Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 724 The ancient voice

(Today, the first update)

Xing Jue knew the power of hellfire. He once relied on the hellfire talisman to instantly kill many people, and even burned most of the body of a true disciple of Tiandao Peak who was carrying a treasure.

Xing Jue reckoned that if the disciple didn't have the treasured bodyguard, he would be burnt to death directly, and Xing Jue still clearly remembered the strength of that disciple, which was exactly the same as Xing Jue today, and he was an elementary Shura Martial Venerable.

Therefore, it is entirely conceivable that a ray of flames can burn a novice Shura Martial Master to death, but now Xingjue wants to use such strength to take away the entire sea of ​​flames and collect the fire source of the hellfire. What kind of difficulty will be faced.

"Soul Explosion!!!"

A violent shout sounded suddenly, shaking in all directions like thunder, even covering up the roar of the monstrous flames. At this moment, Xing Jue's body was covered with black runes, and his aura had already been raised to the level of a middle-level Shura martial artist. The point of respect.


After his strength improved, Xing Jue began to arrange cumbersome formations on the ground. There is no doubt that Xing Jue finally chose to collect the fire of hell.

This time, Xing Jue's big array was set up for two full days, and Xing Jue consumed most of his soul and physical strength within two days. In this case, he could only rely on swallowing the fifth-grade pill to recover. Restore strength.

"Success depends only on you."

Xing Jue took out the Kyushu Divine Cauldron and placed it in the center of the formation. He knew that the fire of hell was extremely violent, and the earthen jars similar to the deep sea fire might not be able to carry the hell fire at all. Only a treasure like the Kyushu Divine Cauldron to load.

Everything was ready, Xing Jue stood in the eye of the formation, and made a strange handprint with his palms together, and then there was a loud shout, and the power in his body poured into the formation like a flood from the gate.

"Om, oom, oom~~~~~~"

In an instant, it was radiant, and the dark blue light formed a sharp contrast with the black flame.

"Boom rumble~~"

The great array of rays of light engraved on the ground actually began to float in the air. At this moment, the earth trembled violently, and even the roaring sea of ​​hell flames became much quieter. The suppression of the large formation is average.



With a burst of shouting, the great formation burst out with majestic suction, and the sea of ​​hell also burst out with a sound like a dragon's roar. The monstrous fire wave rolled again, several times more violent than before. It was resisting, resisting the great formation of suction.


Faced with such a situation, Xing Jue had no choice but to continue, and began to unreservedly integrate the power in his body into the big formation to strengthen the power of the big formation.


The ear-piercing roar sounded again, but this time a pillar of flame burst out from the sea of ​​flames.

A dark pillar of flame circled up, like a dragon sailing out of the sea, with a terrifying aura, it poured into the large formation arranged by Xingjue.

Finally, under the full force of Xing Jue, the flames of hell began to pour into the formation, and finally merged into the Kyushu Divine Cauldron. It was just the beginning, but Xing Jue was already sweating profusely, and the strength in his body was almost exhausted do.


While Xing's mouth was closed, he swallowed a fifth-grade elixir that had been placed in the air in advance. Xing Jue had prepared three such elixirs and put them all in his mouth.

But at the moment, it seems that three pills are far from enough, but Xingjue has no choice, since he can't back down at the beginning, he can only continue to fight.

“Boom rumble~~~”

When the black hellfire continuously entered the Kyushu Divine Cauldron, the Reincarnation Hell was also shaking violently, as if even it was unwilling to let the hellfire be taken away by Xingjue.

However, after only a short while, Xing Jue swallowed the second fifth-grade elixir, looking at the sea of ​​flames that had not diminished, Xing Jue couldn't help frowning.

Because he knew that with his current strength, he couldn't take away the flames of hell, and in the end he still underestimated the power of the flames of hell.

Soon, the last elixir was swallowed by Xing Jue, and it only lasted for a moment before Xing Jue's power was exhausted.

The large array began to descend from the midair, and the fiery sea of ​​hell flames returned to its previous violent level, and even the previously trembling earth returned to tranquility.

"Damn it, it still failed in the end."

At this moment, Xing Jue was on the verge of collapse, he was sweating profusely, he was panting continuously, his face was pale and weak, and the sweat continued to permeate and fall from his body like rain.

At this moment, Xing Jue's fists could not help but clenched tightly. He was unwilling, very unwilling. He spent three days and used four fifth-grade pills, but ultimately failed.


But at this moment, a sound of flame eruption suddenly sounded in front of Xing Jue, and a rush of heat also stuck to Xing Jue's body.

"This is..?"

Xing Jue couldn't help but be overjoyed when he fixed his eyes, because he found that there was a black flame burning in the Kyushu Divine Cauldron at the moment, it was actually the fire of hell.

"It's the fire of hell. It is indeed the fire of hell. The fire of hell has not dissipated after leaving the fire source. Could it be that this is the power of the Kyushu Divine Cauldron?"

Looking at the intense flames in the Kyushu Divine Cauldron, Xing Jue was very pleasantly surprised, because he could feel the intensity of the flames, which was not inferior to the flames in the dark sea of ​​flames not far away. This is the real fire of hell. Hellfire.

