Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 771 Offense and Defense

(Today's first update)

The central area of ​​the underground world is no longer a gloomy darkness, what illuminates here is the great array of deep blue rays of light.

The iron chains connecting the Rakshasa stones were cut off one by one by the large formation, and the iron chains scattered with a "crash" sound, making a sound.

This seemingly unbreakable enchantment is being gradually disintegrated by Xingjue. Just half an hour later, when the last spell chain was cut off.

The giant peak "Zen Jifeng", which is enough to provide a vast home for tens of millions of people, began to disintegrate.

Large pieces of falling rocks were like meteorites, debris all over the sky were like torrential rain, and patches of thick smoke billowed and rushed towards the sky.

The sounds of fighting and roaring are intertwined, like a disaster coming, like the end of the world, but all this is completely unknown to outsiders.

After a while, Chan Ching Peak was reduced to a waste area, a large amount of gravel piled up to form a continuous mountain range, and the building debris mixed in the mountain range, as well as the corpses of disciples let people know that the glory of Chan Ching Peak was no longer.

"You demons, kill me, kill me, the Supreme Elder will not let you go!!!"

Above the waste area billowing in thick smoke, there was an old man covered in scars inside a floating barrier. He was one of the six elders of Chan Ching Peak, but he was the only one who survived.

A large area of ​​blood stained the ground red, and the gravel all over the ground made his eyes red. Chanji Peak was destroyed in front of his eyes, and those disciples and elders were obliterated in front of his eyes.

He kept screaming, but no one paid any attention to it. If he hadn't been left for a special purpose, how could the people of Wushan let him live.

"swish swish"

From the continuous mountain range formed by the Chanji Peak below, four figures burst out suddenly, and a layer of Asura power condensed on the surface of their bodies, preventing the dust from being rendered.


When the four of them appeared, all the strong men in the air hurriedly surrounded them. After Xing Jue nodded, they all had comfortable smiles on their faces.

", it's you..."

Looking at Xingjue and the others, the elder had already recognized three of them, Xingjue whose arrest warrants had been scattered all over the world, Song Yufeng, the master of Dragon Gate, and Baihua Fairy, the master of Flower Valley.

"Blood sister, it's okay to stay here, right?"

Xing Jue and the others simply ignored the elder's angry shout, but went straight to the blood sister and the people from Wushan.

"Brother, don't worry, even if that Supreme Elder has a treasure in his hand, he will definitely not be my opponent!" The blood sister vowed.

"Then leave it to you, but don't be too persistent, play by ear, if the way of heaven, misty, reincarnation, all come here, you leave immediately." Xing Jue stroked the bloody hair of the blood girl with a light smile, Having such a younger sister is Xing Jue's pride.

And the blood girl smiled sweetly, not to mention that now she is taking revenge on behalf of Wushan, she is willing to be an enemy of the world just for the sake of punishment, who let this be the first one to open her heart after the death of her parents Guy, the relative she identified.

Although I don't intend to disclose everything immediately, there is indeed a need for someone to be stationed here, and the most suitable candidates to stay here are Wushan's troops.

Now that the situation is urgent, Xing Jue did not hesitate too much. They have already planned everything, and now they are just acting step by step according to the plan.

Although he knew that the Supreme Elder could not be the opponent of the blood girl, Xing Jue still arranged a space teleportation array here just in case.

This space teleportation array allows the blood girl to leave safely when encountering an accident, and then Xing Jue left the blood girl with a special communication talisman.

This communication talisman can make energy fluctuate, penetrate the super large formation that isolates here, and enable Xing Jue to keep in touch with Xuemei and others.

After finishing all this, Xing Jue and the others led the team of powerful figures to another place, and the next place was Samsara Peak and Misty Peak.

In the face of such a strong lineup, there was almost no accident. Samsara Peak and Misty Peak suffered the same fate as Chanji Peak.

In just two days, all three peaks of Wuzhi Peak were destroyed. The only difference was that the group of female disciples in Misty Peak were not massacred like Chanji Peak and Samsara Peak.

There is an old friend in Misty Peak, and Xing Jue doesn't want to go too far. After all, when Wuzhi Peak was chasing Xing Jue, although Misty Peak also issued a wanted arrest, in fact, the people from Misty Peak did not take any action.

As for Guiyin Peak, it was no longer worth attacking, not to mention for Elder Zhuge's face, it was impossible for Xing Jue to slaughter Guiyin Peak for his own grievance, this was some kind of reward for his master.

After all, Elder Zhuge has feelings for Gui Yinfeng. If Xing Jue slaughtered Gui Yin Peak, I am afraid that this master will not recognize him as a disciple in the future anyway. This is the result that Xing Jue does not want to see.

In any case, as long as the goal is achieved, Xing Jue is not worried that Gui Yin Peak will appear in the future against people he confronts.

