Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 767 Two Little Demons

(Today's first update)


Xing Jue stretched out his right palm and grabbed Soul Eater Shura Void, and Soul Eater Shura turned into a black awn with streaks of lightning, flashed past, and fell into Xing Jue's palm in the blink of an eye.


With the huge sword in hand, Xing Jue swung it at a very high speed, the dark rays of light danced in the air like half a moon and a half, the light blue thunder and lightning also crackled, the space trembled, and the transformation of heaven and earth was like anything in the world. Cut off in general.

"Good sword!!"

Looking at the huge sword in his palm, Xing Ruo was very excited, because he could clearly feel the power contained in this sacred weapon.

"Honorable Soul, are you satisfied with this new body?" Xing Jue said with a smile after carefully feeling the power of Soul Devourer Shura. After two years of separation, Xing Jue also misses Historic Soul very much.

"Soul Venerable? Soul Venerable?"

But soon Xing Jue discovered that no matter how he called, the Soul Venerable would not answer, but it clearly felt the breath of the Soul Venerable, which was hidden in the Soul Eater Shura.

"What's the matter with Xiaolian?" Xing Jue cast his eyes on Xiaolian for help.

"Don't worry, the soul venerable itself is a venerable weapon. Now it is rebuilt to upgrade its strength. In this case, it will enter a dormant state."

"That is to say, the Venerable Artifact in your hand is still unable to display its true power. Only when the Soul Venerable wakes up can he display his true power." Xiao Lian explained with a smile, the high-grade Venerable Artifact was successfully refined , he was also very excited.

"This is actually not its real power? Then how terrifying is the real power? It seems that as long as I have this sword in my hand, the high-level Shura Martial God may not be my opponent." Xing Jue was very excited, and then asked: "How can it be?" wake it up?"

"The blood of the strong, the soul of the master, and the sword god can be awakened."

"The blood of the strong? The soul of a master? What level of strong do you need to meet this standard?"

"The current power of this venerable weapon is at the level of the middle-ranked Martial God Shura, and only those stronger than it can awaken it."

"What? Doesn't that mean? You want me to kill a high-ranking Asura Martial God? Only then can I wake him up?" Xing Jue opened his mouth wide, his face full of surprise.

"After awakening, the power of this venerable weapon can reach that of a high-rank Martial God Shura. As long as your strength reaches that of a Martial Martial God of the middle rank, you can unleash its true power."

"At that beheading a high-level Asura Martial God was as easy as beheading a cabbage. Of course, the premise is that the other party doesn't have a treasure in hand."

"It's okay, anyway, the big battle is coming soon, and it won't affect the overall situation if I kill a strong man from Wuzhi Peak at this time!" Xing Jue smiled expectantly, and flew out of the Soul Devouring Tomb while speaking.

Xing would never wait until the Five Fingers Summit meeting to awaken Venerable Soul, because he really couldn't wait, and couldn't wait to see the true power of this Venerable Artifact.

As for the high-level Asura Martial God experts from Wuzhi Peak, there are indeed some wandering around the mainland. Their purpose is very simple, that is to find the whereabouts of the Wushan expert.

Before, the strong Wuzhifeng was left alone because he didn't want to cause commotion in Wuzhifeng, so Xingjue and others stopped assassinating the strong Wuzhifeng, but today Xingjue is going to find a surgeon and take his blood and soul. Wake up, wake up the sleeping Venerable Soul.

However, with Xingjue's current strength, he is not sure that he can defeat a high-ranking Asura Martial God, so he decided to take Xuemei and Bao'er with him just in case.

Xing Jue knew that Xuemei and Bao'er would not stay in the underground palace honestly, so after walking out of the tomb of Soul Eater, he directly expanded the power of the soul to the limit, and then searched in the dusty king city, and soon locked on these two girls They are actually in the main hall of the king's city.

"Old man, don't run!"

"Grandma, I know I'm wrong, you can play whatever you want, and I don't care, can't you?"

"It's what you said to play casually, now I'm going to play with your beard and draw your face!"

"Ah~~~ Don't do it, how can you make this old man face? How can I meet people?"

Before he got close to the main palace of the king's city, Xing Jue heard the miserable voice of the elder of the earth and Bao'er's mischievous shout.

At this moment, many elders outside the main hall of Wangcheng were watching in the outer midair, but no one dared to approach, even the elders Tianxiang, Xuanxiang, and Huangxiang were here.

"Hey, the Elder Earth Primer really has no memory. I told him to leave those two little devils alone, but he just didn't listen. This is a good thing, and he can't even escape himself." The Elder Sky Phase was full of sympathy.

"Should we help him?" Elder Xuan Xiang suggested.

"Don't go there, those two little devils are too strong, we're going to kill ourselves! Let them do whatever they want." Elder Huang Xiang strongly refused, and Elder Tianxiang nodded in agreement.

