Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 160 The Terrifying Glazed Willow Ignition

If Luo Xuan hadn't used the real fire of samadhi to burn Ma Shan, the current situation would not have happened.

In the business camp, Luo Xuan's five fire magic weapons, Feiyan Sword, Wulonglun, Wanli Qiyunyan, Zhaotian Seal, and Wanya Pot, have lost control.

Feiyan Sword, Wulong Wheel, and Zhaotian Seal sprayed the real fire of Samadhi everywhere. Thousands of miles of cloud smoke is a magic weapon in the shape of a bow and arrow. It automatically shoots densely packed rockets and falls into the business camp. Suddenly, fires erupted everywhere in the east, west, north, and south. And the mouth of the Wan crow pot shell was opened, and thousands of fire crows flew out of it, screaming and flying into the commercial camp...

"Luo Xuan, take your spirit treasure away!" Amidst the flames, Yu Yixian raised her voice and shouted.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and even he couldn't fly out.

"These five spiritual treasures... I can't control them..." Luo Xuan smiled wryly, he was also burnt to death in the flames, extremely embarrassing.


"The glazed ghost fire is the strange fire on the glazed lamp in the Vulture Palace. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be able to burn him with the real fire of Samadhi. Now my spirit treasure is controlled by it!" Luo Xuan smiled wryly.

If it's just an ordinary fire, he still has a way to deal with it, but the glazed will-o'-the-wisp in the Vulture Palace Lantern, even Da Luo Jinxian dare not touch it.

This thing has been tempered for hundreds of millions of years in the Vulture Palace Lantern to form a flame, and slowly give birth to wisdom. The temperature is more terrifying than any other fire in the world.

If he didn't have the help of his five spirit treasures, although the glazed ghost fire is powerful, it would not be able to burst out with such a terrifying fire, but now...

The black glazed ghost fire scattered around, attached to the real fire of samadhi and wreaked havoc everywhere, not to mention flying out of the people in the fire, even earth escape and fire escape could not be used.

"Run, run!" Su Hu shouted in panic.

He rushed left and right with his soldiers, but it was a pity that there were fires everywhere, and he couldn't rush out at all. Instead, countless soldiers were burned to death by Liuli ghost fire in the process of escaping.

"Woohoo! I, Su Hu, deserve to die here!" Seeing that he couldn't escape, Su Hu looked up to the sky and sighed, and drew out his long sword and stuck it on the ground.


"Luo Xuan, where do you want to run to?"

Amidst the raging flames, the glazed ghost fire laughed ferociously, and the sound turned into waves of heat and launched out, followed by countless black and red strange fires rolling towards Luo Xuan.

Luo Xuan, Yu Yixian, and Liu Huan burst out their true energy in horror and ran forward, but they were instantly enveloped by the strange fire.

"Damn it! Luo Xuan, what should we do now?" Liu Huan shouted.

Luo Xuan didn't answer this question, but directly pinched the fire avoidance formula, and took out a gossip coat from his arms to protect his whole body.

"Damn!" Immortal Feather Wing cursed secretly, shook her body, and turned into a golden-winged roc, flapping her wings in the fire, and suddenly the wind blew violently, forming a wind wall around her.

Liu Huan saw that the two of them showed their supernatural powers to avoid the fire, so they also anxiously used the formula to avoid the fire.

"Jie, jie, can you avoid the fire-avoiding formula?" Liuli ghost fire laughed wildly, and the flames swept away violently.

A trace of gray-black abnormal fire fell on Liu Huan and burst out instantly.


Liu Huan screamed terribly, and was burned to ashes by the gray-black strange fire within a moment.

Luo Xuan's face changed dramatically and his heart trembled.Liu Huan was also a Taiyi Golden Immortal level master, so he was burned to death after being stained with a little glazed will-o'-the-wisp? !

Although there is certainly the help of Samadhi True Fire, the glazed ghost fire itself is too terrifying!

"I don't know how long my Royal Fire Clothes can last." Luo Xuan stretched out the gossip clothes to resist the burning of the glazed will-o'-the-wisps, but some of the corners have already curled up.

