Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 136 Burning Xiqi, Zishou is about to cry

Zishou rode on a stallion, and two women, Su Daji and Deng Chanyu, also followed on horseback, and followed the army to the city of Xiqi.

Looking at the densely packed sea of ​​people from under the city of Xiqi, it makes one's scalp tingle.

That scene alone felt murderous.

The Madonna of Fire Spirit is wearing a big red robe, a golden crown on her head, riding a golden-eyed hunchback with two swords hanging from her waist, she looks heroic, of course, her face is a little immature, as if she is sixteen or seventeen years old little girl.

And even on the battlefield, the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit still looked sleepy, as if she had just woken up.

Zi Shou felt a toothache when he saw it, and he was deceived by her appearance at the beginning!

This stinky woman obviously doesn't know that she has lived for thousands of years and still insists on acting tender.

"Have you trained the Fire Dragon Soldiers?" Zi Shou looked at the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit and asked.

"It's all practiced." The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit said, pointing to the three thousand fire dragon soldiers behind her.

"That's fine." Zi Shou almost didn't laugh out loud, he still engages in fire dragon soldiers?

It's a pity, you don't know that Jiang Ziya is already prepared, do you?

O sigh for you!

It's okay, you guys fight, after the beating, someone from my son will show mercy and collect the corpse for you!

Zishou's uneasy mood calmed down again. Looking at the three thousand fire dragon soldiers behind the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, he felt that it was indescribably funny.


In Xiqi City, Shang Tao rode a tiger and led the soldiers to rush out. When they saw each other, they shouted: "That woman, hurry up and die!"

That day, he was hit three times by the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit and almost died on the battlefield, but fortunately he was rescued by Yang Jian and Nezha in time.

Today, Shang Tao made up his mind that as soon as the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit comes out, he will immediately besiege her with Nezha!Even Xia Guang didn't give her a chance to release it!

"Hmph!" The Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit snorted coldly, stepped forward on a golden-eyed hunchback, and said lazily, "How dare you come to die if you are defeated?"

Shang Tao said angrily: "Smelly woman, you want to die!"

With a sharp drink, he rode a tiger and rushed forward, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd and stabbing out.

At the same time, Ne Zha, Mu Zha, and Jin Zha who were nearby also rushed out to besiege the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit.

The four of them broke out with powerful combat power, and they beat the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit.

Zishou looked at it blankly, tsk, these people know how to siege, it seems that the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit is going to be cold today.

It's a pity for a girl.

At this moment, Shang Tao saw the opportunity, jumped out of the circle on a tiger, grinned grinningly, and opened the yin and yang mirror to take a picture.

And Mu Zha also sacrificed the Wu Hook Sword!

However, the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit had expected it a long time ago, and with a sway of her body, the golden glow crown above her head once again burst into golden light, covering more than ten feet of golden light, and the entire world was covered with gold.

"No! Jump out first!" Nezha shouted anxiously when he saw this.

You can't see anything within the range of the golden light, not to mention Ji Ling Bao dealing with the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, just don't accidentally hurt your own people.

However, before Nezha jumped out of the circle, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit had already sacrificed her sword and slashed at Nezha!


Nezha couldn't see anything in the golden light. When he sensed the danger, he raised his right arm to block it, and was immediately cut off with a knife!A right arm fell to the ground.

"Wave your weapon, don't let anyone get close!" Jin Guangzhong didn't know who shouted this sentence, and then Jin Zha and Mu Zha swung their long swords, forming a sword circle, and Shang Tao also picked up Fang Tian's painted halberd. waving!

However, at the next moment, Mu Zha screamed, "Senior Brother Shang, you hurt me!"

"Ah! I thought it was the enemy!" Shang Tao was taken aback. He vaguely saw someone approaching in the golden light just now, and hurriedly waved Fang Tian's painted halberd. How did he know it was Mu Zha?

"Don't fight, you can't fight in the golden light! Get out of the golden light first! Run away!" Mu Zha shouted.

Hearing the words, the other three rushed towards the Xiqi city.

"Hmph! Where are you running to?" The Holy Mother of Golden Light also snorted coldly, and sacrificed the Hunyuan Hammer!

The Hunyuan Hammer smashed out viciously, knocking Shang Tao off his mount, and hurriedly raised his yin and yang mirror to shine.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Zha screamed, was caught by the yin and yang mirror, and died immediately.

"Ah! Not good!" Shang Tao hastily turned the mirror to revive Jin Zha, but a sword had already cut him head-on.

Shang Tao felt the wind of the sword blowing his face, and jumped back in fright, cutting off a few strands of his hair.

This sword frightened Shang Tao out of his wits. If he retreated a little longer, his head would be cut off now.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Nezha was the first to rush out of the golden light on the Hot Wheels, followed by Mu Zha and Shang Tao who also rushed out with injuries.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit shouted fiercely: "Three thousand fire dragon soldiers, follow me to kill!"

Three thousand fire dragon soldiers rushed straight up behind them, and each of them held up the banner pole and pointed at it, and the scorching real fire of Samadhi gushed out. With a big knife in their hand, the real fire of Samadhi shot out!

Three thousand fire dragon soldiers released three real fires at the same time, it was like thick smoke enveloping the corner of the earth, black mist enveloping the horizon.

Fire snakes gushed out, attacking the people and horses under the city of Xiqi!

Soon, the city of Xiqi turned into a sea of ​​flames, burning swords and swords, corpses littered the field, Xiqi people, horses, and ghost forces screamed in the sea of ​​flames, only some of them returned to Xiqi City in time, and Jiang Ziya threw Xiqi into the sea. Only when the city was covered, was it spared.

When Jiang Ziya counted the generals, he found that more than 1 people had died, and three generals had also lost. This made Jiang Ziya feel heartbroken.

Of course, not many were burned to death, but more were killed by poisonous smoke and trampled to death.

The Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit killed for a while, and led the [-] fire dragon soldiers back to victory. This time, more than [-] enemy troops were burned to death, and the [-] fire dragon soldiers only lost about ten.

The faces of the soldiers in the entire business camp were filled with joy that could not be concealed. They wiped out more than 1 people with [-] people, and lost ten people?This is simply a miracle on the battlefield!

Su Hu was even more emotional, and he even had a premonition, if it wasn't [-] fire dragon soldiers, but [-] fire dragon soldiers...

Then the whole world can be brought down!

"Your Majesty's eyes and pearls..."

Su Hu admired Zishou even more.

When everyone was happy, Zi Shou was the only one with a dull expression, feeling a burst of grief and indignation.

win... win?

How did you win?

He looked at the charred corpses on the battlefield, at the exemption card on Xiqi City, and at his happy personnel, Zishou couldn't help but fell into self-doubt.

What the hell is going on with this horse?

I obviously sent a letter to Ji!

Didn't he see it?

Or some other reason?

At this time, the system also sounded a beep, reminding him that the task was completed and the reward was issued.

Zishou: ...

Zishou was even more at a loss, and he felt helpless.

He even tipped off the news, but he still won?

Is this his own problem or Xiqi's?

No, no!

I must do my best to turn the tide!

There is still a chance!

Zishou gritted his teeth to wake himself up. The dog system can win me ten or twenty times, but he only needs to win once!

Never give up!

Now it is no longer a question of whether to go home or not, but a question of competing between the sub-shou and the system!

If he doesn't win the dog system once, he will be unwilling!

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