Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 647 The Ruins of the World God

(Today, the second update)

"One hundred pieces of Spirit Essence? Why don't you grab it? How precious is the essence of all spirits..."

Han Feng couldn't hold back anymore. Even though it was his first time to see the Essence of All Souls, he knew how precious the Essence of All Souls was. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the entire underground exchange to be posted everywhere about the purchase of Essence of All Souls. announcement.

"One hundred is one hundred, help me exchange one hundred thousand merit points."

But at this moment, Xing Jue waved his sleeve robe, and along with a beam of light burst out from his storage bracelet, hundreds of essences of all spirits floated out.

For Xing Jue, merit points are more valuable than the essence of all spirits, not to mention a hundred, even if there are a thousand, he would not hesitate, because this is a major matter related to whether his father can be rescued.

And at this moment, not to mention Han Feng, even the woman who received her had her eyes shining, her mouth opened wide, and her face was full of shock.

As a member of this underground exchange, she was deeply aware of the preciousness of the essence of all spirits, but how could she not be surprised that Xing Jue took out hundreds of essences of all spirits at random.

"Two young masters, please wait for a moment, I'll go get what you need right away." After a moment of surprise, the girl came to her senses, she smiled sweetly, and a secret passage appeared in the enchanted room as she waved her sleeve robe, and then Walk into it quickly.

"I said Xingjue, why do you have so many spirit essences?" After the woman left, Han Feng couldn't help but asked through voice transmission.

"Heh, I got something by chance, but I didn't expect it to come in handy. I still have some here. Han Feng, do you need it?"

Looking at the surprised Han Feng, Xing Jue said with a faint smile, if Han Feng needs it, he doesn't mind giving him some, anyway, there is still such a big lump in his Soul Eater Order, and Xing Jue always treats friends Very generous, as long as he has, he will not be stingy.

"No, no, it's useless for me to come."

"It's just that the next time you buy something, don't just agree with it. In fact, sometimes you can bargain for more."

"Also, this is the first time I've seen an underground exchange. Such a large-scale acquisition shows that they must be of great use." Han Feng hurriedly evaded.

And under Han Feng's persistent refusal, Xing Jue couldn't say much. He believed that if Han Feng really needed it in the future, he would definitely ask him for it. It's okay to give it to him.

"Two sons, the items you need are here."

The woman who received the reception was very efficient. When she walked out of the secret door, she already had an extra merit token in her hand, and on the merit token, there was actually 100000 merit written on it, and it was verified by the criminal judgment. goods.

After the transaction was completed, Xing Jue looked at the longing-for number of merit tokens in his hand, but felt a little unnatural in his heart, because he could imagine that this number of merit points represented how many Guiyin Peak disciples had encountered the murderous hands of others.

"Young master, do you still have the Essence of All Spirits in your hand? If you have it, we are willing to exchange it with the fourth-order fairy grass at a rate of 10 to 1." The receptionist asked with a smile.

"Fourth grade fairy grass is not very useful to me." Xing Jue shook his head with a smile.

"Then, do you have any other needs? We can exchange other items with you." The woman added.

"Is there a ding ding here?" After collecting the merit order, Xing Jue asked, if you ask what Xing Jue needs, he really needs a better ding ding now.

"Young master, if it's Dan Ding, you've really come to the right time."

"Today's auction on my stock exchange happens to have a very good Danding going up for auction. If the two of you are interested, you might as well go to the No. 3 auction hall to have a look." After hearing Xing Jue's words, the woman smiled pleasantly.

"What kind of alchemy tripod? It's still going to be auctioned?!" Han Feng asked curiously.

"It's the Divine Cauldron of Kyushu!" the woman replied.

"What? It's the divine cauldron?" After hearing the woman's answer, Han Feng's expression changed drastically, and then he hurriedly cast his eyes on Xing Jue and said excitedly:

"Xingjue, you must participate in this auction, and you must take pictures of the Kyushu Alchemy Cauldron. It is one of the legendary divine cauldrons in the alchemy world. It is a treasure that cannot be destroyed by any flame. It is simply a sharp weapon for alchemy."

"En!" Not to mention that there is such a divine tripod in the auction hall, even if there is no one he likes, Xing Jue plans to go there to see it, otherwise it will be a waste of time.

"If the two gentlemen are interested, please go to the No. [-] auction hall." Seeing that Xing Jue and the two are so interested, the receptionist said with a smile, and handed the two tokens to the two while speaking, writing on them With the word VIP.

"Thank you, sister, you are really a good person!" Seeing the token, Han Feng couldn't help being overjoyed, and took it with a grateful face, and then left the enchantment room with Xing Jue.


Just after the Xing Jue two left, the secret passage opened again, and this time an old man also walked out.

The old man's complexion was pale and his body was thin, like a seriously ill person, but his aura was very strong, impenetrable, even like Elder Zhuge.

"Master Elder, that person must still have the essence of all spirits, do you want to..." The receptionist asked cautiously, but at this moment, all the friendly smile on her face was gone, replaced by a stern look .

"Don't break your own rules yourself. It's none of our business for outsiders to cheat, but we must never be greedy for money and attack our guests."

"If he really needs it, he will definitely come here to exchange it in the future. What's more, the essence of all spirits that he needs is definitely not something that little devil can provide."