On the other side, Fairy Yu Yi flapped her wings to form a wind wall. Although the glazed ghost fire couldn't burn in for a while, Fairy Feather Wing wasted a lot of energy, so she probably wouldn't be able to block it for long.

Zishou was completely dazed in the midst of the flames. If he had known this kind of thing would happen, he might as well hide in Chaoge City to watch the excitement. Why come here to get mixed up!

At the moment, he didn't think much about it, and hurriedly opened the Xuanniao King Robe to protect himself. However, the introduction given by the Xuanniao King Robe system is to isolate the soul-stimulating spirit treasure. Although it also has the effect of isolating the flame, it can't last long.

"Is there any spiritual treasure that can escape?" Zishou anxiously opened the Sumeru ring to look for it, the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, the Nine-Twisted Yellow River Ruler, the Yingying Sword, the Xiaolian Sword, and the Light Sword...

He already has quite a few spirit treasures, but none of them can resist the strange fire!

At this time, he clicked on the system panel and browsed quickly, and suddenly he was stunned, and his eyes fell on a certain place on the system panel...

[Burning Fire Order]: Advanced exercises, please refine a ray of heaven and earth to complete the cultivation process.After refining, he is not afraid of fire, and can summon different fires to burn the enemy.

[Note]: The step of refining the different fire...

After Zishou wiped his eyes to see clearly, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

This refining step actually needs to take the initiative to approach the strange fire itself, grasp the source of the strange fire, and then... swallow it? !

Zishou looked up at the gray-black strange fire raging in the sea of ​​flames, and couldn't help but burst out: "I am Cao!"

This is tantamount to catching and swallowing Ma Shan, and then using the burning order to refine it for his own use.

Completing this process is equivalent to completing the task. Now that Ma Shan has turned into a different fire with such a high temperature, let alone swallowing it, even if he is close, he will be burned to ashes!

"Damn it, I won't be burned to death here, will I?"

The defense effect of Xuanniao King Robe was getting weaker and weaker, and Zishou had already felt the scalding heat wave coming towards him, and a thought of fear came to his mind.

You won't really be burned to death, will you?

Although the Human Emperor cannot be killed, it is obvious that Ma Shan didn't realize that the Human Emperor was here.

"Would you like to try?" Zishou took a deep breath and took a step in Ma Shan's direction, and was immediately pushed back by the scalding heat wave, and some parts of the Xuanniao royal robe on his body were scorched black.

In this way, let alone go over and swallow Ma Shan, as long as he gets close to him, he will be burned to ashes.

"Calm down, calm down, there must be a way...to do something!"

Zishou kept telling himself not to mess up his position, but no matter how he looked at it, there seemed to be no way out!


The imperial fire suit on Luo Xuan's body was almost at its peak, and Yu Yixian was also out of breath, and couldn't last much longer.

The glazed will-o'-the-wisp wrapped around the two of them, and let out ferocious laughter, which was full of sarcasm and disdain.

"It's over..." Luo Xuan found that the imperial fire coat on his body had been scorched black, and it might not be able to stop it soon. As long as there is a hole, the glazed ghost fire will take the opportunity to penetrate and burn it to ashes.

Phoenix Mountain, Green Luan Dou Que.

A woman in red was standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the direction of Xiqi through the space Lingbao in front of her. Suddenly, she said softly: "The place where the fire seems to be Xiqi? Could it be that Luo Xuan burned the fire?" Xiqi City?"

This person is the daughter of Haotian God, born of Yaochi Golden Mother, and she is the real fairy Princess Longji.He was demoted to Phoenix Mountain for violating the rules of heaven.

Princess Longji knew that her father wanted to gather the five righteous gods of 360, and she had long wanted to go down the mountain to help Jiang Ziya defeat the king and make atonement so that she could return to the heaven.

At that moment, Princess Longji said: "Biyun, take my Wulu Qiankun Net and Four Seas Bottle, and go put out this fire."

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