Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 721 Return to the Promise Academy

(Today, the first update)

Without the help of Venerable Soul, Xingjue's strength is only that of a junior Asura Martial Venerable, and even if he pushes the Xuanyu boat with all his strength, the speed will not be too fast.

So it took half a month to reach the remote Eastern Territory, and at this moment, Xing Jue finally returned to the place he had been away for a long time, the Promise Court.

Wuji Courtyard is as always, with high mountains and flowing water, singing birds and fragrant flowers, and lingering clouds and mists, just like a paradise.

Although seeing Wujiyuan seemed a bit unbearable after seeing top powers like Wuzhifeng and Huagu, in Xing Jue's eyes, seeing this small power was so kind.

When Xing Jue returned to Wuji Courtyard, the first place he came to was the Immortal Grass Residence in the back mountain. After Xing Jue stepped out of the space with Tang Lian and his sisters, he walked straight towards the Immortal Grass Residence, and Tang Lian The sisters and Uncle Zhao were also very knowledgeable, knowing that Xing Jue was going to meet a close friend, so they didn't follow.

The gate of Xiancaoju was closed tightly, and even added a layer of enchantment, apparently for fear of being disturbed by others, but this was not a problem for Xing Jue, he easily fell into the courtyard.

And as soon as he entered the courtyard, he could smell a tangy scent of dan. According to Xing Jue's experience, it could be judged that someone was refining medicine.

The door of the medicine refining room was not closed. After Xing Jue approached, he saw the flame rising from inside a alchemy cauldron, and a beautiful figure in a white Taoist robe was busy back and forth in front of the alchemy furnace.

Under her control, a large number of precious medicinal herbs fell into the cauldron in an orderly manner and were refined by the flames. She was so focused that she didn't seem to dare to be distracted.

Lin Shishi, after two years, her clean and flawless face still exudes her unique pure aura, and her white skirt flutters like a fairy who is not in the world.

It's only two years, but she has added a touch of charm that is unique to a woman. The crystal drops of sweat glide across her white skin, making her look even more alluring.

"I'm about to succeed. With this elixir, I can break through to a middle-level Asura martial artist in one fell swoop." Lin Shishi didn't feel tired during the busy alchemy, but on the pure face, there was a touch like honey. Sweet smile.

She is currently refining a fourth-level elixir. As long as this elixir is successfully refined, she will be sure to break through from the elementary Asura martial artist to the middle-level Asura martial artist. This is a big event for her, so Only at this moment can I be so happy.

"Fourth-tier pills, potential pills, your medicine is missing at least three items, so even if the refining is successful, the potency will be greatly reduced." But at this moment, a man's playful voice suddenly came from outside the door.

After hearing this voice, Lin Shishi's joyful face instantly turned cold. It is a taboo to disturb her while she is refining the elixir, let alone when she is refining the extremely important elixir.

"Get out..."

Lin Shishi turned her head suddenly, her innocent face was covered with anger, but before she finished speaking, the angry expression dissipated in an instant, and the dull expression was already condensed on her pure and flawless beautiful face.

"Get out? Is this how you welcome old friends?" Xing Jue walked into the alchemy room with a bright smile on his face.

"Xingjue! My God, it's really you!!!"

"You guy, when did you come back? You still know you're coming back!!!"

Lin Shishi was extremely excited, she walked quickly to Xing Jue, and kept looking up, down, left, and right at Xing Jue, her long eyelashes blinking non-stop, as if she couldn't believe her eyes.

"Hey! Don't you care about your potion of pills?" Seeing Lin Shishi so happy, Xing Jue indeed turned his slightly narrowed eyes to the Danding not far away.

"Oh, that's bad..."

Under the reminder of Xing Jue, Lin Shishi suddenly realized that now is the critical moment of Dancheng, and if she leaves Danding at this time, it is likely to lead to failure at this critical moment.

And when she turned her head to look, her delicate little face couldn't help but change drastically, because the scent of the alchemy from the alchemy cauldron had already changed, which meant that this alchemy was probably going to fail.


But at this moment, Xing Jue had appeared in front of the cauldron like a ghost. He saw that Xing Jue rolled up his sleeves and began to skillfully manipulate everything in the cauldron.


Seeing Xing Jue's incomparably skillful movements, the appearance of everything being under control, and the fact that the elixir that was clearly doomed to failure has been saved by him at this moment, Lin Shishi's delicate face became extremely surprised .


Suddenly, with a wave of Xing Jue's sleeve robe, three shining medicinal herbs emerged and merged into the alchemy cauldron, turning into three beams of light and blending into the elixir. At this moment, the elixir fragrance of the elixir actually increased several times.

Seeing those three medicinal herbs that she couldn't find, being randomly taken out by Xing Jue, Lin Shishi's beautiful eyes were already dull, and she didn't even blink.

Lin Shishi stared blankly at what Xing Jue was doing, until a moment later, when Xing Jue handed her a long-awaited elixir, she finally came to her senses.

"In just two years, I became a fifth-grade pharmacist, leaving me far behind in alchemy." Lin Shishi's face was full of helplessness, but she was so happy.

