Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 633 The Demon Sect

(Today's three changes are over)

"Are you gone?"

Looking up at the sky covered by thick leaves, Xing Jue could no longer feel the terrifying coercion.


But at this moment, a loud roar came from behind Xing Jue again, and the bear-shaped monster opened its mouth wide, wanting to bite Xing Jue a second time.

"Grandma, you're addicted to biting."

This time, Xing Jue didn't let the bear go, he cut off the bear's head like a blade.


I saw a large piece of blood pouring down, and the bear's head flew tens of meters away. With a muffled sound, the heavy body also lay down on the side.

After finishing off the bear, Xing Jue carefully felt the movement around him, and when there was nothing unusual, he confirmed that the strong men of Samsara Peak had dispersed, and then hurriedly threw a healing pill into his mouth.

Xing Jue practiced the Soul Devouring Art, as long as it was in operation, it could play a healing role, so coupled with the medicinal power of the healing sheet, the body would recover quickly. This scar looked scary, but it was against Xing Jue. Say nothing at all.

"Strange, why is it gone?"

When Xing Jue turned his gaze away again, he was shocked to find that the snow-colored little white rabbit that was lying on the ground and motionless had disappeared.

"Could it be that the rabbit is not extraordinary?"

Xing Jue diffused the soul out, but still couldn't find a trace of the little white rabbit. At this moment, Xing Jue couldn't help being startled, and his eyes began to flicker.

Because the phenomenon in front of him is somewhat abnormal, not to mention that the little white rabbit has a pair of human-like glasses, and it has a huge attraction to the appetite of monsters.

Coupled with the fact that it disappeared without a trace in such a short period of time, Xing Jue really suspected that the white rabbit was not a supernatural being. Except for the special eyes, it really looks like an ordinary little animal.

"Forget it, a rabbit, I didn't intend it to repay me anything."

But after thinking for a while, Xing Jue stopped thinking about it. First of all, Xing Jue just saved its life out of good intentions. Moreover, even if it was really extraordinary, Xing Jue had helped it after all, and it would never kill Xing Jue in turn.

Moreover, for Xing Jue, the most important thing right now is to leave the sphere of influence of Samsara Peak as soon as possible, and getting out quickly and safely is the best policy.

So, after Xing Jue changed into an ordinary person's clothes, he continued to flee towards the distance, but this time Xing Jue did not crush the communication talisman.

Because Xing Jue discovered that although those super powerhouses had left, they could still see scattered figures of Samsara Peak disciples and elders, and they were also searching for something.

And with their strength, it is definitely impossible to search for those guys who made trouble in Samsara Peak. Obviously, they are most likely to search for Xingjue.

And at this time, if Xing Jue used the Gale Talisman, it would be tantamount to reporting his whereabouts, and they would definitely recognize Xing Jue at a glance.

Fortunately, there were not many people coming and going, and the people from Samsara Peak were not so arrogant that they were arrested and checked for their identities, so they finally escaped from the sphere of influence of Samsara Peak.

After Xing Jue escaped from the sphere of influence of Samsara Peak, he hurried to the nearest nearby city, because the escape that night was frightening, but Xing Jue wasted several times his usual physical strength, and he had to eat a big meal to make up for it .

"Xiao Er, pick the best ones, and serve as many as you have."

After carefully choosing a restaurant, Xing Jue yelled unceremoniously when he entered the door, and Xiao Er's reaction speed was also very fast. It didn't take long for the delicious food to be served on the table.

And Xing Jue, who was already starving, was not polite, he didn't care about the strange eyes of those around him, and started to eat extravagantly.

"Hey, have you guys heard? The Demon Cult has reappeared!"

"What? No way?"

"Why not? The Samsara Peak didn't wipe them out completely last time."

"Of course not. The people of the Demon Cult practice magic skills. It is said that their elders cannot be killed. Now they have made a comeback and vowed to take revenge on Samsara Peak."

"It is said that many elders and disciples of Samsara Peak have died under their claws, and many people have also been implicated."

But when Xing Jue was feasting, the people next to him started talking in whispers, and what they were talking about aroused Xing Jue's interest.

Especially when Xing Jue heard that the so-called Demon Cult seemed to be hostile to Samsara Peak and dared to kill people in Samsara Peak, Xing Jue became even more curious.

"What a joke, what kind of demon sect dares to compete with Samsara Peak, isn't that courting death?" Xing Jue said to himself, and his words were full of disbelief.

"Hmph, what do you know? The Devil's Cult is definitely not weak. If it wasn't for the actions of the true disciples and inheritance elders of Samsara Peak last time, the Devil's Cult could not be destroyed at all."

"Now that the Demon Cult is making a comeback, there will be another bloodbath. If Samsara Peak doesn't send out true disciples and inheritance elders, more disciples of Samsara Peak and innocent people will be killed!"

After hearing Xing Jue's words, the man said loudly, and looked at Xing Jue with contempt.

"Oh? Since the Demon Cult is not the opponent of Samsara Peak? Why do they provoke Samsara Peak? Aren't they sick?" Xing Jue still had a face full of disbelief.

