Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 209 Someone Playing With Huo Linger

Jiameng closes.

The Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit has already led three thousand fire dragon soldiers to set up the Great Formation of Burning Heaven.

After she discussed with Yuan Hong about the Burning Heaven Formation, many places were revised.

After the Fentian formation was set up, the mother of Huo Lingsheng went out to fight.

After Wei Hu heard about it, he was also fearless at the moment, smiled lightly, and went out to fight with the Subduing Demon Pestle.

He is unknown on the list of gods, and his uncle Jiang Ziya is in charge of the list of gods, so there is no risk of being on the list after his death. As long as Yuanshi Tianzun is willing to make a move, he will basically open the infinite resurrection link. Of course, he is not afraid of the burning sky formation.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit urged the golden-eyed camel to come up, holding two Tai'a swords, and shouted loudly: "Wei Hu, I am the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit of Qiuming Mountain! If you dare to kill my disciple Hu Lei, I will take revenge today! "

Wei Hu laughed and said: "Hu Lei's skill is not as good as human beings, Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, you are a disciple of Jiejiao, you should follow the way of heaven, dare to stop the heavenly soldiers here! I advise you to withdraw quickly and leave, so as not to kill yourself. regret but too late!"

The Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit said angrily: "What a Wei Hu, you are looking for death! Eat me with a sword!"

She stepped forward on a golden-eyed camel, slashed fiercely with Tai'a sword, and fought with Wei Hu inextricably.

Suddenly, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit turned around and rushed into the burning sky formation, and Wei Hu immediately followed.

The Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit got off her golden-eyed camel, came to the center of the formation of the Burning Heaven Formation, waved the Burning Heaven Banner, and instantly the three thousand fire dragon soldiers hidden in the Burning Heaven Formation were dispatched in accordance with the coordination, and in an instant the samadhi was full of true flames burn.

Wei Hu hurriedly wanted to escape with the fire, but the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit had already sacrificed the golden rosy crown, and the golden light appeared twenty feet in an instant, covering the burning sky formation.

Wei Hu had nowhere to escape, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit sent out lightning, and the real fire of Samadhi burned all over, instantly burning Wei Hu to ashes.

Immediately, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit came out victorious and shouted: "Wei Hu is dead, kill me!"

He took three thousand fire dragon soldiers and killed them out, spraying real fire of samadhi everywhere. E Chongyu also fled in embarrassment in fright, and was killed so that he threw away his helmet and armor.


When Wei Hu's soul arrived at the Fengshentai, Bai Jian, who was guarding the Fengshentai, filled the soul with a gourd and sent it to Jiang Ziya.

"What? Wei Hu was killed? The Virgin of Fire Spirit is guarding Jiameng Pass?" Jiang Ziya was also taken aback when he heard the news, and his expression changed suddenly.

"Nezha, Yang Jian, take 3000 people and follow me to Jiameng Pass." Jiang Ziya frowned.

At this moment, a Taoist descended from the sky and said, "Junior Brother Ziya, Master has learned about this, let me help you destroy the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit!"

But it was Guang Chengzi who came with the sword of cutting immortals and killing gods.

Yuanshi Tianzun had expected that the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit would block Jiamengguan, and gave Guang Chengzi a sweeping robe, which was designed to restrain the Golden Cloud Crown of the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit.

This time, I also came here to send the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit to the list.

Jiang Ziya was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately brought Guangchengzi to Jiamengguan.


In Chaoge City, Zishou also raised his eyebrows when he heard that the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit formed the Heaven Burning Formation at Jiameng Pass. What kind of Heaven Burning Formation did this scruffy girl really create?

Zishou pondered, in the original plot, the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit was indeed a master of team battles. Her best record ever was a fight against Wei Hu, Nezha, and Jiang Ziya. They won a complete victory and almost hacked Jiang Ziya to death.

However, Jiamengguan is also the place where the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit died.

Because Yuanshi Tianzun had already thought that the Virgin of the Fire Spirit would block the Jiameng Pass, and directly asked Guang Chengzi to send the Virgin of the Fire Spirit to the list.

As the killer of the Holy Mother, Guang Chengzi, of course, easily sent the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit to the list of gods...

The death of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit angered her master Jiejiao Daoist Duobao, and also directly triggered the battle between the interpretation and Jiejiao.

It can be said that the death of Our Lady of Fire Spirit was the fuse of the war between the two religions.

"According to the plot, the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit should die..."

Zishou tapped on the table and thought for a while.

If it was before, he might have applauded, but now...

"Let's save her life!"

Zishou also made up his mind to go to Jiameng Pass at that moment, and took Yuan Hong Shiji with him, and when the three were about to leave, Kunpeng also followed with a smile.

"Human Sovereign! I was ordered by Empress Nuwa to be your mount. Let's go!" Kunpeng waved his big hand and rode on the wind by himself, without any intention of stopping to take the ride.

"Your Majesty, who is this! So proud?" Yuan Hong sneered and said, "Should I teach him a lesson? This kind of thing just needs to be dealt with."

"Oh, he is the demon master Kunpeng." Zishou said casually.

Yuan Hong: ...

"Are you going to teach him a lesson?" Zi Shou narrowed his eyes and said.

Yuan Hong said with a bitter face: "Fight, I can't beat..."

Zishou was happy in his heart.

Dog things, there are times when you are cowardly.


In Jiameng Pass, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit learned that the King was coming, and hurriedly took Hu Sheng out of the city to meet him.

