Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 113 Tearful Promotion to Taiyi Golden Immortal

The sage's attack is not a joke. It's okay to make a move like before. If Zhun Ti directly uses a supernatural power to make a move, the earth will be destroyed if he is not careful.

When Zhunti came back to his senses, he was also terrified. If he really killed the emperor and destroyed the Xiqi lineage, then he didn't have to think hard about raising the Western religion. Hongjun was the first to not let himself go.

Zhunti not only can't be angry about Yuanshi Nuwa's shot and seriously injured herself, but should be grateful to the two of them.

If it wasn't for the two of them, I would really regret it now.

Nuwa snorted coldly, and directly drove Qingluan away from the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

Seeing her leaving the battle angrily, Zhunti was also very embarrassed.

"Fellow Zhunti, don't do this next time!" Yuanshi Tianzun said with a dark face, he was almost blown away by Zhunti's actions just now.

If the Xiqi Land Vessel is really broken, what kind of Conferred God War is going to happen?

"Yes, yes, it was all because of my ignorance." Zhunti apologized repeatedly.

The two of them didn't want to continue to break the formation anymore, Nuwa left angrily, and Zhunti was seriously injured directly by the attack of the two saints, and needed to go back to the west to recuperate.

Yuanshi Tianzun is left alone, and it is impossible to break the formation.

"Fellow Daoist Yuanshi, I'll go back to the Western religion first." Zhunti sighed again and again, and left Jiuqu Yellow River Formation on auspicious clouds.

Now he just wants to go back to the west to rehabilitate his wounds, and then take action to suppress the emperor's luck.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't say much, just nodded, and then he looked at Zishou who stood there trembling with deep meaning, snorted coldly, and turned to leave.

But before leaving, he still took away the souls of the Chanjiao disciples who died in battle and their spirit treasures.

Seeing this, Yun Xiao didn't dare to stop him.

"You have completed the task! The Nine-Twisting Yellow River Formation has not been broken, and Taoist Zhunti was seriously injured. The reward has been released!"

The voice of the dog system rang in Zishou's mind, and he came back to his senses.

"I...won again?"

Zishou took a deep breath and won again?

But winning is not the point, the point is that I was almost killed just now!

"No, no, the next mission must fail!"

Zishou became more convinced of his belief in going home. This place is too dangerous. If Nuwa and Yuanshi didn't make a move just now, or if they made a move a second later, he would be too cold.

And he also thought of some problems. Although he was protected by the luck of the emperor, the saint did not dare to hurt himself easily, but not daring to hurt himself easily did not mean that he could not be hurt.

If in the future there is Zhun mentioning that kind of lunatic who wants to kill himself if he wants to kill himself, then he should be cool too!


"Haha, I won, attack Xiqi!"

When Yun Xiao and the others took Zi Shou out of the battle, Wen Taishi was overjoyed and immediately shouted.

"Trigger mission: capture Xiqi City, drive Ji Fa and Jiang Ziya to the northwest!"

"Mission Reward: Yin Shang Qi Luck +3000, Rainbow Transformation Technique, Textile Machine Blueprint."

Zishou: ...

"Quick, quick..." Zishou shouted hastily.

Grand Master Wen nodded and shouted: "Attack and attack Xiqi!"

As soon as the words fell, he had already rushed out riding Mo Qilin!

"...Stop it!" Zi Shou's mouth twitched slightly, and he spoke the second half of the sentence.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the Sansheng failed to break through the formation. Wen Zhong led his troops to charge and kill. Jiang Ziya was so frightened that he was scared out of his wits, and he directly withdrew his troops and returned to Xiqi City.

However, the troops were hastily withdrawn, and more than ten thousand soldiers were harvested.

Then Wen Zhong sent people to attack Xiqi City. At this moment, there are only generals in Xiqi City, such as Nan Gongshi and Wu Ji, who cannot defeat Grand Master Wen. In addition, San Xiao and Zhao Gongming are also in the army. In less than three days, Xi Qi Qicheng has been breached.

In desperation, Jiang Ziya led his troops to escort King Wu Jifa out of Xiqi City and fled to the northwest.

In the northwest, it was Gui Fang's forces, so Jiang Ziya took Ji Fa to join Gui Fang.

Although the number of ghosts is small, most of them are heretics, and they are broken up and scattered, so it is difficult to deal with them, and Wen Taishi did not continue to pursue them.


After Zishou returned to Chaoge, he went back to Lutai sullenly and locked himself upstairs.

Seeing Zishou's haggard look, Shi Ji's heart ached. The king was really tired. He worried about the outcome of the battlefield these days. Although Xiqi City was captured, he did not relax for a moment.

Ji Fa and Jiang Ziya fled to the northwest, fearing that they would unite with the ghost party forces to make a comeback. I think the king is also worried about this!

Majesty, I am really tired.

Of course, Zi Shou, who was sitting on the deer platform, didn't know what Shi Ji was thinking. He was lying on the chair with a haggard face, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Golden Immortal of Taiyi...five energies are towards Yuan, three flowers gather at the top, the lead flower is the Golden Immortal, the silver flower is the Golden Immortal of Taiyi, and the golden flower is the Golden Immortal of Daluo."

At this time, Zishou could see the two bone flowers blooming on his altar.

A lead flower, a silver flower.

I really became a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

The Golden Immortal lives for ten thousand years, the Taiyi Golden Immortal lives for tens of thousands of years, and the Daluo Golden Immortal lives as long as heaven and earth.

In this way, his life span is too long.

Coupled with the Rainbow Transformation Technique, an extremely powerful escape technique, it can travel tens of thousands of miles a day.

From this point of view, I got a lot this time!

Zishou took a deep breath, and couldn't help thinking in his heart, it's not bad to stay in this world...

But after less than two seconds, he woke up and slapped himself fiercely!

Sober up, son!

These are sugar-coated shells that the dog system uses to confuse itself!

You must not be fooled!

Have you forgotten what you have always insisted on?

Have you forgotten your original intention?

Think about it, so what can the Taiyi Golden Immortal be, even the Daluo Golden Immortal, in this world, it's not just death.

Didn't Zhunti almost kill himself at that time?

Think about home, there is an air conditioner, a computer, cute anime, various live broadcasts, and sparkling water at home...

Stay here, 99.9% of the results are still dead!

Zishou took a deep breath, the dog system's sugar-coated cannonballs were too powerful, and he almost gave in, but fortunately, fortunately, he woke up in time.

As an adult, you have to persevere!

"The most urgent thing is to get rid of this old thing Wen Zhong first." Zishou knocked on the table to think of a way.

And now there is no coolness, probably because I caused the plot to change, I must deal with him first, at least I can't keep him by my side to prevent my great cause of returning home!

The way of heaven is variable, and the general trend remains unchanged. Wen Zhong is a small variable, and the general trend is that Xiqi replaces Cheng Tang.

Zishou didn't think he could change the final outcome.

Although Chengtang's luck has risen to more than 3, Xiqi's luck...

Well, Zishou looked at it, and it was still [-] luck points.

This proves that Ji Fa will definitely make a comeback, and then Grand Master Wen will become a stumbling block preventing him from messing up the mission!

"How to deal with Grand Master Wen? Send him to plant rice like Huang Feihu?" Zishou frowned, and suddenly he looked at a blueprint next to him, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he was caught immediately.

"Wait... I seem to have a solution."

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