Fei Zhong!

The person Zishou thought of was Fei Zhong!

He wanted to find someone to go to Biyou Palace to persuade the leader of Tongtian, but he had to mess up the mission, Fei Zhong couldn't be more suitable.

As a saint and the leader of a sect, Master Tongtian definitely doesn't like to hear flattery and flattery. Let a person who has no cultivation base but a little cleverness to persuade Master Tongtian, it's fine if he doesn't make Master Tongtian furious.

Zi Shou knocked on the table, but the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

The task of the system has to be done, and you can only do some tricks when doing it to cause the task to fail, so it is best to send Fei Zhong to go.

Although Fei Zhongping succeeded in conquering Beihai Yuan Futong, it happened that the Seven Monsters of Meishan were in the army;

Although Fei Zhongping succeeded in conquering King Pingling of Beihai, it was because he borrowed troops from Beibohou;

Although Fei Zhong succeeded in producing hybrid rice, he could only succeed on the premise that he gave the first generation of hybrid rice.

To put it bluntly, Fei Zhong is capable of so many things, but in fact he is mostly lucky.

This person has skills, but not that great. More skills lie in guessing his own intentions and flattery.

If he was asked to go to Biyou Palace to persuade Master Tongtian to leave the customs, then Zi Shou could already imagine that this guy would randomly speculate on Master Tongtian's intentions and flatter Master Tongtian...

But who is the master of Tongtian?That's a saint!

How could the saint be moved by his one or two flattering words?

I'm afraid that after listening to Fei Zhong's flattery, someone will throw him out in a fit of anger. In this way, the mission will easily fail, and he will be able to leave the world of conferred gods and return to the original world to be a free and easy Da Luo Jinxian.

"Didn't Fei Zhong just say that he has nothing to do? Let him go and invite Master Tongtian to come down the mountain... well, find someone to take him there, who should it be..." Zi Shou thought for a while, his eyes lit up, and he decided on the candidate .

Whoever wants to take Fei Zhong there is the most suitable for me.

Of course, I can't meet people with my true colors, so I have to modify and dress up and pretend to be Fei Zhong's personal soldiers.

Going with him can also prevent Fei Zhong from making some small moves.

Well, by the way, ask Shang Shiji to lead the way.

Immediately, Xuan Fei Zhong came to Shou.

Not long after, Fei Zhong hurried over.

Busy working on hybrid rice these days, he looks a lot darker and thinner, but the flattery on his face can make people see that he is a courtier at a glance.

"Fei Aiqing, now that Jiang Ziya is attacking the three gates, this person is backed by the teaching and assistance, so it is difficult to deal with. I just want to send you to Jiejiao Biyou Palace, and persuade the leader of the Jiejiao, Master Tongtian, to come out of the pass to help."

Zishou straight to the point.

Fei Zhong looked troubled, and was about to say something: "My lord, I..."

"Fei Aiqing don't worry, the lonely king will go with you this time." Zishou interrupted him, "Gu Yi pretends to be your follower, and accompany you to intercept the teaching, and Empress Shiji will accompany you to lead the way."

"Ah! Your Majesty, this..." Fei Zhong was taken aback, and then suddenly realized: "Your Majesty is trying to deceive people?"

Zishou waved his hand: "It's good that you know, this time you go to Biyou Palace, you must not reveal your identity."

"Yes, Your Majesty! I will definitely not reveal your identity as Your Majesty."

"Okay, go and pack up your things and go with Gu!" Zishou also waved his hand.

Watching Fei Zhong leave, Zishou touched his chin, also asking Deng Chanyu to prepare a servant's clothes for herself.

After putting it on and dressing up, as long as you don't look carefully, it is not easy to find that he is a Tang Renhuang.

"Your Majesty, you are going to Biyou Palace, do you want me to accompany you?" Deng Chanyu looked at Zi Shou in the mirror, and stuck out her little tongue.

Zishou shook his head: "No need, you wait for me at home."

He muttered in his heart: "If you mess up the mission this time, your memory of being in Fengshen will be erased and come home with me."

"Chanyu, if you had a choice, would you choose to lose all your memories and live with Gu, or choose to leave Gu but keep all your memories?" Zishou asked.

Deng Chanyu was stunned for a moment, her eyes immediately turned red, she looked at Zishou, tidied his clothes like a little wife, and then said in a very serious tone: "Your Majesty, do you want me?"

"Of course not, just asking." Zishou shook his head.

"As long as Chanyu can remember the king, no matter where the king goes, I will go there." Deng Chanyu said seriously.

There was tenderness on her face, and Zishou's face was reflected in her pupils that were as bright as stars.

"That way I can rest assured." Zi Shou reached out and hugged her, and said in a gentle voice.


Fei Zhong soon went outside the hall to wait for orders, Zishou also called Shiji after finishing his clothes, and the three of them drove to Biyou Palace with the Dunju technique.

Biyou Palace is the residence of the leader of Tongtian.

Haze and auspicious mist, old cypress mountain haze.A stone step leads to Biyou Palace, with peach trees, willows, wild flowers and Ganoderma lucidum growing on both sides, white cranes, green luan and other fairy birds can be seen everywhere, and fairies dressed in white can be seen walking among the flowers everywhere.

Zishou took a deep breath, and could feel the strong aura in Biyou Palace. In this kind of place, even ordinary people who breathe in aura often can be promoted to Earth Immortal without practicing for ten or eight years. Bar!

It's no wonder that the disciples of Jiejiao are Da Luo Jinxian at every turn.

"Is this the Biyou Palace?" Fei Zhong looked shocked, he had never been in such a fairyland in his life.

"Yeah." Shi Ji nodded, "Go to Biyou Palace and ask to see my master."

The three walked towards Biyou Palace with their heads held high.

Outside Biyou Palace, a boy in white came up and asked, "Senior Sister is back? Did you come to see Master?"

"Boy, I would like to trouble you to inform that Fei Zhong, the Minister of Yin and Shang outside the palace, is seeking to see the leader and discuss important matters." Shiji said softly.

"Senior sister and the two of you are waiting here, the master is talking to a guest." The boy looked at Zishou and Fei Zhong before walking in.

At this moment, a strong voice came from inside: "Chi Jingzi, I am afraid to leave grandson, you are here today, why do you want to see me?"

Then Chi Jingzi's voice sounded: "Disciple Qi reported to Master Uncle, now that Jiang Shang is marching eastward, and his troops have arrived at Jiameng Pass, this is King Wu's obedience to the heavens, and sent troops to attack the merchants.

Unexpectedly, my uncle taught the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit to wield the golden rosy crown, the magical treasure, and came to stop the heavenly soldiers and kill the soldiers without authorization: the first time I burned my disciple Wei Hu to death;

In the second battle, Guang Chengzi was injured by the evil battle. Guang Chengzi thought about explaining the friendship between the two religions, and showed mercy. He didn't want to hurt her life. He didn't want the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit to know what was good and bad, and didn't know how to be grateful. Instead, he burned Guangchengzi with fire. died!

Pity my brother because he didn't want to hurt the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit, but was killed by the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit. It's really pitiful.

Under the order of the master, the disciple went down the mountain and repeatedly persuaded the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit to go back.

Unexpectedly, the Madonna of Huoling was arrogant and arrogant, and she wanted to hurt her disciples by committing murders.The disciple had no choice but to use the wind and thunder scissors, but he didn't expect to accidentally kill the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, alas!

The disciple specially handed over the Jinxia crown to Biyou Palace, and begged his uncle to forgive him. "

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