power, Xing Jue couldn't help but a smile of anticipation appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Venerable Soul risked his life to snatch the soul orb when Lu Yuan condensed it into shape, just to let Xing Jue strengthen his soul power, so that he could better cultivate his soul skills.

But Venerable Soul didn't know that Xing Jue could rely on the Soul Eater Art to transform the power of the soul into his own physical strength.

According to Xing Jue's estimate, if he refines such a rich soul orb and breaks through to a high-level Asura martial artist, there will be absolutely no problem.

"Amu" thought of this, Xing Jue threw his wrist lightly, and the soul orb flew up in a semi-circular arc, and with his mouth opened, it fell into Xing Jue's mouth.

After the entrance of the soul orb, Xing Jue made his handprint and began to refine with his eyes closed. In the past, the refining spirit was outside the body, but this soul orb is special and must be refined inside the body.

In fact, it means that Xingjue is special, dare to refine this soul orb with such strength and such a system, you must know that according to the soul venerable, even a strong person at Lu Yuan's level must be careful when refining this soul orb, and dare not There is no carelessness.

And after some refinement, Xing Jue found to his astonishment that this soul orb was much more difficult to refine than the spirit. With his current strength, after a few hours, he could only refine it a little bit.

But fortunately, the distance between Eastern Territory and Samsara Peak is far away. It is said that it will take at least a month to travel day and night in a mechanical boat.

And during this month, Xing Jue would secretly refine the soul orb in his body every day under the pretext of practicing, and after a month, Xing Jue finally completely refined the soul orb.

"Boom" came a loud noise from inside the ship, and the originally stable mechanical ship began to shake from side to side, and this was not a hurricane, nor was it an enemy attack, but the sound caused by Xing Jue's breakthrough.

"What's going on?" The sudden change startled the sleeping Tang Lian, and her surroundings were tense.

"Junior Brother Xing Jue... have you made a breakthrough?" But soon she sensed that Xing Jue's aura had increased several times.

"Sorry, I disturbed Senior Sister." Xing Jue smiled apologetically.

In fact, he was extremely excited at this moment, because he discovered to his astonishment that the one that had completely quantified the soul orb had obtained an incomparably powerful soul power.

Not only did it instantly break through to the level of a high-ranking Shura martial artist, but it is also not far away from the Shura Martial Ancestor. According to Xing Jue's estimation, if he tempers his body with the body-refining essence every day, it will not exceed two months, and he will be able to regain his strength again. Break through and reach the level of Shura Wuzong.

"It seems that what Venerable Soul said is true, if I have enough cultivation resources, maybe within three years, I can really stand at the top of this world!"

Xing determined to sigh secretly, but he also knew that something as precious as a soul orb must be hard to find in the world, otherwise it would be impossible to make that true disciple of Guiyin Peak so crazy.

In fact, at this moment, Xing Jue admires Venerable Soul very much. He was able to escape from such a strong man, which shows that his escape skills are by no means ordinary.

"Junior Xing Jue, look quickly, we are almost there, and there is Samsara Peak."

But at this moment, Tang Lian's face suddenly melted with joy, pointing to the distance and saying.

Turning around to look, Xing Jue couldn't help being startled, because he found to his astonishment that in the distant sky, there was actually a mountain peak piercing through the clouds.

The most miraculous thing is that this peak actually blooms with red brilliance. Under the moonlight, it looks like a beam of light, extremely gorgeous, and that is Samsara Peak, one of the five finger peaks.

Originally, when Xing Jue saw the Samsara Peak, he thought he had really reached the Samsara Peak, but later he found out that he was wrong.

Because after a full night, the night has faded, and the sun has covered the clouds. Although the Samsara Peak has expanded a lot, it is still as if it is in the sky, elusive.

"It's such a huge mountain. I really don't know how huge the Samsara Summit is when you look at it up close." Looking at the much clearer Samsara Peak, which was still only a phantom, Xing Jue couldn't help admiring it.

In his mind, he originally thought that Samsara Peak was just an ordinary mountain, only because of its outstanding strength, it was respected by everyone.