In just two days, three mountain peaks were destroyed, and the power of Xing Jue and others was fully revealed, enough to sweep across the world.

However, within these two days, although Xing Jue managed to obtain three Rakshasa stones, the isolation formation also attracted the attention of the elders of Wuzhi Peak.

After all, there is such a large formation that not only isolates all information, but also prevents anyone from entering it. When the superpowers guarding the mountain cannot be contacted, it is a miracle that the elders can sit still.

Therefore, such a change has already made the three Supreme Elders in Tiandao Peak, Chanji Peak, Samsara Peak, and Misty Peak extremely uneasy.

But when they received the news, that uneasiness was replaced by endless panic, each of them was furious, exuding a terrifying murderous aura.

"Dao Kunlun, get the hell out of here, don't blame me for being rude to you!!!"

In a certain enchantment space of Tiandao Peak, an old man with white beard and hair yelled loudly. He glared at each other and his voice was like thunder.

If it wasn't for the fact that the enchantment space was strong enough, his voice would be enough to reach the ears of tens of millions of people in Tiandao Peak, shaking the weak to death.

"Elder Liu, I understand your current mood. The Five Fingers Peak is originally one, so I am not like you."

"But I think this is likely to be a conspiracy. If you rush back now, it will be a disaster." Dao Kunlun persuaded the three Supreme Elders of Samsara, Piao Miao, and Zen Ji earnestly.

"Don't you want me to disregard the foundation of the senior? Disregard the lives of my disciples of the Samsara Peak?" The Supreme Elder of the Samsara Peak was very excited, as if he had already given up.

"Of course not. It's just that Elder Liu, you have to put the overall situation first. Why did you appear here? That's because your hopes for the future of Samsara Peak are all here."

"Song Yufeng, Fairy Baihua, and the bodies of evil spirits gathered together. How terrifying will it be? You are only seeking your own death by rushing back now. Instead, it will make Tiandao Peak an empty city and ruin all future hopes of Wuzhi Peak. it's here."

"If Huagu Longmen and Xingjue really join hands, then Piao Miao, reincarnation, and Zen machine are already destroyed, and it is useless for you to go back!" Dao Kunlun persuaded solemnly.

But at this moment, the three Supreme Elders of Samsara, Piao Miao, and Zen Ji were sweating coldly, but they were helpless. They were not stupid people, so they naturally understood what Dao Kunlun meant.

Now the outstanding disciples and elders of Wuzhifeng are gathered in Tiandao Peak. They came here to protect the future hopes of Wuzhifeng.

Right now, although the foundations of Samsara, Piao Miao, and Zen Machine are likely to be destroyed, the hope here is still there. If they leave at this time, causing the hope here to be destroyed, then Wuzhifeng is really over.

"Damn it, I never imagined that Song Yufeng and Fairy Baihua would work hand in hand with that Xingjue." The elder of Chanji Peak punched the barrier space, causing ripples to spread, showing his anger at the moment.

"Song Yufeng and Baihua Fairy are tough, but now that I have a high-grade artifact in hand, it is not difficult to deal with them."

"But since they choose to make a move at this time, they will definitely not give up. Even if we don't go to them, they will definitely come to us." Dao Kunlun analyzed.

"Then according to your opinion, we will stay here?" the elder of Misty Peak said. This is a white-haired woman. Although her hair is as white as snow, her appearance is only that of a middle-aged woman. .

"They attacked Zen Machine, Piao Miao, and Reincarnation, but they didn't attack Gui Yin. This shows that they have two purposes."

"One, Xingjue needs the Rakshasa Stone. Although I don't know what it is going to do, but what it does has already told us that the Rakshasa Stone is of great use to him.

"Second, they just want to lure the three of you away. After all, the whereabouts of Elder Jiang, who is now in seclusion, is unknown, and he no longer has the combat power to threaten them."

"When they destroyed Sanfeng, they didn't reveal the slightest news, but now there is another news, which is obviously intended to lure you over."

"So right now, we can only stick to this place. This is the only way!" Dao Kunlun analyzed.

"Then let's open the closed formation of Tiandao Peak now and prepare for it." Piaomiao Peak's elder Taishang suggested.

However, regarding his proposal, the elder of Tiandao Peak shook his head and said solemnly:

"Continue with everything, wait for them to attack, and get rid of them in the eyes of the world, so that I can show the power of Wuzhifeng!"

"What do you mean?...." The eyes of the three were all focused on Dao Kunlun.

"Don't worry, as long as you are willing to fight side by side with me, I will definitely let them come and go." A confident smile appeared on Dao Kunlun's face.

Xingjue and others sat guarding the Tiandao Peak leading to the three peaks of Samsara, Piaomiao, and Chanji for two days, but they found nothing.

With such a result, Xing Jue and the others already knew the decision of Sanfeng Supreme Elder.

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