Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 131 Luckily, Someone Is My Son

Su Hu's face was ashen, and he immediately ordered the troops to retreat to Xiqi Mountain.

And ordered people to post a list to recruit generals.

Zheng Lun is the most powerful fighter under him, and Zheng Lun was defeated inexplicably, so the others are not opponents.

Now we can only seek capable people and strangers to break Shang Tao.


"Did Su Hu win recently? Did you ask for reinforcements?"

Zishou sat on the Zhaixing Tower and asked Yuan Hong that the general that Su Hu could use was Zheng Lun. Zheng Lun was the general Hum among the two generals Hunha, and he was also a very powerful figure.

However, there are many people who can beat him in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and Nezha Yang Jian can beat him to death with just one of them.

This is also the reason why Zishou assured Su Hu to go out.

But...it's been so many days, why hasn't Su Hu asked for help?

"No." Yuan Hong shook his head.

"No?" Zishou was puzzled, it shouldn't be...

"According to the general's knowledge, there is indeed none." Yuan Hong shook his head again and confirmed.

"It's strange... what is Su Hu doing?" Zi Shou was a little puzzled, then shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'll go to Xiqi myself."

"My lord, I'll call Shang Shiji to escort you there."

"No need, I'll just go by myself." Zishou shook his head and refused. He also knows the five elements escape technique and the rainbow transformation technique, so Yuan Hong doesn't need to follow.


"Chanyu, let's go, I'll take you to Xiqi." After thinking about it, Zishou felt that going alone was too boring, so he should take Deng Chanyu along!

"Okay, Your Majesty." Deng Chanyu raised her head doubtfully with her eyes wide open, then nodded her head in agreement.

"My lord, I want to go too! I want to visit my father." Su Daji said immediately beside her.

"..." Zishou nodded, "That's fine too!"

Being with Daji is prone to accidents - this vixen is thinking about seducing herself all day long, if it wasn't for her patience, she would have had sex with her long ago.

But since there are three people, it shouldn't be.

But Zishou soon found out that he was wrong.

Wrongly wrong.

Well, because the two girls are wearing long skirts, which are cooler.

When Tu escaped, Zishou's eyes shook with the turbulent waves on the chests of the two girls...

Forget it, Deng Chanyu, a little girl who is not very good at earth escape, tightly holds her hand...

The most excessive is! ! !

In order to seduce herself, Su Daji, a vixen, tightly clasped her hand and stopped talking.

This vixen still insists on blowing hot air in her ears!

"My lord~ I'm a little itchy, can you scratch it for me?"

At that moment, Zi Shou really could hardly bear it anymore.

He glared at Su Daji viciously, and said with feigned anger, "Stop seducing me!"

Su Daji giggled and gave Zishou a charming look, almost blowing the latter up.

Zishou insisted all the way to Xiqi, and when he arrived at Xiqi Mountain, he gritted his teeth and vowed that he would never bring Su Daji out again!

You know, on the road, he almost couldn't help acting like a beast several times!

When he arrived at the place where Deng Jiugong, Su Hu and the others camped, Zishou found that there were a dozen people standing there at the gate, and they didn't know what they were waiting for.

"What... what are you doing?" Zi Shou was stunned for a moment. These people were dressed in strange clothes, some were wearing Taoist robes, and some were topless...

He first waved his hand to signal Su Daji and Deng Chanyu to find their respective fathers, and then walked towards a Taoist nun in red standing at the end.

"What are you... doing?"

The girl in red turned her head and squinted at Zishou and said, "Su Hu is on the list to recruit generals, and I want to invite capable people and strangers to defeat Xiqi."

Zi Shou was stunned for a moment, and he was listed as a general? !

oh!No wonder Su Hu didn't call for reinforcements!

"Is this place able to recruit generals?" Zi Shou looked at the people around the girl in red, and found that these people were all strangely dressed.

"How do I know? I just came to see the excitement." The girl in red yawned unladylikely, leaning lazily on the pole, as if she couldn't wake up: "Which fairy mountain are you from?"

"I don't have a fairy mountain." Zishou frowned, this Su Hu has something!

No wonder no reinforcements were found...

Zi Shou thought for a while, and immediately understood that this era belongs to the prehistoric era, and there are as many capable people as a cow.

As the saying goes, there are as many golden immortals as dogs, and Da Luo walks everywhere!

I remember that in the original book, King Zhou could recruit Meishan Seven Monsters and Wu Wenhua by posting a list at will...

It is also possible that Su Hu can really recruit a master.

Looking at those people in front of him again, Zishou was even more convinced of this possibility.

These people are either Taoist priests or bald donkeys, or they are strong men with a height of two meters. It is not impossible for one or two masters to appear...

"What a Hu, I've been waiting for you to ask for help, but you're recruiting here? You're such a scumbag!"

Zishou secretly scolded, what a dog Su, it's a good thing I'm here, otherwise what if I really let you find a few masters?

"Okay, little brother, don't come here to die with your body. Going to the battlefield is not a joke, just take a look." The girl in red yawned, stretched out her hand and patted the shoulder and said: "Can I borrow a shoulder? I want to squint for a while."

Zishou: ...

What do you think of running here to sleep?

Wait, the point is not this, the point is how to drive these people away!

How can old dog Su play if he finds someone?

Zishou's mind turned rapidly, if he went out directly to tell Su Hu not to recruit generals, it would definitely not work.

and many more……

Zishou looked up at the girl in red who was already leaning on his shoulder and squinting, and nodded involuntarily.

At first glance, this girl is a person who has learned a little Taoism, but is not good at all. She came here just to join in the fun...

The most obvious point is that she looks very sleepy, and a master... especially at the Golden Immortal level, basically can not sleep.

That's right, it's you!

Get rid of everyone else, just keep this one!

Hehe, are you here to join in the fun?

I will let you go to the battlefield!

Funk?That's even better!

Can't beat the cold?That can't be helped, who made you unlucky enough to bump into someone like me!

At most, wait until I get home and burn a few catties of paper money for you!

Zishou looked at the girl, and couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a smug smile.

"You...you laugh so hard that I'm a little scared..." The girl wasn't really sleeping, and when she saw Zishou's smile, she took two steps back in fear to distance herself.

"What's your name?" Zishou asked with a smile.

"What are you doing? My name is Xiao Huo'er." The girl looked at Zi Shou warily.

Zishou's eyes light up, it's you!This name looks like a walk-on!

"Okay, come with me! From today onwards, you will be my first official." Zishou stepped forward and took her hand, and said with a smile, "Let's go, I will take you to get the first seal."

girl: ? ? ?

The girl asked with a question mark on her face, "Who are you?"

"Me? Yin Shou, Emperor Chengtang." After Zishou finished speaking, he dragged her through the crowd and walked into the camp.

Inside, Su Hu, who was considering who to use as the first officer, raised his head in astonishment: "Your Majesty? Minister, I pay my respects to Your Majesty!"

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