Hanging the wooden sword on the upper floor of the sub-gong, Zishou returned to the harem on the front foot, and a maid told Su Niangniang that she fainted suddenly on the back foot, and she is still in a coma.

Zishou frowned involuntarily, but did not respond.

The wooden sword has already taken effect, and the thousand-year-old vixen should run away. After three days have passed, the system judges that the task has failed, and it will be a joy to uninstall it automatically.

Even if Yun Zhongzi really can't think of surrendering to himself, and still has the task of calming Beihai, the system will lose no matter what.

"This time... it should be stable, right?"

Zishou muttered, as someone who had watched Fengshen once or twice, he knew very well that Yun Zhongzi was a person who explained the teachings, and he would never submit to himself no matter what.

Except for miracles.

Zishou shook his head, did he think it was Ultraman Tiga?Miracles happen at every turn?

"In short, this mission should be stable."

"Su Daji's favorability degree -1-1-1..."

"Su Daji's loyalty - 1-1-1..."

"Neutron Cloud Favorability +2..."

"Cloud neutron loyalty +1+2..."

The system prompt sounded suddenly, making Zishou raise his eyebrows, what's going on?


In Chaoge City, an inconspicuous wine shop.

Yun Zhongzi stood in front of the window, looking in the direction of the palace, with a look of admiration on his face.

"This Yin Shou is not a faint king. This sword can suppress the demon atmosphere and extend Cheng Tang's veins. As long as Yin Shou does not burn this sword, Cheng Tang's luck will be temporarily delayed. Although the Zhou Kingdom prospers, Cheng Tang may not be destroyed. , and the catastrophe of the gods can be slightly reduced, this time it is worthwhile to go down the mountain."

Yun Zhongzi said that hanging the wooden sword can eliminate evildoers within three days, but he actually underestimated his own strength. Less than an hour after hanging the wooden sword, the nine-tailed fox was suppressed and was dying.

From this point of view, as long as it stays overnight, the nine-tailed fox will be killed by the wooden sword.

At this moment, a flame suddenly streaked across the sky and landed on the upper floor of the palace.

As soon as the flame fell to the upper floor of the sub-gong, it ignited vigorously, thick smoke billowed, and even the wooden sword offered by Yun Zhongzi was burned to ashes.

Yun Zhongzi's face changed suddenly, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes: "The big fire... this direction...is done by Master!"

His master, Yuanshi Tianzun, has super high mana power, and the sky fire was clearly done by Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Master, why did you burn the palace building? No, no, you want to burn my wooden sword..."

Yun Zhongzi muttered to himself, the shock in his eyes became more and more obvious.

He is not an idiot, he guessed the master's intention after careful thought.

If this sword is burned, the evildoer will not die, and the energy of Chengtang will continue to decline, and the calamity of the gods will be opened...

"Don't he know that the existence of this monster will inevitably lead to the destruction of life? As a saint, in order to promote the catastrophe of conferring gods, he has no regard for sentient beings..."

"I want to see Yin Shou again!"


Because the palace building suddenly caught fire, the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and the palace was in a mess.

In Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun raised his head, his eyes shone brightly, and he pointed lightly: "Du Yuanxian is also on the list, if he should not be robbed, when will he wait?"

A ray of true energy popped out from the fingertips and disappeared into the world.

However, Grand Master Du Yuanxian passed by, for some reason, his mind became muddled, and he didn't dodge standing in front of the sub-gong building.

He didn't want a burning pillar to fall down, directly knocking Du Yuanxiao to the ground, and died on the spot.

The fire immediately alarmed everyone, even Bigan, Shang Rong, Huang Feihu and other important officials rushed to the palace building.

But when everyone arrived, the sub-gong building had been burned down, and Grand Master Du Yuanxian died in it.

When Zishou rushed to the Fengong Building, there was nothing left.

Zi Shou's face was blackened, and he said loudly: "Why did the Fengong Building catch fire? Check it out for me!"

Soon, the guards found out the reason and came back. It was a small meteor with fire that fell into the sub-gong building, which caused the fire, and the Grand Master Du Yuanxian also suffered innocently.

