Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 69 The Chief Elder of the Cabinet [Part 2]

On the broad avenue of the cabinet, as a group of members of the Law Enforcement Cabinet wearing special black robes and wearing black law enforcement knives hurried past, the disciples of the cabinet would squeak and discuss.

"The Law Enforcement Pavilion, who is this to arrest?" a disciple said curiously, looking at the members of the Law Enforcement Pavilion who hurried past.

It stands to reason that minor conflicts occurred between cabinet disciples.It can be said to be a very normal thing. Under normal circumstances, the Law Enforcement Court would not take care of it, but now that the Law Enforcement Court has dispatched so many people, it is obvious that someone has stabbed the big guy.

"Who else can be arrested, it must be the arrest sentence," a thin disciple whispered.

"Xing Jue? Is it the Xing Jue that smashed the mansion of "Gao Le", who ranked sixth in the elite list this morning?" Another disciple continued.

"Who else is there besides him?" The thin disciple said as if he understood.

"It is said that the punishment is very powerful, but this time even the elders of the Law Enforcement Pavilion have been dispatched, so he must not be able to make any waves."

"What the hell is going on, just look at it and see." A disciple finally couldn't help being curious, and followed the law enforcement pavilion.

And under his leadership, all the disciples of the good things in the cabinet followed.

At this moment, Xing Jue and Siyan Xiaosan are chatting in the living room, and they are just getting excited. The three good brothers have not seen each other for a year, and they have endless things to say and endless things to talk about.

"Young Master Xing Jue is not good, the people from the Law Enforcement Pavilion are heading towards our Xing Palace." At this moment, a servant who held the door rushed over and shouted in panic.

After hearing the words of this slave, Siyan, Xiaosan and others were also shocked, and immediately stood up nervously.

"Is it finally here?" Xing Jue smiled slightly and said indifferently.

"Let's go, let me go to meet the law enforcement pavilion." Xing Jue stood up and walked towards the door.

At this moment, the team members of the Law Enforcement Pavilion have arrived outside the Criminal Palace. 20 members of the Law Enforcement Pavilion are standing neatly in front of the Criminal Palace, and the leader is Elder Zhu.

At this time, Elder Zhu was also extremely embarrassed. On the one hand, he was the second elder of the cabinet, and the other was Li Xiaohan, who was the main cabinet. He could not offend either of them.

But now under the strong pressure of the second elder, he has no choice but to take Xing Jue back to the Law Enforcement Pavilion, but he has not yet thought about how to arrest him.

Using force, if Xing Jue is really injured, Li Xiaohan will be dead when he leaves the country in the future.

At this time, in addition to the members of the Law Enforcement Cabinet, there were also a large number of cabinet disciples who came over because of good things.At this moment, they are constantly discussing, and some even look like they are watching a good show, full of anticipation.

Many people have only heard of Xing Jue, a very famous cabinet disciple, but have never seen it.

"Yo, who am I, it turns out to be you again, is there no one in the Law Enforcement Pavilion?" At this moment, a refreshing voice suddenly came from the Xingfu, and that was Xingjue.

"Xing Jue, you openly wounded your fellow disciple and smashed other people's houses, do you know the crime?" Seeing Xing Jue coming out, Elder Zhu said slowly.

"Elder Zhu, he Gao Le injured his fellow disciple and forbade his fellow disciple from entering the training pavilion. This is not a crime. What is my crime?"

"The old man will definitely find out about him, but today, you have to go with the old man first," Elder Zhu said slowly.

"What if I don't go?" Xing Jue gave Elder Zhu a blank look and said with a smile.

"Xing Jue, don't toast, don't eat and eat fine wine." Seeing Xing Jue's appearance, Elder Zhu finally got a little angry and shouted loudly.

"Haha, Xing Jue likes to eat fine wine." Xing Jue suddenly laughed, and on his delicate face, he was full of frivolity.

"Then don't blame the old man for being rude." Finally Elder Zhu couldn't control the anger in his heart, he shouted violently, and with a wave of his sleeve, a tyrannical martial spirit blasted towards Xing Jueji.

Although this Elder Zhu takes care of Li Xiaohan, he is also the law enforcement elder of this Law Enforcement Pavilion after all. Now that so many cabinet disciples are watching, Xing Jue is so disrespectful to him. If he doesn't take action, then he really can't be in this Cabinet in the future. mixed up.

But for the rush of martial spirit, Xing Jue gave me a slight smile, waved my sleeve robe at will, and the same tyrannical spirit of martial arts burst out.


The two martial spirits collided with each other, and after a roar, they actually canceled each other out, and they were on a par.

Seeing this scene, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Xing Jue with disbelief. Elder Zhu is at the level of a mid-level Martial Master, a whole level higher than Xing Jue, how could it be a tie.

Just at this moment, something that made everyone even more dumbfounded happened.

I saw Xing Jue's body flickered, and then disappeared. The next moment, he appeared in front of Elder Zhu. With a heavy punch, he slammed into Elder Zhu's face with a fierce wind. go down.

Elder Zhu could never have imagined that the speed of Xing Jue was so fast. When he reacted, he was unable to dodge, so he had no choice but to fold his arms to defend.

In the "Bang" punch, Elder Zhu was smashed back by a powerful force, and it was only after a dozen steps back that he stabilized his figure.

But Xing Jue didn't give him a chance to breathe at all, he went up against the wind, turned around, hit the whip leg, and slapped Elder Zhu's waist fiercely.

This time, Elder Zhu didn't even have time to defend, but was hit by Xing Jue's leg, and his body exploded like a kite with a broken string.

