(Today, the second update)

"Thank you!" Xing Jue turned around and fled towards the north, using the phantom thunder to the extreme, and disappeared in the cave in the blink of an eye.

"Brother, if you don't let go, don't blame the younger brother for offending you." Seeing Xing Jue fleeing, the teacher's face became more and more icy.

"I said, if you want to catch Xingjue, you have to step over my body." Elder Zhuge not only refused to let go, but stepped up his efforts.


A dragon roar resounded suddenly, and the golden dragon surged out from the headmaster's body. The powerful force not only instantly knocked Elder Zhuge into the air, but also knocked him unconscious.

"Shua la la ~"

At this moment, the head teacher's dragon energy was soaring to the sky, exuding extremely powerful power. He waved his sleeve robe, and several golden gasses turned into chains, which tightly bound Elder Zhuge's body and restricted his strength.

"Senior Brother, don't blame Junior Brother for attacking you. I did it for your own good. If you let this go on, you will die from the exhaustion of your soul." The head teacher looked at Elder Zhuge with a trace of helplessness in his eyes.

"Shua..." Then his body jumped up, like a golden dragon soaring into the sky, and he arrived in front of Grandma Tiancan in an instant.

"Grandma Tiancan, why didn't you stop Xing Jue?" the head teacher asked forcefully.

"Old woman, I am entrusted here. I only guard Guiyin Peak, and I will not arrest Guiyin Peak disciples."

"Grandma Tiancan, how can you be so confused? I arrested Xing Jue just to bring her to plead guilty, and I insisted on his life."

"Leaving him alone like this will harm him instead. Do you think he can survive without the shelter of Guiyin Peak? This is pushing him into a desperate situation." The head teacher explained.

"You can protect it if you don't send it to Tiandao Peak, why take this risk? You are afraid of Tiandao Peak from the bottom of your heart, even if one day the Heavenly Dao comes to attack you, you will definitely compromise."

"You can't keep the sentence, you saved him by letting him go." Grandma Tiancan spoke softly, but pointed at the vital point, making the head teacher speechless for a while.

"Hmph, how do you know what it means to take care of the overall situation." The head teacher waved his sleeves and prepared to chase in the direction Xing Jue was escaping.

"Shua..." But at this moment, a white light flashed by, and an old figure appeared in front of him in an instant, blocking his way, and this was Granny Tiancan.

"Grandma Tiancan, what do you mean?" the head teacher was shocked.

"How about protecting the disciples of Guiyin Peak from being harmed by others? Do you want to fight the old woman?" Granny Tiancan said flatly.


The head teacher's face turned tense, he naturally knew what kind of person Tiancan Granny was, but she was an old monster of the same generation as the Supreme Elder, let alone the difference in strength between the two, he did not dare to easily treat this person just because of their status. bit shot.

"The elders and disciples of Guiyin Peak listen to the order, open the closed formation, arrest Xingjue, and don't let him escape from Guiyin Peak!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The headmaster let out a long whistle, as loud as thunder, piercing through the sky and the earth, and everyone in Guiyin Peak could clearly hear it. At this moment, all the disciples panicked.

"What happened? Why did the headmaster arrest Xingjue?"

"Could it be possible that Xingjue caused some catastrophe? Even the closed formation must be opened?"

"Isn't punishment related to Huagu? Could it be that he is a spy sent by Huagu?"


When everyone was guessing, the closed formation on the cloud was opened without hesitation, and the blue light covered the sky and the sun spread rapidly, covering all the territory of Guiyin Peak in the blink of an eye and completely sealing it off.

"Damn it, this formation is really disgusting."

At this moment, Xing Jue had arrived at the outer edge of Guiyin Peak, and was about to escape from here, but he was still sealed in by the enclosing formation that covered it for a moment.

At this moment, he is not worried about the degree of closure of this large formation. With his strength, it can be completely cracked as long as he is given some time.

The most important thing is that after the opening of the grand formation, the elders and true disciples of Guiyin Peak caught up with him almost instantly. At this moment, there are more than a dozen inheritance elders behind him. .

After the other elders and disciples received his signal, they were able to teleport from the large formation above in an instant through special means, and Xing Jue was already in a desperate situation.

"Lu Yuan, your defeated general, dare to come to die?"

Xing Jue didn't dare to stop, he fled towards the north with all his strength, no matter how many people attacked him, he just avoided, just ran away, and under Xing Jue's extreme speed, few people could keep up with Xing Jue, so Lu Yuan is one of them.

"Junior Brother Xingjue, don't run away anymore, follow me back, no matter what crimes you have committed, brother, I will intercede for you." Lu Yuan gloated, he seemed to know why the head teacher arrested Xingjue.

"If you dare to chase after me again, don't blame me for being impolite!!!" Xing Jue unleashed his soul, and with the strength of the elementary Asura Martial God, he exuded a powerful coercion to frighten everyone.

"My God, he's actually Martial God Shura? This aura is so strong, it's actually close to Martial God Shura at the middle level, not just as simple as the first level."

"Sure enough, it's a monster. With such strength, it's probably an old monster. It must be a spy sent by Huagu."

The dark purple power of Shura, like a violent hurricane, swept through the air, and those who were weaker were forced to retreat abruptly. Even Lu Yuan's face became ugly. Many people were indeed shocked by the coercion emitted by Xing Jue , dare not approach.

"Humph, what a loud tone, the old man wants to see how impolite you are." But not long after Xing Jue finished speaking, an old man's voice sounded from in front of him, it turned out to be Elder Tai Shi.

"Om..." After Elder Taishi appeared, he waved his sleeve robe, and a majestic barrier emerged, imprisoning Xingjue and himself in it.

"Boy, I will discipline you on Zhuge Changqing's behalf today." Elder Taishi struck again, and a powerful force descended from the sky, bombarding Xingjue from the front.