Zishou left the handling of Du Yuan's funeral to Shang Rong, and returned to the harem with a dark face.

I just wanted to hang the sword to scare away the vixen, so how could it catch fire?And smashed a minister to death?

Could it be Yun Neutron's fault?

"Report to Your Majesty, there is Qi refiner Yun Zhongzi asking to see you outside." At this moment, the attendant reported.

Zishou frowned, what is this bastard doing back again?


Soon, Yun Zhongzi came to a side hall to meet Zishou.

"Sir, why did you go and come back?" Zishou asked.

You said you were gone and why did you come back?I didn't leave you to eat either!

Are you coming back to mess with me again?

Zishou looked at Yun Zhongzi with a little more vigilance.

"Your Majesty, when Pindao came down the mountain this time, he wanted to use his sword to suppress the demon atmosphere. He never thought that a fire would fall from the sky and burn the wooden sword. It was stained with blood." Of course Yun Zhongzi would not say that Yuanshi Tianzun burned it, but after thinking about it, he still said that the luck of Yin Shang was about to run out.

"Oh, I see." Zishou nodded and stood up and said.

Although Yun Zhongzi is also a disciple of Chanjiao, but unlike the Twelve Golden Immortals, he has a compassionate mind and is dedicated to the sake of the common people.

In the original book, he is the only one who still wants to save Yin Shang.

However, Zishou knew that the luck of Yin Shang was over, so he responded very indifferently.

Yun Zhongzi was stunned for a moment, as if he had never thought that Zishou's response would be so flat, and his evaluation of him also increased a little in his heart.

"Isn't His Majesty angry?"

Zishou: ...


It's not that I haven't watched the TV series, why are you angry?

Just about to say that he was not angry, but seeing Yun Zhongzi's curious eyes, Zishou could only nod his head and said, "Of course I'm angry! Does God say that if the world of Gu is about to perish, it will die? Gu doesn't believe in heaven, Gu Only believe that man will conquer the sky!"

Man wins?

Yun Zhongzi couldn't help trembling when he heard these words, and a little shock appeared in his eyes.

"No matter what you think, I don't believe in the way of heaven, I don't believe in destiny, I only believe that I can turn the tide by myself."

Zi Shou's meaning is obvious, no matter what you do, I will win you bastard!

Yun Zhongzi fell into silence, his expression fluctuating, and Zishou's words made him a little at a loss.

That's it?

Zishou sneered in his heart, waved his hands and said, "Okay, Gu knows, you are a member of Yuan Tianzun, and you will not assist Gu Wang, so be it! You go!"

Zishou's meaning is obvious, I've seen through you!

Don't waste any more time, hurry back to your Zhongnan Mountain!

The atmosphere in the hall was silent.

Yun Neutron's eyes were extremely complicated.

He even knew that he was the disciple of Yuan Tianzun.

Originally, he thought that Zishou would be furious, angry, and collapsed when he knew the demise of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and would even offer various rewards and ask himself to help him.

But all of this is gone, Zishou just said that man can conquer heaven.

But... can man really overcome the sky?

The Human Sovereign is not a faint king, but a sage, in order to enshrine the gods, regardless of the loss of life, forcefully promote the calamity...

Should I assist him?

Yun Zhongzi raised his head and said, "Poverty Taoist knows, let's take my leave."

After all, Yun Zhongzi left the side hall without looking back.

Zishou heaved a sigh of relief, this bitch finally thought about staying with a brazen face, so that's good, the system task should have failed, right?

At this moment, the system's cold synthetic voice sounded in Zishou's mind, and his face changed drastically.

"Drip! Congratulations to the host for letting Yun Zhongzi submit to the host!"

"Reward: Yin Shang luck +800, a deer platform."


what's the situation?

Do you have a bug in the dog system?

Zishou hastily clicked on the system panel of Yun Zhongzi, his face darkened suddenly.

[Object: Cloud Neutron]

[Identity: Interpreter]

[Strength: Golden Immortal]

[Favourability degree (favorability goal: Zishou): 35/100]

[Loyalty (loyalty target: Zishou): 60/100]

Cao, Yun Zhongzi, even you play me?

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