Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 762 Two Realms

(Today's second update)

"It's not about death, it's about self-protection." Xing Jue chuckled.

"Well, the other one is just self-protection, so how is little brother Xingjue going to protect himself now?" Fairy Baihua asked with a smile, seeming to appreciate Xingjue's way of handling things.

"Eliminating the threat is the best way to protect yourself!" Xing Jue said.

"Presumptuous, do you still want to destroy Wuzhifeng?" At this moment, Jiang Yunhe suddenly angrily rebuked.

"Destroyed? So what if it is destroyed?" Xing Jue snorted coldly, his words were very sharp.

"Don't even think about it! With this old man around, I will never let you succeed," Jiang Yunhe said angrily.

"Then get rid of you now!" At this moment, the eyes of the blood girl were already full of blood, and she was about to shoot before speaking.

"I agree with little brother Xingjue's idea." But at this moment, Fairy Baihua suddenly spoke.

As soon as she said this, Xing Jue hurriedly appeased the blood girl who was about to make a move, because he knew that since Fairy Baihua was willing to save Jiang Yunhe, she would never let Jiang Yunhe be slaughtered in front of him, even though he would I really want to get rid of Jiang Yunhe, but right now it can only be resolved peacefully.

"Fairy, you can't..." After hearing Baihua Fairy's words, Jiang Yunhe's face turned pale.

"Senior Jiang, Wuzhifeng is not kind to you, why should you be righteous to them?" Fairy Baihua persuaded.

"No, it's not that Wuzhifeng is unkind to me, but that Dao Kunlun and Lin Yueshan are unkind to me, and everyone else in Wuzhifeng is innocent." Jiang Yunhe hurriedly argued.

"Then I'm sorry, Senior Jiang, I can't let you participate in this matter." Baihua Fairy shook her head helplessly.

"Papa" followed by Baihua Fairy's lightning strike, knocking Jiang Yunhe unconscious to the ground in the blink of an eye, and blocking all his strength.


Looking at such a scene, Xing Jue and the others were a little stunned. Even though Jiang Yunhe was injured, he was still a big shot who had lived for a thousand years. Fairy Baihua subdued him so easily, how could people not be shocked.

"Okay, little brother Xingjue, let's discuss carefully how to deal with Wuzhifeng!" After restraining Jiang Yunhe, Fairy Baihua turned her head sideways.

"Fairy, why don't you just kill him to avoid future troubles?" Xing Jue really didn't want to keep Jiang Yunhe.

"Senior Jiang once saved my life. If it weren't for him, I would never have achieved what I am today."

"Perhaps you must all think that the reason I placed Granny Tiancan in Guiyin Peak is to spy on Guiyin Peak's situation. In fact, I just want to protect Senior Jiang."

"So whether he is in the same camp as me or not, I will not let anyone take his life, this is my way of repaying my gratitude"

Fairy Baihua's face showed a rare dignified look, and the meaning of her words was very clear, that is, Jiang Yunhe was in Baoding, and this was to persuade Xingjue and others to give up the idea of ​​dealing with Jiang Yunhe.

"It seems that fairies are also people who value love." However, after hearing what Fairy Baihua said, Xing Jue's face was full of joy.

Because at that moment before, he suddenly discovered that the Baihua Fairy who couldn't see through had actually revealed his true feelings.

This shows that she is still a person of flesh and blood, who values ​​love and righteousness, and such a person is at least trustworthy.

"If a person lives in this world, if he doesn't have emotions flowing in his blood, can he still be called a human being?" Fairy Baihua smiled, as if she was feeling something, and then asked: "Little brother Xingjue, what is the strength of the dusty throne and Wushan?" ?”

Then, Xing Jue told Fairy Baihua in detail about the current combat power of Wushan and the Dusty King City, and after knowing everything, Fairy Baihua kept nodding and shaking her head.

"This kind of combat power is already extremely extraordinary, but it is not enough to compete with Wuzhifeng. It seems that we have to drag Longmen into the water."

"Fairy, didn't you mean Song Yufeng?"

"Heh, even if you know you will be rejected, you still have to give it a try. Brother Xingjue, do you want to go to Longmen with me? Look at you and my fellow countrymen!"

"Well, I want to see you too, Senior Song Yufeng!"

Of course, Xing Jue wanted to see Song Yufeng, the genius who created Yufeng Pavilion, the ungrateful person who imprisoned Xiaolong for thousands of years.

After making the decision, Fairy Baihua and Xing Jue set off immediately, accompanied by Xuemei and Bao'er. The reason why they went together was naturally because they were afraid that Fairy Baihua would be disadvantageous to Xing Jue.

At this moment in the space tunnel, the crystal-clear black jade boat, shining with a faint gleam, flew rapidly. Inside the boat, Xing Jue sat with three stunning women.

"Sister Bao'er, which world are you from?" Fairy Baihua asked suddenly.

And when she said this, both Xing Jue and Bao'er were stunned. They didn't expect Fairy Baihua to know something other than the soul source, and confirmed that Bao'er came from another world.

