Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 96 The Mutated Village [Part 2]

"Xing Jue, there is a village not far ahead, I believe there must be a boat in the village, why don't we go to the village and see." Looking at the empty port in front of him, Uncle Pan came to Xing Jue and said.

Uncle Pan had been here in the past, so he still remembered that there was indeed a village above this port, and most of the villagers in the village at that time made a living by doing the punting business in the port.

"Well, that's the only way." Xing Jue nodded in agreement.From this port to that "Tianchi Island", it is only a hundred miles away. If Xing Jue uses the wind-fighting technique and becomes popular, he will be able to arrive in less than an hour.

But Uncle Pan couldn't, so he had to find a boat and row over.

Immediately, the two walked towards the village in Uncle Pan's memory, but Xing Jue felt a little weird along the way.

If there is a village nearby, then it is impossible to find a single person around, but right now, there is not even a single person to be seen.

But after walking about ten miles, a village did appear in front of Xing Jue, but what made Xing Jue puzzled was that the village at this moment was surrounded by a high rock wall. Since then, even the entrance to the village has been tightly sealed with two huge iron gates.

Looking at the village in front of him, Xing Jue even thought that something must have happened in this village.In order to relieve the doubts in his heart, Xing Jue accelerated his progress.

"whoosh whoosh"

But just as Xing Jue approached the village, suddenly, several arrows flew out from the villa, and shot at Xing Jue and Uncle Pan like a rain of arrows falling from the sky.

Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly retreated in front of Uncle Pan, and with a wave of his sleeve robe, a powerful martial aura quickly spread out, and finally blocked all the arrows from the sky.


After blocking the rain of arrows, Xing Jue snorted coldly, and then clenched his five fingers tightly, and punched the tall iron gate. He swept away at the iron gate.


With a bang, the seemingly hard iron gate was smashed to pieces by Xing Jue's fist.

"run away"

Just after the huge iron gate collapsed, several village names appeared behind the iron gate, and when these villagers saw Xing Jue, they fled as fast as they saw the devil.

Seeing this, Xing Jue's body flickered, and it turned into a black thread and plunged into the crowd. When he touched his palm, he firmly grasped a panicked villager in his hand.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me"

He was caught in an instant, and the villager cried out loudly. At the same time, he cried with snot and tears. Obviously, he was frightened by Xing Jue. Looking closely, Xing Jue was even more shocked to find out. , at this moment the villager even his pants were wet, this guy actually urinated.

"Say, why are you attacking us for no reason?"

Seeing this, Xing Jue shook his head helplessly. This villager was at least in his thirties, yet he was so timid.

"My lord, are you human?"

Seeing that Xing Jue actually spoke to him, the villager said with wide eyes and surprise.

"Nonsense, do you need to ask?" Xing Jue angrily said, because Xing Jue felt that his question was simply too idiotic.

"Sir, save us." But what made Xing Jue speechless the most was that after seeing Xing Jue that he didn't want to hurt him, the village name suddenly fell to his knees, kowtowed to Xing Jue without paying attention, and begged.

Seeing that Xing Jue did not harm the villager, the surrounding villagers also felt that Xing Jue was not a bad person. Not only did they stop, but they also ran back. Like the name of the village, they all knelt in front of Xing Jue and begged. stand up.

"What's going on? Tell me about it." Facing such exaggerated villagers, Xing Jue also realized that something must have happened in this village, so he hurriedly said.

"The two adults also asked the village to invite you. Please wait for me and you to explain in detail." At this moment, an old man walked out of the crowd and said respectfully to Xing Jue.Judging from its appearance, it should be the mayor of this village.

In a relatively nice thatched hut in the village, Xing Jue and Uncle Pan were sitting at the top, while the village chief was sitting on the side, looking at Xing Jue and Uncle Pan expectantly.

"There is such a thing, Uncle Pan, what do you think? Xing Jue took a sip of the fragrant tea in the cup, looked at Uncle Pan and asked slowly.

After entering the village, the old man had already confronted the two of them, telling the strange things that happened in the village...

In fact, after Tianchi Island became Iceland, because there was no one living on Tianchi Island, there were also many fish in the nearby waters.

Although the villagers here can't do punting business, they still have enough to live by fishing, and this sea area is a diving area, so there is no need to worry about sea beasts and the like, so these villagers choose to stay here to survive .

And with the passage of time, there are more and more people in the village, and the living conditions are getting better and better, but just half a year ago, a villager in the village who went out to fish suddenly disappeared, and every other week after that. A villager will go missing.

