Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 179 5 Asura Soldiers Galloping Like a Tiger

Chapter 170 Nine Five Thousand Asura Soldiers, Galloping Like a Tiger in Wind and Smoke

Princess Longji stabbed at Zishou with the Luanfei sword, and said coldly: "Di Xin, get off the horse quickly, I won't kill you!"

Zishou:? ? ?

"The bitch is so courageous!" Zi Shou slashed straight with the Zunwang Sword. Although Princess Longji's martial arts skills are extraordinary, her strength is small after all. Princess Longji felt pain in her palm, which was hard to resist.

Zishou Zunwang sword picked up and stabbed Princess Longji's throat. When he was about to stab, he suddenly remembered that the mission this time was to defeat the army. He quickly retracted the Zunwang sword, jumped back on his horse, and shouted loudly: "Listen to the command of the lonely king, The whole army rushes to kill!"

Five thousand soldiers rushed out on horseback behind them, and charged aggressively at Chong Heihu.

Chong Heihu showed a hideous look on his face, and then he took out the red gourd he was carrying with him, opened the lid, a stream of black air rushed out from inside, let it go like a snare, and there was a hoarse sound in the black air, covering the sky and reflecting the sun. Come, it's Chong Heihu's Iron-billed Condor!

The iron-billed eagles attacked all over the world, opened their mouths and bit at each other, and the horses that had stepped off five thousand Asura soldiers were pecked blind, neighing and throwing the Asura soldiers off their backs.

Chong Heihu shouted: "Flying Tiger Soldier, kill me!"

In an instant, the [-] Flying Tiger soldiers who were ready to attack also rushed out suddenly. These Flying Tiger soldiers were originally brave and good at fighting, and with the addition of [-] Asura soldiers who fell off their horses one after another, the defeat was certain.

Chong Heihu couldn't help showing a joyful expression, looked at Di Xin and couldn't help laughing: "Di Xin, you are doomed!"

"My lord, do you want to retreat first?" Yuan Hong asked with a drastic change of expression.

"No need." Zishou waved his hand.

Watching the soldiers fall from the horse behind him, Zishou turned his head and nodded to Chong Heihu: "Not bad, well done!"

Chong Heihu:? ? ?


"Hahaha, finally don't need to ride a horse, kill!"

"This horse hurts my ass."

"Chong Heihu is a good man!"

The five thousand Asura soldiers were overjoyed. They were in the sea of ​​blood, and they were not good at riding horses. After dismounting, they unleashed their combat power and swung their spears one by one to kill the Flying Tiger soldiers.

These Asura soldiers looked either skinny, obese, too short, or scary tall, and they didn't have any tactics, but when each Asura soldier rushed into the Flying Tiger Soldiers, it was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. There was a red light in the center, and the movements were rough and simple. With a spear in his hand, a flying tiger soldier died!

The most frightening thing is that the fighting strength of the Asura soldiers was already terrifying. Now they were wearing armor made of fine steel, and the Flying Tiger Soldier failed to cut through the armor with a single slash. Instead, the sword in his hand was shaken Cracked.

And the spear in Asura soldier's hand casually pierced through the armor of the Flying Tiger soldier like a prickly tofu.



"Hahaha, kill! Slaughter them all!"

"Slaughter! Slaughter!"

"This weapon is so easy to use, sharper than the stone spear in the sea of ​​blood!"

The two armies fought together, and the screams and wailing of the flying tiger soldiers and the triumphant laughter of the Asura soldiers could be heard from all around.

Zishou looked at it, and his expression changed.

The battle situation on the field has become one-sided. The five thousand Asura soldiers are as fierce as the tiger descending the mountain. Shura soldier's spear and chop.


what's the situation?

This horse is rotten fish and stinky shrimp?

Zishou suddenly turned his head to look at Chong Heihu, with a suspicious look on his face: "Are you playing me?"

Chong Heihu:? ? ?

Why does this man speak so badly?

Kill me!My brave soldiers! "Chong Heihu shouted, and after he finished shouting, the Asura soldiers became more brave, and killed all [-] flying tiger soldiers.

"Who...are you directing?" Zi Shou couldn't help but doubt.

He really suspected that Chong Heihu was his own.

Can each of the so-called flying tiger soldiers on horseback be able to fight ten against one?

This is one against ten?

What about Chong Heihu who was said to be victorious in every battle?

This is a hundred battles and a hundred victories?

"Quick! Retreat! Retreat!" At this time, Chong Heihu couldn't figure it out. He completely underestimated Di Xin and his 5000 men!

Of these [-] people, if any one is taken out casually, they might be able to defeat a hundred with one!

The most irritating thing is that these five thousand people look like loose people, but when they see blood, they turn into bloodthirsty tigers.

However, when Chongheihu Mingjin withdrew his troops, the five thousand Asura soldiers had already killed them, and they chased them all the way to the bottom of the city, almost killing the Flying Tiger soldiers before stopping.

When he led five thousand Asura soldiers back to the camp, little question marks popped up in Zishou's head.

What happened to the horse?

Who is playing me?

Why are these five thousand rotten fish and smelly shrimp so powerful?

Did I get it wrong, or is Chong Heihu playing me?


The most frightening thing is that when Yuan Hong counted the number of people, no one was lost!

The most seriously injured one only lost an arm!

"Yuan Hong, where did you find these five thousand soldiers?" Back in the camp, Zi Shou looked at Yuan Hong and couldn't help asking.

Yuan Hong couldn't help showing joy, and said, "It's all under the guidance of the king!"


You bastard is throwing the blame again?

Why don't you remember what I taught you?

"Your Majesty, you asked me to find a group of people who said that if you have no cultivation base, you will have no sect. I thought about it, and maybe the Asura Bing is what the King wants to find! Asura Bing was born in a sea of ​​blood. There is no sect, but the combat power of each Asura soldier is far higher than that of humans! So I found Taoist Styx and asked him to find a group of Asura soldiers."

Yuan Hong also explained immediately, with a look of admiration on his face, and said to Zishou: "These five thousand Asura soldiers were all brought out from the sea of ​​blood by Taoist Minghe! In fact, I really admire the king. When I saw these Asura soldiers that day, I thought that Taoist Minghe was playing with me, and ignorantly advised the king not to take them with me. I didn't expect that the king, with his eyes and eyes, decided to take these five thousand Asura soldiers with him. Today's big victory! Your Majesty, I really admire you!"

Zishou: …………

I ride a horse!


He actually dumped the blame on Lao Tzu! ! !

Zishou clutched his heart, feeling like he was going to be out of breath.

Yuan Hong stabbed him almost to suffocation!

The most exaggerated thing is that this dog dumped people to himself, and now he has to say that it was his own will that led to this situation! !

"Oh, all the civil and military officials couldn't see how powerful the Asura soldiers were, and they blindly persuaded the king to give up the Asura soldiers. Only the king had the discerning eye and decided to choose them. Your majesty, what a clever plan!" Feeling that the stabbing was not hard enough, he sprinkled salt on Zishou's wound.

Zishou:! ! !

Yuan Hong, you are enough, hello! !

Wait for me to throw you into the snake basin and feed it to the snake! !

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