Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 713 Beyond the Soul Source

(Today, the second update)

"What? It actually takes two years to refine the main body?"

"For two years, who will protect me? With the strength of my elementary Asura Martial Venerable, let alone the Supreme Elder, the Nine Venerables, Lin Yueshan, I can't stand up to any Inheritance Elder."

"Please, I am now an enemy of the entire Five Fingers Peak. How can you let me live if you leave me at this time?!!!" Xing Jue's howling like ghosts and wolves came from the Soul Eater Order.

Everything needed for the refining is ready, and the only thing that needs to be done is to set up the big array of refining, but Xing Jue didn't know until now that it will take two years to refine the body of the soul venerable, which means that within these two years, he will lose the soul lord shelter of those who

However, Xingjue was able to escape from Lin Yueshan's grasp only by relying on the power of the Soul Venerable. After all, his real strength is only a beginner Shura Martial Venerable. , this kind of strength is difficult to gain a foothold.

"You have the means to change the world. As long as you don't show up, no one can find you."

"Now you not only have the fifth-level body refining essence, the fifth-level fairy grass, which can speed up your cultivation, but also the Raksha stone."

"Even if you can't reach Martial God Shura within two years, you can at least reach high-level Martial God Shura. At that time, my main body is successfully refined, and you can fight even if you meet Martial God Shura at the middle level. When you reach the level of Martial God Shura Martial gods, even high-level Asura martial gods are not afraid at all." Soul Venerable explained.

"Are you sure, according to the method you said, you can be refined into a high-grade Zunqi?" After Xing Jue pondered for a while, he still felt a little unsafe.

Venerable artifacts are also divided into ranks, and different ranks have completely different powers. According to the records in the Artifact Refining Collection left by the old man Yungui, respected artifacts are divided into three ranks.

They are ordinary grade, top grade, and extreme grade. As far as Venerable Soul knows, the five venerable weapons in Wuzhi Peak should all be ordinary grade, but the demon flower sword that Bao'er used back then was different.

It stands to reason that even if Bao'er has a treasure in her hand, she can at most deal with the middle-ranked Martial God Shura with her strength, but she can kill the high-ranked Martial God Shura.

This has completely surpassed the power of a mortal weapon. According to the estimate of the soul lord, Bao'er's demon flower sword should be a top-grade venerable weapon.

Fannian Venerable Artifacts are so precious, and Higher-Rank Exalted Artifacts are even more immeasurable. Since ancient times, there have been only six Venerable Artifacts in the Soul Source World in the past ten thousand years, and they are all ordinary-rank ones. The utensils are so precious, they exist like legends.

As for the body of the soul venerable, it is naturally ordinary, and now it only needs to refine the body to restore the power of the venerable weapon. Normally, it only takes three months to refine the body.

However, Venerable Soul discovered that it was recorded in the refining classic that if the essence of all spirits was used as energy and refined for two full years, it would be possible to transform from ordinary to high-grade. By then, the power of Venerable Soul would not be mysterious at all Exalted artifacts like Linglong Fan can compete.

It just so happened that Xing Jue had a large amount of Essence of All Spirits on hand, two years of refining was enough, so Venerable Soul wanted to try it out.

However, this kind of experimental Xingjue is very unreliable. Let alone the preciousness of the essence of all spirits, two years alone is a very long time for Xingjue. Jue really lost his wife and lost his army.

After all, the high-grade Zunqi is like a legend, even the first headmaster of Wuzhi Peak could not refine it, and Xing Jue was really not sure that it could be refined.

"Xing Jue, your current opponent is the entire Five Fingers Peak, five mortal artifacts, even if your strength reaches the high-level Asura Martial God in the future, are you sure you can defeat those five old men with my mortal artifact in hand? "

"Although I'm not 100% sure, this is a rare opportunity. If it succeeds, no matter how strong those five old men are, they will not be able to compete with you." Venerable Soul urged solemnly.

Xing Jue bowed his head and said nothing, although he could be invincible in the same class with the soul of the Soul Devourer, but this world is a little different, many people have special physiques.

For example, the body of the evil spirit of the blood girl, and the body of the demon snake of Lu Yuan, the advantage of fighting against people like them has been greatly reduced. He can't guarantee whether the five elders of Wuzhifeng have special abilities physique.

If they really have special physiques, Xing Jue is really not sure that they can beat them, not to mention that there is an existence more terrifying than Wuzhifeng hidden in this world.

"Okay, two years is two years, fight!!" After pondering for a while, Xing Jue finally made up his mind and decided to fight again.

"Have courage, this is just like you!!" Venerable Soul smiled with satisfaction.

After making up his mind, Xing Jue and Soul Venerable worked together to set up a grand weapon refining formation. The grand formation for refining high-grade respectable weapons was a little different from ordinary-grade ones, and it could be said to be extremely complicated.

