Seeing the flash of black light, Xiaotiangou has already rushed towards Zishou.

Zi Shou was overjoyed, it's good, just like that, he was bitten by the Xiaotian dog and then pretended that he couldn't beat him and escaped!

However, at this moment, Zhang Jie and Tao Rong rushed up, and Tao Rong threw himself at Xiaotiangou with a stick, blocking Xiaotiangou's attack for his son!

Zhang Jie charged at Yang Jian with his long sword, and shouted: "Your Majesty, hurry up!"

Zishou: ...

In desperation, Zishou went up to kill with Chengying sword.

You can't pretend to be invincible and run away at this time, right?

Zhang Jie, as Wen Zhong's general, is also an Earth Immortal. He is considered a powerful general in the mortal world, but when he meets Yang Jian, it is like a son meeting his father.

Yang Jian killed Zhang Jie with two or three stabs, causing him to vomit blood.

But after Zishou joined the battlefield, Yang Jian was beaten so hard that it was difficult to parry.

"Your Majesty, it's too fierce!"

Zhang Jie couldn't help but said.When he met Yang Jian, he couldn't even handle it for three rounds, but the king beat Yang Jian as soon as he stepped forward?

Your Majesty is not only high in intelligence, but also in military strength, so why don't we mess around with him?

The saints outside were all confused by this scene. You, Yang Jian, are so powerful when you meet other people, and you wilt when you meet God Xin?

Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't bear to look any more, and moved his gaze to the place where the Jiuqu Yellow River formed the clouds.

In the Tao of Heavenly Secrets, Yunxiao presided over the formation, changing one after another, trapping Ran Deng, Guang Chengzi, Chi Jingzi and others in the formation. For a time, there were many crises and ambushes frequently appeared. There is a danger of falling!

In the path of the earth veins, Qiong Xiao controls the big formation, and the formation is endlessly changing. The true king of morality, the real Taiyi, the great master of Lingbao and others have lost their way.

But then, Immortal Taiyi and Immortal Huanglong found their way, found Qiong Xiao's location, and rushed towards Qiong Xiao: "Qiong Xiao, go to hell!"

Qiong Xiao sneered, and sacrificed Hunyuan Jindou.

Hunyuan Jindou turned into a flash of golden light and flashed out, Taiyi Daoist was shocked, turned into a golden light, turned and ran away.

Daoist Huanglong couldn't hide, and was caught by Hunyuan Jindou in an instant!He fell heavily to the side.

Daoist Huanglong, the first one to pass out in the Nine Twist Yellow River Formation!


"Hmph!" Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes flashed a little bit of anger.

However, when Yuanshi Tianzun continued to look at the world, he was surprised to find that Di Xin stabbed out with a sword, directly cutting Yang Jian's throat!

Blood spurted from Yang Jian's throat, and he fell into the Jiuqu Yellow River array!

Zishou: ...

He was stunned, staring blankly at Yang Jian's body, a series of question marks appeared.

Fuck, what's going on?

I just stabbed a sword casually, just... why did Yang Jian fall down?


"Your Majesty is mighty!" Deng Xin and Zhang Tao couldn't help but said.

They thought that the king rushed to Yang Jian to die, but they didn't expect that the king's swordsmanship was so powerful that he killed Yang Jian directly!

Wen Zhong asked them to protect the king?

It's almost time for the king to protect them!

Zishou couldn't help complaining, "I suspect he's an actor, otherwise he wouldn't be able to catch my sword!"

Zishou felt really uncomfortable, Yang Jian, did you take the wrong script?Shouldn't it be you who wounded me and I turned and ran away?


Outside, the saints were all stunned, each with the expression of seeing a ghost.

In particular, Yuanshi Tianzun was so angry that his face turned black, and he wished he could rush to the Jiuqu Yellow River formation to kill Zishou himself!

There are too many variables in this horse-riding way of heaven!

Di Xin directly killed Yang Jian?