The Madonna of Fire Spirit is wearing a scarlet robe, and her long hair has not been combed for a long time and looks very messy.She came up to meet her, grinned, and said as if asking for credit: "Your Majesty, I have created the Great Formation of Burning Heaven! Even if the Da Luo Jinxian entered my formation, there is absolutely no reason for him to survive."

"Okay, well done. By the way, I will dress myself up better in the future." Zishou patted the shoulder of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit and said casually.

The face of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit suddenly turned red, she lowered her head and said, "Okay..."

After entering the city, Hu Sheng hurriedly arranged a clean room for Zishou to live in. Kunpeng disappeared after entering Jiameng Pass.

In the evening, as soon as Zishou had finished washing, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit knocked on the door.

Zishou opened the door and looked, his eyes lit up.

At this moment, the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit is wearing a pink long dress, revealing her white arms and beautiful collarbone, her long hair is washed clean and draped over her exposed shoulders, the dark circles on her face have also disappeared, and she looks completely new .

Although this appearance is not as good as Nuwa, and compared to Deng Chanyu, Longji is also slightly inferior, but it gives people a pure feeling of hibiscus coming out of clear water.

The Madonna of the Fire Spirit, dressed up seriously, is still quite beautiful.

"Is there something wrong?" Zishou asked after looking him up and down.

"I... I'm here to deliver snacks to the king..." the little girl said, showing a shy expression in a rare way, holding a small box in her white and tender hands.

"Oh! Give it to me!" Zishou also nodded, took the box and opened it to see that there were indeed several pastries inside.

As for the taste...

In this era, food is used to fill the stomach, and the taste is really not very good.

"Come in!" Zishou also thought that she was his own after all, so remind her to be careful of Guang Chengzi.

"Ah! Good, good." The Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit was abnormally not as lazy as usual, but became as shy as the little girl next door. After entering the room, she sat on the chair in a proper manner.

Seeing her appearance, Zishou thought it was funny, and handed her a mobile phone: "Come on, let's connect to Bluetooth and play chess."

There are only a few stand-alone games for smartphones without Internet.

Seeing the state of the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit, Zishou thought to himself, he can abuse food again tonight.

After explaining the rules of chess for a while, the two began to play chess.

The Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit held the phone and stared at the screen of the phone anxiously, but she was thinking in her heart, what does the king mean by this?Did he see me?

Will you do anything after the fight?

I heard that the first time will hurt... Will he take pity on me...

Zishou is a stinky chess basket, and the Madonna of Huoling is even more unbearable. Coupled with the wild thoughts in her mind, she was eaten up in a while.

"Come again." Zishou once again tasted the joy of abuse.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit also gradually changed from being absent-minded to being absorbed in it, and let out one or two exclamations or cheers from time to time.

"Ah~! You eat me again!"

"Ah!! Don't eat, don't eat there...Ah! You are too much!"

"Whoa, don't shoot me with a cannon!"

"Ah! You've eaten me up again!"

Outside the room, Yuan Hong pricked up his ears, his expression gradually turned into worship, and he sighed.

"Your Majesty and Huo Ling played so intensely..."

"What is Di Xin doing?" Kunpeng came back at this time, walked over curiously, and also showed surprise when he heard the voice inside.

"Hush!" Yuan Hong gestured and said in a low voice, "You don't understand, men and women love each other!"

"Haha, I shot it back!" At this time, the cheers of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit came from inside.

Kunpeng immediately showed a look of enlightenment, and then sighed: "How the hell did they play?"

In the room, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit picked up a cannon and ate Zishou's horse, with an innocent and lovely expression on her face.

And Zishou also looked calm, and then directly passed the three soldiers with a cart and gave her to the general.

"Ahhh! You're eating my place again! Don't do it!" The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit stomped her feet angrily: "Why can your car fly over three soldiers."

Zishou said expressionlessly: "The mount of the lonely king is Kunpeng, isn't it normal to be able to fly?"


"Why can your handsome man cross the Chu River to eat my general?"

"The lonely king is the Daluo Jinxian, isn't it normal that he can fly?"


"Why can you use my taxi to eat my general?!!"

"Your taxi has been bought and sold by the lonely king, and you still don't know?"


"Why, why can your car be revived?!!"

"It's strange that the lonely king put on the resurrection armor for him?"


The night passed, and finally chess turned into a battle of killing gods. The two of them fought all night, and fell asleep together in bed.


On the second day, the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit heard that Jiang Ziya had arrived outside the pass. After thinking about it, she also led the troops out of the city to fight.

Zhou Yingzhong.

"Zi Ya, let's go out to meet her." Guang Chengzi said indifferently.

Jiang Ziya nodded and led the troops out of the camp at the moment.

After Jiang Ziya saw the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, he said loudly: "Daoist friend, since you are in the Taoist sect, you know the destiny. Why are you helping the tyrant and acting against the heavens! Why don't you listen to Jiang Shang's words and return immediately. Jiang Shang feels the kindness of God's kindness , will never harm you."

The Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit smiled and said: "Jiang Ziya, don't try to deceive me! You betray the country and help Zhou, dare to say anything to follow the way of heaven. My burning sky formation is here. If it can be broken, I will leave the formation and leave. If it can't be broken, don't stay here boast!"

"Since you're looking for your own death, don't blame the poor Taoist for making the move!" Guang Chengzi laughed loudly, and slashed out with his sword.

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