(Today, the second update)

Soon, the three of Xingjue walked into the area where Xuanying was located. After entering Xuanying, no matter whether it was the old strong or the young generation, the weak or the strong.

When they saw Elder Xuanwang would step forward to salute, their attitude was very humble. It could be seen that although Elder Xuanwang's strength in this dusty royal city was mediocre, or even weak, his identity seemed not that simple.

But this is not surprising, after all, he dared to make a claim and signed an alliance contract with the Promise Academy, which meant that he still had some power at least.

Walking all the way among the ancient cities in Xuanying, Elder Xuanwang seemed to intend to let Xingjue and the others get acquainted with the environment here, or to let others see the relationship between the three of them.

In short, after wandering around for nearly two hours, they came to a grand hall. The hall was empty, and there was no one guarding the outside of the hall.

Because Elder Xuanwang had already left, there were only Xingjue and Xingjue in this vast hall at this moment, which seemed very empty.

"Hey, senior brother Xuan Xingxing, are we going to meet that elder from this Xuan Camp, Lord Xuan Xiang?"

"Elder Xuanwang said that the head elder of Xuanying is a high-ranking Asura Martial God, and this is the strongest level in the world, the strongest in the world."

"As long as I think that I will meet such a character soon, I'm so nervous." Tang Yu whispered, but Xing Jue knew that this naughty little girl was not really nervous when she saw that she was still joking.

In fact, it is indeed the case. If Tang Yu met such a big man before, she would definitely be nervous to death, but after encountering Xing Jue, she is used to it. In her eyes, Xing Jue is no worse than those big men. .


Suddenly, two figures appeared in the hall, one was the elder Xuanwang who had just left, and the other was also an old man with yellow hair.

Moreover, this person's face is somewhat similar to Elder Xuanwang's, but it is worth mentioning that this old man's face is much older than Elder Xuanwang's.

The most important thing is that the yellow robe he wears is somewhat different, and his aura has reached the level of a high-ranking Shura Martial God.

"Disciple Xuan Awakening, pay homage to Lord Xuanxiang!" After the old man appeared, Xing Jue hurriedly made a gesture to Tang Lian and Tang Yu, and then hurried forward to respectfully salute him.

"Disciple, Xuan Tanglian, Xuan Tangyu, pay homage to Master Xuanxiang!" Immediately after the execution, Tanglian and Tangyu also hurriedly gave a big gift.

Lord Xuanxiang is the honorific title of the head elder of Xuanying. In addition to the supreme city lord, there are four transcendent beings in the Dusty King City, that is, the four Lords of the Four Aspects, namely Heaven, Earth, Xuanxiang, and Huang. Mutually.

Today's four camps of heaven, earth, black and yellow were founded by the four masters of Sixiang, so the latter, no matter who becomes the head elder of the four camps, will be honored as such.

"Well, yes, they are very clever, get up!"

Master Xuanxiang, was a little different from what Xing Jue and the other three thought. He didn't have the airs of a super strong person at all. Instead, he was very friendly like an elder of his own family.

"Master Xie Xuanxiang." Xing Jue and the others quickly stood up and stood straight in the distance.

"Wang'er, after sending you out for so long, you have finally done something that I am satisfied with." After carefully looking at the three Xing Jue, Mr. Xuanxiang nodded in satisfaction at the elder Xuanwang beside him. .

"Wang'er? This title... Could it be that they are?" Hearing that Master Xuanwang called that Elder Xuanwang like this, Xing Jue suddenly thought of something.

"My lord father!" Finally, Elder Xuan Wang spoke, and he was actually the son of this lord Xuan Wang.

At this moment, both Tang Lian and Tang Yu were shocked, a little speechless, only Xing Jue looked as expected.

Leaving aside the fact that the two are so similar, the fact that Elder Xuanwang is respected by so many people in Xuanying with the strength of a junior Shura Martial Venerable means that his identity is very special.

"Father, I have spent a lot of effort to invite this awakening."

"Don't look at his young age, but even I am not his opponent, but he is much stronger than Xuanzhen in Xuanying today."

"As long as you are willing to train him personally, maybe he can shine in this competition and defeat the juniors of the other three battalions!" Elder Xuanwang praised him without hesitation in front of Lord Xuanwang. Come on.

"Oh? Awakening, are you really an elementary Asura Martial Venerable?" Hearing the yellow-haired old man's praise, Master Xuanxiang cast his curious eyes on Xingjue, because even he couldn't see through Xingjue's hidden aura.

"Master Huixuan, this disciple is indeed a junior Asura Martial Master." Seeing this, Xing Jue no longer concealed his strength, and revealed his aura of a junior Asura Martial Master.

"Well, it's really a good seed." After feeling the breath of Xing Jue, Lord Xuanxiang nodded in satisfaction, as if he was very pleased.

"But it's a pity, hey~~~~" But following closely behind, he sighed helplessly.

"My lord father, what's wrong with you?" Seeing lord Xuanxiang like this, Elder Xuanwang asked in puzzlement.