"Don't be surprised, I have entered Luoyan Valley several times, and I have seen incomplete star maps in some of the ruins there."

"And the stars in the star map are named after each world, and the soul source world is also among them, so I guess the soul source world is not the only one." Seeing the astonishment on the faces of Xing Jue and the others, Bai Hua Fairy covered her mouth and chuckled road.

"There are still ruins in Luoyan Valley?" Xing Jue was astonished.

At the beginning, old man Yungui told Xing Jue that if he wanted to know the truth, he would go to Luoyang Valley, so Xing Jue also wanted to go to find out.

However, I heard that Luoyang Valley opened every 30 years, and now it is the closing period. During the closure period, no one can find the trace of Luoyan Valley, let alone enter it, so I gave up this idea.

"Luoyan Valley is a mystery that has not been solved for thousands of years in the soul source world. It is the only treasure left by the ancient predecessors. There are not only relics, but also unknown power."

"Those powers are the sacred objects of cultivation, and even... I think that kind of power may help us break through to that level."

Fairy Baihua explained that when the mysterious power was mentioned, a look of anticipation appeared on Sweet's face.

"Asura War Spirit?"

"Hey~~~ The source of souls has fallen, and even mere Asura war spirits have become the extravagant hopes of the people of the world." But at this moment, Bao'er said suddenly, and was still sighing.

"Sura Battle Spirit?" After hearing Bao'er's words, Xing Jue, Fairy Baihua, and even Xuemei all focused their gaze on Bao'er.

Because they only know that there is a higher realm above Martial God Shura, but they are not sure what that realm is called, but at this moment Bao'er has said the name of that realm, how can they not be surprised.

"It seems that you don't know anything, well, today this girl will teach you a lesson."

Seeing the expectant and curious gazes of the three people, especially Xing Jue who started to keep asking Bao'er through voice transmission, asking her to tell Shura what kind of state the war spirit is after, Bao'er finally decided to reveal something. do not know things.

And at this moment, the three of Xing Jue stared at Bao'er closely with expectant eyes, even Fairy Baihua was no exception.

They already knew that Bao'er was not from the soul world, and from which vast starry sky, they all felt that she should know a lot of things.

"Asura, there are twelve realms of cultivation"

"Warrior, martial master, Wuzong, Wuzun, and Wushen can only be regarded as a stage of initial comprehension of Shura's power."

"And it is the last seven realms that bring out the true power of Shura's power. This is a watershed. If you cross the past, you can get rid of the shackles of the world and roam in the holy realm."

"After Valkyrie, there are War Spirit, War Soul, War General, War King, War Emperor, War Emperor, and War Saint"

"Every realm has a huge gap, especially after the King of War, if there is no world protected by the formation source, it can be easily destroyed."

Bao'er explained in a rare and dignified manner, and seeing the excitement of the three of them, she smiled brighter and brighter, and her face was full of pride.

Everyone in the sanctuary knows the knowledge, but she has become a capital to show off when she comes here, which makes this naughty little girl very proud.

"Destroy the world? What kind of power will that be? Bao'er, what is the source of formation?" Xing Jue asked curiously.

"The source of the array is actually a large guardian array, but it protects the entire world and is hidden deep underground. As long as it is there, the outside world may be destroyed in a mess, but the world will not be destroyed."

"Is there a formation source in the soul source world?" Fairy Baihua also asked curiously.

"Of course there is a soul source world, because back then... woo~~~"

Bao'er was about to say something, but the small mouth that had just opened was suddenly closed tightly, and at the same time, her face became extremely pale.

"Bao'er, what's wrong with you?" Seeing this, the three of Xing Jue were shocked, and Xing Jue hurriedly supported Bao'er who was about to fall.

"It's okay, I'm okay..." At this moment, Bao'er's face actually started to improve, and her face became fair and rosy again, but she started to curse angrily.

"Damn fat man, you actually set up such a vicious bondage barrier in my body, I hate you to death."

"Uh...Boa, who are you talking about?"

"No one, anyway, it's just a super hateful fat man. He threw me here, but he didn't let me say anything about it. If I want to say something, I will be bound by that hateful barrier."

Hearing this, the three of Xingjue suddenly realized that they already knew why Bao'er came here with the strength of a Martial God of Shura, and seeing the anger on her face, the three of them also guessed that it was obviously not her. Willing to come.

"Bao'er, since you can't say it, can you write it?" Xing Jue asked.

"Of course not. When I want to speak, I can't open my mouth. When I want to write, my hands and feet will be stiff. In short, I just can't express it."

"Hey~ You don't understand what I said, you can't understand that stinky man's hateful methods at all, he has a lot of sinister tricks." When the so-called stinky man was mentioned, Baoer gritted his teeth angrily.

(Readers often ask me when this book will end, and today I will list the following realms, war spirit, war spirit, war general, war king, war emperor, war emperor, war saint, and of course war god, and I can’t say how many words, but seeing so many levels to be raised, everyone should know that it won’t end too early, right? In fact, there is still a long paragraph ahead, so don’t worry about not reading it.)

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