Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 125 Reluctantly Accepting the Zhuxian Sword Formation

Originally thought that she would be played by Deng Chanyu again, but she didn't expect that there would be a new incident at this time, and Tu Xingsun directly tied up Deng Chanyu.

"it is good!"

Zishou breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the situation is gradually developing into a disadvantageous place. Once Deng Chanyu is captured, he will lose a master who specializes in placing hidden weapons. People like Deng Jiugong will soon be defeated.

After all, in terms of strength, Deng Jiugong is no match for Xiqi's masters.

From this point of view, today I have another chance to go home!

However, just when Zi Shou thought everything was all right, Tu Xingsun rushed towards him suddenly, stabbing Zi Shou's lower body with the iron rod!

Zishou:? ? ?

Fuck, what is this little dwarf doing?

He stepped back subconsciously, avoiding Tu Xingsun's stick.

"My lord, be careful! Run!" Deng Chanyu yelled anxiously on the ground.

"I'm going to kill you!" Tu Xingsun was burning with jealousy, with a ferocious expression on his face, and the iron rod was quickly attacked at Zi.

With a wave of his right hand, Zishou took out the Chengying Sword from the Sumeru Ring, and with a loud bang, he parried away the iron rod that Tu Xingsun attacked.

"Hurry up and save the king!" Deng Chanyu shouted anxiously.

"So you are Di Xin?!" Tu Xingsun's eyes lit up. In his opinion, Di Xin is the king of Yin and Shang. As long as he catches Di Xin, he will make a great contribution!

At that moment, Tu Xingsun stretched out his hand to sacrifice the immortal rope, and after he sacrificed the immortal rope, he threw himself with a stick at Zishou, with a grin on his face: "Di Xin! Go to hell!"

Tu Xingsun's sudden attack on Zishou was beyond anyone's expectation, even Shi Ji, who was guarding Zishou, was a bit slow.

If it was someone else, they would definitely be tied up by Tu Xingsun at this time.

But the person in front of him was Zishou, and when the fairy rope fell down, Zishou had already sacrificed the Xuanyuan Water Control Banner swiftly.

In an instant, the dark clouds covered the top, and the water vapor formed a thin protective cover.

The immortal rope stopped on top of Zishou's head, and he couldn't let it fall.

Tu Xingsun was taken aback, but he couldn't stop at this moment, the iron rod had already been smashed towards him!

Zi Shou didn't even think about it, he swung the Chengying sword to block it first, and then subconsciously thrust out two swords, one sword pierced Tu Xingsun's arm, forcing him to let go of his stick, and the other sword pierced Tu Xingsun's chest— ——If Zi Shou hadn't reacted in time and stopped his momentum a little, Tu Xingsun would have been pierced by a sword!

But this sword also almost pierced Tu Xingsun's heart, Tu Xingsun screamed, stepped back, immediately shrank to the ground, and shouted loudly: "Nezha Yang Jian! Come on, Di Xin is here! First take Dixin!"

Nezha and Yang Jian, who suddenly heard this sentence, were startled, and hurriedly looked back.

"Oops! It's Di Xin!" A terrible thought came to both of them at the same time, Di Xin is here, it's over now!

"Let's go together!" Nezha gritted his teeth and shouted, killing Xiang Zishou with Yang Jian at the same time!

Both of them have suffered a lot in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, especially Yang Jian, who knows that Di Xin's sword skills are unfathomable, coupled with his immense strength, in terms of force alone, there is no one in the world who is Di Xin opponent!

——Before Zi Shou crossed over, Di Xin's own martial arts were extremely powerful, with the power to pull nine bulls backwards, and the power to caress a beam and move a pillar.What's more, under the training of the dog system, Zishou's physical strength is more than one level higher, and he is proficient in various weapons.

Let alone one Tu Xingsun, even ten Tu Xingsuns are definitely his opponents.

Of course, Zi Mou's thoughts are still stuck on the fact that he is a weak chicken, and his actions are all unconscious.

At that moment, Yang Jian's three-pointed and two-edged spear came, and Nezha's fire-pointed spear came out.