However, this Elder Zhu is not a weak hand, but adjusted his body in the air. After a few beautiful somersaults, he stood firmly on the ground.But at the moment, he seemed a little embarrassed.

At this moment, Xing Jue did not attack again, but stood straight on the spot, with a calm smile on his face, watching Elder Zhu who was a little embarrassed.

After a short confrontation, almost all the people present were dumbfounded. Xing Jue used the strength of the first-level Wuzun to fight against the middle-level Wuzun Elder Zhu, not only did not lose, but also gained the upper hand. This is simply incredible.

With such strength, it is no wonder that Xing Jue's murderous name spread so quickly. At this time, some cabinet disciples have quietly given birth to a year, that is Xing Jue, and must not be provoked.

In fact, after Xing Jue learned the Soul Devouring Art, all aspects of his body have been strengthened. The normal speed is faster than casting the Gale Art, and the attack power is stronger than the Wind Devouring Palm.

This is Xing Jue's current strength, if coupled with Gale Art, and martial arts attacks, then even a high-ranking Martial Lord, Xing Jue can fight.

"Elder Zhu, it looks like you are getting old." Xing Jue smiled and said to the embarrassed Elder Zhu.

"Boy, don't be complacent," but Elder Zhu shouted violently, and immediately with a thought, the winds revolved around the body extremely fast, and this was the blast technique that Xing Jue was best at.

"Bang" was accompanied by a muffled sound, and Elder Zhu's body turned into a white line and swept away violently towards Xing Jue. At the same time, his right fist was clenched, and dazzling rays of light flashed out.

However, just as Elder Zhu was about to plunder, Xing Jue smiled slightly, and then gusts of wind appeared on his body very quickly.

With a swing of the body, a whip leg that was twice as fast as Elder Zhu's was thrown down towards Elder Zhu's waist.And this leg, Xing Jue used all his strength.

"Bang" Elder Zhu didn't have time to react to Xing Jue's rapid counterattack. He only felt a pain in his waist, and his entire body shot out like an arrow from a string.


With a loud bang, Elder Zhu's body slammed into the surrounding wall, and the powerful force smashed the wall into a big hole, and a large amount of smoke and dust spread out.

"What a mad boy" But at this moment, in Xing Jue's ear, there was a sudden shout.

When Xing Jue found out, he only felt the space beside him squirming for a while, and then a strong palm came out of that space and grabbed Xing Jue fiercely.

"Humph." With his keen soul power, Xing Jue had already sensed something wrong with this space in advance. When the palm came out, Xing Jue's body had already started to flick to the side.

With the double speed of Soul Movement Technique and Blast Technique, Xing Jue just flashed that claw.

And after Xing Jue dodged away, the figure of a black-haired old man also flashed out of that space, and the old man's black eyes were as sharp as an eagle.Fang Zheng's face is full of domineering, and this is the second elder of the cabinet, the middle-level martial god "Luo Zhentian".

Seeing that Xing Jue dodged his own attack, the second elder also frowned slightly, but he didn't stop because of this, but stretched out his left palm, and a tyrannical martial spirit blasted towards Xing Jue.

"At such a distance, Xing Jue couldn't dodge at all, and he couldn't even defend himself, so he hurriedly mobilized his soul defense on his chest.

"Bang" was hit with a single blow, and Xing Jue stabilized his body only after being knocked far away.

Fortunately, the defense of the soul canceled out most of the power, Xing Jue was only slightly injured, and wiped the trace of blood on the corner of his mouth lightly, Xing Jue said angrily: "Middle-level Martial God, you are not afraid of losing your shot against me. face".

Originally, the second elder was shocked that he was not seriously injured in the execution.

And when he heard Xing Jue's words, the second elder was even more shocked. At this moment, he finally realized that Xing Jue was not easy.

But despite this, he did not change his face, and immediately said: "Boy, you not only dare to smash the mansion of the same door, but also dare to take action against the law enforcement elders. If I don't take action against you, do you indulge you?".

"See the second elder." At this moment, the elder Zhu had already climbed out of the collapsed brick and tile, and immediately came to the second elder's side and said respectfully.

"It's actually the second elder of the cabinet?"

"Oh my God, even his old man is alarmed"

And after hearing the words of the elder Zhu, it caused an uproar. The prestige of the second elder of the cabinet was very loud among the disciples of the cabinet.

Compared to the chief elder of the cabinet who has been in seclusion for a long time, the second elder of the cabinet is the real overlord of the cabinet, but because the second elder is closed in the palace, apart from some upper-level elders, few people have seen his face.

"Hmph, it turns out to be you." When Dang Xing Jue knew that the person in front of him was the second elder of the cabinet, not only was he not afraid, but he said coldly.

"Good boy, he is indeed a stubborn and ineffective person. Today, the old man will let you know that this cabinet is not a place for you to act arbitrarily." Seeing Xing Jue's attitude, the two elders were even more angry.

Immediately, the figure swayed, and it turned into a black line, swept away at Xing Jue at an extremely fast speed, like a thunderbolt piercing the sky, making it unpredictable.

When Xing Jue reacted, the terrifying punch of the two elders came with a bang.

Seeing such a situation, everyone has only one thought, that is, this sentence is decided to die.

But at this critical moment, an old palm protruded out of the space beside Sui Xing Jue, and finally collided with the terrifying punch of the second elder.



The fists are facing each other, and the powerful energy ripples spread rapidly. Even Xing Jue was shaken back by that powerful force, and only stabilized his body after being shaken back a few steps.

Just when everyone was shocked by this sudden scene.

An old figure walked out of the space slowly, and then said to the second elder in front of him: "Second brother, it's not right to take action against the younger generation."

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