Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 9 Strong Showdown

"Xing Jue?" Looking at the young man in black walking slowly towards the arena, someone finally recognized who it was, so he shouted.

"Xing Jue, is it really Xing Jue?"

"Isn't he demoted to a slave by the Xing family?"

"A mere family slave dares to challenge Lu Zhan, it seems that he really wants to be famous and wants to go crazy"

After hearing that shout, not only the Xing family members, but also some members of the Zhao family and Lu family also recognized Xing Jue.They had all heard about Xing Jue, so the voices of contempt and ridicule kept ringing.In particular, Xing Feng and others looked at Xing Jue with a look of jokes on their faces, thinking to themselves if this guy had water in his head.

However, Xing Jue did not pay attention to the words of the crowd at all, but continued to walk slowly towards the stage, with a confident smile always hanging on his delicate face.

"Xing Jue, you don't want to die?" Just as Xing Jue was about to enter the competition stage, a burly figure suddenly stood in front of Xing Jue, and the person who came was not someone else, but an instructor from the Xing family.

"Instructor" looked at the strong man standing in front of him, Xing Jue was also a little surprised.

"Xing Jue, retreat quickly, this is not the place you should come," the instructor said.

"Instructor, I just want to ask, is Xing Jue still a member of the Xing family?" Xing Jue looked at the familiar strong man in front of him and asked with a smile.Xing Jue naturally justified that the instructor did not let him in the past for his own good, but the instructor did not know that Xing Jue today is no longer the waste material it used to be.

"Of course," the instructor replied without hesitation.

"As a member of the Xing family, is there anything wrong with wanting to obtain this honor for the Xing family?" Xing Jue asked again.

"This is true, but Xing Jue, you must know who is on the stage, he is the one who Xing Feng and Zhao Zhen can't make it through together, I know that you are now demoted as a slave, and I am very unwilling. , but you also have to be careful in what you do, today's Lu Zhan is simply not something you can handle, going up against him with your strength is simply killing yourself, you know?" Persuade Dao, in fact, this instructor is very good to Xing Jue. Although Xing Jue has been demoted to a family slave, the instructor assigned to Xing Jue is definitely a poor person. Now he said these words, it is natural for Xing Jue to be good.

"How can the instructor let me go?" Xing Jue asked again.

"Unless, you can defeat me," Jian Xing Jue insisted on going, and after a moment of contemplation, the instructor said.

"This..." After hearing the instructor's words, Xing Jue was a little hesitant. Not to mention that he couldn't take action against the instructor. Even if he did fight against the instructor, with the strength of the instructor's high-level martial artist, Xing Jue would definitely win. It will lose a lot of strength, and it will definitely be affected when they fight against Lu Zhan.For a while, the punishment did not know what to do.

"Master **, Xin Xue wants to challenge, and is there an instructor blocking it?" At this moment, Lu Zhan on the stage asked the old man on the ** stage.

"The challenge of the new blood is up to you. There is indeed no one who can stop it. The instructor of the Xing family retreats quickly," the old man said.

"My lord, it's not that I deliberately blocked it, but this sentence is no longer the new blood of the Xing family. He is just a slave." Seeing the old man speak, the instructor hurriedly replied.

"What? It turned out to be a domestic slave?"

After hearing the instructor's words, the audience suddenly realized that this kid is not the new blood of the Xing family, but just a slave, and even the new blood is not the opponent of the family. No, this kid is too self-sufficient, so the voices of ridicule kept ringing in the audience.

"Joke, new blood can be challenged, but domestic slaves can't be challenged?" Lu Zhan said again.

"This..." For a while, the old man didn't know what to do. The convention did have rules, and the new blood could challenge the champion, but he did not say that the slaves could challenge, but he did not say that he could not challenge, so the old man turned his eyes to on the podium where the three patriarchs were seated.

"This little friend is so courageous, but I want to see how he can do it under my disciple." At this moment, there was a long silence on the podium, the head of Yufengge, but Fengzi suddenly spoke. .

"What? Disciple?"

"He's actually Lu Zhan's master"

After hearing the words of the elder, almost everyone present was stunned.

"It turns out that this Lu Zhan is the disciple of the elders of Yufeng Pavilion. No wonder his strength is so tyrannical." Xing Feng was also extremely shocked, but he turned his attention to Xing Jue after being shocked. He wanted to see, Xing Jue would meet. How to decide.

"Thank you, Elder, for your accomplishment." Xing Jue bowed his hands to the elder on the stage and said with a smile.

"Xing Jue, don't be brave." After the elder of Yufeng Pavilion spoke, the instructor couldn't stop Xing Jue anymore, and said helplessly to Xing Jue.He is quite familiar with Xing Jue's temper. It was like this at the beginning, but he didn't expect it to be like this for a long time now.

"Don't worry, instructor." Xing Jue smiled at the instructor, and he didn't say anything more, then walked straight to the stage.

"Xing Jue, long time no see." Looking at Xing Jue who was approaching gradually, Lu Zhan's face also had a rare look of anticipation, and said with a smile.

"Lu Zhan, I'm going to decide the championship today." When he came to the stage, Xing Jue didn't talk nonsense, but said to Lu Zhan confidently.

