Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 168 Lei Zhenzi, can you be a human being?

"Congratulations on completing the mission: Shang Tao is dead. 【Click to view details】"

"Mission rewards have been issued: Artifact Refining Technique (Introduction), Million Years of Life."

"Artifact Refining Technique: At the beginning, if you upgrade to Xiaocheng and have enough materials, you can refine Houtian Lingbao (low-level/equivalent to the banner refined by Ten Heavenly Lord);

When it is upgraded to Dacheng and the materials are sufficient, Houtian Lingbao can be refined (intermediate level/equivalent to the Heavenly God Fire Pillar refined by Yun neutron);

When it is promoted to perfection and the materials are sufficient, Houtian Lingbao (high-level/equivalent to Fantian Seal) can be refined. "

Zishou, who had just woken up, received a notification from the system.

Zishou:? ? ?

Stepping on the horse and completing the task again?

Which dog thing killed Shang Tao?

Clicking on the details, Zishou soon saw Lei Zhenzi's name: Lei Zhenzi killed Shang Tao with a pillar of fire that reached the sky.

Zishou: ...

Heavenly God Fire Pillar? !

Damn it!Yun Zhongzi gave him this thing? !

The Fire Pillar of the God of Reaching Heaven, which was refined by Yun Zhongzi in the original book to deal with Wen Zhong, is also a great weapon.

"I have calculated thousands of times, but I didn't calculate this point!"

Zishou took a deep breath and felt a pang of sadness in his heart. I just want to lose my luck and go home to be a free and unrestrained fairy who doesn't have to work hard. Is it really that difficult?

How many times has this cloud neutron played himself?

Can't see anyone still playing themselves now?

He raised the tea that Chan Yu just made on the table, tons, tons, tons...

Drank it in one gulp and discarded the cup.

"If you have wine today, you will be drunk today, and you will worry about it tomorrow!"

Zishou felt desolate in his heart. Yun Zhongzi had been playing himself since he appeared, and now he is playing himself with Lei Zhenzi. If this continues, when will he lose his luck?

Why didn't the saint take action to suppress this annoying luck?

Life is so hard, what should I do?


Not far away, Shi Ji saw the king drinking freely, and couldn't help but be obsessed with it: "The king is so heroic, the way he drinks and composes poems is so chic..."

Deng Chanyu beside her said weakly, "But what I made tea for the king!"

Shiji: ...


After Zishou drank the wine...tea, his heart gradually calmed down.

Can't let it go!

His contest with the dog system has just begun!

So what if the dog system wins itself thousands of times?It's enough to win once!

"We must go to Xiqi, and find a way to arrange for Lei Zhenzi."

After making up his mind, Zishou also nodded, ready to set off to Xiqi.

At Zishou's request, he took Shi Ji and Deng Chanyu with him to Xiqi this time. After all, last time he went quietly by himself, Ma Shan was almost burned to death.

This time, bring a few more people for insurance.

Before leaving, he checked the spirit treasure in the Sumeru Ring, and hid the Xuanyuan Control Water Flag close to his body.

When the Xuanyuan Control Water Banner was unfurled, clouds and mist appeared above its head, which could resist the attack of Lingbao, but it could not defend against the flames, after all, the flames could burn in if there were gaps.

However, it is always safe to carry with you.


On Xiqi's side, Jiang Ziya was heartbroken when he learned that Shang Tao had been burned.

In terms of cultivation, Shang Tao could not rank among the three generations of Chanjiao disciples, but he has a yin and yang mirror on his body, and his strength is comparable to Da Luo Jinxian.

Once Shang Tao died, the yin and yang mirror was also obtained by the business, how could Jiang Ziya not feel sad!

When Tang Ye heard that Shang Tao had been killed, he was also furious. He led the troops out of the camp and asked Lei Zhenzi to come out by name.

In the business camp, Lei Zhenzi murmured: "Please also invite Daoist Luo Xuanluo to go out to lure Tang Ye, and I will plan to kill him!"

Luo Xuan said briskly: "Okay! Pindao has long wanted to see Tang Ye's strength!"

