Although Yunxiao has a beautiful appearance, exquisite facial features, and a pretty good figure, coupled with the cool aura exuding from her body, no man is willing to refuse her anywhere.

But no matter how he looked at it, Zishou felt that this Yunxiao just wanted to harm him.

Then Zishou also waved his hand and issued the order to evict the guest.

"Your Majesty, go to sleep, Yun Xiao is here to guard." Yun Xiao pursed his lips and smiled, and said openly.

Zishou: ...

He's meow!This Yunxiao is definitely coveting my beauty!

Lonely men and widows in the same battalion, firewood, fire, clouds, rain, Wushan, men and women love...

For a while, countless words flashed through Zishou's mind.

"Fairy Yunxiao, since this is the case, please go outside and guard." Zi Shou looked outside without any trace, and said with a smile, "I'm sleeping with my two concubines alone, and Fairy Yunxiao will guard the camp for us."

Yunxiao:? ? ? ? ?

Is this a human being riding a horse?

What are you going to do to let me guard outside?

Yun Xiao was dumbfounded by Zi Shou's words.

Just when Yun Xiao was about to leave the camp, there was a sudden earth-shattering shout from outside, and the flames burst into the sky in an instant!

"Zhou's army attacked the business camp at night! Quickly, protect the king!"

Only the sound of swords, shouts, horseshoes, fire, and wind can be heard everywhere.

Looking up, there are fires everywhere in the business camp.

"My lord! Jiang Ziya has attacked the camp at night!" Fairy Yunxiao's face changed, and the bright red on her face faded instantly.


Are you pretending to be drunk?

The battle outside the camp had already begun, and Nezha rushed into Dayuan Gate, directly meeting the long-awaited Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan laughed, and the five-colored divine light immediately shot out from behind, brushing away Nezha who had just picked up the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Mask.

On the other side, Wei Hu rushed to the left camp, Yang Jian rushed to the right camp, and met Gao Jineng and Zhou Xin respectively.

Gao Jineng held the steel gun and killed Xiang Wei Hu. Although Wei Hu lost the subduing magic pestle, his great Luo Jinxian cultivation base broke out, and he directly clamped the steel gun, threw Gao Jineng to the ground, and then killed Gao Jineng with a sword.

When Yang Jian met Zhou Xin, he swung the three-pointed and double-edged knife directly, and he was easily killed. Then Wei Hu rushed into the back camp and set fire to it, and Yang Jian found the captured Li Jing, Mu Zha and others , opened the cage and released the man.

Business chaos!

"Yang Jian! You robbed the camp tonight, you will be captured, don't even think about retreating!" Kong Xuan laughed, not afraid of the crowd, and directly killed Yang Jian. Seeing that the situation was not good, Yang Jian didn't even fight Just turned into light and fled.

When Wei Hu saw Kong Xuan, he immediately disappeared and fled away. Li Jing and others who had just woken up were also brushed back by Kong Xuan with the five-color divine light.

At this moment, Lu Ya rushed out, sacrificed the gourd of cutting immortals, a flying knife flew out of the gourd, and was about to cut Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan snorted coldly, and the five-color divine light gushed out from behind him, scaring Lu Ya Huahong to run away.

Here, Kong Xuan is invincible in all directions.

On the other side, Deng Chanyu and Long Ji saw that the commercial camp was on fire, and the three armies were in a panic. Long Ji hurriedly said: "Sister Chanyu, help me open the Wulu Qiankun Net. I will use the Four Seas Bottle to put out the fire first."

"Okay." Deng Chanyu nodded.

The two flew into the air, took out the Wulu Qiankun Net and the Four Seas Bottle, and were about to put out the fire.

However, at this moment, a laughter suddenly came from behind: "Hey! Deng Chanyu, Princess Longji, Pindao has been waiting for a long time!"

Deng Chanyu was taken aback, and looked back, there was a short and fat Taoist standing there, with two beards on his face, and an indescribably wretched appearance, who is the grandson of the Twelve Golden Immortals?

Fearing to leave his grandson, he shouted: "Zhong!"

With a finger on his right hand, two fairy ropes flew out, instantly binding Deng Chanyu and Princess Longji to death.

"Hey, hey, you're done!" Filiusun smiled wretchedly, stretched out his arms to hug the two of them, his eyes showed obscenity, and then he summoned the Yellow Turban Warriors and ordered: "Yellow Turban Warriors, take them to Zhouying !"


Zishou was in the tent, protected by Yunxiao, so naturally nothing happened.Zhou Bing did not kill here either.

In the middle of the night, Kong Xuan led the troops to kill the Zhou soldiers, extinguished the fire, and counted the number of people, and his scalp went numb with fright.

This time Zhou Bing attacked the camp at night, Gao Jineng and Zhou Xin died... Also, Deng Chanyu and Princess Longji are missing!

Gao Jineng and Zhou Xin died as soon as they died, their skills were not as good as others and they couldn't complain about others, but Deng Chanyu and Long Ji were lost...

Kong Xuan felt his scalp tingle when he thought about it, these two women are the king's women!

The king's woman... is lost...

"Quick, let me find it!" Kong Xuan was furious, and the horror in his heart gradually magnified. Judging from the contact between the king and these two women, it can be seen that the king likes these two women very much, and even cherishes them very much.

Now that Deng Chanyu and Long Ji are missing, if something really happened, then everything is over!

The merchant soldiers searched around anxiously, but there was no result!

Soon, Qiong Xiao said a word, which directly made Kong Xuan's face sink.

"I seem to see them raining in the sky, why did they disappear?"


"Haha, Junior Brother Ziya, I brought him back."