"Do you understand? The demon sect is a disaster to the world, and Samsara Peak will naturally eradicate them!" The man gave Xing Jue a hard look, as if Xing Jue's ignorance had already offended him.

"I see!"

And at this moment, Xing Jue also got a general idea about the Demon Cult, and then stopped asking more questions, but continued to eat and eat.

"Look, it's a disciple of Samsara Peak!" But at this moment, there were bursts of exclamation from the common people outside.

"Damn it, isn't it?" When he heard the commotion outside, Xing Jue's face changed drastically. He didn't expect that the disciples of Samsara Peak would chase here, and he was about to leave here immediately.

"Too bad." But just as Xing Jue stood up and was about to leave, he felt that several powerful auras were rapidly approaching, and the target was this tavern!

"Xiao Er, hang up this reward announcement."

Sure enough, a few moments later, several Samsara Peak disciples came in, holding a portrait in their hands, which looked like Xingjue.

Introductory disciples of Samsara Peak are very extraordinary existences in the eyes of the common people. They came in person, Xiao Er naturally did not dare to neglect, and even everyone who was eating came forward to watch.

"This, isn't this him?" At this moment, the man who had talked about the Devil's Cult opened his mouth wide, and pointed at Xing Jue with a face full of shock.

"Grandma, what a fucking back!"


Xing Jue wanted to get away with it, but he didn't expect to be exposed so soon. Without saying a word, he crushed the Gale Talisman, jumped into the air, and fled away.

"Quick, catch him!"

Xing Jue's speed was very fast, and the few Samsara Peak disciples didn't see Xing Jue clearly at all, but when they saw that Xing Jue used the Gale Talisman, they could be sure that he must be Xing Jue.

"My mother, is he a member of the Devil's Cult? It's so dangerous, he almost fell into the mouth of a tiger."

And looking at the disciple of Samsara Peak who disappeared in an instant and flew into the sky, everyone in the hotel at this moment agreed that Xing Jue must be a member of the Demon Sect, and they were all silently awake at the moment, especially the man who exposed Xing Jue, He was even more terrified.

"Damn it, it's actually surrounded."

Tens of miles away from the city, Xing Jue stepped into the void, his face full of unwillingness, he never expected that the people of Samsara Peak could communicate so quickly.

After knowing his location, he actually came from all directions, and now he was surrounded, even if he used the Gale Talisman, he couldn't escape.

Looking at the dozens of Samsara Peak disciples around him, Xing Jue frowned even more. Even if he had the Promise Palm and the Hellfire Talisman, he still had no chance of winning against so many Asura Martial Sects.

"Xing Jue, don't resist, if not, don't blame me for waiting for the killer." After surrounding Xing Jue, a female disciple said.

"Junior Sister, you are so kind. Why do you need to bring this kind of villain back to Samsara Peak? I will kill him on the spot."

But soon, the male disciple next to him said viciously, and most of the people around nodded in agreement.

"Hahaha, what a joke, I can kill Gao Qiu, just because you want to stop me? Come here if you are not afraid of death, I will let you taste the taste of being wiped out."

Seeing that something was wrong, Xing Jue suddenly burst into laughter. At the same time, a hellfire talisman was held between two fingers, shaking non-stop in front of the eyes of the disciples, and the disciples also began to panic about Xing Jue's actions When they got up, they started to retreat one after another.

"Everyone, don't be afraid, he must be a sneak attack to kill Gao Qiu. I don't believe that with his strength, he can really defy the sky?"

Seeing this, the previous man said loudly, but even so, he did not dare to attack Xing Jue, obviously he was also afraid in his heart.

For a moment, the disciples of Samsara Peak neither advanced nor retreated, and Xing Jue did not make a move. At this moment, Xing Jue's forehead began to break out in cold sweat.

Because Xing Jue didn't dare to stand in a stalemate with them at all. If this stalemate continues, I don't know how many disciples from the Samsara Peak will come after a while. Know.

And the disciples of Samsara Peak were unwilling to act hastily, because the news they got clearly explained the power of the black spell of Xing Jue, which could instantly annihilate Wu Zong.

"Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell...."

But when the two sides were in a stalemate, there were bursts of crisp bells in the distance, and the sound was getting closer.

Looking around, I saw a gorgeous sedan chair made of fresh flowers flying from a distance, and the bell came from above the sedan chair.

It is worth mentioning that the sedan chair made of flowers was actually carried by people.

Besides the person who carried the sedan chair, there were dozens of people surrounding them, and they all lined up neatly and flew on both sides of the sedan chair with great pomp.

Moreover, those people were wearing the same dark black clothes with strange white charms engraved on them, obviously they should be from the same force.

"No, it's a member of the Devil's Cult!"

And when those people approached, the disciples of Samsara Peak couldn't help being shocked, because they had already recognized that those people were from the Devil's Cult.

Not only the disciples of the Reincarnation Fen, Xing Jue was also full of surprise at the moment, because when those people approached, Xing Jue was shocked to find that they were not human at all.

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