Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 74 Heroes Save Beauty [Part 1]

At this moment, the intermediate-level demon beast arrived with a bang, and with its huge bear claws, it slapped Xing Jue fiercely with a fierce wind noise.

But at this moment, Xing Jue couldn't dodge at all, so he could only let it be photographed.

"Bang" hit with a claw, and Xing Jue was hit by the powerful force a hundred meters away before falling to the ground.

But just after landing, Xing Jue's body slowly rose again. Under the protection of the dark soul, Xing Jue's body did not suffer any harm.

In fact, in this state, Xing Jue is invincible, but this state can only exist for a short time.

If within this period of time, the dark soul is not inhaled into the body, then the power exchanged for the explosion of the soul will disappear.

Therefore, Xing Jue did not hesitate at this moment, but with a thought, the soul power was poured into the body very quickly, and with the influx of soul power, the strength of Xing Jue soared in an instant, and finally even more Reached the level of the middle-level Wu Zun.


Seeing that Xing Jue was all right, the giant bear beast roared violently towards Xing Jue again.

But at this moment, facing the giant bear beast that plundered again, Xing Jue was not afraid at all, but slightly held his right palm, and a dark black "Sword of Soul Slaying" was condensed. At the same time, the blast technique It was also cast out by punishment.

When everything was ready, Xing Jue turned into a black line and swept away at the black bear.


With a crisp muffled sound, Xing Jue passed by the giant bear beast. At the same time, a large swathe of bright red blood gushed out from the giant bear beast's body at high speed.


At the same time as the punishment fell to the ground, the giant bear beast fell to the ground with a bang, but the giant bear beast, which was violent before, has now lost its breath.

After killing the giant bear beast, Xing Jue hurriedly threw a Qi-boosting pill into his mouth. After using his soul to explode, there was backlash damage. Therefore, in order to maintain enough physical strength to continue hunting the beasts, Xing Jue only had Rely on the medicinal power of Baodan to maintain physical strength.

However, despite the qi-boosting pill, after the power of the soul's explosion dissipated, Xing Jue could still feel the tingling sensation coming from his body, and immediately sat down and drove the soul to heal to relieve the pain.

After a while of treatment, Xing Jue's body finally recovered, and then he slowly stood up, looked at the direction where the disciples of the Nangong family were swept away, and said softly: "High-level demon beasts are really difficult to deal with, presumably Even the disciples of the Nangong family would be quite difficult to deal with a high-level monster alone."

After making some sighs, Xing Jue summoned the blast technique again, and then swept towards the depths of the jungle.In order to help Yufeng Pavilion to win the first position, Xing Jue is trying his best this time.

"Boom, boom, boom"

With his powerful soul power, Xing Jue could often hear roars from a distance along the way, and even the conversations of some disciples could be clearly heard, but what Xing Jue wanted to explore was not these, but Traces of advanced monsters.

"You are looking for death"

But at this moment, a woman's sharp, violent shout suddenly entered Xing Jue's mind.

"Wang Yanran?" When he heard the voice, Xing Jue hurriedly stopped his body that was moving at a high speed. After a moment of silence, he suddenly turned around and rushed towards the direction of the voice.

At this moment, in a jungle in the Warcraft Mountains, there are 6 people standing, 5 of them are the 5 disciples of the Netherworld Hall, and at this moment, the 5 of them are surrounding a beautiful woman in white.

And this woman is the "Wang Yanran" of the Tibetan Medicine Villa.

"Hey, sister Yanran, hand over your treasure pill."

"Let's avoid it, we have a few hands and hurt you," said one of the leading disciples with a smile.

In fact, they have been eyeing the disciples of Tibetan Medicine Villa for a long time. After the competition started, they kept hiding their breath and followed them secretly. When they separated, they chose the king who was the best at refining medicine. Yan Ran.

"Hmph, if you want to snatch my treasure pill, then you have to see if you have that ability." Wang Yanran snorted coldly and said unyieldingly.

"If that's the case, don't blame us for being cruel."

"Hands on"

Seeing that Wang Yanran was unwilling to compromise, the disciple suddenly shouted.

And under his order, the disciples waved their arms in unison.One after another tyrannical martial spirit swept away at Wang Yanran's delicate body.

"Humph!" Facing the speed of martial arts, Wang Yanran snorted coldly, then wrapped her arms around her shoulders, and her body began to spin at a high speed.

While she was spinning, the body also began to emit white gas, and under his rotation, the white gas formed a thin layer of defense, which tightly wrapped it.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

With five roars, the combined attack of the five disciples of the Nether Hall was blocked by Wang Yanran.

Seeing that the far-reaching attack could not be accomplished, the five disciples swept away, and the five figures rushed towards Wang Yanran in unison.At the same time, the fierce attacks were also slammed at Wang Yanran.

Facing the five-person siege-style attack, Wang Yanran could not escape at all, and had no choice but to fight against her.

Violent fists, whips, and palms, with fierce wind noises, kept blasting at Wang Yanran, while Wang Yanran flickered, flickered, and relied on the fierce speed to go back and forth among the five people.