Before dawn, two women fell from the sky, followed by their grandson, who laughed.

Jiang Ziya was also overjoyed when he saw Long Ji and Deng Chanyu on the ground.Immediately, people took the two women to two clean tents.

Afterwards, Yang Jian and Wei Hu came back and informed that Nezha was captured by mistake, but Gao Jineng and Zhou Xin were beheaded by them, and all the lost magic weapons were returned.

Jiang Ziya picked up the whip and said with a smile, "It's okay."

Even if people are captured, they can be resurrected even if they are killed.

After all, the Conferred God List is in Jiang Ziya's hands, and he can decide whether to enter the list. If he does not enter the list, it means that even if he is killed, as long as the soul is left, he can be resurrected.


"Old Man Yuexia, Deng Chanyu and Princess Longji have all been captured, please tell them about the marriage." Jiang Ziya also pretended to be authentic at the moment.

In fact, according to his thinking, it doesn't matter if you say it or not, anyway, if they are caught, they can force them to marry.

Yue Lao also nodded at the moment, and first went to find Princess Longji: "Princess, do you still remember Pindao? Don't go against the number of days, marry Hong Jin as early as possible, form a married couple, help Zi Ya conquer merchants, in the future when you are done, there will be someone from Yaochi to welcome the princess back."

After hearing this, Princess Longji's complexion suddenly changed, and she trembled in disbelief: "You, what are you talking about... Hong... Hong Jin?"

"Yes! Princess, do you still remember what Pindao said that day? Great fortune equals heaven, beauty and wealth. It is Hong Jin!" Yuelao also smiled wryly, "I just don't know why the princess went to the business camp to help Di Xin..."

Princess Longji was completely stunned, memories flashed in her mind, and what someone said was also vivid in her mind.

"You seem to have misunderstood the person, Yuelao didn't seem to be talking about me!"

"Wait, I remember that the person Yuelao said was not me..."

"You've definitely got the wrong person, it's actually Hong..."


In the cave that day, he said that it wasn't him, but I firmly believe that it was him, and we have a husband and wife relationship with him...

But, in the end it was really not him...

why?Why not him?

Long Ji became bewildered and foolish, his face suddenly became blank, suddenly sad, and suddenly showed joy again.

Thinking of what Zishou said while hugging him that day, Long Ji was in a daze.

"Princess, princess..." Yuelao shouted twice, and Longji finally came to his senses.

"Princess, you should marry Hong Jin as a husband and wife according to the advice of the poor, and help the merchants in the Western Qi expedition together." Yuelao said.

Long Ji slowly turned his head to look at Yuelao, and the blankness on his face gradually turned into a firm one.

"It's done...Yuelao, there's no need to say any more." She shook her head and sighed softly.

Hearing these words, Yue Lao also instantly understood that the deal was done, which meant that Long Ji and Di Xin were married.

"Princess, you! How could you make such a big mistake!" Yue Lao looked at her with hatred, "You, do you know that your crime is even worse, and you will never return to Yaochi in this life?"

Long Ji shook his head lightly: "This is the end of the matter. Long Ji's body belongs to the king, and his heart... also belongs to him. Yuelao, if you said that it was Hong Jin, Long Ji would not make a mistake. Of course, this matter Long Ji didn't blame you either, it's just that it's too late."

Yuelao looked at Longji, finally gave a wry smile, shook his head and left the room: "!"


"How is it?" Seeing Yuelao come out, Hong Jin leaned over impatiently and asked.

Yue Lao shook his head: "Hong Jin, there is nothing the poor can do about it."

Hong Jin wanted to ask again, but Yue Lao waved his hand directly and walked towards Deng Chanyu's room.

Yuelao persuaded Deng Chanyu with the same words as he persuaded Longji, saying that the number of days has been fixed, you should marry Tu Xingsun and so on.

However, Deng Chanyu's resistance was stronger than Long Ji's, and she yelled coldly: "Shut up! Don't use these words to fool me! Chanyu would rather die than marry Tu Xingsun!"

"Deng Chanyu, you..."

"You guys kill me!" Deng Chanyu struggled to sit up, she was still tied with a fairy rope, and she had difficulty moving, but she still shouted coldly: "Catch me here and ask me to marry a dwarf, it's ridiculous! Kill quickly, stop fooling me here!"

Yue Lao was so angry that his face was livid, and he also left the room directly.

As soon as Yuelao left the room, Tu Xingsun came up anxiously and asked, "Xiang, how are you doing?"

Yuelao shook his head, found Jiang Ziya and said: "Mr. Ziya, the two daughters are unwilling, and I have no choice but to leave the poor way." After saying that, he left Zhou Ying.

Watching Yuelao leave, Jiang Ziya's face remained unchanged, and said calmly: "Tu Xingsun, Hong Jin, when you take advantage of today's auspicious day, marry Miss Deng and Princess Longji!"

Tu Xingsun, Hong Jin was overjoyed after hearing this, and immediately said, "Thank you, Prime Minister, for your success!"

"Tu Xingsun, you take Miss Deng to the new tent, and take advantage of the auspicious day to accomplish the beautiful things of your husband and wife. Remember, when you untie the fairy rope, you must restrain her first."

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, he looked at Hong Jin and said, "Hong Jin, you are the same. Bring Long Ji to the new tent, and the couple will be consummated tonight. Remember, don't untie the fairy rope easily."

"Haha, Master Uncle, I know!" Tu Xingsun smiled wretchedly, thinking of Deng Chanyu's stunning beauty, his face revealed a lewd look.

"Hong Jin obeys!" Hong Jin also said loudly.

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