Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 784 Opening the Falling Wild Goose Valley

(Today's second update)

"You don't have to worry, my Taoist clan's status in the sanctuary is far beyond your imagination. Even if that girl's background is a bit deep, she may not dare to declare war on my Taoist clan."

"Otherwise, when the super strong man opened the space domain door, he could show up and kill us. After all, we have already offended that girl."

"And he just didn't do that. Obviously he still has some scruples. That girl doesn't know my Taoist clan is ignorant, but how many big shots in the sanctuary don't know my Taoist clan?" Speaking of this, the middle-aged man's There was a smug and proud look on his face.

"However, you also have to be thankful that you didn't do anything to that little girl. If not, even if it wouldn't cause a war between the races, there is no one to protect your life." The middle-aged man added.

"Thank you sir for reminding me!" At this moment, Dao Kunlun breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help wiping the sweat off his face, his hanging heart finally fell down.

The vast starry sky is boundless, and the stars all over the sky are shining with light ranging from faint to bright, embellishing this dark world with incomparable gorgeousness.

In this dark and cold starry sky, a giant dragon shining with golden brilliance walked in the air. Every time he took a step, cracks would appear in the dark space, as if he could not bear its pressure.

This is not a real dragon, but it is hundreds of feet long. The huge body shakes, the space trembles, and it exudes unparalleled power. It is several times more terrifying and powerful than a real dragon.

On the huge and majestic faucet, a beautiful girl sat upright in it, and this was Bao'er.

Beside Bao'er, sat a tall and slightly fat man. The man's body was covered by light, and his face could not be seen clearly, but he exuded the same aura as the golden dragon below him.

"Master, those guys are disrespectful to me, why don't you kill them?" Bao'er looked back at the soul world that was getting farther and farther away from her, and asked angrily to the man beside her.

"Stinky girl, do you know that you are called Shizun now? How did you hear you talking about fat stinky?" The man's voice was soft but with a hint of displeasure.

"Hmph, who told you to leave me in the soul source world, do you know that I almost didn't die?"

"You unreasonable girl, you are the one who insisted on going to the soul source world, and now you are blaming me, not to mention that I have left you a protective order, and you don't use it in a critical situation, how can you blame me?"

"Who told you to give me only one bodyguard token, and make an agreement with me for three chapters. As long as you use the bodyguard token to call you to appear, you must leave the world of soul source, and you are not allowed to step into it again. I haven't played enough, so naturally I don't want to use it."

"Haven't you played enough? The soul source world is a declining world, what is there to play? I think you are in love with that kid named Xing Jue?" The man's smirk came from the golden light.

Bao'er blushed slightly, and hurriedly said: "Hey, don't change the subject, if someone bullies me, you won't help, hmph, what a shit master!"

"You unreasonable girl, you are a mere Taoist clan, and you can compete with our clan! I don't kill them, but I just want to help that little ghost of the Soul Eater clan."

"Master, in this way, the idiot is really... woo wa... Fatty, help me break this damned seal!"

Bao'er was so angry that she started to punch and kick the god-like man beside her, but under the golden light covering her body, she couldn't hit him at all.

Seeing this, the man laughed lightly, and then with a wave of his sleeve, a ray of golden light from Bao'er's body poured into the man's palm, and then said:

"He is indeed a Soul Devourer!"

"Really? That's great, that idiot Xing Jue is actually a member of the Soul Devourer Clan, I really can't believe it!" After hearing what his master said, Bao'er's beautiful face was full of surprise, The smile is so brilliant.

"Master, do you also think that idiot can unlock the secret of Luoyan Valley? Can he make the Soul Devourers rise?" Bao'er became more and more excited.

"I can only say that I have this potential. I don't know to what extent I can do it. That's why I chose not to deal with that Taoist, in order to help him."

"Why? The Dao clan is so hateful, they should be expelled from the sanctuary, but it's too hateful to secretly deal with the fallen Soul Eaters." Bao'er was annoyed, his face full of injustice.

"Silly girl, you don't understand this. According to the agreement back then, the Dao Clan secretly dealt with the Soul Eater Clan, which is already a violation of the agreement, and should have been punished....

"However, this is also the entanglement between the Dao Clan and the Soul Eater Clan. It is better for the Soul Eater Clan to settle this grievance by themselves, so...we are not dealing with the Dao Clan, but helping him."

"Tch, what a stinkin' reason, it's the first time I heard that helping someone with a problem turned into helping." Bao'er twisted her mouth, and gave the man next to her a fierce look of contempt.

"So you are still young and don't understand anything. In the future, you will understand that the strong who grew up in the midst of hardships are the real strong and have the qualifications to stand at the top!"

