Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 176 I suspect that the dog system wants to play me to death

Little question marks seemed to pop up in his mind, and Zishou now felt that he was the one hundred thousand whys.

It’s fine if the industrial revolution succeeded, but why did hybrid rice succeed?

The yield per mu is more than 1000 and [-] kilograms?

That's an exaggeration, okay? !

Zishou was also dumbfounded when he opened the system panel and checked the task of the hybrid rice.

"The yield of hybrid rice has exceeded [-] kilograms per mu. The task is basically completed. After the time is up, the average yield will be counted and rewards will be issued! [For details, please click]"

Zishou took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. Although he was used to being stabbed twice in a day, he did not expect to be stabbed twice in one day.

The Industrial Revolution is almost complete...

Hybrid rice has also exceeded...

Wen Zhong united with the slaves he liberated, but what about Fei Zhong?

"How did you do it?" Zi Shou couldn't help asking.

Fei Zhong rubbed his head, flatteringly said: "It's all the wise guidance of the king!"

Zishou's gaze gradually became unkind, if you throw the pot at me again, believe it or not, I'll throw you into a pot to feed poisonous snakes? !

"My lord, it is like this. I have studied it with the Dragon King of the Four Seas. If this hybrid rice is grown normally, it is difficult to grow more than [-] kilograms per mu. But if it is bestowed with spiritual rain, the yield per mu will be greatly improved. The Dragon King of the Four Seas We are in charge of applying the rain, and we are in charge of selecting the seeds, so this batch of rice with an yield of more than [-] kilograms per mu has been planted..." Fei Zhong said triumphantly, "But what we have done is not enough! Your Majesty, I will fight for it. After three years, a rice yield of [-] kilograms per mu will be grown!"

Zishou: ...

What else can Zishou say?He could only wave his hand to send Fei Zhong away with tears in his eyes.

These dogs, one of them is more slippery than the other!


"Hey, I can only resign myself to being the emperor here." Standing on the deer platform, looking up, he can see the green mountains and white clouds outside the building, and when he lowers his head, he can have a panoramic view of the people in Chaoge City. Zi Shou sighed softly. .

"My lord, I will always be by your side." Deng Chanyu stood beside Zishou and nodded secretly.

Zishou turned his head and glanced at Deng Chanyu. Behind Deng Chanyu were the three demons of the Xuanyuan Tomb, as well as the mother of the country, Empress Jiang, and Concubine Xigong Huang (Huang Feihu's younger sister).

The five charming women also cast gentle gazes in this direction.

A look of good times.

Eh, that's pretty good too.

The big businessman is rich and the country is strong, and his six harem are all beautiful and beautiful, and he enjoys...

What the hell, do these women dare to move!



Soon at the end of the year, Yinchan's large-scale machine production has basically replaced the traditional factory handicraft industry, and the industrial revolution is declared complete.

The system also sent a message: "The first industrial revolution has been completed! This task has been completed to a high degree, and luck will be greatly improved! The task rewards will be posted in Xumijie, please check it."

"God Killing Spear: The first killing spirit treasure! The rhizome of the Creation Green Lotus absorbs the evil spirit, and it was originally owned by the demon ancestor Luohu! Controlled by the God-killing Gun, he becomes an irrational devil, and only a saint can be exempted from the devil! Please use it with caution!"

"Generator blueprints, internal combustion engine blueprints: the second industrial revolution can be carried out. Please complete the second industrial revolution and bring mankind into the electrical age!"

Zishou: ...

Before Zishou could check the Sumeru Ring's reward, the system's notification sounded again.

"The task has been overfulfilled: the hybrid rice has been promoted to all parts of the country and has been successfully tested, with an average yield of more than [-] kilograms per mu! The luck of the merchants has improved, and the rewards have been released!"

"A ray of Primordial Purple Qi: It is transformed from the origin of the Dao of Heaven. If you get it, you can become a saint. After refining, the Primal Purple Qi will haunt the primordial spirit. The host can refine it by itself, and the process will last seven to seven 49 days."

Zi Shou extracted the Primordial Purple Qi from the Sumeru Precept, and saw that the Primordial Purple Qi was contained in a small jade bottle. It looked like a small purple Qi that might dissipate at any time.

Zishou touched his chin, showing an interested expression.

Primordial Ziqi is a good thing, and once obtained, it will have the opportunity to become a saint.

However, at present Zishou has no plans to refine this ray of primordial purple energy. Firstly, it is because of his own cultivation level that he is a Taiyi Golden Immortal. Now that he refines it, it is impossible to become a saint right away; secondly, he has a vague feeling that this Dao Hongmeng's purple energy may have other uses in the future, three...

Well, it's lazy!

The process lasted seven to seven 49 days?Staying in the room for more than a month to meditate and refine Qi, let's forget it!


The following days returned to calm. Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu were obsessed with researching machines. Fei Zhong, You Hun and the Dragon King of the Four Seas got together. It is said that they jointly cultivated a kind of dragon tooth rice, which has powerful effects on practitioners. .

Of course, this calm lasted for more than a month, and was finally broken.

Northern Hou Chong and Black Tiger are rebellious!

After mixing with Ji Fa, Chong Heihu quickly supported Ji Fa, and worshiped the general in Jintai, raising a banner against business.

When the news reached Chaoge, Manchu Wenwu was shocked.

This Chongheihu, originally the younger brother of the Marquis of the North "Chonghouhu", practiced with the immortals of Jiejiao since he was a child. He has a magic weapon called "Iron-billed Condor", which is released from the red gourd during battle. Black smoke, countless iron-billed condors are hidden in the black smoke, extremely powerful!

Chong Heihu himself has a beast mount "Fire-Eyed Golden-Eyed Beast", which can distinguish evil spirits.The most frightening thing is that Chong Heihu has [-] flying tiger soldiers, and each flying tiger soldier is brave and good at fighting. He is not afraid of death, and he can defeat ten with one.

In the past, Chong Heihu relied on these three to go through hundreds of battles without losing a single one.

Iron-billed eagle, fiery-eyed golden-eyed beast, plus [-] flying tiger soldiers, this person is a great threat!

Now Ji Fa Jintai pays homage to the general, appointing Jiang Ziya as prime minister, Chong Heihu as general marshal of the three armies, Yang Jian and Tu Xingsun as food inspectors of the three armies, Nezha as vanguard officer, plus Wei Hu, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, etc. As a backup, Princess Longji of Phoenix Mountain also joined the Zhou camp suddenly. This time, Ji Fa's strength was also unprecedentedly strong.

Zi Shou frowned when he found out, Ji Fa really didn't give up, did he?

A mere 60 flying tiger soldiers, so what if one is against ten?Directly transfer [-] troops to the past, isn't it directly crushed?

Immediately, a minister proposed that Hong Jin, the commander-in-chief of Sanshan Pass, lead his troops to attack Chongcheng.

Zishou nodded, and was about to do the same at the moment: "Tiao Sanshanguan Hong Jin conquered Chongcheng, and took sixty..."

However, at this moment, the dog system that had been pretending to be dead finally sounded a beep, and the smile on Zishou's face froze immediately.

"Trigger mission: personally lead the army to conquer Chongcheng, destroy the marriage between Hong Jin and Princess Longji, and take Princess Longji as a harem!"

"Mission reward: Yin Shang luck +1000, lifespan 500 million years."

"Note: If the task fails, the system will send the host back to the original world, uninstall the system forcibly, and erase the memory of this time travel!"

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