Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 737 Call Me Master Lian

(Today, the second update)


There was another muffled sound, and the spirit essence in the eight formation eyes evaporated again. Without hesitation, Xing Jue raised his hand and prepared to chop off the spirit essence.

"Wait!!!" But this time, the Essence of All Souls quit. He yelled these two words hysterically, which shocked Xing Jue.

"Why??" Xing Jue did not continue to attack, but asked in confusion.

"You are killing life, do you know that you are committing a crime?" The childlike voice of Essence of All Souls was very cute.

"I can't help it. I'm saving people. I can't let Venerable Soul die like this." While Xing Jue was speaking, he struck again, exploiting the essence of all spirits again in the blink of an eye, and filling the formation.

"Bastard!!! Bastard!!! Bastard!! You big bastard!!!"

The voice of Wan Ling Essence, like killing a pig, sounded again, full of helplessness, anger and unwillingness, but it was powerless.

"Bastard brat, is the Soul Venerable you're talking about the one that's being refined?"

"How can a mere venerable artifact compare to me? My life is worth a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, tens of thousands of times more than him!!" Wanling Essence cried like a ghost, as if wanting to vent her anger dissatisfied.

"You know that I'm refining the Zun Artifact???" At this moment, Xing Jue's eyes on the Essence of All Souls became sharper.


"Such a simple refining array can be recognized by anyone, so I naturally know that you are refining a noble weapon!" Wanling Essence faltered, as if trying to hide something.

"A simple refining formation?" It's just that Xing Jue felt that the essence of all spirits was not simple.

Venerable artifacts are so precious, there are only six such artifacts in the entire continent, and there are no such artifacts as the Mountain Gate Valley and Dusty King City.

But the Essence of All Souls actually said that with such a simple refining formation, he could tell at a glance that he was refining an honorable weapon, which made Xing Jue suspicious.

"Quickly tell me, have you seen the flaws in this great weapon refining array, do you have a way to fix them?" Xing Jue asked loudly.

"I...I...I...I'm just a little Essence of All Souls, how could I know such a thing? You think too much about you." Essence of All Souls refused, but it made Xing Jue even more Suspect.

"Okay, don't tell me, right? If you don't tell me, I'll hack you to death." Seeing this, Xing Jue didn't ask any more questions, and waved his arms like the wind. During the wave, the spirit essence became smaller and smaller smaller.

"Oh my god, this is murder, this is murder!"

"Stop, stop, you will really kill me like this."

The Essence of All Souls was really scared. In the blink of an eye, the huge body was cut by Xing Jue to be about the same height as Xing Jue. At this moment, the Essence of All Souls was really scared. It started to cry when it spoke .

At this moment, the essence of all spirits piled up next to Xing Jue was also larger than the one in front of him, and they were all cut from it, but Xing Jue found that only the one in front of him could speak.

And when it was cut, it didn't seem to feel pain, it was just worried, worried that its body would be weakened, it seemed that it could kill it, but Xing Jue thought it was weird.

"Quickly tell me, how can we restore the great weapon refining array? If you don't say anything else, I will kill you completely!" Xing Jue asked in a threatening tone, shaking his straight palm in front of the Essence of All Souls.

"Woo~~ I really don't know, please let me go, I have only lived for more than 1 years, I am still so young, I don't want to die!!!"

Suddenly, the Essence of All Souls began to cry, crying so sadly, as if it would really hate Jiuquan if it died right now.

However, at this moment, the corner of Xing Jue's mouth twitched uncontrollably, thinking to himself, what does it mean to have only lived for more than 1 years, and this is still young?If this is also called being young, and this is also called being alive, then how can this be embarrassing to those who die after only living a hundred years old?

However, now Xing Jue feels more and more that this guy in front of him is unusual, and even Xing Jue has a bold idea, that is, it is not the essence of all spirits at all, but a mysterious object hidden in the essence of the undead.

"If you don't say it, then don't blame me." Xing Jue raised his palm and dropped it suddenly, as if he really wanted to make a move.

"Wow~ I said, I said, I said, I can help you repair that large refining array!"

"I can help you refine it into a high-grade artifact, please don't kill me, please don't kill me!" Wanling Essence finally compromised, but at this moment the childlike cry was so realistic, it can be seen It should be really scared to cry.

"Hiss~" At this moment, the essence of all spirits in the formation evaporated again.

"Quick, hurry up and repair it." Xing Jue urged anxiously.

"I can't fix it now"

"Then what can I do to fix it?"

"Relax your mind, I want to enter your brain."

"What do you want to do?" Hearing the words of Wanling Essence, Xing Jue couldn't help but feel his heart tighten, relax his consciousness, and let the other party sneak in?This is a very dangerous thing.

