"Oh." Zi Shou sighed softly, sitting on the plank bed.He is bare-chested, with a strong and young body.

Although he is not young anymore, after being tempered by the nine-turn Xuanyuan Gong, his skin has become quite tender and fair, and his muscles are also small and large.

At this moment, Zishou suddenly wanted to smoke a cigarette.

I didn't expect to come to this step in the end. I was a little annoyed, a little helpless, and a little secretly happy at the same time.

Although Princess Longji is beautiful and has a good figure, after all, the two of them don't have a relationship foundation. However, there will always be a little bit of secret joy in their hearts to be able to take that step with such a beautiful woman.

A rustling sound came from the side, Long Ji picked up his clothes and prepared to put them on.

Zishou raised his head and looked over, his eyes met each other, speechless.

Long Ji lowered her head shyly, but she took the initiative to move closer to Zishou, buried her head in Zishou's arms, and lay on his body.

Feeling the girl's soft body and smelling the faint fragrance of her body, Zishou finally couldn't help reaching out and hugging her.

Whether it is drugged or not, it is always the woman who suffers.

What's more, Princess Longji is still a virgin.

Long Ji raised his head and looked at Zishou with a shy expression on his face: "Are we going to be considered couples in the future?"

"Forget it." Zi Shou smiled wryly, and found that the girl was staring at his face, and said in a firm tone: "Forget it! Go back to Chaoge with Gu, and Gu will make you a concubine."

Hearing this sentence, Long Ji just raised his eyebrows without showing any dissatisfaction.

She also seems to know that Zishou is the emperor, and there is a queen and concubine in the first place, and of course it is only a concubine for herself.

Even if he is a fairy in Yaochi.

"Are you going to help business or Zhou in the future?" Zishou asked, stroking the girl's back.

"Help you." The girl said without thinking.

Zishou laughed, and deliberately asked: "Jiang Ziya collected 360 five righteous gods for the Heavenly Court, won't you help Zhou?"


The girl rolled her eyes, "I'll help you."

"Get dressed..." the girl lowered her head shyly, and said in a low voice, "I've been here for a long time."

"Do you want me to wear it for you?" Zi Shou raised his eyebrows.

"No!" the girl said angrily.


After half an hour.

Zishou put on the royal robe of Xuanniao, and stood outside the cave, still a little dazed.

After Long Ji put on the scarlet silk gown, he returned to his aloof look, but when he looked at Zishou, his eyes were still full of tenderness.

Girls in this era are like this, whether it is a god or a human being, as long as you give your body to that person, your heart will be tied tightly to that person.

Deng Chanyu is like this, and so is Long Ji.

After the two walked side by side, Long Ji raised his head: "I...I'm leaving first, I'm going back to Phoenix Mountain first, and I'll go to Chaoge to find you later."

"Okay, let's go!" Zishou waved his hand, and seeing Long Ji leave in Dunguang, he was also relieved and returned to Chongcheng.

Chongcheng had already been defeated. After Jiang Ziya and Chong Heihu were defeated, they left the city with their remnants, and they didn't know where they went.

When Zishou returned to Chongcheng, Jiang Huanchu and Jiang Wenhuan greeted him on their knees, their faces full of fear.

"Okay, prepare water for Gu, Gu needs to wash." Zi Shou waved his hand and said, fighting on the battlefield for so long, and then entangled in the cave for a long time, Zi Shou felt extremely uncomfortable.

Yuan Hong also hurriedly prepared hot water for the bath.


Soaking comfortably in the hot water, Zishou yawned listlessly, and now the task of Nalongji being the harem was completed.

Well, Zishou somehow feels guilty...

"I hope Nuwa doesn't know about this!" Zishou yawned.

"Anyway, Nuwa and I have nothing to do, what are we afraid of!"

step, step...

Suddenly, there was a sound of bare feet walking on the ground, and then, a person came to Zishou, and then Zishou saw a pair of delicate jade feet in the bath.

The expression on Zishou's face instantly stiffened, and his legs trembled uncontrollably.

"That girl is very beautiful!" A cold but soft voice sounded from the side.

Goosebumps arose on the back of Zishou's neck. Looking at the pair of jade feet in the water, he knew who was coming without looking up.

There is only one person in the world who can have such a pair of beautiful and exquisite jade feet.

"Not pretty, definitely not as pretty as you!" Zi Shou immediately denied.

"Then are you happy?" There was a hint of a smile in the cold voice.

Cold sweat broke out on Zishou's forehead: "Do you believe me when I say I was forced?"

"Believe it, why don't I believe it?" The voice was half a smile, "But I still want to beat you up."

Zishou felt that his soul was about to fly out, so he forced a smile and said, "Daughter, sister Nuwa...don't, don't!"

"Put on your clothes." Nüwa squinted her eyes and said, "You don't want to be beaten by me with your butt naked?"

"I'll wear it, I'll wear it." Zishou felt that his heartbeat was about to stop, so he put on the clothes obediently.


"All right."

"Then let's start!"

Zishou: "?"


In the quiet Chongfu, there was a muffled sound suddenly.

Yuan Hong in the Chongfu was slightly startled, and went outside and turned around: "What was the sound just now? Did it thunder?"


Zishou's whole body was held by Nuwa's chest, and what greeted him were small fists.

Well, Zishou remembered a meme from his previous life, where someone hammered your chest with a small fist.

At this time, Nuwa was using her little powder fist to receive the hammer. The difference was that each punch had a force of tens of thousands of catties, and every time it fell, someone would let out a scream like a pig being killed.

"do not be angry……"

"I'm not angry~!"

"Bang!" A punch.

"I was wrong……"

"you are right."

"Bang!" Another punch.

"Sister Nuwa, I dare not!"

"Don't call me sister!"

"Bang!" Another punch.

"young married woman!"

"Do you want to die?"


"Sister can't be called, and neither can daughter-in-law. Do you want me to be called wife? Wife~!"

"so disgusting!"


"I swear I'll never dare again... Aww!"


"In the cave, you had a good time with that little girl, didn't you?"

"I was drugged, and my sanity is not clear... Are you angry?"

"No, why should I be angry?"

"Then why did you beat me?"

"I see you hate it."



For half an hour, Zishou's screams didn't stop.

His whole body was beaten black and blue, and his whole body was in severe pain.

If it hadn't been for Nu Wa's reticence, he might be sent to reincarnation with a punch with all his strength.


With the last punch, Zishou directly smashed a deep hole into the ground.

He felt that there was no pain anywhere in his body, and his eyes were swollen to the point that he could hardly see clearly.

Nuwa walked up to Zishou and looked at him with a smile.

"Sister Nuwa... I was wrong! I raised my hands to surrender!" Zishou raised his hands in a dying state, crying.

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