"It's not thanks to you being such a good master." Xing Jue stuffed the refined elixir into Lin Shishi's hands, smiling brightly.

"I haven't contacted us for two years, I thought you were missing!" Suddenly, Lin Shishi pouted and complained.

"For two years, you have never contacted me, are you afraid of disturbing my cultivation?"

Xing Jue was still smiling, he could feel that Lin Shishi and his close friends must miss him very much, but they didn't dare to disturb him.

"Tch~ Are you the first to see me? It's kind of a conscience."

Lin Shishi glanced outside, seeing that no one else was following, she guessed that Xing Jue must be the first one to see her as she was clever. Smile instead.

"I called everyone here. They must be very happy to see you, a genius, come back." Lin Shishi took out a special token while speaking, and could notify everyone in the Promise Academy.

"Don't alarm everyone, let me notify you." Xing Jue took the token from Lin Shishi's hand and began to engrave names on it. Those were the people he wanted to see when he came back this time.

Xing Jue's current status is a bit special. Although he knows that what he did in the center of the world has not been reported here, but Xing Jue believes that it will be reported one day, so he doesn't want too many people to know that he still has entanglements with Wuji Yuan.

As for Sister Tang Lian, although they also felt that the Eastern Territory was a suitable place for their sisters to live in peace, they didn't want to stay in the Wuji Courtyard, they just found a secluded place to practice in peace.

In short, what Xing Jue wants to do is very simple. He just wants to settle Sister Tang Lian and pay a visit to his close friends here. As long as he doesn't show up and show his strength, even if what he did in the center of the world will be spread here in the future , people here may not think that it was done by Xingjue.

After all, such a thing is too shocking, and Xing Jue was only a Shura martial artist two years ago, not to mention that there are people with the same name in the world, so Xing Jue feels that as long as he doesn't say anything, people here will not know about him doing.

Xingjue didn't want to keep a low profile, but he didn't want to involve Wujiyuan, because if Wuzhifeng knew that Wujiyuan had something to do with Xingjue, then Wujiyuan would probably end badly.

After notifying everyone, Xing Jue invited Sister Tang Lian to the Immortal Grass Residence, and soon several figures broke through the air and came to the Immortal Grass Residence. When those people saw Xing Jue, they were all Excited, some even cried bitterly.

Brothers and sisters Zhang Xing and Zhang Meng, as well as several important members of the Dragon Group in the past.

Yao Di, Liu Bing, Tianyin will have some backbones.

Sisters Han Xue and Han Xiang, Fang Lianyi, the strongest disciples of the Promise Institute who participated in the grand meeting of Yancheng together with Xing Jue on the top of the strong list.

Even the elders of the four chief elders of the Promise Academy gathered in the Immortal Grass Residence one after another.

They are all close friends of Xing Jue, people whom Xing Jue trusts, as long as Xing Jue keeps them secret, they will never tell Xing Jue to return to Wuji Courtyard and tell about Sister Tang Lian's coming here.

Soon, Elder Ouyang ordered people to prepare a feast. As a senior executive of Wuji Academy, a genius like Xingjue was really very happy when he came back.

Today, although the courtyard cannot be held to celebrate together, even in this Immortal Grass Residence, one must get drunk before resting.

Everyone drank unscrupulously, chatted freely, recounted the past, told recent stories, and laughed heartily.

They have no scruples, because Xiancaoju is now a forbidden place in Wuji Courtyard, and other disciples dare not come here at all.

"Xing Jue, what level is your current strength? You won't have reached Shura Martial Sect in two years, right? Are you already an entry-level disciple of Samsara Peak?"

Zhang Xingben was not good at drinking, but he was so happy to see his good brother Xing Jue come back. He was so drunk that he was staggering when he walked. This is a question that many people are curious about.

In two years, he also reached the strength of a junior Shura martial artist and became a disciple of the middle court of the Promise Court, but he was even more curious about how far he had grown when he entered the Promise Court together with him.

"Even this old man can't see through Xing Jue's current cultivation base. It seems that he has probably reached the level of Martial Emperor Shura." Elder Ouyang smiled gratifiedly at the side. For him who was optimistic about Xing Jue from the beginning, Xing Jue Definitely his pride.

Everyone kept asking Xing Jue about leaving the Eastern Region, but Xing Jue didn't say much, he just smiled and told everyone about Sister Tang Lian.

Some people here know Tang Lian's identity. In their eyes, Tang Lian is a distinguished guest. Even the four elders respect her, let alone other disciples.

"Sister, they all respect you so much. If you know what Brother Xingjue has done, you will be scared." Tang Yu covered her mouth with a chuckle and secretly transmitted her voice to Tang Lian.

"Shh, Xing Jue said to keep it a secret, and you must not tell what he did in the world center." Tang Lian hastily warned.

"I know, hey..."

Tang Yu smiled mischievously, and then turned his attention to Xingjue. Seeing that Xingjue and those members of the Promise Academy who were only asura martial masters were so kind and like a family, he couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Brother Xingjue is really extraordinary. It seems that he will not be separated from his old friends because of his surprise. Such a person is really rare!!!"

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