Although Wang Yanran had reached the strength of a high-ranking Martial Lord, her actual combat ability was obviously not strong. Under the attack of these five ruthless, merciless disciples of the Netherworld Hall, she finally revealed a flaw.

And it was this slightest flaw that was caught by the disciples of the Netherworld Hall, and with that fierce palm wind, with a strong martial spirit, they slapped Wang Yanran's waist fiercely.


With one palm hit, Wang Yanran was shot upside down by his palm, and finally slammed into a big tree. At the same time, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and her face became pale. stand up.

"Hey, I'm really embarrassed to shoot hard," said the disciple who had hit Wang Yanran earlier with a wretched expression.

"If you have the ability, you will kill me," Wang Yanran said coldly, with anger on her pale face.

"Sister Yanran, why do you think you are doing this?"

"Hey, since you insist on doing this, then I will do as you wish," the man said with a pretence of helplessness.Immediately, with a wave of his sleeve robe, a powerful aura of martial arts rushed towards Wang Yanran.

"Humph!" Facing the extremely fast approaching martial spirit, Wang Yanran snorted coldly, and then waved a more tyrannical martial spirit from her sleeves and swept away the man.


The collision of the two martial spirits broke out a tyrannical energy ripple.

But suddenly, the spreading energy ripple suddenly collapsed, and four sparkling energy palm prints were shot out of it.And this is naturally the other four disciples.

Facing the four palm prints shot at extremely high speed, Wang Yanran's face changed greatly, she could feel the terrifying energy contained in the energy palm print, presumably this must be a very high-level martial skill.

But at this moment, she was too late to defend, and the only thing she could do was to watch the four energies rush towards her.In desperation, Wang Yanran slowly closed her eyes.

"Bang" was accompanied by a loud noise, but Wang Yanran did not feel the expected pain, but a gust of wind blew through her body.

"Several big men, shooting a weak woman, you are really shameless to the extreme."At this moment, a refreshing voice sounded in front of Wang Yanran.

Opening his eyes, Wang Yanran was even more shocked to find that a young man was standing in front of him at the moment. Obviously, the attack just now was blocked by this young man, and this young man Wang Yanran knew even more, because this was exactly the Sentence.

"I thought who it was, but it turned out to be the bottom disciple of Yufeng Pavilion." The disciple of the Nether Hall also recognized Xing Jue, and then said sarcastically.

But Xing Jue smiled slightly and ignored it.

"Boy, you'd better leave our business alone, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." Seeing Xing Jue's move, the leading disciple said coldly.

"Oh, today, I have to take care of this matter," Xing Jue said loudly with a slight smile.

"Good boy, you are courting death, don't blame me." Seeing that Xing Jue insisted on taking care of this matter, the disciple of the Nether Hall said fiercely.

"Junior Brother Xing Jue, you are not their opponent, let's go."Seeing that the disciple of the Netherworld Palace was going to take action against Xing Jue, Wang Yanran hurriedly persuaded him.After all, even her high-ranking Wu Zun is not the opponent of those five people.She didn't believe that Xing Jue, a junior Wu Zun, could be the opponent of those five people.

"Don't worry, Senior Sister Wang, with me, no one can hurt you." Xing Jue slowly turned his head and said to Wang Yanran with a smile.

And of course, after Wang Yanran saw Xing Jue's confident smile, her body trembled even more.

Seeing Xing Jue insisting on blocking, the disciple of the Netherworld Palace finally got angry, and then took a big step and hit Xing Jue with a fierce punch.

But in the face of this heavy punch, Xing Jue's body didn't even move, but let him pound.


In one punch, Xing Jue was not only unscathed, but he didn't even move half a step. Seeing this scene, the disciple of the Netherworld Hall was even more shocked, and his face instantly became wonderful.

"Your fist is too weak, let me show you what a fist is." Xing Jue smiled and said to the stunned disciple.

Immediately, with a wave of his right arm, a heavy punch containing a tyrannical martial spirit was slammed into the disciple's chest.


And when the disciple reacted, Xing Jue's punch had already slammed into his chest.The disciple spurted out a mouthful of blood in an instant, and then his whole body flew out like a kite with a broken string. Finally, he was carried on the ground and passed out.

Facing this scene, not only the disciples of the Netherworld Hall, but also Wang Yanran had an incredible look on their faces. It wasn't until a moment later that she slowly woke up from the shock, and then on the beautiful face, a face appeared. A rare smile.

And the disciples of the Netherworld Hall are not fools, and at this moment they naturally see the extraordinary strength of Xing Jue.Immediately, he became cautious.

"Arrangement" suddenly a disciple headed by the Netherworld Hall shouted loudly.

And under his order, the remaining four disciples also stood behind him one after another, forming a straight line.

And both hands began to emit powerful energy, and finally hit the back of the disciple in front, and with the contact of the palms, strange energy also spread from his arms slowly. in the opponent's body.

This was the case for the three people behind, only the disciple at the head stood still and closed his eyes. At the same time, his strength began to soar in an instant, and he finally reached the level of a high-level Martial Lord.

After that disciple's strength increased to a high-level Martial Lord, the three disciples behind him all collapsed to the ground weakly.

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