"Oh? Okay, let me test if you are qualified first." Lu Zhan suddenly laughed. He moved like a mad tiger, raised his right fist, and brought gusts of wind towards Xing Xing. He smashed it hard.

In the face of Lu Zhan who came violently, Xing Jue did not dodge, but stood straight in place, waiting for Lu Zhan's arrival.When Lu was approaching, he suddenly raised his right fist and slammed it into Lu Zhan's fist.

"Bang" accompanied by a loud noise, the two fists like iron hammers slammed together fiercely, and a terrifying ripple also spread between the two fists. At the same time, the high-level martial artist Xing Jue The strength is also unreservedly released.

"High-level martial artist, how is that possible?" Seeing that Xing Jue took Lu Zhan's punch with ease, everyone on the field was shocked. Such a mighty strength.

"Impossible, impossible, this is absolutely impossible." Compared with other people, Xing Feng couldn't believe it. To be precise, he didn't want to believe it. He really couldn't accept it. He couldn't believe that he didn't fight back a year ago. The waste of ability actually surpassed himself and became a high-level martial artist in just one year.

Not only Xing Feng, but even the head of the Xing family and the instructor looked at Xing Jue in disbelief. After a while, a smile finally appeared on the instructor's face. At this time, he understood why Xing Jue was. Dare to take the stage to challenge Lu Zhan.

"Good job, he is indeed an opponent recognized by my Lu Zhan." Lu Zhan, who was punched by Xing Jue, suddenly laughed, his eyes were full of excitement. Although Lu Zhan was a high-level martial artist, his strength However, he was far superior to a martial artist of the same rank, and Xing Jue could actually be on par with him. How could he not be excited by a naturally belligerent.

"Lu Zhan, you don't have to hold back any more, let's take out all of your strength." Xing Jue looked at Lu Zhan and said with a smile.Because at the moment they just fought, Xing Jue knew that Lu Zhan didn't show his full strength, he was just testing himself.

"Okay, today I will fight with you with all my strength." As Lu Zhan spoke, a tyrannical aura continued to emanate from his body, and the aura continued to rise, and even almost surpassed the boundaries of a martial artist...

"This guy is really strong." Facing Lu Zhan who showed his strength without a doubt, Xing Jue also began to be cautious, because he could feel that Lu Zhan's strength would definitely not be weaker than him.

"Bang" Lu Zhan suddenly moved, he raised his right fist and rushed towards Xing Jue again. The speed was so fast that ordinary people couldn't see it clearly, and Xing Jue did not sit still this time. Battle swept away.

"Bang..Bang...Bang.." The two of them fist to fist, foot to foot, without any defense, it is the most savage attack method. Spreading from the stage, the aftermath of the ripples has shaken the diamonds out of the cracks, which shows how tyrannical the strength of the two is.

"So strong" watching the two people on the stage fighting like crazy, everyone in the audience was amazed, it really deserves to be the final decisive battle, this is too strong, this is the real strong.

Not only the audience under the stage, but even the new blood of the various families admired them.

"Boom" was another roar, and the two fought again, and they were both shaken back by the powerful force.

"Haha, it's fun, it's fun." After taking a dozen steps backward, Lu Zhancai stabilized his body and suddenly laughed wildly.

"Each other, each other" The same Xing Jue also took a dozen steps back before stabilizing his body, and also said with an unfinished smile.

"Xing Jue, you are really strong, but I'll see how you handle the next move." After Lu Zhan stabilized his body, he clenched his right fist violently, and a large amount of pale golden martial spirit began to flow continuously. Into the right fist, a layer of substantive brilliance began to form on the right fist, and a terrifying aura also began to spread from the fist.

"What a strong martial skill." Looking at Lu Zhan in the field, the instructor of the Xing family said in shock.

"This is at least a martial skill in the early stage of the Xuanjie. I have never owned such a martial skill in the Xing family. It seems that Xing Jue is more fortunate than fortune."In fact, he already knew that Lu Zhan and his master came to the Lu family, so he had no hope for this conference. However, when Xing Jue appeared, he seemed to see a glimmer of light, but he expected that Lu Zhan was actually Having learned such a powerful martial skill, the hope that he had just seen was shattered in an instant.

After hearing the conversation between the Xing family patriarch and the instructor next to him, not only the Lu family patriarch, but even the elder of the Yufeng Pavilion smiled smugly. This Lu Zhan is his apprentice. Naturally, it couldn't be clearer, but Xing Jue could be on par with Lu Zhan's, which surprised him a lot. However, the martial arts that Lu Zhan is using now are the unique martial arts of his Yufeng Pavilion. Martial skills, he is still confident, in a place like this, no one has it yet.

"Huh" After seeing Lu Zhan's last card, Xing Jue snorted coldly, and then slowly raised his right hand. The golden martial spirit also poured into his right hand.

With the influx of a lot of martial energy, the bright golden light of Xing Jue's right hand began to condense, and a strong terrifying aura also spread from it.

"Xuanjie martial arts, how is this possible?" Xing Feng said in disbelief as he watched Xing Jue display a powerful martial skill that was no weaker than Lu Zhan.

"Wind-devouring palm?" Compared to the shock of others, the elder Fengzi of Yufengge said in a more unbelievable voice, as if he was very familiar with the martial arts of Xing Jue.

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