"The aptitude for this awakening is indeed very good. Now that the Eastern Territory is lonely, it is really a blessing for my Xuanying to be able to find such a good seedling."

"However, it is a pity that just yesterday, Tianying's strongest disciple "Tianzhong" has successfully reached the level of the high-ranking Asura Martial Lord." Master Xuanxiang sighed helplessly.

"What? The clock hit successfully that day? This..." At this moment, Elder Xuanwang was a little dumbfounded.

Not only him, but even Xing Jue couldn't help frowning. On the way when Xing Jue came, he had asked the old man with yellow hair about the strength of the younger generation of the fourth battalion.

The other three battalions are pretty much the same, the strongest juniors are similar to Xing Jue, they are all junior Shura Martial Masters, only the Tianzhong of the Tian Camp is an intermediate Shura Martial Master.

Originally there was a level difference, but because there was still half a year left for the competition, maybe the three of them could also hit the middle-level Asura Martial Lord, so there was still a glimmer of hope.

Therefore, apart from the Tianying, the other three battalions are also looking forward to this competition, hoping to use this to win the power of the dusty king city.

But right now, Tianzhong hits the high-level Asura Martial Lord, and it is already proud of the younger generation. Even if the juniors of the other three battalions can hit the middle-level Asura Martial Lord within half a year, they can't compete with Tianzhong. contend.

As for Xing Jue, although he was sure to hit the middle-rank Martial Lord Shura within half a year, he couldn't hit the high-rank Martial Martial Emperor Shura at all.

As for the power-enhancing means of soul burst and transient talisman clothes, he dare not use them at all to prevent his identity from being exposed, so things have become a little difficult right now.

"Tianzhong has reached the high-level Asura Martial Lord, and there is no one among the younger generation. Although the other two elders are also very helpless, they have no other choice."

"Under the proposal of Elder Tianxiang, the competition will be canceled in half a year, and Tianzhong will be announced as the acting city lord of my dusty city in the near future." Master Xuanxiang said the news extremely helplessly.

"But my lord, Elder Tian Xiang is very ambitious, and Tian Zhong is a veritable disaster. If they are allowed to gain the power of the royal city, I'm afraid they will suppress our Xuanying in the future." Elder Xuanwang's face was full of worry.

"Then what can I do? Everything in the dusty king's city should be decided by the city owner. Such a situation where the four battalions are fully committed will only make my dusty king's city more and more decaying."

"What's more, as the dignified elder Xuanxiang, how can I take back what I said? This matter has already been settled, so don't ask me any more."

Master Xuanxiang waved his hand, signaling Elder Xuanwang not to say any more, but the sadness on his face was more intense than that of Elder Xuanwang.

After a moment of silence, the atmosphere improved. Master Xuanxiang squeezed out a faint smile on his old face, walked down from the top of the main hall, and came in front of the Xingjue trio and said:

"Awakening, your talent is really good, much better than my Xuanying's Xuanzhen talent, being able to easily defeat Wang'er already speaks for itself."

"Although you have no predestined relationship with the city lord, don't be discouraged and practice hard. As long as you can reach the Asura Martial God within ten years, I will recommend you to the city lord as my Xuanxiang's successor on the day the city lord ascends the throne."

Although Master Xuanxiang saw Xing Jue for the first time, it can be seen from Xing Jue's eyes that he is very optimistic about Xing Jue. Of course, this must be due to the contribution of Elder Xuan Wang, he must not have lightly praised Xing Jue before. Judgment.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Xuan Xing, but Xing Xing has a question, I don't know if it's convenient to ask." Xing Jue asked for instructions respectfully.

"What's the question, but it's okay to ask." Lord Xuanxiang was very accommodating.

"If someone can beat that clock within ten years, will the city lord be replaced?"


As soon as Xing Jue said this, Master Xuanxiang was stunned, not to mention him, even the elder Xuanwang behind him became looking forward to it.

"It stands to reason that the acting city lord within the next ten years is only the acting city lord. Unless his strength reaches the middle-level Asura Martial God, he cannot become the real city lord."

"During this period of time, we will only do our best to train him, and will not obey his orders. On the contrary, Tianying can't order us."

"So, if someone can surpass him, it means that there is someone in the younger generation who is more suitable to be the city lord, who can indeed replace him." After a moment of silence, Master Xuanxiang replied.

"My lord father, there are still ten years left. During this time, my Xuanying will do my best to cultivate Awakening. With his talent, he might be able to catch up with the clock."

"Believe me, Xing Jue has such strength at such an age. If he is trained with the best resources of my Xuanying, he will definitely be able to catch up with the clock of the day and help my Xuanying win the power of the royal city."

Hearing Master Xuanxiang's answer, before Xingjue could say anything, Elder Xuanwang rushed over and assured him, it can be seen that he is really optimistic about Xingjue.

"Presumptuous, to provide the best resources to Tianzhong, this has been promised in advance, and the old man can go back on his word?"

Master Xuan Xiang burst out angrily, his face turned cold, as one of the four strongest in the dusty royal city and the head of the Xuan Ying, it is obvious that he takes such a promise very seriously.

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