Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 14 Yuanshi Tianzun: This plot is wrong!

At the south gate of Chaoge, the fairy crane boy came to the city gate on a cloud, tilted his head and said to himself: "Jiang Shishu is the leader of the gods, and of course he can do nothing in business. Later, I will create a gust of wind to blow away his flour." .”

It turned out that Yuan Yuan Tianzun had already thought that Jiang Ziya would do some small business after he went down the mountain, so he let Xianhe Tongzi go down the mountain, no matter what business Jiang Ziya did, it would be destroyed, so as to ensure that he could smoothly enter the court and become an official, and personally witness the darkness of Yin Shang.

"It's almost there, Master Jiang, I'm sorry." Boy Xianhe showed a smile on his face, and looked down: "I'll just scrape away Master Jiang's basket!"

After a breath...

The smile on Xianhe Boy's face froze.

Basket, basket?


play me?

Below, Jiang Ziya collected the money and smiled all over his face: "The lady asked me to sell the noodles, but I didn't expect that they would all be bought as soon as they were placed. The flour business in Chaoge City is really good. I will pick up two loads to sell tomorrow. "

After finishing speaking, Jiang Ziya packed up the baskets and burdens, turned and left towards Songjiazhuang.

"This, this is gone?"

Immortal Crane Boy returned to Yuxu Palace with a dazed expression on his face.

"Are you back?" Yuanshi Tianzun raised his head, with an imperceptible smile on his face: "What else is your Uncle Jiang planning to sell tomorrow?"

The corner of Xianhe Boy's mouth twitched fiercely: "He, his flour is sold out..."

"The flour is sold out." Yuanshi Tianzun nodded and said, "When he sells others tomorrow..."

and many more…

Out of flour?

Yuanshi Tianzun reacted and asked, "What did you say?"

Xianhe boy said with a mournful face, "His flour has been sold out before I arrive, and he will continue to sell flour tomorrow."


Yuanshi Tianzun gasped.

Why is something wrong?


"When Jiang Ziya makes a fortune selling flour, I'll see how he can go into business and become an official."

At this time, Zishou was sitting on the deer platform and thinking about it happily. He even wanted to give a compliment for his intelligence.

That's right, early in the morning he ordered Youhun to order people to go to Chaoge South Gate to buy all Jiang Ziya's flour.

Even Xianhe didn't have a chance to get in the way.

"Your Majesty, I asked someone to buy them all, and ordered flour for tomorrow." You Hun walked up with a flattering smile.

"That's right, it's a good job." The child gave him an appreciative look.

Suddenly I feel that this thing is much more pleasing to the eye, even more pleasing to the eye than Fei Zhong.

"My lord, the reason you bought so much flour is to..." You Hun, who was about to say something, found that Zishou's gaze became more and more unfriendly, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

"Let someone come early tomorrow, and Jiang Ziya will finish buying as soon as he enters the south gate." Zishou touched his chin and said, "If he sells for one penny, you will give him ten pennies."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

You Hun rubbed his head, feeling a little puzzled, but Zishou had no choice but to follow suit.


When Jiang Ziya arrived at Chaoge Nanshan the next day, the subordinates You Hun ordered had been waiting for a long time, and a dozen people gathered around to buy the flour.

Half an hour later, Jiang Ziya looked at the empty basket, and his face almost burst into laughter.

The crane boy in the sky looked at Jiang Shishu's empty baskets, with a ghostly expression on his face.


"Sold out again?"

In Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun heard the words of Xianhe Tongzi, his hands trembled, so he didn't want to drop Yuruyi.

"Forget it, let's start a fire tonight and burn all the wheat and flour in the Songjiazhuang warehouse!" After a long time, Yuanshi Tianzun came up with another way.

Don't you sell flour?

I left you without flour to sell.

Zishou didn't know about Yuanshi Tianzun's attack. He didn't even deal with the memorial after the morning court, and went directly to Lutai to shoot the simple life of ordinary people with the p60.

For this, Jizi, Weiziqi and other ministers secretly scolded Wudao and faint king.

"Changed location?" Putting down the p60, rubbing his sore eyes, Zishou frowned slightly, he didn't find Jiang Ziya at the south gate.

Picking up the p60 and continuing to search for half an hour, I finally saw Jiang Ziya busy in a restaurant at the South Gate.

"Yo, ran to open a restaurant?"

"Your Majesty, I'm back." At this moment, You Hun came to Lutai in a hurry.

Seeing him coming, Zishou put down the cell phone that was secretly taking pictures and said solemnly: "How is it?"

"Your Majesty, Jiang Ziya is no longer selling noodles." You Hun showed a flattering smile: "He ran to the Zhangjia Hotel at the South Gate."

Zishou pondered for a moment and asked, "Where's Fei Zhong? Should you be back today?"

You Hun said: "Your Majesty, General Fei is coming to Chaoge soon."

While speaking, a guard had already reported that Fei Zhong and his army had arrived outside the city.

"Let Fei Zhong come to see Gu." Zishou said.

"Your Majesty, the subject is back!" Fei Zhongyi came to Lutai to report to Zishou when he entered Chaoge.

Seeing Fei Zhong's dusty appearance, Zishou knew that the march was difficult, and when he thought of Fei Zhong's difficulty, he felt very comfortable.

Tell you to play Lao Tzu, if you play Lao Tzu, you can't go home!

Live it!

"Your Majesty, I live up to my expectations. That day General Yuan defeated Yuan Futong with one against five..." Fei Zhong explained eloquently, boasting both himself and Yuan Hong.

Zishou sneered in his heart.

Blow it Blow it!

Dog thing, sooner or later it will kill you.

"It's also thanks to the King's insightful eyes. He took a fancy to General Yuan." Fei Zhong sighed, he knew why Zishou became the King, and he couldn't compare to such vicious eyes if he lived 1 years later.

At the same time, Fei Zhong also knew how ignorant those who said that the king is a foolish king are so ignorant. Can such a wise and powerful person be a foolish king?

Zishou:? ? ?

You bastard is sincerely poking my pain point, right?

How did I know those things were the Seven Monsters of Meishan?

"General Yuan and his brothers looked young. All the civil and military officials in the court objected that day. Only the king caught his eye. Sure enough, the king's eyes were vicious. General Yuan and his brothers caught Beihai by surprise as soon as they went into battle. The ingenious plan made the minister dumbfounded."

"Especially in the night attack on Beihai, General Yuan took the lead, broke through the city gates, and killed all directions. There is no one enemy that can be combined with General Yuan."

"Of course, if there is no guidance from His Majesty, we would not have won so quickly. All of this is due to the King."

With a serious face, Fei Zhong explained eloquently.

Going to nm is all due to me!Do you still want to blame me after playing Lao Tzu?

Zishou took a deep breath, wishing to cut this schadenfreude into tens of thousands of pieces, but he still wanted to show a happy expression on the surface.

"Fei Aiqing, I know, all rewards are based on merit. Yuan Hong, let's make him a general..." Feeling exhausted, Zishou suddenly raised his head, with a cold smile on his face: "By the way, you will be rewarded as a general." Gu orders to go and reward the armed forces! Let the Nanmen Zhangjia Hotel fill up the pig and mutton soup! If the Zhangjia Hotel is not enough, the Nanjia Hotel will do, as long as it is a hotel at the South Gate, I must give it to me for fifteen days!"

Fei Zhong was shocked, Your Majesty, you are too kind to the soldiers.

Jiang Ziya, right?Open your restaurant well for me.

After fifteen days have passed, I will be able to go home!

Zishou sneered in his heart.

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