"Immortal, just because you want to discipline me? You are still far behind."

An intermediate Asura Martial God, Xing Jue can fight with all his strength, but right now he doesn't want to waste time, because he has no hope of escaping if the headmaster arrives.

"Zi la la la la ~~~"

Xing Jue cast the phantom thunder quickly, and easily dodged the attack of the elder Taishi, and then his fingers slid across the void, and several spells emerged, like arrows leaving the string, directly shooting at the barrier.


Under the penetration of the spell, the barrier set up by Taishi disintegrated in an instant, and Xingjue also passed through at the speed of lightning and continued to flee.

"My God, Elder Taishi's barrier was broken so easily. Xingjue is really a monster." Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked again.

"Boy, the old man can't catch you today, whatever your surname..."

Hearing everyone's comments, Elder Tai Shi, who already cared about face, felt that his face was dull, and with a loud shout, he quickly cast out the phantom thunder, and chased after Xing Jue with the same method.

"Grandma, this old thing has also cultivated Huanlei Jixing to the point of great success."

Xing Jue felt quite helpless, logically speaking, even a middle-ranked Martial God Shura might not be able to catch up to his speed, but he really had no way to get rid of the Martial God Shura who was also speeding through the same party.

At this moment, two lightning bolts flashed across the sky at high speed, and after the two lightning bolts, several figures followed closely. They were all true disciples and inheritance elders of Guiyin Peak.

Under such circumstances, no one dared to step forward to take action easily. In fact, many people did not know what happened. After all, the head teacher only said that he was arrested and executed, but did not say what crime he had committed.

In addition, there is a force like Huagu behind Xing Jue, if they are not forced to, they really don't want to get involved, and now they are relieved that even Elder Taishi has come forward, so they will not take action easily, and will just wait and see what happens with the two of them.

"Soul Explosion!"

Xing Jue used Soul Burst continuously to ensure that his strength would not decline, and under his extreme speed running, the end of the closed formation finally appeared not far ahead.

The blue light was like an insurmountable barrier, sealing off the sky and the earth, and isolating everything from the outside world. Even Xing Jue frowned in such a large formation.

It's not that he can't crack it, but it does take some time, but no one seems to give him this time right now.


But at this moment, the space in front of him suddenly squirmed again. Seeing this situation, Xing Jue couldn't help being shocked, thinking that another strong man was coming to surround him.

"Stupid, long time no see."

But the next moment, Xing Jue was completely at ease, because it was not an old man who walked out of the space, but a slim and beautiful girl with a sweet face, unexpectedly it was Bao'er.

"Baby, how are you doing?"

Seeing Bao'er, Xing Jue was immediately overjoyed, he fell in front of Bao'er, looked at Bao'er with concern, as if he was deeply afraid that Bao'er would be wronged these days.

"Stupid, now is not the time to reminisce about the past."

"My treasure that opened the enchantment was taken away by that bastard headmaster, this closed formation can only be handed over to you, are you sure?" Bao'er smiled sweetly as always, and it was so in Xing Jue's eyes. kind.

"Boy, let's see where you are going to escape."

At this moment, Elder Taishi was already chasing after him, and saw him grabbing towards the void, and a purple hand formed by Shura's power emerged, grabbing at the two of them, this was actually a combat technique , and it is an intermediate combat skill of the imperial rank.


With such an attack, even Xing Jue's face changed drastically, but Bao'eryu's hand suddenly struck out towards the void, and an invisible wave of energy swept away, and the terrifying big purple hand disintegrated in an instant.

"Oh my god, that girl actually defuses Elder Taishi's attack."

Although there was still some distance, the crowd who followed saw that it was Bao'er who resolved the combat technique issued by Elder Taishi, which shocked them greatly.

"Go, with me here, no one can disturb you."

After defusing Elder Taishi's attack, Bao'er smiled confidently, then stepped into the void and walked towards Elder Taishi with rather playful steps.

"Be careful."

Xing Jue was still a little worried at the beginning, after all, Bao'er was only the strength of a rudimentary Asura Martial God, but after seeing that he easily broke the palm, Xing Jue no longer hesitated, at least he knew that Bao'er could hold them back.

"Girl, if you don't get out of the way, don't blame the old man for being rude to you."

Seeing that Bao'er was not only not afraid of him, but also walking towards him, Elder Taishi was furious. While speaking, he took out the false venerable device, and his aura suddenly increased several times, and even the air around him was full of excitement. The change is uncertain, exuding a powerful coercion.

"Pseudo-honored device, are you willing to take it out?" Bao'er stopped her figure, smiled contemptuously, grasped her white and flawless jade hand, and a dazzling pink light shone from her wrist.

A pink light emerged, like a round of tomorrow, making everyone unable to open their eyes, and those with weaker strength involuntarily backed away, not daring to approach.

When the light dissipated, Bao'er actually held a sharp pink sword in his hand. This sword was no more than half an inch wide and no more than five feet long.

As soon as the sword came out, Bao'er's aura instantly surged, and it was even stronger than the elder Taishi. At this moment, layers of energy storms were set off around him, and the storm swept away, causing the void that was blown away to tremble.


"Zi la la la la"

With a sudden wave of Bao'er's arm, the pink sword flew across the air, splitting the void into two parts, and a long black line emerged from a hundred meters away, standing on top of the void, blocking Bao'er from Tai Shi. .

Bao'er's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly into two sweet crescents, but they contained extremely fierce murderous intent. She pointed at the crowd with a pink sword in her hand and said:

"Today, anyone who dares to cross this line will be killed!!!"

(Happy Children's Day, the new month has begun, bees beg for support from flowers, VIPs, pk tickets, and today there is another update before 11 o'clock)

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