Although Xing Jue failed to take away the fire source of the hell fire, he managed to draw the hell fire into the Kyushu Divine Cauldron. In this way, Xing Jue can use the hell fire to refine the sixth-order celestial grass , no matter how you say it, the execution is tantamount to success.

"Hey, it's not a waste of time."

Xing Jue thought it was a complete failure, but he did not expect an unexpected harvest. Xing Jue carefully sealed the Kyushu Divine Cauldron to prevent the fire of hell from consuming it, and then included it in the Soul Eater Order.

"Just wait, one day I will come back!"

Looking at the boundless sea of ​​flames in front of him, Xing Jue said swearingly, because at this moment, he made up his mind that one day he would conquer the flames of hell and hold this power in his hands.

"Come back when you have enough strength, I am here waiting for you!"

But just when Xing Jue turned around, a hoarse and strange voice like the ringing of a bell suddenly rang in his ears, the shaking Xing Jue's ears buzzed, and the shaking Xing Jue felt an unknown shock in his heart.


Hearing this sound, Xing Jue's face changed drastically in an instant. He quickly backed away as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and swept his sharp eyes towards the dark sea of ​​flames behind him, but when he cast his eyes on the sea of ​​hell flames, he didn't see anything. I didn't see it, not even half a person.

"Is that you talking to me? Hellfire, is that you?"

Looking at the tumbling sea of ​​hell flames in front of him, Xing Jue asked loudly. At this moment, he was terrified, because he was sure that he had indeed heard a voice, a voice full of ancient aura. Just by hearing this voice, he knew the terror and power of that person. It seems to have lived for thousands of years, experienced all things and vicissitudes in the world.

But in this world, who can live for ten thousand years?It is the superpower of the ancient times, or the terrifying undead that will never die.

"Why no response? Isn't it the fire of hell?"

"Who is it? Which senior is talking to me?"

"Excuse me, are you a senior from the ancient times?"

Seeing that there was no response, Xing Jue continued to question, but no matter how much he asked, the voice never sounded again, as if it had completely disappeared.

"What the hell is that? Is this hellfire becoming a spirit? Or is there really someone else in the depths of this reincarnation hell?"

Xing Jue was shocked, this sea of ​​flames was only the second layer of samsara hell, Xing Jue didn't know if there was a third or fourth layer behind the sea of ​​flames formed by the flames of hell.

He didn't know what was behind the sea of ​​flames in hell, whether it was a person or a thing, a terrifying undead, or an ancient strongman.


Suddenly, Xing Jue closed his eyes. He couldn't see behind the sea of ​​hell with his naked eyes, so he decided to use his soul to spy on everything.


The souls of the emperor rushed out, trying to pass through the sea of ​​hell, but the sea of ​​hell was too vast, as if it was really a boundless sea.

Xing never gave up, he gritted his teeth, and continued to spread his soul, the soul went deeper and deeper, and finally there was a slight change in front of him, which was extremely empty, gloomy, full of unknown and fear.

Moreover, Xing Jue felt that breath, that breath that made him inexplicably uneasy. After expanding his soul to the extreme, that breath became clearer and clearer, and it was in the depths of the sea of ​​hell.

"What the hell is that? Is it an ancient strongman? Or are there really undead?"

Xing Jue opened his eyes again, and his eyes became more and more complicated. The voice didn't seem to be provoking him, but more like a reminder to him that this reincarnation hell is not as simple as it appears on the surface, and there are still unknown creatures. .

"What is hidden in the depths of this reincarnation hell? Or is it that I awakened something?"

Xing Jue guessed, he always felt that these changes were caused by collecting the meditation water, but he couldn't be sure, and couldn't find the answer for a while.

Then he yelled a few more times, trying to talk to the mysterious ancient existence, but that existence seemed to have fallen asleep and did not ring out again.

In the end, Xing Jue gave up, he knew that if that person didn't want to talk to him, it would be useless even if he called again.

Since he said that Xing Jue has enough strength to come back, then Xing Jue will wait until he has enough strength to come here to find out.

"Wow, it really is more comfortable outside"

After Xing Jue left the hell of reincarnation, the first feeling he felt when he returned to the outside was comfort, without that inexplicable uneasiness, without that strange depression, and Xing Jue's whole person became much more energetic.

"It took three days in the blink of an eye, but fortunately, this trip was not in vain."

It was already a sunny morning, Xing Jue stepped in the air, looked at the Promise Chamber below, smiled slightly and flew towards Xiancaoju.

He hasn't heard from anyone in the past three days, but he knows that everyone must know that he has something to do and don't want to disturb him, and someone like Lin Shishi who knows the inside story may still be worried about him.

Now that he has successfully obtained the fire of hell, Xing Jue must quickly report to Lin Shishi that he is safe, lest she continue to worry about him.

"Yo, it seems that there are guests."

"This Headmaster Hong Qiang!!"

"No, why is his breath so weak? Could it be..."

But just as Xing Jue approached the mountain where the Immortal Grass Residence was located, his expression changed for a while, and then he saw a flash of light, and he instantly submerged into the Immortal Grass Residence.

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