After saying this, the man couldn't help turning his head slightly, shot two rays of light from the golden light, looked at the soul source world that was gradually going away, and said secretly:

"Hun Wuji, I really want to see how your descendants can have the same demeanor as you did back then!"

"What kind of waves can be stirred up in the sanctuary where all the clans are at present!"

"Om..." After the words fell, the golden dragon of light turned into a golden light and disappeared into the vast starry sky in an instant.

At the same time, on the vast desert plain in the western part of the soul source world, Xingjue, Xuemei, Baihua Fairy, Song Yufeng and other strong men stood in midair.

"It was actually teleported directly to the west of the world. From this point of view, even if the opponent is the Asura War Spirit, they can't track us." Looking around, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Unfortunately, it's only a year away. If Luoyan Valley opens at this time and enters it, even the Asura War Spirit may not be able to find us."

"Maybe I can break through to the level of the Asura War Spirit." Fairy Baihua looked at the vast desert plain below, with a hint of unwillingness and regret on her sweet face.

"Although we escaped unharmed, the dust-covered royal city, Huagu, and Longmen may suffer."

Everyone was sighing, obviously they had won the game, but at the last moment, they killed a strong man from another world, making them flee, and at the same time making the dust-covered king city, Huagu, and Longmen fall into desperation.

With Wuzhifeng's way of doing things, they can completely imagine the fate of the Dusty King City and Huagu Longmen.

"I can't let the disciples of Longmen be implicated because of me." Song Yufeng wanted to leave while speaking.

"Are you an idiot? You are only going back to die, and Longmen is also doomed to a catastrophe. A meaningless death is worthless." Fairy Baihua grabbed Song Yufeng, fearing that he would really go back to die.

"Stay here, as long as we can escape for a year, when the Falling Goose Valley opens, maybe both of us can break through to the Asura War Spirit."

"Believe me, I have found a place with special energy in Luoyan Valley. As long as you cultivate to the Asura War Spirit, you can get rid of the shackles of the world, and you can avenge the disciples of Huagu and Longmen!"

Fairy Baihua continued to persuade, and everyone also persuaded, as long as they thought that millions of people would lose their lives because of them, everyone present would feel bad.

But Fairy Baihua was right, there was indeed no value in sending someone to death needlessly, and the only way to have a chance of revenge was to save one's life.

While everyone was persuading Song Yufeng, Xing Jue closed his eyes tightly without saying a word, he seemed to be thinking about something, and he seemed to be asleep, with no emotion on his face.

But under everyone's earnest persuasion, Song Yufeng finally wavered, no longer insisted on his own ideas, but agreed to escape with everyone.

"Xing Jue, although we have left the Soul Origin Center, this place is not safe, we have to leave here." After deciding to leave, Fairy Bai Hua said to Xing Jue.

However, Xing Jue ignored her at all, and continued to maintain his original appearance. At this moment, someone noticed that there was a crystal teardrop in the corner of his tightly closed eye.

Everyone peeped at each other, as if they had understood something, and then Fairy Baihua persuaded again:

"Xingjue, I know what happened to Bao'er, it makes you very sad, in fact, we are the same as you."

"What's more, even if Bao'er blew up the Zunqi, it doesn't necessarily mean that she is dead. Maybe she was just captured by the people from Wuzhifeng, and she was not harmed."

"After all, Bao'er also comes from a world other than Soul Source. As long as she reveals her identity, I don't think even Dao Kunlun would dare to do anything to her."

But for everyone's persuasion, Xing Jue never said a word, which really frightened everyone, and finally everyone unanimously decided to forcibly leave with Xing Jue.

"I can open this Luoyan Valley" But at this moment, Xing Jue's closed eyes slowly opened.

"Xingjue, what did you say? You can open Luoyan Valley? How is this possible? Once Luoyan Valley has been opened for 30 years, this is something that cannot be changed." Fairy Baihua and Song Yufeng were full of disbelief, as if they couldn't believe Xingjue's words .

However, Xing Jue ignored their words. Instead, his hand was like lightning, and when it connected to the void, several dark black spells the size of a palm overflowed from his fingertips and appeared in front of everyone's eyes.


The talisman began to rotate, setting off gusts of wind and ripples, and at the same time, it fell downward from the midair. The powerful force rolled the smoke and dust stirred up below, and finally the talisman actually melted into the surface.


Suddenly, Xing Jue let out a soft shout, and the spinning spell shone brightly, and soon formed a void gate.

At the moment when the light stopped blooming, another scene unexpectedly appeared at the other end of the void gate.

The dense jungle and the bottomless valley appeared in this vast desert at this moment, like a door leading to a world, a wonderful world has appeared in front of everyone.

(Prostitutes can't wait until they have a sexual desire to pick up customers, and writers can't write until they are inspired. There is still a chapter tonight, and I haven't finished it yet!)

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