It took Xingjue and Soul Venerable a full ten days to set up the big formation for refining weapons alone, and this was only a half-finished big formation. After all, Soul Venerable itself is a noble weapon, and it only needs to be refined into the main body. Can.

The big array was finally set up, but Xingjue and Soul Venerable didn't start refining as soon as possible. The refined Soul Venerable needed to reshape his body and would sleep for two years.

Thinking that they will meet again after two years, and if they fail, Venerable Soul may disappear, Xing Jue and Venerable Soul decided to have a drink. At this moment, they came to a small town restaurant to drink freely.

The moonlight shawl, the stars, when everyone fell asleep, on the top of the attic of the restaurant, the old and the young drank to the cup, and kept laughing but no one could hear what they were saying.

"A half-finished formation is already so difficult, isn't it even more difficult to complete a complete formation?"

"If Bao'er's demon flower sword is really a noble weapon, then there is no one in her family who is not as strong as Wuzhifeng?" Xing Jue raised his glass and looked at the moon, deep in thought.

After personally engaging in the process of refining the Exalted Artifact, Xing Jue discovered that Bao'er's demon flower sword is really not simple, and the person who can refine such an Exalted Artifact is definitely a very powerful person.

"Xing Jue, don't blame me for not reminding you, Bao'er's little girl's background may not be simple."

"It's okay if she can wake up, but if she can't wake up, I'm afraid it will bring disaster to you." When Xing Jue mentioned Bao'er, Venerable Soul suddenly spoke, his old face was full of solemnity.

"Hun Venerable, what do you say? Do you know Bao'er's true identity?"

Xing Jue also became dignified. Bao'er said at the time that the Demon Flower Sword could not be given to Xing Jue, presumably because he was afraid of causing disaster to Xing Jue, after all, it belonged to her clan.

Now that Venerable Soul said so again, Xing Jue was really more and more curious about Bao'er's identity and what kind of power was behind her.

After all, the mysterious existence in Xing Jue once said that there is a more powerful existence in this world than Wuzhifeng, but no one knows about it. Xing Jue has been wondering whether Baoer is related to that force.

"How could I know her specific identity, but now it seems that she is very likely not from this world."

"Not from this world? Could it be that there are other worlds besides the soul source world?" Xing Jue's face showed horror, and he suddenly remembered that Bao'er had said that her family was not here.

"Back then, Yun Gui once said that the starry sky is vast and infinite, and the soul source world cannot be the only one, just like the god goose that mourned the dead thousands of years ago, it is not a thing of the soul source world."

"So Yungui deduces that there are other worlds besides the soul source world, and there are many of them, as many as the stars that we can see in the sky, countless."

"There are living beings in every world, strong and weak, and worlds big and small, but there must be existences far stronger than us."

"They are powerful enough to come to the soul source, but the strong soul source doesn't know where they come from. Those are two completely different realms, and they are powers that we have yet to touch." The soul lord stared at the starry sky, There was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"Could it be that there really are other worlds? In that case, aren't we just like a frog in a well?"

Xing Jue was shocked, thinking about all kinds of things, he also felt that the old man Yungui's words made sense, maybe there really are other worlds besides the soul source world.

"That's why I think that girl Bao'er is probably from a world other than the soul source. She has talents that people in the soul source world can't match. Therefore, in the eyes of people in the soul source world, she is a monster."

"And she also has a treasure that no one has refined in the soul source world, and she has the taboo power that can fuse the world. This is not something that people in the soul source world can do. It can be said that no one has done it. "

Venerable Soul once specifically asked Xing Jue about Bao'er. Although he had only met Bao'er once, he already knew something about Bao'er, so he had long thought that Bao'er might not be from this world.

"Honorable Soul, if Bao'er really came from a world other than Soul Source, and her family is on the other side of the starry sky, if one day people from her family find this place and know that Bao'er is dead, what do you think will happen? What about it?" Xing Jue asked solemnly.

"It's hard to say, maybe they will investigate the truth and kill all those who killed Bao'er."

"Or maybe they are too lazy to investigate the truth, and simply attack the whole world and destroy the soul source."

"Who knows, we can't know the means of the strong. Maybe the rules of heaven and earth can't restrain them?" Soul Venerable smiled bitterly, and he felt more and more small.

The world of soul origin has firmly bound him, how would he know what kind of strength and means of dealing with those strong men who can break free from the shackles of the world? Perhaps in their eyes, people in the world of soul origin are like ants, It's just a barren place.

"Can I not be bound by the rules of heaven and earth? I hope that such power really exists." Xing Jue was not afraid after hearing Venerable Soul's words. He looked up at the starry sky, but his face was full of anticipation.

Because Xing Jue firmly believes that as long as there is power in the world, he will be able to master it one day. If he can really not be bound by the rules of heaven and earth, that is the power he really wants.

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