Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 16 Completed the mission again?

Fifteen days passed quickly and ten days passed. Zishou thought carefully about whether there was any negligence, and there should be none.

Jiang Ziya obediently sold cattle, sheep and livestock, and every day Youhun asked people to buy the livestock back on time. If this continues, the mission will be considered a failure in five days.

"Is Jiang Ziya still selling pigs and sheep at the South Gate?" Zishou was still worried that something might go wrong, so he asked Fei Zhong.

Since the Beihai was pacified, this bastard has been in the limelight in the court. Even the ministers such as Bigan, Jizi, and Weizi dare not confront him.

If it wasn't for the old grand master still chaoge, this bastard would not know what kind of domineering and flying.

"No, Jiang Ziya is still selling pigs at the South Gate."

After getting Fei Zhong's affirmative answer, Zishou breathed a sigh of relief.

That's good, finally crushed Jiang Ziya to death.

It's okay, it's okay, you can play however you like!

Next, relax and relax, and I will burn paper for you when I return successfully.

What Zishou didn't know was that in Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain, Yuanshi Tianzun fell into a burst of irritability.

"What's going on? Where's your Uncle Jiang? Have you entered the palace yet?"

"Still selling sheep and pigs at Chaoge South Gate."

After receiving the reply from Xianhe, Yuanshi Tianzun was so out of breath.

"Jiang Ziya is the leader of all the gods, and he is also responsible for conferring the gods. He must not be sold anymore." Yuanshi Tianzun said in a deep voice.

He also wants to force Jiang Ziya to become an official in the Shang Dynasty, witness the darkness of the Shang Dynasty, and then force him to the territory of the Zhou people, so that he can accomplish great things in the future.

"Huh..." Yuanshi Tianzun pinched his fingers and said with a smile: "Xianhe, you don't have to go to Chaoge anymore, your uncle Jiang will be in business. You go and call your two uncles, Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi. "


Guangchengzi, Chijingzi, as the eldest and second child of the Twelve Golden Immortals, has top-level mana, roots, and understanding, and is deeply loved by Yuan Tianzun.

Guangchengzi set off from Jiuxian Mountain after receiving the crane's order, and arrived at Yuxu Palace in a short time. At the same time, Chijingzi, who was dressed in purple ribbon fairy clothes, also arrived on the cloud.

"Brother." Chi Jingzi quipped.

"Junior Brother, you are here too." Guang Chengzi nodded and said.

"Come in!" Yuanshi Tianzun said and gave him a seat.

After the two sat down, Yuanshi Tianzun said: "The luck of Yin Shang is over, Fengming Qishan, Zhou Dynasty will be prosperous. In the future, your brother Jiang will enter Zhou to assist King Zhou. Now, you go to Yin Shang to accept two apprentices." , and help Jiang Ziya in the future."

"Yes, Master."

"Master, I don't know where the two apprentices you mentioned are in Yin Shang?" Chi Jingzi asked suspiciously.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked down: "It's Di Xin's two sons, Yin Jiao and Yin Hong. When you go down the mountain this time, you can take them back to the mountain gate!"

As long as Yin Jiao and Yin Hong are taken away by Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi, half of Yin Shang's luck will be lost.

As for whether Yin Hong in Yinjiao would be obedient and attack Zhou, it was not in Yuanshi Tianzun's consideration.

"As ordered."


Time flies like water, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.

There are only three days left until the end of the mission.

In the past few days, Shou Hang's heart has been completely let go. Jiang Ziya is still selling his pigs. Well, it is impossible to switch to fortune-telling and then stab himself in the back.

"My lord, I have a sister who wants to visit me in the city today." At this time, Su Daji walked to Zishou with lotus steps and said.

"Oh, I'll come as soon as I come." Zi Shou replied casually, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. Could this sister be referring to Pipa Jing?It's a pity that Jiang Ziya is now selling pigs instead of fortune-telling.

Thinking of Jiang Ziya driving a group of pigs into the city to sell Zishou, he couldn't help laughing.

"Your Majesty, my sister is here, you can't stop being a concubine just because she is beautiful." Su Daji said delicately.

"Well, Yu... where are your sisters from?" Zi Shou almost slipped his tongue.

"She came from outside the city, so she should come in through the south gate." Su Daji looked at Zishou coquettishly: "What? Your Majesty is anxious to see my sister?"


south gate?


Jiang Ziya sells pigs in Nanshan!

Zishou took a deep breath to calm down and asked, "Is your sister here now?"

"It's coming, it's time to enter the city." Su Daji said with a smile.

Zishou: ...

There is always a bad feeling!

If I had known about it earlier, I would have closed the south gate!

Calm, Calm, Calm!

Maybe the two didn't meet, it's not such a coincidence.

Zishou calmed down and thought about it carefully, thinking that things might not be that bad.

Maybe the two of them didn't meet, maybe if Yushi Pipa Jing didn't tease Jiang Ziya, Jiang Ziya would ignore her.

Zishou let out a long breath and told himself not to scare himself.

"Report to Your Majesty, Bigan went to the deer platform to wait for the order." At this moment, the attendant driver came out and said.

Zishou's heart skipped a beat.


problem occurs!

"Xuan." Zishou said calmly.

After Bigan came in, Zishou asked, "Uncle Wang, why are you here?"

"Report to Your Majesty, when I passed the south gate, there was an old man who beat a woman to death in the street, and the people nearby said that the old man was lecherous and beat her to death. The old man also said that the woman was a goblin. I don't know if it is true or not, so please come and ask me." Your Majesty will decide." Bigan said.

Zishou: ...

Needless to say.

It's Jiang Ziya.

The goddamn old man even asked him to sell pigs, and he can still meet the jade pipa essence!

"Go and have a look." Zishou felt a toothache.

Zi Shou couldn't have imagined that this would happen. He didn't expect that he would do that. Jiang Ziya came to him according to the plot.

"My lord, I'll go and have a look too." The vixen's expression also changed.

Immediately, Zishou went downstairs, escorted by the driver's officer, and came to the deer platform.

next step.

Jiang Ziya grabbed a desperate woman with his right hand, and said, "My lord, Jiang Shang, a man from the East China Sea. He has practiced from a famous teacher since he was a child, and is good at recognizing demons. This woman is a demon. Today, she entered the south gate and was arrested." Xiaomin saw through and caught it. Please His Majesty investigate clearly."

Zishou: ...


I finally threw you to the south gate to sell pigs, and you came back.

"Let this goblin appear." Zishou said.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Your Majesty, please go away, Xiaomin is going to burn this goblin!" Jiang Ziya said.

"You burn it." Zishou nodded and walked away.

Jiang Ziya took out a talisman to seal the Niwan Palace of the woman's corpse, ran the real fire of Samadhi, and burned the woman's body.

In an instant, the female corpse was picked up in the fire and screamed: "Jiang Ziya, I have no grievances with you, why did you kill me!"

Jiang Ziya sneered and said, "Ghosts harm people. I, Jiang Ziya, will kill every one I see. What reason do I have?"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Ziya released his palm. Lei, and directly beat the jade pipa essence back to its original shape.

"Your Majesty, this demon has been eliminated!" Jiang Ziya saluted Zishou.

Zishou: ...

Well, I know except, can you f*ck away?

"Your Majesty, I see that Jiang Shang is a man of Taoism, why not make him an official and protect him in court!" Bigan said.

Zishou: ...

The dog thing even you want to stab me?

Sooner or later your heart will be dug out!

Zishou looked at Bigan unkindly, waved his hand and said, "Jiang Shang listens to the order, and I bow to the doctor."

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