With the continuous disappearance of a large number of villagers, the people in the village also began to panic, and some people even wanted to leave the village, but at this moment, the first missing villager suddenly came back.

But the horrible thing happened. After the villager entered the village, he actually started to bite other villagers, and his strength was so great that ordinary villagers were not his opponents at all. The last ten villagers who had practiced martial arts joined forces. subdue him.

But what was frustrating was that the villager had completely lost his mind, and finally, with the unanimous consent of the villagers, he had to be killed.

But the most unexpected thing for the villagers was that after that, all the missing villagers came back one after another, and like the villager, entering the village started to hurt the people in the village.

And they were stronger than each other. In desperation, the villagers had to surround the village with rocks and ordered not to go out to fish.

But this is the case, the villagers in the village will still disappear for no reason, and after a few months of disappearance, they will attack the village. In desperation, the village chief sent the villagers to ask some forces for help.

But the most terrifying thing is that when the villagers who went out for help came back, they turned out to be the same.

And today, it is the day when the villagers will mysteriously disappear.

"I don't think this is a prank, but rather like an experiment by some evil force," Uncle Pan said slowly after a moment of silence.

"Experiments conducted by evil forces?" Xing Jue was also taken aback when he heard Uncle Pan's words. He could not have imagined that there were still people experimenting with people. This was really cruel.

"That's right, if I'm not mistaken, the base of those people should be on Tianchi Island. The place where the villagers first disappeared was near Tianchi Island, and then the villagers didn't go to sea before expanding to the village."

"And on that day, only those with martial arts and above can live in Chidao for a long time, and it has become a deserted island, which means that no one will disturb them to do experiments, so that is their best choice."Uncle Pan analyzed word by word.

After hearing Uncle Pan's words, Xing Jue nodded in agreement.

"Sir, please help us." At this moment, the village chief suddenly fell to his knees and pleaded to Xing Jue.

"Old man, please get up quickly." Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly helped the old man up.He could not see that an old man of this age knelt down to him.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of this matter," Xing Jue said firmly after lifting the old man up.

Not to mention that this matter is related to Tianchi Island, even if it is not related to Xing Jue, as long as Xing Jue encounters it, he will definitely intervene, because Xing Jue dislikes the bastards who bully the common people the most.

Seeing Xing Jue actually agreed to him, the old man hurriedly opened the door and shouted excitedly, "Sir, promise to help us!"

At this moment, Xing Jue discovered that all the villagers were standing outside the door, and when they heard the old man's words, the villagers fell to the ground in unison, constantly thanking Xing Jue.

Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, because that was what he hated the most, especially when those elders who were older than him knelt down to him, Xing Jue would feel very embarrassed.

Afterwards, the villagers deliberately took out the best food stored at home and cooked a delicious feast for Xing Jue and Uncle Pan. In fact, the food in Xing Jue's storage bracelet at the moment was much better than these. For the sake of the hearts of the villagers, Xing Jue still ate happily.

"Uncle Pan, I'm sure those people will come to arrest people tonight, and then I'll go back with them."

"After my Senior Brother Xu comes, you can go with him. If I don't come back, don't try to save me without authorization." After dinner, Xing Jue said to Uncle Pan cautiously.

Because he didn't know what kind of fighting power the mysterious force had, Xing Jue deliberately crushed the communication charm that Xu Changqing had left him before, but Xing Jue estimated that even if Xu Changqing came, it would be at least a few days later, so avoid it. Fighting the grass and frightening the snake, I decided to go and see it alone.

"Okay, then you have to be careful."

Uncle Pan said to Xing Jue slowly.In fact, he did not approve of Xing Jue doing this. What he meant was that Xing Jue should wait here and wait until Xu Changqing came. After all, with Xu Changqing's strength, Xing Jue would be safer.However, Xing Jue insisted on his own ideas, which made Uncle Pan very helpless.

"Don't worry, Uncle Pan, I will definitely help you unlock the seal."

Xing Jue suddenly stood up, smiled and said to Uncle Pan, then slowly walked out of the house.

Looking at Xing Jue's back, which was gradually walking away, Uncle Pan had a gratified smile on his face.

Time passed, and the red clouds in the sky were soon completely shrouded in the dark night. The dark clouds in the night fluttered with the wind, and from time to time they would cover up the round moon, and the flickering moonlight shone on this quiet place. Above the village, there is a bit of gloomy meaning.

In the village at the moment, the doors of every household are closed, and there is not even a single light. Only Xing Jue sits on the roof of a thatched hut, quietly waiting for the arrival of the evil forces.

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