What about Yang Jian's eighty-nine profound arts?

But then, Yuanshi Tianzun calculated carefully, and only then did he know what happened.

Although Yang Jian has eight or nine profound skills to protect his body, his cultivation base is suppressed in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, and the most he can display is the strength of the Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Coupled with the fact that the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation can restrain changes, Yang Jian cannot use the Bajiu Xuangong to escape.

72 Changes are useless, how to get rid of the internal disaster of the Yellow River array!

Nine curves of the Yellow River array, nine curves without straightness, and all the curves change.Losing the origin of the gods, damages the limbs of the gods.

Yang Jian's most powerful transformation is not used in this formation, so it is only natural that he will die in Di Xin's hands.

Fortunately, the Jiuqu Yellow River formation has already started, even if you die and your soul is trapped in the formation, you cannot directly enter the list.

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Because he saw Jin Zha, Mu Zha and Nezha walking towards Di Xin suddenly.

Although the three of them are all true immortals, they are one level worse than golden immortals.


All three of them are equipped with extremely powerful spirit treasures!

Jin Zha can escape from the shape of the dragon pile!

Mu Zha and Wu Hook Sword kill invisible!

Nezha is a hacker who even armed the leaves on his teeth.

Once these three people arrive, Di Xin will undoubtedly be defeated!


At this moment, Zishou was standing in the front of the formation depressed, and he reflected on his behavior just now.

What if I didn't fight Yang Jian?Why do you want to fight?

Forget it, no matter who will come later, I won't do anything until they kill them, then I will make a sword gesture or two, pretend to be panicked and run away!

Having made up his mind, Zishou nodded secretly.

At this time, Xin Huan, who was flying in the air, said: "My lord, be careful, Nezha is here!"

Although Xin Huan's wings were bitten by the Xiaotian dog, everyone brought a lot of elixir before entering the battle, and after applying a elixir, they all healed.

"No, Mu Zha and Jin Zha are coming in this direction too!" Xin Huan said in horror, "My lord, if you don't want to stay in line, break them up!"

"Need not."

As soon as Zishou heard that Jin Zha, Mu Zha and Nezha were coming, he immediately regained his spirits.

Evolution?I have to do it too!

Do you really think that Yunxiao and I stayed in the tent for a few days to learn formations?

Doesn't the chest look good?

"There's no need to change formation." Zishou said again, his eyes lit up, come on, come on!Ravage me hard!

Elegant Butterfly~!

I promise to welcome you if you want to refuse~!

"Your Majesty, here we come!" Xin Huan shouted.

Sure enough, after Xin Huan yelled, the figures of Jin Zha and Mu Zha appeared in Zishou's sight.

The two walked side by side, extremely cautious, the moment they saw Zi Shou, they were stunned for a moment, and then they showed great joy!

Dixin!It's Dixin!

As long as Di Xin is caught, the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation will be broken!

At that moment, the eyes of the two of them were blazing, and they rushed over to Xiang Zishou!

"I'm coming."

Zishou's eyes lit up, and there was a feeling called longing in his heart.

come quickly!I promise not to resist this time!

Just hit me and I'll run!

"My lord, be careful!" Deng Zhongxinhuan and others hastily warned.

"Haha, Di Xin, let's be bound!" Jin Zha was overjoyed, and immediately sacrificed the dragon escape pile!

The Dunlong pile turned into three circles and fell to Xiang Zishou. At the same time, Nezha also appeared in the field of vision. He saw the eldest brother and the second brother killing Xiang Dixin. rushed over.

Seeing Jin Zha holding his long sword and laughing and rushing towards him, Zi Zi raised the Chengying Sword reflexively and stabbed it, even avoiding Jin Zha's vitals.

However, at the next moment, Jin Zha's face changed drastically as if he had encountered something horrifying, and he bumped into the Chengying Sword, and was instantly stabbed by the Chengying Sword.

Zishou was taken aback for a moment, what the hell, are you an actor too?

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