"And there's still enough time. If we can't make enough by then, it's just too much to use extraordinary measures." The old man's faint voice was very soft, but his eyes were full of sharpness.

"Han Feng, what is the purpose of that token? Why are you smiling so lewdly?"

At this moment, Xing Jue and the two were walking towards the so-called No. [-] auction hall, and Han Feng was smiling from ear to ear all the way, which attracted strange looks from many passers-by, making Xing Jue extremely helpless.

"Xing Jue, this VIP token is a good thing, you will know later." Han Feng pretended to be mysterious and smiled, but did not answer directly.

It wasn't until the two of them came to the door of the No. [-] auction hall and saw the long queue waiting to enter that Xing Jue finally knew the function of the VIP token.

That is, you can avoid queuing and directly enter the No. [-] auction hall, and in that spacious auction hall, you can obtain an elegant and comfortable VIP single room and enjoy VIP-level treatment.

Auction hall No. [-] is very large, but it is overcrowded now, looking at the moving figures below, the chaotic scene.

Looking at the VIP private room he was in, the spacious environment and comfortable seats, Xing Jue finally realized the benefits brought by the VIP token, and understood why Han Feng smiled so lewdly along the way.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, a tall, enchanting and plump woman stepped onto the noble and gorgeous auction stage.

At this moment, everyone in the auction hall began to commotion, because the auction that everyone was concerned about was finally about to start.

The items auctioned here are very miscellaneous, ranging from combat skills, exercises, and even exquisite decorations. However, according to the order in which the auction items appear, Xingjue can also tell that the items that are auctioned later are more expensive.

The previous auctions were very boring. Although there were still many people bidding for those items and competing with each other, they were useless in Xing Jue's eyes and could not arouse his interest at all.

However, when the auction progressed to a full hour, after the woman took out a strange ancient picture, Xingjue, who had already been drowsy, was instantly whetted.

It was a slightly dilapidated, but still complete ancient map. The ancient map has turned yellow, which shows that it must have been there for many years.

On the ancient map, there are intermittent lines engraved, like a painting but not a painting, like a picture but not a picture, no one knows what it is, and no one can see its special features.

"I said sister, what is the origin of this picture, can you tell me?"

"That's right, you didn't give me any information. Just for such a broken picture, you need a hundred fourth-order fairy grasses, which is too expensive."

At this moment, some people in the hall began to complain. In fact, many people can see the origin of this picture. If the price is low, most of them are willing to buy it back and study it. Maybe they can get unexpected gains.

However, the woman's asking price is a hundred pieces of fourth-order fairy grass, which makes most interested people lose their minds, because no matter how rich they are, few people dare to pay such a price. ancient map.

After all, although such a thing may have an extraordinary origin, it may also be an item that was drawn by an unknown person on a whim more than a hundred years ago, and it has no value.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, if you really know the content of this picture, I'm afraid it will definitely be more than this price."

"However, if no one wants to auction, then proceed to the auction of the next item." Facing the questions from the crowd, the auctioneer was also quite embarrassed.

"I want it!" But at this moment, a loud voice suddenly sounded.

When the voice sounded, all eyes in the hall were all cast on the VIP room high above the hall, but, because of the special barrier, they couldn't see what was in the room at all. who.

They were just discussing, wondering who is such an idiot, so taken advantage of, willing to pay such a price for a dilapidated ancient map with no known origin.

"Xing Jue, are you stupid? No matter how rich you are, you don't have to spend such a price to buy a broken picture, right?" Seeing Xing Jue speak, Han Feng said with a face full of shock.

"This picture is strange. Anyway, it's useless for me to keep the essence of all spirits. It's better to buy some interesting things and study it." Xing Jue smiled, but his eyes were full of enthusiasm when he looked at the picture. .

After Xing Jue auctioned off the ancient picture, the auction continued, but soon a staff member of the exchange brought the ancient picture to the room where Xing Jue was located.

Although Xingjue didn't have a hundred pieces of fourth-order fairy grass, after taking out 10 pieces of Essence of All Spirits, it made the staff's eyes become joyful.

"Sure enough, it's a treasure!" Looking at the ancient picture in his hand, Xing Jue's mouth curled into a faint smile.

"Baby? Where is the baby? You can't see anything, it's just a broken picture."

"Maybe it was drawn by a child in a mountain village a few hundred years ago. It was just a few hundred years later that you bought it with a hundred spirit essences worth a hundred fourth-order celestial grasses."

At this moment, Han Feng also came over and carefully looked at the ancient map that had already turned yellow in Xing Jue's hand, but he couldn't see the reason at all, and he had concluded that the ancient map was a waste product, and Xing Jue had been fooled.

"Han Feng, look again."

But for Han Feng's complaints, Xing Jue smiled slightly, and saw that after integrating his soul power into the Soul Eater Token, he used the Soul Eater Token to lightly touch the ancient figure from the back.

The intermittent lines on that ancient map actually began to become clear, and on the top of the ancient map, there were four large characters "Remains of the World God!"

"Wow, this is really a treasure! It's actually the relic of a world god!" After seeing these four big characters, Han Feng's face instantly became brighter, showing incomparable excitement.

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