Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 129 Zishou started operating again

After Zishou recovered, he left Xiqi to return to Chaoge, and Deng Jiugong asked Deng Chanyu to go back with him, calling it the name of protecting the king.

Zi Shou didn't object either. After all, it would be nice to have a little beauty follow him. As for lowering Deng Chanyu's favorability, he also gave up. Anyway, now that he has a new script in mind, it doesn't matter whether Deng Chanyu's favorability is lowered or not.

When Zishou returned to Chaoge, he summoned the ministers in Jiujiandian to go to the court immediately, and expressed his idea of ​​abolishing slavery.

When Zishou said it, a bunch of ministers said that slavery could not be abolished, including Jizi and Weizi. Naturally, the reasons were that slaves would rebel, slaves were not trustworthy, and so on.

But when Zi Shou snorted coldly, waved his big hand and said that the abolition of slavery was imperative, these ministers also shut up.

After all, Zi Shou has been on the throne for a long time, and his speech and behavior have a domineering, even if some ministers are dissatisfied, they dare not show it.

Of course, this matter will not come to an end like this. Sooner or later, a conflict between the monarch and his subjects will still break out.

Zishou also understood that although slavery was indeed abolished in later generations, it is basically impossible in this era, because this move will definitely affect the interests of many people.

Even Shang Rong, Bigan and other ministers, although they did not refute on the surface, they definitely disagreed in their hearts.

But Zi Shou didn't care about these things, all he had to do was to declare to the saint that he wanted to be a Mingjun, as long as the old man Yuanshi couldn't hold back and suppressed the great business and the national fortune again, he would succeed.

After the morning ceremony, Zishou returned to Lutai, wanting to catch up on the deer platform first, but when he arrived on the deer platform, he found four charming women sitting together, each holding a cup of tea in his hand. Holding a mobile phone, discussing something in a hurry.

Su Daji who is charming to the bone, Hu Ximei who is dressed as a Taoist aunt, the gentle and pleasant jade nobleman, and there is none other than the dignified and dignified mother of the Shang Dynasty, Empress Jiang.

"What's wrong? Are you... playing mahjong?"

Zishou took a closer look and heard their discussion, only to find that the four of them gathered together to play mahjong via Bluetooth.

At the moment Zishou had a strange look on his face, Mahjong was very popular in that era, Zishou also knew how to play a little bit, and even taught it to Su Daji.

Unexpectedly, Empress Jiang became one with the three monsters of Xuanyuanfen so soon.

Seeing Zi Shou approaching, the four women got up and surrounded him.

"Your Majesty, you are finally back, I am so worried about Daji."

"My lord, let me see if you are injured." Hu Ximei pulled Zishou's right hand to feel his pulse.

"My lord, I'll make lotus seed soup for you." The gentle and noble man said softly.

"Your Majesty, as long as you are fine, I can rest assured." The last sentence was said by Empress Jiang.

The four women were chattering and chattering non-stop, and it was with great difficulty that Zi Shou escaped from the crowd of women.

"There is no woman in my heart, draw the sword to be a god!" Zishou fled to the deer platform and took a deep breath. These four women all looked like they were going to eat him. Women are really scary!

If I go one step late, I'm afraid that even my bone marrow will be sucked dry!

these women,

They are all greedy for their own bodies!

"Your Majesty, I... where do I live..." At this time, Deng Chanyu stood beside her and asked with a blushing face.

Zishou immediately looked at Deng Chanyu. She followed him back to Chaoge and followed him all the time. How to deal with it is still a problem!

After thinking about it, Zishou said, "Go to Shiji and live with her!"

"Okay!" Deng Chanyu said, giving him a look full of resentment.

This made Zishou a little confused, what's wrong, why do you feel like I abandoned you?

Zishou, who had calmed down, went to Fei Zhong again and asked about the results of the hybrid rice.

Fei Zhong is also hesitant, and Zi Shou is delighted to see it. He will definitely find nothing to study, so I can rest assured!

"Don't worry, take your time. Those who do big things must be calm! If you don't know how to do it, just hybridize a few kinds of rice." After pointing Fei Zhong in a direction that he thought was wrong, Zishou and sent him away.

Fei Zhong left with a lot of emotion, and said to himself: "Hybridize several types of rice...Hybridize several types of rice... Your Majesty is reminding me how to do it!"

"Okay, let's try to crossbreed rice from different places when we go back."


After looking for Fei Zhong, Zishou also called Huang Feihu to ask how the steam engine was doing. After getting the answer that there was no result, Zishou was relieved.

He was really afraid that Huang Feihu and Wen Taishi would create an industrial revolution, and it would be great if they couldn't study any birds now.

Next, Zishou has a lot to do every day.

1. Find ways to find out some policies that can improve the national fortune on the surface but cannot be implemented, such as breaking the cloth and cultivating the grass so that these future generations can do it, but now they can only put on a show.

2. Find a way to increase the burden on Wenzhong Huang Feihu, such as letting them make a steam plane...

On this day, Shou also wrote down a series of improved things and handed them to Shang Rong: "These are things to be released, take a look!"

The latter took a look and fell into petrification on the spot.

What happened to the king?

If these policies are really implemented, I don’t know how many people will oppose them. I’m afraid they will kill Cheng Tang!

"First abolish slavery, slaves have the rights that civilians have..."

"Second, the county system is generally implemented, and county-level bureaucracies are set up..."

"The third part sets up household registration, which stipulates that residents must register their household registration..."

"The fourth repeal..."

"The fifth waste of theocracy..."

The details of how to operate each of these policies are clearly written.

However, in Shang Rong's view, each of these items is either extremely difficult or violates the interests of officials and nobles. Once implemented, the nobles will definitely strongly oppose it.

To put it bluntly, once these policies are implemented, I am afraid that the speed of Chengtang's demise will be accelerated...

"Your Majesty... this..." Shang Rong said bitterly, "These policies... are probably inappropriate..."

It is difficult to do the first article alone, not to mention the seven or eight articles listed later. Once implemented, it will definitely arouse the resentment and resistance of the nobles.

"There is nothing suitable or not, just break the cloth like this!" Zi Shou waved his hand and made a decision directly.

Can't do it?The minister objected?Then enforce it!

Complaints abound, betray Chaoge?That's even better!

Someone in my son just wants to chase someone away!

Shang Rong finally gave up on persuading Zishou, and reluctantly agreed.

He knew that once the king made a decision, he would not change it. Instead of persuading him to give up these decisions, he might as well think about what to do.

"Okay, let's do it!" Afterwards, Zishou chased people away and went back to the Zhaixing Tower to sleep.

He didn't dare to go to Lutai. Those women played mahjong in Lutai every day. Seeing that they all looked like they were going to eat people, it was terrible!

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