But it wasn't until he saw the true face of Samsara Peak that Xing Jue realized that Samsara Peak was simply a wonder of heaven and earth, and it was the first time he had seen it in his life.

"Heh...Junior Brother Xingjue, when I first came here, I was as surprised as you were."

"When you become an introductory disciple in the future, you can enter the Samsara Peak. At that time, you will know how great the Samsara Peak is." Tang Lian reminded with a smile, showing her pride in being a disciple of the Samsara Peak.

"Uh... Senior Sister Tang Lian, you mean we can't enter Samsara Peak yet?" Xing Jue's face changed slightly, because he had heard the meaning of Tang Lian's words.

"Well, nominal disciples are not allowed to enter Samsara Peak. You will practice in another place. Only after you reach Asura Martial Sect can you become an entry-level disciple."

As Tang Lian said, after another full day of flying, the huge figure of Samsara Peak became clearer and clearer, but Xingjue and Xingjue landed on a green mountain range.

Among the mountains, old trees are intertwined, waterfalls are flowing, and the fragrance of birds and flowers is everywhere. It is a comfortable place for cultivation.

Whether it is the environment of the mountains or the luxurious buildings here, they are several times stronger than Wujiyuan, but after seeing the majestic Samsara Peak, such a place can no longer attract the attention of Xing Jue .

At this moment, Xing Jue only had one thought in mind, that is to reach Shura Martial Sect as soon as possible, so as to enter the Samsara Peak, and also to find his father's answer as soon as possible.


In the mountain range where the nominal disciple cultivated, in a certain luxurious palace, a heart-piercing scream resounded continuously, and the person who heard the sound was soaking in the bathtub and quenching his body with the essence of body training sentence.

After coming here, under Tang Lian's recommendation, Xing Jue successfully obtained the title of nominal disciple, and after arranging Xing Jue's board and lodging, Tang Lian returned to Samsara Peak.

Today was the first day and night of Xing Jue's arrival here, and he had already vaguely felt Xing Jue at the level of Martial Emperor Shura, so he immediately practiced self-harming body tempering.

Because Xing Jue was not curious about the cultivation methods here, he just wanted to quickly reach Shura Wuzong so that he could apply to the elders to become a beginner disciple.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom..."

It is conceivable that there is always a discrepancy with the facts. On the third day of Xing Jue's retreat, someone knocked on the gate of his palace.

"Eh...you're still there. I haven't seen you go out for three days, so I thought something happened to you."

Opening the gate of the palace, a man who is not tall but with a simple and honest face smiled at Xing Jue. Seeing the red clothes he was wearing and the strength of his high-ranking Asura martial artist, Xing Jue knew that he was also the peak of reincarnation. ’s nominal disciple.

"What's the matter?" Xing Jue had just finished tempering his body and was resting at the moment, so he wasn't in the mood to chat with others.

"It's like this. Maybe you didn't know it when you first came here. Today is the monthly cultivation achievement assessment. If you don't participate, you won't be able to get the cultivation resources for next month." The man explained with a smile.

And at this moment, Xing Jue knew that this person was a good person, and he came to remind himself not to miss the assessment.

In fact, Tang Lian told Xing Jue about the so-called monthly cultivation achievement assessment after coming here, but Xing Jue didn't care about it, and actually forgot the time.

"Senior brother Li, what kind of test is this test? What are the cultivation resources?" At this moment, Xing Jue has learned that the man's surname is Li, and he is leading him to the place of the test.

"The assessment is actually very simple. It's nothing more than a competition between nominal disciples, and the higher the ranking, the more training resources they will get."

"And as for the cultivation resources, they are the essence of body training and pain-resolving water." The man laughed.

"Body refining essence? What level is it?" Hearing the words "Body Refining Essence", Xing Jue was immediately full of interest.

"It's the third-order body refining essence!"

"Then what is the pain-resolving water?"

"Huangtong water is a strange water that is used in conjunction with the third-order body training essence. Only by tempering the body in Huatong water can one practice cultivation. Otherwise, life will be worse than death. It is said that it is very painful!"

"What? There is such a good thing?" Hearing this, Xing Jue was shocked!

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