When Luo Xuan went out to fight, Lei Zhenzi watched the battle from the sky.

Luo Xuan rode a red smoke horse, pointing at Tang Ye with a flying smoke sword, and said: "Yu Ye, I am Luo Xuan, you have to get off the horse and accept the surrender! If you take another step late, be careful of being burned!"

"What a Luo Xuan, come up and lead him to death!" Tang Ye shouted angrily, and rushed forward with Fang Tian's painted halberd.

Luo Xuan laughed, held out his sword and killed.

Luo Xuan is the Great Luo Jinxian, and his swordsmanship is taught by Tongtian, so he is naturally no match for Tang Ye.

In less than ten rounds, Tang Ye turned his horse's head and ran away, and Luo Xuan chased him out.

Tang Ye sneered, turned his left hand, and a small bronze seal appeared in the palm of his hand, and then threw the small bronze seal upwards, which instantly turned into a giant seal, and slammed into Luo Xuan's forehead.

"Ah!" Luo Xuan screamed, before he swung his sword to resist, the Heaven Shattering Seal had already been smashed down, his head burst out instantly, and he died unexpectedly.

A soul went to the Conferred God Platform.

Lei Zhenzi in the sky was startled, he didn't even have a chance to rush to rescue, Luo Xuan was already crushed to death.

"Lei Zhenzi, where are you running to?!" Tang Ye yelled fiercely, and held out the Lost Soul Bell.

When the falling soul bell rang, Lei Zhenzi trembled and fell into the dust.

Fortunately, Fairy Feather at the business camp saw this and hurriedly spread his wings, swept out a strong wind to stop Tang Ye, and then brought Lei Zhenzi back to the camp.


"Then Tang Ye is indeed harder to deal with than Shang Tao! Shang Tao's yin and yang mirror at least has to shine on people, but Tang Ye's Fan Tianyin hits the head as soon as he makes a move, and he can't avoid it. Even Luo Xuan can't avoid it." Can't stop it."

Back in the business camp, Lei Zhenzi gradually regained consciousness, frowning and saying.

I almost lost my life in this battle today, it seems that I am still not good enough!

"You can't use the previous method to seduce Tang Ye." Lei Zhenzi mused.

After all, Tang Ye's move was Fan Tianyin, even if Yu Yixian went, he would probably be crushed to death.

"What should I do?" Su Hu frowned.

At this moment, the military and political officer came to report: "Commander! A aunt came outside the door and said, 'The emperor is coming, please go out to pick him up.'"

Su Hu was full of surprises: "The king is here! Quick, follow me to pick him up!"

Lei Zhenzi's eyes lit up: "My father is here? I have a solution!"

At the moment Su Hu, Yu Yixian, Lei Zhenzi and others went out to pick him up, Zishou led Shi Ji and Deng Chanyu into the camp and took a look at Lei Zhenzi, showing displeasure.

What a bitch, it was you who killed me!

"Father, my son is planning to kill Shang Tao... I met Zhou General Tang Ye today, and I lost on the battlefield..." Lei Zhenzi recounted the battle situation in the past few days.

Hearing the defeat on the battlefield, Zishou's eyes lit up.

This is the correct plot!

"Father... what should we do now?" Lei Zhenzi cast his eyes on Zishou asking for help.


What am I doing?Think I will help you?

hehe!I just came to see you lose!

Zishou was expressionless and even a little gloating in his heart. He deserved it, right?Can't help it?

Then I will be happy!

"That Yuno's Overturning Seal is too powerful, there is no one in Shangying..." Yu Yixian also said in a low voice.

Su Hu also cast a look of help at Zishou.


"What do you see me doing? Is there a way written on my face?"

"Father, there is a way! My son wants you to go out and lure Tang Ye into my pillar of fire, and I will cast a spell to get rid of him... Father is the Emperor of Heaven, and Tang Ye dare not sacrifice the Heavenly Seal..." Lei Zhenzi said in a low voice.

Zishou was so shocked that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Lei Zhenzi, can you be a human being?

Want me to be your bait?

Give me a backstab and use me as bait?Is there anyone as handsome as you?

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