"Hurry up, do you still want to save that shit soul venerable? Can I still hurt you with my strength? You bastard." Seeing Xing Jue's hesitation, the Essence of All Souls became dissatisfied and furious.

"Okay, I'm ready, come on!"

Xing Jue thought about it carefully, the strength of the spirit essence is very weak, and it has no ability to harm him at all, so he first filled the surrounding spirit essence into the large formation, and then projected his consciousness into his mind, relaxing his consciousness.

"Om..." At this moment, Xing Jue felt a strange energy surge into his mind, and upon careful observation, it turned out to be a contract.

Just like the contract signed with Venerable Soul before, it is indeed a contract, but this time it needs its consent.

"What are you thinking? Hurry up and agree. No matter how many people want to sign a contract with me, there is no chance. It's really cheap for you brat." Wanling Essence urged dissatisfied.

"Could it be that you found a baby again?"

Although I don't know what the essence of all spirits is, but now I have such a thought in Xingjue's mind, that is, it is very likely that he has picked up the treasure again, because Xingjue knows that this essence of all spirits seems to be an extraterrestrial visitors.

"Om..." With Xing Jue's thought, the contract was fulfilled, and then, like an indestructible spell, it hid into the depths of Xing Jue's soul, unless Xing Jue died, it would be indelible.

" are the essence of all spirits?"

When Xing Jue turned his consciousness back to reality and opened his eyes, he was shocked to find that a small figure had already emerged from the essence of all spirits in front of him.

It was a little doll with bare buttocks, and it looked like it was only three or four years old.

A pair of big round eyes are very energetic, at the moment he is looking at Xing Jue with his mouth puffed out, he seems to be angry, but he is so cute.

However, it is not an ordinary child, because its body is translucent, and if you observe carefully, you will find that there are characters-like things circulating in its body.

It seems to be ancient characters, Xing Jue can't recognize the words at all, but he can be sure that they are not spells. In short, there are so many such things that Xing Jue can't count them.

"Fart, you are the essence of all spirits, call me Master Lian!!!!" The essence of all spirits said angrily.

"Master Lian? You still call yourself an adult with your appearance? You're just a brat, let me call you Lian!" Seeing this little boy, Xingjue suddenly heard the scene when he first saw Xiaolong.

At that time, Xiaolong was also a kid, but because of his red body, he was named Xiaohong by Xingjue.

But Xiaolong was very powerful before he was subdued, at least much stronger than Xingjue at that time, if it wasn't for the seal left by Song Yufeng, who subdued Xiaolong at a critical moment, Xingjue might be eaten alive by Xiaolong.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Song Yufeng is not that bad, it seems that it is afraid of being in danger with the descendants of Yufeng Pavilion, so it left that seal.

But having said that, Xiaolong became so violent and cold-blooded at that time, and it was all thanks to Song Yufeng. It was Song Yufeng who hurt Xiaolong, so that Xiaolong no longer believed in people, but hated humans instead.

"Hiss~~~" There was a muffled sound, and the formation changed again.

"Xiao Lian, hurry up and repair the big formation." Xing Jue urged nervously.

"Fix my head, can I fix it like this? Go fix it yourself!!!" Xiao Lian clasped his hands in front of his chest, and turned his face away with a flick of his mouth, as if he had a big opinion on Xing Jue.

"You... this is, this is the way to repair the big array?!"

Seeing Xiao Lian like this, Xing Jue wanted to beat him up, but at this moment, Xing Jue suddenly realized that a method of repairing the big formation appeared in his mind, which was very mysterious, it can be said to be extremely mysterious.

The observations before Xing Jue did not find anything wrong with the big formation, but after seeing this set of repair methods, they realized that the big weapon refining formation that was jointly arranged with the Soul Venerable was full of loopholes.

"Soul clone!!!"

Knowing the repair method, Xing Jue used the soul clone and began to repair the formation.

And while repairing, Xiaolian will also give guidance to Xingjue, so the big formation was quickly completely repaired by Xingjue, and normal operation began to resume. Even the whole big formation gave Xingjue the same feeling as before the restoration is completely different.

It can be said that there has been a huge leap in quality. If you used to worry about whether the refining of the Soul Venerable would fail, then Xing Jue is now confident that he can definitely refine the Soul Venerable within a year. Become a top-grade respected vessel.

"Thank you, Xiao Lian!" At this moment, Xing Jue was sweating profusely, but he was full of joy, and couldn't help turning his eyes to Xiao Lian who was still in the essence of all spirits.

"Uh..." At first, Xiao Lian was full of disdain when he heard Xing Jue's words, but when he saw Xing Jue's happy expression, that disdainful little face became dull.

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