"Hey, she is also a cute little girl. I used to think that Xinxin was extremely stubborn, but now it seems that Xinxin is so well-behaved."

Elder Xuanxiang let out a long sigh. Since Princess Xinxin came here, he has been personally teaching her. Originally, he had experienced some hardships for Xinxin, but when Baoer came here, he realized that Princess Xinxin is really too cute.

And the words of these four elders have been deeply heard by the other elders and disciples. Even the elders of Sixiang have nothing to do with those two girls. They know that there is only one person who can subdue them in this dusty king city.

"Zi la la~"

At this moment, a bolt of lightning descended from the sky at such a fast speed that it disappeared into the dust-covered royal city in the blink of an eye. The weak did not notice such a change at all.

And at this moment, the faces of the three elders Tian, ​​Xuan, and Huang all showed a touch of surprise, and then said in unison:

"Elder Earth Physician is saved!"

The main hall of the king city, the core area of ​​the dust-covered king city, is also the most important palace, and it is a forbidden place for the disciples. Even the elders are in awe of this place, and dare not profane it in the slightest.

However, the main hall of the king's city has been completely destroyed. On the resplendent murals, various ugly animal patterns were painted, and various inexplicable things were painted on the face of the mighty statue.

But the most pitiful one is the elder in the center of the hall, his long beard has been scorched, and there are distorted bastards drawn on his face.

And it was none other than Bao'er and Blood Sister who did all this. Blood Sister trapped the Elder Earth Prime Minister through powerful evil spirit commands, making him unable to move, and Bao'er was portraying her great masterpiece.

Because the two little girls played too seriously, they ignored the arrival of Xing Jue. Looking at such a scene, Xing Jue deeply began to sympathize with the elders and disciples of the Dusty King City. What have you done during this time.

"Do you two want to tear down this dusty royal city?" Xing Jue shouted coldly.

After hearing Xing Jue's words, Xuemei and Bao'er both turned their heads. In fact, they had already sensed that someone had entered, but they just ignored it, but they didn't expect that it was Xing Jue who came.

"Brother...I...I..." After seeing Xing Jue, the blood girl's face turned pale with fright, she hurriedly stood aside in a polite manner, and at the same time withdrew the evil spirit that suppressed the elder force.

"Ah, idiot, you are finally willing to come out, hmph, you actually left the master here and see if I don't teach you a lesson."

But Bao'er was different, she turned into a ray of light and rushed towards Xing Jue. At the same time, the red brush in her hand began to dance and hit Xing Jue's face.

"Zi la la ~"

Bao'er's strength should not be underestimated, Xing Jue immediately released his soul, and at the same time, the phantom thunder flashed past, and the lightning disappeared in a flash, and Bao'er's attack fell through.

"Huh, I want to escape!" Seeing this, Bao'er didn't stop, and attacked Xing Jue again, but Xing Jue's speed was faster than lightning, and Bao'er couldn't catch Xing Jue at all.

The thunder light kept flashing in the hall, and Bao'er could only follow closely behind, but every time he was one step late.

"My lord, you actually cultivated the flickering lightning to the point of illusion. Could this... be the highest state of the flickering thunder?!"

Looking at the two people who were chasing each other, the Elder Geist actually forgot the misery at this moment, but stared at Xingjue with his fiery eyes, and didn't realize the embarrassment at the moment until he stroked his scorched beard.

Elder Xuandi hurriedly wiped off the pattern on his face, but he couldn't wipe off the specially treated ink.

If it weren't for the fact that the outside of the royal city was surrounded by people, he would have escaped a long time ago, but right now he can only hide in the royal city.

"Blood girl, quickly help me catch this stinky idiot. He actually left us here and went to enjoy himself. We must punish her well." Ask Blood Sister for help.

"Sister Bao'er, stop making trouble. Brother, he has business to do. He is studying the formation."

If it were someone else, the blood girl would have made a move long ago. During the days when she was with Baoer, the blood girl had already been led by Baoer to be very naughty. She seemed to have regained her innocence, and she was with Baoer everywhere like a child Mischievous.

But now she was facing Xingjue, she didn't dare to make a move, Xingjue's position in her heart was very important, it could be said that she was a real relative.

"Hmph, you can bring us with you to study the big array, maybe we can help him, he was just making excuses, I don't know where he went to play."

Bao'er snorted coldly, her wrists were shining brightly, and the pink demon flower sword was actually held in her jade hand, the coercion of the top-grade Zunqi was undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

"Oops!" Elder Xuandi was startled as soon as the top-grade venerable artifact was released, he knew Xing Jue was doomed.

But in fact it was also the case, Bao'er urged the power of the Demon Flower Sword, and Xing Jue felt a huge pressure just because of the overflowing coercion, and his speed was actually greatly restricted.

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