Zi was so frightened that he frantically swiped the Chengying sword, the shadow of the sword was confusing, and the sword moves were even more treacherous and hard to find, like an antelope hanging horns.

In less than a moment, Yang Jian and Nezha were hit by the sword one after another!

Fortunately, it is not in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, which cannot limit Yang Jian's Eighty-Nine Mysterious Skills. He reacted and immediately sacrificed the Roaring Dog!

Nezha learned how to be smart, and instead of directly offering sacrifices to the Lingbao, he threw the fire-pointed spear vigorously!

"Protect the king!" At this moment, Shiji rushed out, swung his sword and split the fire-pointed spear, and kicked the Xiaotian dog out with a movement of his right foot.

"Shiji!" The enemy blushed when they saw Shiji, and when Nezha saw Shiji, he threw an angrily out of the Qiankun circle.

"What can I do with this mere treasure?" Shi Ji sneered, and immediately reached out to take it.

Then throw out the Eight Diagrams Yunguang Handkerchief, the Eight Diagrams Yunguang Handkerchief is arranged according to the innate Eight Diagrams, once thrown, those whose cultivation base is below Shiji cannot escape.

Nezha is only a true immortal, how can he avoid it?

Immediately covered by the gossip cloud light handkerchief.

Seeing that the momentum is not good, Yang Jian is difficult to deal with with a Di Xin, not to mention Shi Ji, the Daluo Jinxian, although if he fights alone, Yang Jian is sure to beat anyone - the main reason why he lost to Zishou last time Still suppressed by the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, he couldn't use Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation, nor could he use 72 changes.


Immediately, Yang Jian made a decisive decision, cut back Shiji with two swords, snatched Nezha back, turned around and ran away.

Yang Jian wanted to leave, but Shi Ji couldn't help him.

"Kill!" Deng Jiugong yelled, and the three armies seemed to be greatly encouraged, and they marched forward bravely, killing Xiqi and Guifang's coalition forces and defeating them.

"Haha, Emperor Chengtang is here! The traitor Ji Fa, if you don't surrender, what's more?" Deng Jiugong took the opportunity to shout.

"I will become Tang Renhuang and come to the battlefield in person. The traitor Ji Fa, hurry out of the city and die!"

"I didn't expect the king's swordsmanship to be so superb, haha, I, Cheng Tang, have such a wise king!"

"Kill! Destroy Xiqi, the king will reward you a lot!

Not knowing who played the rhythm, Sun Yanhong and the others also shouted.

The three armies march forward bravely, with momentum like a rainbow.


They shouted loudly, but Zishou's face became darker and darker.

Fuck, can you not do this?

The small universe exploded directly?

Also, Tu Xingsun, are you an actor or not?

Why did you do it to me?


Zi Shou didn't expect Tu Xingsun to attack him suddenly. In such a critical situation, any normal person would desperately resist.

I was taken aback and almost killed Tu Xingsun.

And Yang Jian and Nezha are even more outrageous, I didn't want to beat you, why did you beat me?

I just want to stand quietly and watch the show!

After Zishou appeared, morale was greatly boosted. Deng Jiugong led the troops to kill the city, leaving more than 2 corpses directly, and even Jiang Ziya almost died in the melee.

Facing the menacing Yin and Shang soldiers in this way, the Zhou people were unable to fight any more. They only defended for a while, and then Deng Jiugong bravely took the lead to climb to the top of the city, directly hacked three generals to death, and opened the city gate.

Ji Fa led the remaining soldiers out of Xiqi City again, and fled all the way to the northwest.

"Haha, we won! We won!"

"Xiqi is broken! Haha!"

Deng Jiugong was so excited that he choked up a little. This battle was really not easy. If the king hadn't been there, he might have lost today.

This feeling of ups and downs like a roller coaster is really cool!

"The task has been completed, and the reward has been released!"

"Zhu Xian Sword Formation: The modified Zhu Xian Sword Formation, the body nourishes the sword, and it can be used with one finger! Please collect at least four swords (congenital spiritual treasures) to form the Zhu Xian Sword Formation! Manipulated by one person, the power can destroy the world !"

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